11 research outputs found

    Characterization of the zebrafish beta-cell transcriptome by RNA-seq

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    The loss of pancreatic insulin-producing cells (beta-cells) is a hallmark of diabetes and more knowledge is needed to find new treatments. Thus, it is crucial to identify novel regulatory genes specifically expressed in this pancreatic cell subtype. In the present study, the main pancreatic islet was dissected from transgenic Tg(insulin:GFP) adult zebrafish and beta-cells were selectively recovered by FACS with 98% of purity. Illumina RNA-seq was used to sequence the transcriptome. 20 millions of sequenced reads (paired-end) were obtained, aligned on the zebrafish genome and assembled into transcripts (Tophat/Cufflinks softwares). The zebrafish beta-cells transcriptome includes all known regulatory genes involved in beta-cell differentiation such as pdx1, mnx1, pax6b, neuroD, isl1, insm1, as well as Hopx and Hdac9 genes, both recently identified in human beta-cells. In contrast, the alpha-cell specific transcription factor arx and the acinar marker ptf1a were not detected, confirming the high purity of our beta-cell preparation. Interestingly, many miRNAs were detected, such as dre-mir-375 and dre-mir-7, as well as several lncRNA recently described at embryonic stages. We are currently applying the same approach to the Tg(somatostatin:GFP) and Tg(glucagon:GFP) transgenic lines in to characterize the transcriptome of delta- and alpha-cells. The comparison of these different data will allow us to identify coding and non-coding genes specifically expressed in the different endocrine subtype cells, paving the way for further functional studies

    Progenitor potential of nkx6.1-expressing cells throughout zebrafish life and during beta cell regeneration.

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    BACKGROUND: In contrast to mammals, the zebrafish has the remarkable capacity to regenerate its pancreatic beta cells very efficiently. Understanding the mechanisms of regeneration in the zebrafish and the differences with mammals will be fundamental to discovering molecules able to stimulate the regeneration process in mammals. To identify the pancreatic cells able to give rise to new beta cells in the zebrafish, we generated new transgenic lines allowing the tracing of multipotent pancreatic progenitors and endocrine precursors. RESULTS: Using novel bacterial artificial chromosome transgenic nkx6.1 and ascl1b reporter lines, we established that nkx6.1-positive cells give rise to all the pancreatic cell types and ascl1b-positive cells give rise to all the endocrine cell types in the zebrafish embryo. These two genes are initially co-expressed in the pancreatic primordium and their domains segregate, not as a result of mutual repression, but through the opposite effects of Notch signaling, maintaining nkx6.1 expression while repressing ascl1b in progenitors. In the adult zebrafish, nkx6.1 expression persists exclusively in the ductal tree at the tip of which its expression coincides with Notch active signaling in centroacinar/terminal end duct cells. Tracing these cells reveals that they are able to differentiate into other ductal cells and into insulin-expressing cells in normal (non-diabetic) animals. This capacity of ductal cells to generate endocrine cells is supported by the detection of ascl1b in the nkx6.1:GFP ductal cell transcriptome. This transcriptome also reveals, besides actors of the Notch and Wnt pathways, several novel markers such as id2a. Finally, we show that beta cell ablation in the adult zebrafish triggers proliferation of ductal cells and their differentiation into insulin-expressing cells. CONCLUSIONS: We have shown that, in the zebrafish embryo, nkx6.1+ cells are bona fide multipotent pancreatic progenitors, while ascl1b+ cells represent committed endocrine precursors. In contrast to the mouse, pancreatic progenitor markers nkx6.1 and pdx1 continue to be expressed in adult ductal cells, a subset of which we show are still able to proliferate and undergo ductal and endocrine differentiation, providing robust evidence of the existence of pancreatic progenitor/stem cells in the adult zebrafish. Our findings support the hypothesis that nkx6.1+ pancreatic progenitors contribute to beta cell regeneration. Further characterization of these cells will open up new perspectives for anti-diabetic therapies

    Transcriptome analysis of pancreatic cells across distant species highlights novel important regulator genes.

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    Background Defining the transcriptome and the genetic pathways of pancreatic cells is of great interest for elucidating the molecular attributes of pancreas disorders such as diabetes and cancer. As the function of the different pancreatic cell types has been maintained during vertebrate evolution, the comparison of their transcriptomes across distant vertebrate species is a mean to pinpoint genes under strong evolutionary constrains due to their crucial function and which have preserved their selective expression in these pancreatic cell types. Results In this study, RNA-sequencing was performed on pancreatic alpha-, beta- and delta endocrine cells as well as the acinar and ductal exocrine cells isolated from adult zebrafish transgenic lines. Comparison of these transcriptomes identified many novel markers including transcription factors and signaling pathways components specific for each cell type. By performing interspecies comparisons, we identified hundreds of genes with conserved enriched expression in endocrine and exocrine cells among human, mouse and zebrafish. This list includes many genes known as crucial for pancreatic cell formation or function, but also pinpoints many factors whose pancreatic function is still unknown. A large set of endocrine-enriched genes can already be detected at early developmental stages as revealed by the transcriptomic profiling of embryonic endocrine cells, indicating a potential role in cell differentiation. The actual involvement of conserved endocrine genes in pancreatic cell differentiation was demonstrated in zebrafish for myt1b, whose invalidation leads to a reduction of alpha-cells, and for cdx4, selectively expressed in endocrine delta-cells and crucial for their specification. Intriguingly, comparison of the endocrine alpha- and beta-cell subtypes from human, mouse and zebrafish reveals a much lower conservation of the transcriptomic signatures for these two endocrine cell subtypes compared to the signatures of pan-endocrine and exocrine cells. These data suggest that the identity of the alpha- and beta-cells relies on a few key factors, corroborating numerous examples of inter-conversion between these two endocrine cell subtypes. Conclusion. This study highlights both evolutionary conserved and species-specific features that will help to unveil universal and fundamental regulatory pathways as well as pathways specific to human and laboratory animal models such as mouse and zebrafish

    Pancreatic and intestinal endocrine cells in zebrafish share common transcriptomic signatures and regulatory programmes.

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    BACKGROUND: Endocrine cells of the zebrafish digestive system play an important role in regulating metabolism and include pancreatic endocrine cells (PECs) clustered in the islets of Langerhans and the enteroendocrine cells (EECs) scattered in the intestinal epithelium. Despite EECs and PECs are being located in distinct organs, their differentiation involves shared molecular mechanisms and transcription factors. However, their degree of relatedness remains unexplored. In this study, we investigated comprehensively the similarity of EECs and PECs by defining their transcriptomic landscape and comparing the regulatory programmes controlled by Pax6b, a key player in both EEC and PEC differentiations. RESULTS: RNA sequencing was performed on EECs and PECs isolated from wild-type and pax6b mutant zebrafish. Data mining of wild-type zebrafish EEC data confirmed the expression of orthologues for most known mammalian EEC hormones, but also revealed the expression of three additional neuropeptide hormones (Proenkephalin-a, Calcitonin-a and Adcyap1a) not previously reported to be expressed by EECs in any species. Comparison of transcriptomes from EECs, PECs and other zebrafish tissues highlights a very close similarity between EECs and PECs, with more than 70% of genes being expressed in both endocrine cell types. Comparison of Pax6b-regulated genes in EECs and PECs revealed a significant overlap. pax6b loss-of-function does not affect the total number of EECs and PECs but instead disrupts the balance between endocrine cell subtypes, leading to an increase of ghrelin- and motilin-like-expressing cells in both the intestine and pancreas at the expense of other endocrine cells such as beta and delta cells in the pancreas and pyyb-expressing cells in the intestine. Finally, we show that the homeodomain of Pax6b is dispensable for its action in both EECs and PECs. CONCLUSION: We have analysed the transcriptomic landscape of wild-type and pax6b mutant zebrafish EECs and PECs. Our study highlights the close relatedness of EECs and PECs at the transcriptomic and regulatory levels, supporting the hypothesis of a common phylogenetic origin and underscoring the potential implication of EECs in metabolic diseases such as type 2 diabetes

    Pancreatic Beta Cell Regeneration: Duct Cells Act as Progenitors in Adult Zebrafish

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    Diabetes is characterized by the loss of insulin producing beta cells. Although different therapeutic strategies do exist, they lack precise and dynamic control of glycemia as carried out by endogenous beta cells. One promising alternative is to replenish the pancreas with bona fide functional beta cells by triggering regeneration mechanisms. Previous studies have shown beta cell neogenesis but still remain controversial about their origin as they used different models. However, among the different hypotheses, it is tempting to assume that pancreatic ducts contain progenitor/precursor cells in adults. The latter is supported by the fact that the embryonic duct epithelium gives rise to the endocrine lineage, and that in healthy and diabetic human adults, insulin positive cells could be found next to or in pancreatic ducts. Despite these observations, mammals show very limited regenerative capabilities, making it difficult to investigate those mechanisms. In contrast, zebrafish are extensively used for regeneration studies. The ability of adult zebrafish to regenerate its beta cells and restore normoglycemia after massive beta cell ablation has already been shown. Our work focuses on the understanding of the underlying mechanisms leading to this retained potential. Here we show that adult pancreatic duct cells act as progenitors, giving rise to beta cells, in physiological and induced diabetic condition in vivo. To get insight into this process, we conducted RNA-seq experiments on zebrafish pancreatic duct cells. By this mean we could identify new ductal markers and noticed that adult duct cells also show strong expression of embryonic pancreatic progenitor markers. In our ongoing comparative analyses we are deciphering the key genes and pathways needed to set in motion the regenerative machinery. The differences between zebrafish and mammal duct cells that will thereby be underlined might then be transposed to mammalian model s to restore regenerative processes.Identification of the molecular mechanisms underlying pancreatic beta cell regeneration in zebrafis

    miR-205 is a critical regulator of lacrimal gland development.

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    The tear film protects the terrestrial animal's ocular surface and the lacrimal gland provides important aqueous secretions necessary for its maintenance. Despite the importance of the lacrimal gland in ocular health, molecular aspects of its development remain poorly understood. We have identified a noncoding RNA (miR-205) as an important gene for lacrimal gland development. Mice lacking miR-205 fail to properly develop lacrimal glands, establishing this noncoding RNA as a key regulator of lacrimal gland development. Specifically, more than half of knockout lacrimal glands never initiated, suggesting a critical role of miR-205 at the earliest stages of lacrimal gland development. RNA-seq analysis uncovered several up-regulated miR-205 targets that may interfere with signaling to impair lacrimal gland initiation. Supporting this data, combinatorial epistatic deletion of Fgf10, the driver of lacrimal gland initiation, and miR-205 in mice exacerbates the lacrimal gland phenotype. We develop a molecular rheostat model where miR-205 modulates signaling pathways related to Fgf10 in order to regulate glandular development. These data show that a single microRNA is a key regulator for early lacrimal gland development in mice and highlights the important role of microRNAs during organogenesis

    Additional file 8: Table S1. of Progenitor potential of nkx6.1-expressing cells throughout zebrafish life and during beta cell regeneration

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    Duct-specific genes listed by decreased expression level. We found 293 genes corresponding to the following “specificity” criteria: gene expression level normalized counts >1000 in duct and <1000 in non-ductal (averaged endocrine and acinar) transcriptome and ≥16 fold enrichment in ducts versus non-duct (averaged endocrine and acinar), expressed in log2 ratio (≥4). Ratio is mean of normalized counts in duct transcriptomes/mean of normalized counts in endocrine and in acinar transcriptomes. Known ductal markers and genes involved in the Notch pathway are highlighted in red. Novel markers and genes involved in the Wnt pathway are highlighted in green. (DOCX 26 kb