12 research outputs found

    Anales de la Universidad de Cuenca

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    Se presenta una proyecci贸n para la gesti贸n de Posgrado de la Universidad de Cuenca en consideraci贸n de la situaci贸n actual y las tensiones a las que se encuentran sujetos los procesos de posgrado de las instituciones de educaci贸n superior. La exposici贸n toma como puntos de partida los aspectos referidos a globalizaci贸n y los efectos que las pol铆ticas p煤blicas tienen sobre la gesti贸n de posgrado. Se abordan aspectos de pertinencia y crecimiento de la educaci贸n de cuarto nivel en un contexto mundial, as铆 como los retos a los que se enfrenta la formaci贸n de posgrado. Como aporte, se plantean elementos para la gesti贸n de posgrado considerando: oferta acad茅mica con pertinencia, integraci贸n acad茅mica e internacionalizaci贸n, fortalecimiento de la calidad y gesti贸n institucional. Con el presente art铆culo, se pretende incentivar la discusi贸n en la comunidad acad茅mica y aportar al an谩lisis que permita la construcci贸n de un modelo institucional para la gesti贸n de posgrado en un contexto integrado a los procesos de generaci贸n de conocimiento, producci贸n cient铆fica y al desarrollo individual y colectivo para impulsar una oferta de posgrado altamente competitiva y plenamente vinculada a los sectores productivos y estrat茅gicos de la sociedad.The current article presents a projection for Graduate Programs at the Universidad de Cuenca based on the analysis of the current condition and the challenges that are subject to the universities. Here, the main issues on globalization and its effects on public policies, which influence the management of graduate programs, are considered as starting points. Additionally, relevant aspects of pertinence and evolution of graduate studies and their administration worldwide and the challenges that these kind of programs face are addressed. As a contribution to the analysis, elements for the development of a graduate institutional model considering: academic offerings with relevance, academic integration and internationalization, the strengthening of the quality, and the management are proposed with the purpose of encouraging the discussion and analysis and exchange of opinions that allow the construction of a graduate management institutional model for the Universidad de Cuenca within an integrated concept to knowledge generation and scientific production processes and individual and collective development. One of the main objectives of the present document is to strengthen and promote an offer of graduate programs highly competitive and fully connected to the productive and strategic sectors of our society.Cuencan煤mero 5

    Application of OpenFoam solver SettlingFoam to bedload sediment transport analysis

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    Sediment transport is an important process for rivers and natural channels. The determination of sediment transport is a very complex process due to the high variability and changing nature of the factors that intervene. As a contribution to the description of this kind of phenomenon and to highlight the problems, the needs and potentials of the numerical approaches, OpenFOAM solver settlingFoam is used to simulate sediment transport in a rectangular channel. The model used constitutes a simplification of a complex procedure based on the application of a single parameter (alpha) to determine the fluid-sediment mixture features. High variability was found between the results from different alpha values. Nevertheless, there is a lack of information to determine the appropriate value of this parameter. However, even though the procedure applied and the results obtained have to be taken as a reference, this study provides valuable criteria for future research of this complex topic.El transporte de sedimento es un proceso importante para r铆os naturales, su determinaci贸n es un proceso complejo debido a la variabilidad y a la naturaleza cambiante de los factores que intervienen. Como una contribuci贸n a la descripci贸n de este fen贸meno y para enfatizar los problemas, las necesidades y las potencialidades de los enfoques num茅ricos, el solucionador settingFoam (OpenFoam) es utilizado para simular el transporte de sedimentos en un canal rectangular. El modelo utilizado constituye una simplificaci贸n de basada en la aplicaci贸n de un solo par谩metro (alpha) para determinar las caracter铆sticas de la mezcla fluido-sedimento. Alta variabilidad se reporta en los resultados para diferentes valores de alpha, sin embargo, existe poca informaci贸n para determinar los valores apropiados para 茅ste par谩metro. A pesar de que el procedimiento aplicado y los resultados obtenidos deben ser tomados como referencia, este estudio provee criterios valiosos para la futura investigaci贸n de este tema tan complejo

    Application of OpenFoam solver SettlingFoam to bedload sediment transport analysis

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    Sediment transport is an important process for rivers and natural channels. The determination of sediment transport is a very complex process due to the high variability and changing nature of the factors that intervene. As a contribution to the description of this kind of phenomenon and to highlight the problems, the needs and potentials of the numerical approaches, OpenFOAM solver settlingFoam is used to simulate sediment transport in a rectangular channel. The model used constitutes a simplification of a complex procedure based on the application of a single parameter (alpha) to determine the fluid-sediment mixture features. High variability was found between the results from different alpha values. Nevertheless, there is a lack of information to determine the appropriate value of this parameter. However, even though the procedure applied and the results obtained have to be taken as a reference, this study provides valuable criteria for future research of this complex topic

    Application of the grid convergence index to a laminar axisymmetric sudden expansion flow

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    El uso de modelos num茅ricos para la representaci贸n de procesos naturales es cada vez m谩s com煤n, gracias al desarrollo de herramientas avanzadas problemas cada vez m谩s complejos pueden ser abordados. Sin embargo, mientras sistemas avanzados pueden ser solventados, la incertidumbre de la precisi贸n de la soluci贸n obtenida se mantiene. La comparaci贸n entre los valores experimentales y los obtenidos mediante las simulaciones no es evidencia suficiente de la calidad de los resultados. El m茅todo del 铆ndice de convergencia de la grilla (GCI) se propone como una alternativa para calcular y reportar la estimaci贸n del error de discretizaci贸n en la aplicaci贸n de mec谩nica de fluidos computacional (CFD) para las simulaciones, este m茅todo permite la estimaci贸n del error de discretizaci贸n mediante la aplicaci贸n de la teor铆a de Extrapolaci贸n de Richardson, este procedimiento es aplicado a un caso de flujo laminar en una tuber铆a que experimenta una expansi贸n repentina. Los resultados de un estudio experimental se utilizan para verificar tanto la simulaci贸n num茅rica como los resultados de GCI. Como resultado de la aplicaci贸n de este m茅todo el orden de precisi贸n del esquema num茅rico utilizado fue verificado. Comparando los resultados num茅ricos con los valores experimentales se obtuvo un m谩ximo error de 6%. Finalmente, considerando las dos grillas m谩s finas se puede concluir que el rango asint贸tico se ha alcanzado y que una grilla m谩s fina no mejorara considerablemente la precisi贸n de la soluci贸n como lo har谩 el costo del procedimiento.The use of numerical models to represent natural processes is increasingly common. The development of advanced numerical tools allows a more physically-based representation of complex flow phenomena. While more advanced systems can be solved, the uncertainty of the accuracy of the solutions obtained remains. The mere comparison between experiments and simulations is not enough proof of strength of the results. The Grid Convergence Index (GCI) methodology has been proposed with the aim to provide a mechanism to calculate and report discretization errors estimates in computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations. It permits the quantification of the uncertainty present in grid convergence. This method uses a grid convergence error estimator that is obtained by applying the generalized Richardson Extrapolation theory. The process is applied to an axisymmetric sudden expansion laminar flow case. Experimental results are used to verify the numerical simulation and GCI outcome. As a result of the application of this method the order of accuracy of the numerical scheme was verified. Additionally, comparing the numerical results with the experimental values, a maximum error of 6% was obtained. Finally, considering the two finest meshes, it can be concluded that the asymptotic range has been reached and that a finer Mesh won鈥檛 improve the accuracy of the solution when considering the increased numerical cost.Cuenc

    Influence of characteristic diameter on downstream hydraulic geometry relations for a high gradient gravel bed river

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    Hydraulic geometry (HG) theory has been applied to characterize the morphological changes that a river undergoes as a result of changes in discharge. Furthermore, HG has been used in a variety of studies including indirect discharge estimates, habitat assessment, and flow resistance analysis. Since a river is always evolving towards a morphological equilibrium, HG relations are obtained based on measured data that relate top width, mean flow depth, and mean velocity with discharge. At-a-station and downstream HG have been defined to characterize river development at a cross-section and reach scales, respectively. Dimensionless forms of downstream HG relations have been proposed to capture the physics of river morphology. Median sediment diameter d50has been used as the characteristic diameter to put HG relations in dimensionless form. However, for rivers with coarse bed material, it has been shown that the characteristic diameter may be greater than d50. In the present study, field measurements from a high gradient (slopes from 2% to 10%) gravel bed river (d50from 4 to 25 mm), the Tabacay River, are used to establish the downstream HG relations and to determine the impact of the characteristic diameter by considering d84and d90as characteristic diameters. Additionally, based on these relations, regime equations are obtained for the Tabacay River to compare the performance of each characteristic diameter. The results helped to define the appropriate characteristic diameter to make HG relations and regime equations more representative of measured data.Atlant

    Modelizaci贸n matem谩tica para dise帽o de una red de riego

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    Este trabajo trata primeramente de aspectos hidr谩ulicos necesario para un sistema de riego como son: captaciones, conducciones de una manera general centralizando el estudio te贸rico en la materia de riego, espec铆ficamente sistemas de riego [riego superficial, aspersi贸n y goteo y m茅todos de riego riego a pedido, continuo y rotaci贸n] adem谩s estudios de suelo y clima, todos ellos, aspectos fundamentales de un proyecto de riego. complementariamente se ha realizado un paquete de programas, mediante los cuales se ha podido evaluar el dise帽o de diferentes alternativas t茅cnicas en forma r谩pida logrando conseguir la m谩s conveniente.Ingeniero CivilCuenc

    Local rainfall modelling based on global climate information: a data-based approach

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    Modelar el clima es complejo debido a las interacciones de m煤ltiples escalas y las fuertes no linealidades. Sin embargo, las se帽ales clim谩ticas suelen ser cuasi peri贸dicas y es probable que dependan de variables ex贸genas. Motivados por esta idea, proponemos una estrategia para eludir la complejidad del modelado basada en las siguientes ideas. 1) Las se帽ales observadas se pueden descomponer en tendencias no estacionarias y cuasi-periodicidades a trav茅s de Regresiones Din谩micas-Arm贸nicas (DHR). 2) Las frecuencias principales y las se帽ales descompuestas se pueden utilizar para construir un modelo arm贸nico con par谩metros variables seg煤n las variables ex贸genas. 3) La t茅cnica de par谩metros dependientes del estado (SDP) permite la estimaci贸n din谩mica de estos par谩metros. El enfoque combinado DHR-SDP resultante se aplica al modelado de lluvia mensual, utilizando se帽ales clim谩ticas globales como variables ex贸genas. Como resultado, 1) el modelo produce mejores predicciones que las t茅cnicas alternativas est谩ndar; 2) el modelo es s贸lido con respecto a las limitaciones de los datos y 煤til para la previsi贸n de varios pasos por delante; 3) Se obtienen relaciones interesantes entre los estados clim谩ticos globales y la estacionalidad de la precipitaci贸n local a partir de las funciones estimadas del SDP.Modelling climate is complex due to multi-scale interactions and strong nonlinearities. However, climate signals are typically quasi-periodical and are likely to depend on exogenous-variables. Motivated by this insight, we propose a strategy to circumvent modelling complexity based on the following ideas. 1) The observed signals can be decomposed into non-stationary trends and quasi-periodicities through Dynamic-Harmonic-Regressions (DHR). 2) The main-frequencies and decomposed signals can be used for constructing a harmonic model with varying parameters depending on exogenous-variables. 3) The State-Dependent-Parameter (SDP) technique allows for the dynamical estimation of these parameters. The resulting DHR-SDP combined approach is applied to rainfall- monthly modelling, using global-climate signals as exogenous-variables. As a result, 1) the model yields better predictions than standard alternative techniques; 2) the model is robust regarding data limitations and useful for several-steps-ahead forecasting; 3) interesting relations between global-climate states and the local rainfall鈥檚 sea- sonality are obtained from the SDP estimated functions

    Caracterizaci贸n del transporte de sedimentos de carga de lecho en r铆os de alta pendiente utilizando la teor铆a de la geometr铆a hidr谩ulica

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    En Ecuador, los canales empinados de lecho 谩spero constituyen el componente principal del sistema de drenaje monta帽oso. Proporcionan sedimento a los canales aguas abajo de pendiente m谩s suave. Por lo tanto, el transporte de sedimentos representa un proceso de conducci贸n en el sistema de drenaje natural. A saber, define la evoluci贸n de la morfolog铆a del r铆o. Para cuantificar y comprender la magnitud y el efecto de este proceso en el entorno circundante, se debe mejorar la comprensi贸n y el conocimiento del transporte de carga de cama. El estudio del transporte de sedimentos en canales m谩s empinados con material m谩s grueso es un proceso complejo. El entorno continuamente cambiante resulta en una alta incertidumbre en la cuantificaci贸n de las tasas de transporte de sedimentos. Se han propuesto algunas ecuaciones para cuantificar las tasas. Sin embargo, la falta de datos medidos reales no permite una cuantificaci贸n y verificaci贸n adecuadas. Por otro lado, la teor铆a de la geometr铆a hidr谩ulica (HG) se ha aplicado para generar elementos para un monitoreo constante del comportamiento de los r铆os. Se han obtenido relaciones HG adimensionales que replican lo que se observa en los r铆os. Par谩metros como el ancho superior, la profundidad media del flujo, la velocidad media y la carga de sedimentos suspendidos de varios r铆os de lecho de grava se han relacionado con la descarga de l铆quidos. El presente estudio propone la caracterizaci贸n del transporte de sedimentos cargados de lecho de r铆os empinados de lecho de grava en t茅rminos de relaciones adimensionales de HG. Se realizan mediciones en varios tramos a lo largo de un r铆o de la tasa de transporte de carga de lecho para determinar los par谩metros (exponentes y coeficientes) de las relaciones HG. Los resultados representan una contribuci贸n que permite la reducci贸n de la falta de datos medidos en el campo, as铆 como la aplicaci贸n de una teor铆a generalmente utilizada para caracterizar par谩metros hidr谩ulicos-geom茅tricos para caracterizar el transporte de sedimentos con carga de lecho.In Ecuador, steep rough-bedded channels constitute the main component of mountainous drainage system. They provide sediment to milder-slope downstream channels. Thus, sediment transport represents a driving process in natural drainage system. Namely, it defines river morphology evolution. To quantify and to understand the magnitude and effect of this process in the surrounding environment, the understanding and knowledge of bedload transport must be improved. The study of sediment transport in steeper channels with coarser material is a complex process. The continuously changing environment results in a high uncertainty in the quantification of sediment transport rates. Some equations have been proposed to quantify the rates. However the lack of actual measured data does not allow proper quantification and verification. On the other hand, hydraulic geometry (HG) theory has been applied to generate elements for a consistent monitoring of rivers behavior. Dimensionless HG relations that replicate what is observed in rivers have been obtained. Parameters such as top width, mean flow depth, mean velocity, and suspended sediment load of several gravel-bed rivers have been related with liquid discharge. The present study proposes the characterization of bedload sediment transport of steep gravel-bed rivers in terms of dimensionless HG relations. Measurements in various reaches along a river of bedload transport rate are performed to determine the parameters (exponents and coefficients) of the HG relations. The results represent a contribution that allows the reduction of the lack of field-measured data as well as the application of a theory generally used to characterize hydraulic-geometric parameters to characterize bedload sediment transport.Pittsburg

    Validation of an experimental procedure to determine bedload transport rates in steep channels with coarse sediment

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    The current study presents an experimental procedure used to determine bedload sediment transport rates in channels with high gradients and coarse sediment. With the aim to validate the procedure for further investigations, laboratory experiments were performed to calculate bedload transport rates. The experiments were performed in a laboratory tilting flume with slopes ranging from 3% to 5%. The sediment particles were uniform in shape (spheres). The experiments were divided into four cases based on sediment size. Three cases of uniform sizes of 10 mm, 15 mm and 25 mm and a case with a grain size distribution formed with the uniform particle sizes were considered. From the experimental results a mathematical bedload transport model was obtained through multiple linear regression. The experimental model was compared with equations presented in the literature obtained for gravel bed rivers. The experimental results agree with some of the models presented in the literature. The closest agreement was seen with models developed for steep slopes especially for the highest slopes considered in the present study. Therefore, it can be concluded that the methodology used can be replicated for the study of bedload transport rates of channels with high gradients and coarse sediment particles to study more general cases of this process such as sediments with non-uniform shapes and sizes. However, a simplified model is proposed to estimate bedload transport rates for slopes up to 5%