5 research outputs found

    Computational approaches and sigma-hole interactions:General discussion

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    Som en del av InnoMeds virksomhet i 2019, har SINTEF utforsket følgende problemstilling: Hva er driverne og barrierene for implementering og spredning av nye løsninger i helse- og omsorgs-sektoren i Norge? Vi har gjennomført dybdeintervjuer med 18 toppledere fra kommuner, helseforetak og helseindustri, for å innsikt i problemstillingen sett fra helse- og omsorgstjenestens perspektiv og næringslivets perspektiv. Resultatene fra studien viser at: De største driverne og barrierene for implementering av nye løsninger i kommuner og helseforetak kan kategoriseres under følgende tema: 1) det økonomiske handlingsrommet, 2) endringskultur, 3) forankring, 4) lovverket. De største driverne og barrierene for at implementert innovasjon spres til andre kommuner og helseforetak seg kan kategoriseres under: 1) samarbeidskultur, 2) konkurranse. De største driverne og barrierene for samarbeid mellom privat helseindustri og kommuner /helseforetak, sett fra næringslivets perspektiv er: 1) kultur, 2) lovverket, 3) kommunikasjon.publishedVersio

    A Hybrid Medium Voltage Multilevel Converter with Parallel Voltage-Source Active Filter

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    In consequence of high semiconductor losses, grid-connected medium voltage power converters are typically operated at switching frequencies of several hundred Hertz per switch position. Therefore, conventional converter systems require bulky and expensive LCL-filters in order to meet the harmonic limits given by the grid code. It is only possible to reduce the LCL-filter costs by semiconductor current derating and operation at increased switching frequencies, leading to a reduced utilization and efficiency of the converter system. To overcome these disadvantages of conventional converter systems, the presented hybrid converter uses a parallel voltage-source active output filter and thus allows a significant reduction of the passive component demand. An excellent harmonic performance is achieved for the operation with small passive filter components, revealing the potential for increasing the power density and efficiency of high power medium voltage converters. As a result, significant reductions of the filter losses and passive components as well as an increased utilization are achieved compared to a reference LCL-filter based converter system

    Local actors in global politics

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    Globalization and the new information and communication technologies(ICTs) have enabled a variety of local political actors to enter inter-national arenas once exclusive to national states. Multiple types of claim-making and oppositional politics articulate these developments. Going global has been partly facilitated and conditioned by the infrastructure of the global economy, even as the latter is often the object of those oppositional politics. Further, and in my analysis, very importantly, the possibility of global imag-inaries has enabled even those who are geographically immobile to become part of global politics. NGOs and indigenous peoples, immigrants and refugees who become subjects of adjudication in human rights decisions, human rights and environmental activists, and many others are increasingly becoming actors in global politics. That is to say, non-state actors can enter and gain visibility in inter-national fora or global politics as individuals and as collectivities, emerging from the invisibility of aggregate membership in a nation-state exclusively represented by the sovereign. One way of interpreting this is in terms of a