11,467 research outputs found

    Influence of the absorber dimensions on wavefront shaping based on volumetric optoacoustic feedback

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    The recently demonstrated control over light distribution through turbid media based on real-time three-dimensional optoacoustic feedback has offered promising prospects to interferometrically focus light within scattering objects. Nevertheless, the focusing capacity of the feedback-based approach is strongly conditioned by the number of effectively resolvable optical modes (speckles). In this letter, we experimentally tested the light intensity enhancement achieved with optoacoustic feedback measurements from different sizes of absorbing microparticles. The importance of the obtained results is discussed in the context of potential signal enhancement at deep locations within a scattering medium where the effective speckle sizes approach the minimum values dictated by optical diffraction

    Hadamard Regularization

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    Motivated by the problem of the dynamics of point-particles in high post-Newtonian (e.g. 3PN) approximations of general relativity, we consider a certain class of functions which are smooth except at some isolated points around which they admit a power-like singular expansion. We review the concepts of (i) Hadamard ``partie finie'' of such functions at the location of singular points, (ii) the partie finie of their divergent integral. We present and investigate different expressions, useful in applications, for the latter partie finie. To each singular function, we associate a partie-finie (Pf) pseudo-function. The multiplication of pseudo-functions is defined by the ordinary (pointwise) product. We construct a delta-pseudo-function on the class of singular functions, which reduces to the usual notion of Dirac distribution when applied on smooth functions with compact support. We introduce and analyse a new derivative operator acting on pseudo-functions, and generalizing, in this context, the Schwartz distributional derivative. This operator is uniquely defined up to an arbitrary numerical constant. Time derivatives and partial derivatives with respect to the singular points are also investigated. In the course of the paper, all the formulas needed in the application to the physical problem are derived.Comment: 50 pages, to appear in Journal of Mathematical Physic

    Common adversaries form alliances: modelling complex networks via anti-transitivity

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    Anti-transitivity captures the notion that enemies of enemies are friends, and arises naturally in the study of adversaries in social networks and in the study of conflicting nation states or organizations. We present a simplified, evolutionary model for anti-transitivity influencing link formation in complex networks, and analyze the model's network dynamics. The Iterated Local Anti-Transitivity (or ILAT) model creates anti-clone nodes in each time-step, and joins anti-clones to the parent node's non-neighbor set. The graphs generated by ILAT exhibit familiar properties of complex networks such as densification, short distances (bounded by absolute constants), and bad spectral expansion. We determine the cop and domination number for graphs generated by ILAT, and finish with an analysis of their clustering coefficients. We interpret these results within the context of real-world complex networks and present open problems

    Lorentzian regularization and the problem of point-like particles in general relativity

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    The two purposes of the paper are (1) to present a regularization of the self-field of point-like particles, based on Hadamard's concept of ``partie finie'', that permits in principle to maintain the Lorentz covariance of a relativistic field theory, (2) to use this regularization for defining a model of stress-energy tensor that describes point-particles in post-Newtonian expansions (e.g. 3PN) of general relativity. We consider specifically the case of a system of two point-particles. We first perform a Lorentz transformation of the system's variables which carries one of the particles to its rest frame, next implement the Hadamard regularization within that frame, and finally come back to the original variables with the help of the inverse Lorentz transformation. The Lorentzian regularization is defined in this way up to any order in the relativistic parameter 1/c^2. Following a previous work of ours, we then construct the delta-pseudo-functions associated with this regularization. Using an action principle, we derive the stress-energy tensor, made of delta-pseudo-functions, of point-like particles. The equations of motion take the same form as the geodesic equations of test particles on a fixed background, but the role of the background is now played by the regularized metric.Comment: 34 pages, to appear in J. Math. Phy

    Distributional versions of Littlewood's Tauberian theorem

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    We provide several general versions of Littlewood's Tauberian theorem. These versions are applicable to Laplace transforms of Schwartz distributions. We apply these Tauberian results to deduce a number of Tauberian theorems for power series where Ces\`{a}ro summability follows from Abel summability. We also use our general results to give a new simple proof of the classical Littlewood one-sided Tauberian theorem for power series.Comment: 15 page

    Minimum of η/s\eta/s and the phase transition of the Linear Sigma Model in the large-N limit

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    We reexamine the possibility of employing the viscosity over entropy density ratio as a diagnostic tool to identify a phase transition in hadron physics to the strongly coupled quark-gluon plasma and other circumstances where direct measurement of the order parameter or the free energy may be difficult. It has been conjectured that the minimum of eta/s does indeed occur at the phase transition. We now make a careful assessment in a controled theoretical framework, the Linear Sigma Model at large-N, and indeed find that the minimum of eta/s occurs near the second order phase transition of the model due to the rapid variation of the order parameter (here the sigma vacuum expectation value) at a temperature slightly smaller than the critical one.Comment: 22 pages, 19 figures, v2, some references and several figures added, typos corrected and certain arguments clarified, revised for PR

    "Clumpiness" Mixing in Complex Networks

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    Three measures of clumpiness of complex networks are introduced. The measures quantify how most central nodes of a network are clumped together. The assortativity coefficient defined in a previous study measures a similar characteristic, but accounts only for the clumpiness of the central nodes that are directly connected to each other. The clumpiness coefficient defined in the present paper also takes into account the cases where central nodes are separated by a few links. The definition is based on the node degrees and the distances between pairs of nodes. The clumpiness coefficient together with the assortativity coefficient can define four classes of network. Numerical calculations demonstrate that the classification scheme successfully categorizes 30 real-world networks into the four classes: clumped assortative, clumped disassortative, loose assortative and loose disassortative networks. The clumpiness coefficient also differentiates the Erdos-Renyi model from the Barabasi-Albert model, which the assortativity coefficient could not differentiate. In addition, the bounds of the clumpiness coefficient as well as the relationships between the three measures of clumpiness are discussed.Comment: 47 pages, 11 figure

    "Clumpiness" Mixing in Complex Networks

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    Three measures of clumpiness of complex networks are introduced. The measures quantify how most central nodes of a network are clumped together. The assortativity coefficient defined in a previous study measures a similar characteristic, but accounts only for the clumpiness of the central nodes that are directly connected to each other. The clumpiness coefficient defined in the present paper also takes into account the cases where central nodes are separated by a few links. The definition is based on the node degrees and the distances between pairs of nodes. The clumpiness coefficient together with the assortativity coefficient can define four classes of network. Numerical calculations demonstrate that the classification scheme successfully categorizes 30 real-world networks into the four classes: clumped assortative, clumped disassortative, loose assortative and loose disassortative networks. The clumpiness coefficient also differentiates the Erdos-Renyi model from the Barabasi-Albert model, which the assortativity coefficient could not differentiate. In addition, the bounds of the clumpiness coefficient as well as the relationships between the three measures of clumpiness are discussed.Comment: 47 pages, 11 figure

    Two infrared Yang-Mills solutions in stochastic quantization and in an effective action formalism

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    Three decades of work on the quantum field equations of pure Yang-Mills theory have distilled two families of solutions in Landau gauge. Both coincide for high (Euclidean) momentum with known perturbation theory, and both predict an infrared suppressed transverse gluon propagator, but whereas the solution known as "scaling" features an infrared power law for the gluon and ghost propagators, the "massive" solution rather describes the gluon as a vector boson that features a finite Debye screening mass. In this work we examine the gauge dependence of these solutions by adopting stochastic quantization. What we find, in four dimensions and in a rainbow approximation, is that stochastic quantization supports both solutions in Landau gauge but the scaling solution abruptly disappears when the parameter controlling the drift force is separated from zero (soft gauge-fixing), recovering only the perturbative propagators; the massive solution seems to survive the extension outside Landau gauge. These results are consistent with the scaling solution being related to the existence of a Gribov horizon, with the massive one being more general. We also examine the effective action in Faddeev-Popov quantization that generates the rainbow and we find, for a bare vertex approximation, that the the massive-type solutions minimise the quantum effective action.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures. Change of title to reflect version accepted for publicatio
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