17 research outputs found

    Increasing Pesticide Use and Knowledge of the Health Effects of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals in the Environment: A Study of Three Communities in Ghana

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    Population growth and urbanisation are contributing to the growth of the use of pesticides in Africa. However, poor understanding of the health and environmental effects of these chemicals represents a significant risk to both human health and ecosystems. Knowledge of health effects of pesticide use and endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) was assessed using 300 respondents in three communities of Ghana. The data were fitted to bivariate and multivariate ordinary least squares regression models. About 76 per cent of the respondents used pesticides while 82 per cent had no knowledge of human diseases associated with pesticide use and EDCs. At the bivariate level, individuals who used pesticides had less knowledge of health effects of EDCs and pesticide use compared to their counterparts who did not use pesticides. Urban residents had more knowledge compared to rural dwellers and this robust relationship persisted at the multivariate level. Females of all ages had more knowledge of pesticides and EDCs’ effects than their male conterparts. Formal and informal education is required to improve knowledge on appropriate chemical use

    Distribution, Levels, and Risk Assessment of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Some Water Bodies along the Coastal Belt of Ghana

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    The levels and distribution of 24 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were determined in six water bodies along the coastal belt of Ghana using gas chromatography with flame-ionization detection (GC/FID). The average total PAHs recorded are from the Pra estuary, 6.3 μg/L; Benya lagoon, 7.5 μg/L; Sakumono lagoon, 10.1 μg/L; lower Volta estuary, 26.3 μg/L; Keta lagoon, 10.6 μg/L; and Narkwa lagoon, 16.1 μg/L.The 12 PAHs that were well distributed in all the coastal waters analyzed include naphthalene, pyrene, fluorene, 2-methylnaphthalene, 2,6-dimethylnaphthalene, acephnaphthalene, acephnaphthene, 1-methylphenanthrene, 2,3,5-trimethylnaphthalene, chrysene, biphenyl, and phenanthrene. The presence of benzo(b)fluoranthene, benzo(a)anthracene, and benzo(j,k)fluoranthene in some of the water bodies is a source of concern as they have been classified by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as probable human carcinogens. These water bodies are used for fishing and for some domestic purposes by the people living around them, thereby exposing them to some dangers and the risk of getting cancer. The human health cancer risk assessment carried out also indicates that there is the possibility of some users of the water bodies getting cancer in their lifetime

    Assessment of contamination and potential ecological risks of heavy metals in riverine sediments from gold mining and pristine areas in Ghana

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    This study explore the characteristics of heavy metal pollution, contamination levels, and potential ecological risks in riverine sediments found in both gold mining and pristine areas. Such investigations are vital for the ongoing monitoring and preservation of water bodies and overall ecosystem health. In total, 44 composite sediment samples were collected from seven pristine environments and four mining sites. These samples underwent preparation, digestion, and analysis for heavy metal content, utilizing the inductively coupled plasma emission mass spectrometer (ICP-MS). Various tools and models, including the geo-accumulation index, enrichment factor, and degree of contamination, were employed to assess the impact of pollution on the environment. Modified ecological risk index were also used to evaluate potential ecological risks. The average concentrations of heavy metals in pristine sites spanned from 0.01±0.01 (Cd) to 73,753.64 ± 388.15 mgkg−1 (Fe), while in mining sites, they ranged from 0.04±0.02 (Cd) to 56,394.25±400.66 mgkg−1 (Fe). Comparing these concentrations against the USEPA Ecological Screening Values, Mean Shales levels, and the Canadian ISQG, it became evident that Pb, Cd, Zn, Ni, Co, and Mn concentrations generally remained below the recommended guideline values in both pristine and mining areas. However, concentrations of Cr, As, Cu, and Hg exceeded the prescribed threshold limits, particularly in the mining regions. Through Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Geometrical Analysis for Interactive Aid (GAIA) modeling, two primary sources of heavy metals were identified: anthropogenic-related and geogenic-related. GAIA and PCA together explained 78.53 % and 79.40 % of the total variability in heavy metal concentrations, respectively. Overall, the pollution and ecological risk assessment indicated low to moderate contamination levels, with a notable exception of high arsenic contamination in the Nyam river. The findings of this study hold significance for assessing sediment conditions and river quality in mining communities within Ghana and globally. They also provide empirical data to recommend measures for mitigating water contamination in such communities

    Distribution and Risk Assessment of Heavy Metals in Surface Water from Pristine Environments and Major Mining Areas in Ghana

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    Background. Ghana, like many countries in Africa, has a history of heavy metal pollution largely emanating from industrial effluent discharges and anthropogenic deposits on prevailing winds of pollutants from industrial activities. One of the biggest contributors to pollution in the Ghanaian environment is mineral mining. Objectives. The aim of this study was to determine the distribution and health risks of heavy metals in surface water from both pristine environments and major mining areas in Ghana. Methods. A total of 32 composite samples were collected between September and October, 2014 to assess concentrations of heavy metals and pollution levels, as well as cancer and non-cancer risks to human health from exposure to heavy metals from four major mining regions and four rain forest reserves in the Western, Ashanti, Brong Ahafo and Eastern regions of Ghana. Samples were analyzed using atomic absorption spectrometry. Results. The mean concentrations (mg/L) of heavy metals at the pristine sites ranged from 1.747 for iron (Fe) to 0.001 for mercury (Hg) and 0.453 for Fe to 0.002 for Hg at the mining sites. All the metals were found to be below World Health Organization (WHO) and United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) recommended limits except for Hg, which was at the USEPA guideline limit. However, the concentrations of the metals from the mining sites were found to be slightly higher than those from the pristine sites. Conclusions. The concentrations of heavy metals in the Nyam, Subri, Bonsa and Birim Rivers from the mining sites and the Atiwa Range, Oda, Ankasa and Bosomkese Rivers from the pristine sites were found to be either below or within the USEPA and WHO's recommended limits for surface water. The health risk assessment values for the hazard quotient for ingestion of water (HQing), dermal contact (HQderm) and chronic daily intake (CDI) indicated no adverse effects as a result of ingestion or dermal contact from the rivers. However, arsenic (As) in both the pristine and mining sites and chromium (Cr) in the pristine sites pose a carcinogenic threat to the local residents

    Medical Waste-Sorting and Management Practices in Five Hospitals in Ghana

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    Hospital waste management in Ghana faces the risk of cross-contamination from the lack of thorough sorting of the waste at the points of generation, codisposal of hazardous and nonhazardous waste types, and use of open-fire pits and substandard incinerators for burning infectious waste. This has increased the potential for the spread of infections and chemical pollutants. A cross-sectional study was conducted in five hospitals in Ghana to assess behavioral patterns on waste sorting and the effectiveness of hospital waste management in Ghana. A total of 250 questionnaires were distributed purposively to some staff of the five hospitals to assess workers’ perceptions on medical waste sorting and handling. Additionally, focused group discussions and transect walks were adopted to examine the current collection, storage, treatment, and disposal methods used in the health facilities. Chi-square analyses showed significant differences in waste-sorting behavior based only on occupation (p<0.0001, n=180) and not on gender, education, or experience in the health sector. Even though contaminated sharps were separated into brown safety boxes, color coding for other infectious waste containers was inconsistent across the health facilities. The study revealed that incineration is still the modal method of treatment in Ghanaian hospitals and therefore new approaches such as an engineering approach were required to minimize its environmental effects. It is recommended that periodic in-service training workshops be held for healthcare staff on the right source-segregation of medical waste, in order to facilitate the effective and safe handling, transport, treatment, and disposal of waste from health facilities