82 research outputs found

    Energy and Environmental Performance of Bioethanol from Different Lignocelluloses

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    Climate change and the wish to reduce the dependence on oil are the incentives for the development of alternative energy sources. The use of lignocellulosic biomass together with cellulosic processing technology provides opportunities to produce fuel ethanol with less competition with food and nature. Many studies on energy analysis and life cycle assessment of second-generation bioethanol have been conducted. However, due to the different methodology used and different system boundary definition, it is difficult to compare their results. To permit a direct comparison of fuel ethanol from different lignocelluloses in terms of energy use and environmental impact, seven studies conducted in our group were summarized in this paper, where the same technologies were used to convert biomass to ethanol, the same system boundaries were defined, and the same allocation procedures were followed. A complete set of environmental impacts ranging from global warming potential to toxicity aspects is used. The results provide an overview on the energy efficiency and environmental performance of using fuel ethanol derived from different feedstocks in comparison with gasoline

    Modelling global material stocks and flows for residential and service sector buildings towards 2050

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    Residential buildings and service sector buildings have an important contribution to climate change, directly via energy use in these buildings and indirectly through construction activities and the production and disposal of buildings materials. In this paper, we introduce a model that looks at total global building stock for 26 regions between 1970 and 2050 and calculates the floor space and building materials both in new buildings and in demolished buildings. For residential buildings, we build upon the work of Marinova et al. (2019, this issue), who used a building material database to come up with scenarios for materials in the residential building stock. This paper adds two things. First, we introduce a new regression-based model for service building floor space, recognizing 4 different types of service-related buildings. Secondly, we use a dynamic stock model, based on lifetime distributions found in literature, to calculate the construction (inflow) and demolition (outflow) of building floor space for both residential and service-related purposes. We combine this with data from the building material database to come up with scenarios for the annual demand for construction materials worldwide as well as an estimation of the availability of waste materials after building demolition towards 2050. The model can thus be used to assess the potential for closing the material cycles in the construction sector, while distinguishing urban and rural areas explicitly. The results show that demand for construction materials will continue to increase in most regions, even in developed countries. Global demand for steel and cement for the building sector is estimated to be 769 Mt/yr and 11.9 Gt/yr respectively, by the end of the modelling period. This represents a respective growth of 31% and 14% compared to today. Drivers behind this are an expected growth of global residential building stock of about 50%, and a growth of about 150% in the building stock for services. Our model projects that by 2050, only 55% of construction-related demand for copper, wood and steel could potentially be covered by recycled building materials. For other materials the availability of scrap may be higher, reaching up to 71% of new demand in the case of aluminium. This means that in most regions urban mining cannot cover the growing demand for construction materials

    Mineral Resources: Stocks, Flows, and Prospects

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    This chapter focuses on metals as they provide the clearest example of the challenges and opportunities that mineral resources present to society, in terms of both primary production and recycling. Basic concepts, information requirements and sources of consumer and industrial resource demand are described as well as the destabilizing effects of volatile resource prices and supply chain disruptions. Challenges facing extraction of in-ground resources and production of secondary resources are discussed and scenarios for the future considered. The results of the scenarios indicate that particularly energy and, as well, water and land requirements could become increasingly constraining factors for metal production. Key research questions are posed and modeling and data priorities discussed, with an emphasis on areas that require novel concepts and analytic tools to help lessen negative environmental impacts associated with minerals. The challenge of sustainability requires collaboration of practitioners and analysts with a multidisciplinary understanding of a broad set of issues, including economics, engineering, geology, ecology, and mathematical modeling, to name a few, as well as policy formulation and implementation.

    International workshop on safety assessment of consumer goods coming from recovered materials in a global scale perspective: Event report

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    Chemicals and additives in products being produced and marketed globally, this makes an international harmonised assessment and management essential. Chemical testing, research on risks, impacts and management options are carried out throughout the globe but quite fractionated to certain areas and sectors and much too often with little linkages between the different scientific communities. The coordination action (CA) \'RISKCYCLE\' is aimed to establish and o-ordinate a global network of European and international experts and stakeholders to define together future needs of R+D contributions for innovations in the risk-based management of chemicals and products in a circular economy of global scale leading to alternative strategies to animal tests and reduced health hazards. The partners joining this action seek to explore the synergies of the research carried out within different programmes and countries of the EU, in Asia and overseas to facilitate the intensified communication with researchers, institutions and industries about the risks of hazardous chemicals and additives in products and risk reduction measures and to improve the dispersion of available information. The RISKCYCLE network will closely collaborate with related projects, EU and international bodies and authorities such as for example the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the European Chemical Industry Council (CEFIC) and the Scientific Committee on Health and Environmental Risks in Europe.Mục đích chính của RISKCYCLE là xác đinh các nghiện cứu và sự phát triển trong tương lai cấn thiết để thành lập một phương pháp đánh giá dựa trện rủi ro cho các hoá chất và các sản phấm. Phương pháp này sẽ giúp giảm bớt các thủ nghiệm trện động vật, đổng thời đảm bảo sự phát triển các hóa chất mới và một mô hình quản lý sản phấm để giảm thiểu rủi ro đối với sức khởe và môi trường. để đạt được mục tiệu này, trước hết cấn thu thập và đánh giá thông tin hiện có về các hoá chất và đặc biệt là các chất phụ gia được sủ dụng trong sản phấm công nghiệp và tiệu dùng. Nhiều hợp chất độc hại tiềm tàng được giao dich mua bán trện toàn thế giới như là chất phụ gia trong các sản phấm khác nhau. RISKCYCLE sẽ tập trung vào tác động và hậu quả của các chất phụ gia trong sáu lĩnh vực: dệt may, điện tủ, nhựa, da, giấy và dấu mớ bôi trơn. Trong ngành công nghiệp dệt may việc sủ dụng các chất phụ gia sẽ được nghiện cứu, trong khi ở ngành điện tủ và công nghiệp dệt may, việc sủ dụng các chất chống cháy, đặc biệt là chất chống cháy chứa brôm như PBDEs và HBCD, sẽ được phân tích. Trong công nghiệp da, kim loại nặng như crom sẽ được quan tâm. Việc sủ dụng chất diệt côn trùng trong ngành công nghiệp giấy cũng sẽ là một mối quan tâm chính của các hoạt động phối hợp

    Groene keuzes voor de Nederlandse basisindustrie: Klimaatneutrale productie in een circulaire economie

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    Dit rapport schetst hoe de Nederlandse basisindustrie in 2050 klimaatneutraal en circulair kan produceren. Het is gebaseerd op discussies binnen het Sustainable Industry Lab vanaf medio 2021. De transitie van de basisindustrie is uitdagend, maar de ligging aan de Noordzee en het netwerk van industriële bedrijven, toeleveranciers en kennisinstellingen, maken het plausibel en wenselijk dat Nederland een flinke basisindustrie behoudt. Dat vraagt echter om keuzes, waarover de meningen uiteen lopen. We schetsen daarom ook hoe verschillende sociaal-maatschappelijke toekomstbeelden deze keuzes beïnvloeden