12 research outputs found

    Programa de vigil脿ncia de les infeccions nosocomials als hospitals de Catalunya (programa VINCat): document de compet猫ncies dels equips de control d鈥檌nfeccions

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    Infeccions nosocomials; Equips de control d'infeccions; ECI; Compet猫ncies professionalsInfecciones nosocomiales; Equipos de control de infecciones; ECI; Competencias profesionalesNosocomial infections; Infection control equipment; ECI; Professional skillsThis document sets out the professional competencies of the infection control teams to carry out their work, with the intention of: Standardizing the infection control competencies in the hospitals participating in the VINCat program; Be a guide to designing infection control training courses; Contribute to self-assessment of ECI performance; Provide a professional planning and development model and Orient the centers on the appropriate needs and resources to carry out daily infection control activities.Aquest document recull les compet猫ncies professionals dels equips de control d'infeccions per desenvolupar la seva tasca amb la intenci贸 de: Estandarditzar les compet猫ncies de control d鈥檌nfecci贸 als hospitals que participen en el programa VINCat; Ser una guia per dissenyar cursos de formaci贸 en control d鈥檌nfeccions; Contribuir a l鈥檃utoavaluaci贸 del rendiment dels ECI; Proporcionar un model de planificaci贸 i desenvolupament professional i Orientar els centres sobre les necessitats i els recursos adients per portar a terme les activitats de control d鈥檌nfeccions di脿ria.Este documento recoge las competencias profesionales de los equipos de control de infecciones para desarrollar su tarea con la intenci贸n de: Estandarizar las competencias de control de infecci贸n en los hospitales que participan en el programa VINCat; Ser una gu铆a para dise帽ar cursos de formaci贸n en control de infecciones; Contribuir a la autoevaluaci贸n del rendimiento de los ECI; Proporcionar un modelo de planificaci贸n y desarrollo profesional y Orientar a los centros sobre las necesidades y los recursos adecuados para llevar a cabo las actividades de control de infecciones diarias

    Biomarkers of tumor-reactive CD4+ and CD8+ TILs associate with improved prognosis in endometrial cancer

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    Background: Despite the growing interest in immunotherapeutic interventions for endometrial cancer (EC), the prevalence, phenotype, specificity and prognostic value of tumor infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) in this tumor type remains unclear. Methods: To better understand the role of TILs in EC, we analyzed the phenotypic traits of CD8+ and CD4+ EC-resident T cells from 47 primary tumors by high-dimensional flow cytometry. In addition, CD8+ and CD4+ TIL subpopulations were isolated based on the differential expression of programmed cell death protein-1 (PD-1) (negative, dim and high) and CD39 (positive or negative) by fluorescence activated cell sorting (FACS), expanded in vitro, and screened for autologous tumor recognition. We further investigated whether phenotypic markers preferentially expressed on CD8+ and CD4+ tumor-reactive TIL subsets were associated with the four distinct molecular subtypes of EC, tumor mutational burden and patient survival. Results: We found that CD8+TILs expressing high levels of PD-1 (PD-1hi) co-expressed CD39, TIM-3, HLA-DR and CXCL13, as compared with TILs lacking or displaying intermediate levels of PD-1 expression (PD-1- and PD-1dim, respectively). Autologous tumor reactivity of sorted and in vitro expanded CD8+ TILs demonstrated that the CD8+PD-1dimCD39+ and PD-1hiCD39+ T cell subsets both contained tumor-reactive TILs and that a higher level of PD-1 expression was associated with increased CD39 and a superior frequency of tumor reactivity. With respect to CD4+ T conventional (Tconv) TILs, co-expression of inhibitory and activation markers was more apparent on PD-1hi compared with PD-1- or PD-1dim T cells, and in fact, it was the CD4+PD-1hi subpopulation that accumulated the antitumor T cells irrespective of CD39 expression. Most importantly, detection of CD8+PD-1hiCD39+ and CD4+PD-1hi tumor-reactive T-cell subsets, but also markers specifically expressed by these subpopulations of TILs, that is, PD-1hi, CD39, CXCL13 and CD103 by CD8+ TILs and PD-1hi and CXCL13 by CD4+ Tconv TILs, correlated with prolonged survival of patients with EC. Conclusions: Our results demonstrate that EC are frequently infiltrated by tumor-reactive TILs, and that expression of PD-1hi and CD39 or PD-1hi can be used to select and expand CD8+ and CD4+ tumor-reactive TILs, respectively. In addition, biomarkers preferentially expressed on tumor-reactive TILs, rather than the frequency of CD3+, CD8+ and CD4+ lymphocytes, hold prognostic value suggesting their protective role in antitumor immunity

    Personalized Respiratory Medicine: Exploring the Horizon, Addressing the Issues. Summary of a BRN-AJRCCM Workshop Held in Barcelona on June 12, 2014.

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    This Pulmonary Perspective summarizes the content and main conclusions of an international workshop on personalized respiratory medicine coorganized by the Barcelona Respiratory Network (www.brn.cat)and the AJRCCM in June 2014. It discusses (1) its definition and historical, social, legal, and ethical aspects; (2) the view from different disciplines, including basic science, epidemiology, bioinformatics,and network/systems medicine; (3) the bottlenecks and opportunities identified by some currently ongoing projects; and (4) the implications for the individual, the healthcare system and the pharmaceutical industry. The authors hope that, although it is not a systematic review on the subject,this document can be a useful reference for researchers, clinicians, healthcare managers, policy-makers,and industry parties interested in personalized respiratory medicine

    Programa de vigil脿ncia de les infeccions nosocomials als hospitals de Catalunya (programa VINCat): document de compet猫ncies dels equips de control d鈥檌nfeccions

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    Infeccions nosocomials; Equips de control d'infeccions; ECI; Compet猫ncies professionalsInfecciones nosocomiales; Equipos de control de infecciones; ECI; Competencias profesionalesNosocomial infections; Infection control equipment; ECI; Professional skillsThis document sets out the professional competencies of the infection control teams to carry out their work, with the intention of: Standardizing the infection control competencies in the hospitals participating in the VINCat program; Be a guide to designing infection control training courses; Contribute to self-assessment of ECI performance; Provide a professional planning and development model and Orient the centers on the appropriate needs and resources to carry out daily infection control activities.Aquest document recull les compet猫ncies professionals dels equips de control d'infeccions per desenvolupar la seva tasca amb la intenci贸 de: Estandarditzar les compet猫ncies de control d鈥檌nfecci贸 als hospitals que participen en el programa VINCat; Ser una guia per dissenyar cursos de formaci贸 en control d鈥檌nfeccions; Contribuir a l鈥檃utoavaluaci贸 del rendiment dels ECI; Proporcionar un model de planificaci贸 i desenvolupament professional i Orientar els centres sobre les necessitats i els recursos adients per portar a terme les activitats de control d鈥檌nfeccions di脿ria.Este documento recoge las competencias profesionales de los equipos de control de infecciones para desarrollar su tarea con la intenci贸n de: Estandarizar las competencias de control de infecci贸n en los hospitales que participan en el programa VINCat; Ser una gu铆a para dise帽ar cursos de formaci贸n en control de infecciones; Contribuir a la autoevaluaci贸n del rendimiento de los ECI; Proporcionar un modelo de planificaci贸n y desarrollo profesional y Orientar a los centros sobre las necesidades y los recursos adecuados para llevar a cabo las actividades de control de infecciones diarias

    Personalized respiratory medicine: Exploring the horizon, addressing the issues

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    This Pulmonary Perspective summarizes the content and main conclusions of an international workshop on personalized respiratory medicine co-organized by the Barcelona Respiratory Network (www.brn.cat) and the AJRCCM in June 2014. It discusses: (1) its definition, historical, social, legal and ethical aspects; (2) the view from different disciplines, including basic science, epidemiology, bioinformatics and network/systems medicine.; (3) the bottlenecks and opportunities identified by some currently ongoing projects; and, (4) the implications for the individual, the health-care system and the pharmaceutical industry. Authors hope that, albeit not a systematic review on the subject, this document can be a useful reference for researchers, clinicians, health-care managers, policy-makers, and industry parties interested in personalized respiratory medicine

    Personalized Respiratory Medicine: Exploring the Horizon, Addressing the Issues. Summary of a BRN-AJRCCM Workshop Held in Barcelona on June 12, 2014.

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    This Pulmonary Perspective summarizes the content and main conclusions of an international workshop on personalized respiratory medicine coorganized by the Barcelona Respiratory Network (www.brn.cat)and the AJRCCM in June 2014. It discusses (1) its definition and historical, social, legal, and ethical aspects; (2) the view from different disciplines, including basic science, epidemiology, bioinformatics,and network/systems medicine; (3) the bottlenecks and opportunities identified by some currently ongoing projects; and (4) the implications for the individual, the healthcare system and the pharmaceutical industry. The authors hope that, although it is not a systematic review on the subject,this document can be a useful reference for researchers, clinicians, healthcare managers, policy-makers,and industry parties interested in personalized respiratory medicine

    Personalized Respiratory Medicine: Exploring the Horizon, Addressing the Issues. Summary of a BRN-AJRCCM Workshop Held in Barcelona on June 12, 2014.

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    This Pulmonary Perspective summarizes the content and main conclusions of an international workshop on personalized respiratory medicine coorganized by the Barcelona Respiratory Network (www.brn.cat)and the AJRCCM in June 2014. It discusses (1) its definition and historical, social, legal, and ethical aspects; (2) the view from different disciplines, including basic science, epidemiology, bioinformatics,and network/systems medicine; (3) the bottlenecks and opportunities identified by some currently ongoing projects; and (4) the implications for the individual, the healthcare system and the pharmaceutical industry. The authors hope that, although it is not a systematic review on the subject,this document can be a useful reference for researchers, clinicians, healthcare managers, policy-makers,and industry parties interested in personalized respiratory medicine