734 research outputs found

    Faintest Galaxy Morphologies from HSTHST WFPC2 Imaging of the Hawaii Survey Fields

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    We present very deep HSTHST WFPC2 images in the F814W filter of two Hawaii Survey fields, SSA13 and SSA22. Using these data with previous ground-based imaging and spectroscopy, we compare the colors, star-forming properties and morphologies of the faintest galaxies with a reference sample of bright nearby galaxies and analyze the changes in field galaxy morphology with magnitude. Our principal result is the identification of a new morphological class of ``chain'' galaxies at the faintest magnitudes. Based on limited spectroscopy, we tentatively conclude that these are linearly organized giant star-forming regions at z=0.5−3z = 0.5-3 and, if this is correct, that these are large galaxies in the process of formation.Comment: 18 pages + 1 table of text as 1 LaTeX file (uses aastex style macros: aaspp.sty, flushrt.sty) plus 1 uuencoded compressed tar file of 12 PostScript figures (Figs. 3-9, 16-17, and 21-23). The remaining gray-scale plots are available by anonymous ftp at ftp://hubble.ifa.hawaii.edu/pub/preprints/plates To appear in the October 1995 Astronomical Journa

    An Extremely Luminous Galaxy at z=5.74

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    We report the discovery of an extremely luminous galaxy lying at a redshift of z=5.74, SSA22-HCM1. The object was found in narrowband imaging of the SSA22 field using a 105 Angstrom bandpass filter centered at 8185 Angstroms during the course of the Hawaii narrowband survey using LRIS on the 10 m Keck II Telescope, and was identified by the equivalent width of the emission W_lambda(observed)=175 Angstroms, flux = 1.7 x 10^{-17} erg cm^{-2} s^{-1}). Comparison with broadband colors shows the presence of an extremely strong break (> 4.2 at the 2 sigma level) between the Z band above the line, where the AB magnitude is 25.5, and the R band below, where the object is no longer visible at a 2 sigma upper limit of 27.1 (AB mags). These properties are only consistent with this object's being a high-z Ly alpha emitter. A 10,800 s spectrum obtained with LRIS yields a redshift of 5.74. The object is similar in its continuum shape, line properties, and observed equivalent width to the z=5.60 galaxy, HDF 4-473.0, as recently described by Weymann et al. (1998), but is 2-3 times more luminous in the line and in the red continuum. For H_0 = 65 km s^{-1} Mpc^{-1} and q_0 = (0.02, 0.5) we would require star formation rates of around (40, 7) solar masses per year to produce the UV continuum in the absence of extinction.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, Latex with emulateapj style file; to appear in the Astrophysical Journal (Letters

    The Distribution of Column Densities and b Values in the Lyman-Alpha Forest

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    We describe the properties of the Lyα\alpha forest in the column density range \nhi \geq 2\times10^{12} cm−2^{-2} based on 1056 lines in the wavelength range 4300--5100\AA measured in extremely high S/N, R=36,000R=36,000 spectra of four quasars. The column density distribution is well described by a -1.5 power law to 2×10122\times10^{12} cm−2^{-2}, below which limit confusion becomes too severe to measure a spectrum of individual clouds. The distribution of bb values shows a well-defined lower envelope with a cutoff at b=20\kms corresponding to a cloud temperature of 24,000 K. There is only a very small fraction (less than 1%) of narrow line clouds which cannot be identified with metal-lines. From modeling the Lyα\alpha absorption lines as complexes of clouds each with thermal broadening corresponding to bcb_c we find the bb distribution can be understood if there is a mean of 3.25 clouds per absorption line with a spread in velocity centroids characterized by a dispersion of 10.75\kms.Comment: 17 pages + 3 tables of text as 1 LaTeX file (uses aastex version 4 style macros: aaspp4.sty, flushrt) plus 1 uuencoded compressed tar file of 7 PostScript figures. Appendix tables and figures [complete spectra and line lists (~1.6 Mb uncompressed)] are available by anonymous ftp at ftp://hubble.ifa.hawaii.edu/pub/preprints. To appear in the October 1995 Astronomical Journa

    The Density of Lyman-alpha Emitters at Very High Redshift

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    We describe narrowband and spectroscopic searches for emission-line star forming galaxies in the redshift range 3 to 6 with the 10 m Keck II Telescope. These searches yield a substantial population of objects with only a single strong (equivalent width >> 100 Angstrom) emission line, lying in the 4000 - 10,000 Angstrom range. Spectra of the objects found in narrowband-selected samples at lambda ~5390 Angstroms and ~6741 Angstroms show that these very high equivalent width emission lines are generally redshifted Lyman alpha 1216 Angstrom at z~3.4 and 4.5. The density of these emitters above the 5 sigma detection limit of 1.5 e-17 ergs/cm^2/s is roughly 15,000 per square degree per unit redshift interval at both z~3.4 and 4.5. A complementary deeper (1 sigma \~1.0 e-18 ergs/cm^2/s) slit spectroscopic search covering a wide redshift range but a more limited spatial area (200 square arcminutes) shows such objects can be found over the redshift range 3 to 6, with the currently highest redshift detected being at z=5.64. The Lyman alpha flux distribution can be used to estimate a minimum star formation rate in the absence of reddening of roughly 0.01 solar masses/Mpc^3/year (H_0 = 65 km/s/Mpc and q_0 = 0.5). Corrections for reddening are likely to be no larger than a factor of two, since observed equivalent widths are close to the maximum values obtainable from ionization by a massive star population. Within the still significant uncertainties, the star formation rate from the Lyman alpha-selected sample is comparable to that of the color-break-selected samples at z~3, but may represent an increasing fraction of the total rates at higher redshifts. This higher-z population can be readily studied with large ground-based telescopes.Comment: 7 pages, 5 encapsulated figures; aastex, emulateapj, psfig and lscape style files. Separate gif files for 2 gray-scale images also available at http://www.ifa.hawaii.edu/faculty/hu/emitters.html . Added discussion of foreground contaminants. Updated discussion of comparison with external surveys (Sec. 5 and Fig. 5). Note: continuum break strength limits (Fig. 3 caption) are correct here -- published ApJL text has a sign erro

    The effect of machine and material parameters on rare earth roller separation

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    Thesis (S.B.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, 2009."June 2009." Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 40-41).This study addresses the affect of machine and material factors on the separation of PET plastic and aluminum on the Rare Earth Roller magnetic separator. The purposes of this study are to gain a better understanding of how separation efficiencies are influenced and develop a performance profile of the Rare Earth Roller to generalize the behavior of other separators used in the recycling industry. Several operating parameters were explored, including input material concentration, splitter position and feed rate. Experimental design for the tests is presented. Separation performance appears to be dependent on splitter position, a subjective parameter determined by the characteristics of the machine. The separation process was less sensitive to material concentration and feed rate which are specifiable. The results from this study suggest that the Rare Earth Roller can operate at larger volumes of variable concentrations of aluminum and maintain industry standard separation efficiencies.by Esther Hu.S.B

    Hawaii quasar and T dwarf survey. I. Method and discovery of faint field ultracool dwarfs

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    The Hawaii Quasar and T dwarf survey (HQT Survey) is a wide-field, red optical survey carried out with the Suprime-Cam mosaic CCD camera on the 8.2 m Subaru telescope. The HQT survey is designed to search for low-luminosity (M_(AB1450) 5.7) as well as T dwarfs, both of which are selected by their very red I − z' colors. We use an optical narrowband filter NB816 to break a well-known I − z' color degeneracy between high-z quasars and foreground M and L dwarfs, which are more numerous than quasars. This paper is the first in a series of papers from the HQT survey and we report on the discovery of six faint (19 ≀ J ≀ 20) ultracool dwarfs found over a ~9.3 deg^2 area with a limiting magnitude of z'_(AB) ≀ 23.3. These dwarfs were confirmed by near-IR imaging and/or spectroscopy conducted at various facilities on Mauna Kea. With estimated distances of 60–170 pc, these are among the most distant spectroscopically confirmed field brown dwarfs to date. Limits on the proper motions of these ultracool dwarfs suggest that they are old members of the Galactic disk, though future follow-up observations are necessary to minimize errors. Our finding rate of ultracool dwarfs is within model predictions of Liu et al. However, the large brightening amplitude (~1 mag) previously reported for the L/T transition objects appears to overpredict the numbers. We also examine how the survey field latitude affects the survey sensitivity to the vertical scale height of ultracool dwarfs
