2,422 research outputs found

    The South African King IV Report on corporate governance: is the crown shiny enough?

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    Low-energy electronic properties of clean CaRuO3_3: elusive Landau quasiparticles

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    We have prepared high-quality epitaxial thin films of CaRuO3_3 with residual resistivity ratios up to 55. Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations in the magnetoresistance and a T2T^2 temperature dependence in the electrical resistivity only below 1.5 K, whose coefficient is substantially suppressed in large magnetic fields, establish CaRuO3_3 as a Fermi liquid (FL) with anomalously low coherence scale. Non-Fermi liquid (NFL) T3/2T^{3/2} dependence is found between 2 and 25 K. The high sample quality allows access to the intrinsic electronic properties via THz spectroscopy. For frequencies below 0.6 THz, the conductivity is Drude-like and can be modeled by FL concepts, while for higher frequencies non-Drude behavior, inconsistent with FL predictions, is found. This establishes CaRuO3_3 as a prime example of optical NFL behavior in the THz range.Comment: 12 pages, 21 figures including supplemental materia

    Engaging stakeholders in corporate decision-making through strategic reporting: an empirical study of FTSE 100 companies (Part 2)

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    Non-financial reporting has risen in significance in recent years as the role of stakeholders who are not shareholders has been recognised in corporate governance frameworks. In the UK the ‘strategic reporting’ provisions of the Companies Act 2006 give effect to this policy. In Part 1 we examined the strategic reports of the FTSE 100 companies from 2015 and 2016 and focused on compliance by companies with nonfinancial reporting requirements. We found that compliance with those requirements was very high, amounting even to super or over-compliance. This article (Part 2 of the project) assesses the quality of non-financial reporting through a series of interviews. It evaluates whether the current regulatory framework on non-financial reporting in the UK informs stakeholders adequately so as to facilitate effective engagement in corporate decision-making

    Surface Alfven Wave Damping in a 3D Simulation of the Solar Wind

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    Here we investigate the contribution of surface Alfven wave damping to the heating of the solar wind in minima conditions. These waves are present in regions of strong inhomogeneities in density or magnetic field (e. g., the border between open and closed magnetic field lines). Using a 3-dimensional Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) model, we calculate the surface Alfven wave damping contribution between 1-4 solar radii, the region of interest for both acceleration and coronal heating. We consider waves with frequencies lower than those that are damped in the chromosphere and on the order of those dominating the heliosphere. In the region between open and closed field lines, within a few solar radii of the surface, no other major source of damping has been suggested for the low frequency waves we consider here. This work is the first to study surface Alfven waves in a 3D environment without assuming a priori a geometry of field lines or magnetic and density profiles. We determine that waves with frequencies >2.8x10^-4 Hz are damped between 1-4 solar radii. In quiet sun regions, surface Alfven waves are damped at further distances compared to active regions, thus carrying additional wave energy into the corona. We compare the surface Alfven wave contribution to the heating by a variable polytropic index and find that it an order of magnitude larger than needed for quiet sun regions. For active regions the contribution to the heating is twenty percent. As it has been argued that a variable gamma acts as turbulence, our results indicate that surface Alfven wave damping is comparable to turbulence in the lower corona. This damping mechanism should be included self consistently as an energy driver for the wind in global MHD models.Comment: Accepted to ApJ (scheduled September '09), 22 pages, 8 figure

    Measurement of polarization-transfer to bound protons in carbon and its virtuality dependence

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    We measured the ratio Px/PzP_{x}/P_{z} of the transverse to longitudinal components of polarization transferred from electrons to bound protons in 12C^{12}\mathrm{C} by the 12C(e,ep)^{12}\mathrm{C}(\vec{e},e'\vec{p}) process at the Mainz Microtron (MAMI). We observed consistent deviations from unity of this ratio normalized to the free-proton ratio, (Px/Pz)12C/(Px/Pz)1H(P_{x}/P_{z})_{^{12}\mathrm{C}}/(P_{x}/P_{z})_{^{1}\mathrm{H}}, for both ss- and pp-shell knocked out protons, even though they are embedded in averaged local densities that differ by about a factor of two. The dependence of the double ratio on proton virtuality is similar to the one for knocked out protons from 2H^{2}\mathrm{H} and 4He^{4}\mathrm{He}, suggesting a universal behavior. It further implies no dependence on average local nuclear density

    Transition from the Couette-Taylor system to the plane Couette system

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    We discuss the flow between concentric rotating cylinders in the limit of large radii where the system approaches plane Couette flow. We discuss how in this limit the linear instability that leads to the formation of Taylor vortices is lost and how the character of the transition approaches that of planar shear flows. In particular, a parameter regime is identified where fractal distributions of life times and spatiotemporal intermittency occur. Experiments in this regime should allow to study the characteristics of shear flow turbulence in a closed flow geometry.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    A Large-Scale FPGA-Based Trigger and Dead-Time Free DAQ System for the Kaos Spectrometer at MAMI

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    The Kaos spectrometer is maintained by the A1 collaboration at the Mainz Microtron MAMI with a focus on the study of (e,e'K^+) coincidence reactions. For its electron-arm two vertical planes of fiber arrays, each comprising approximately 10 000 fibers, are operated close to zero degree scattering angle and in close proximity to the electron beam. A nearly dead-time free DAQ system to acquire timing and tracking information has been installed for this spectrometer arm. The signals of 144 multi-anode photomultipliers are collected by 96-channel front-end boards, digitized by double-threshold discriminators and the signal time is picked up by state-of-the-art F1 time-to-digital converter chips. In order to minimize background rates a sophisticated trigger logic was implemented in newly developed Vuprom modules. The trigger performs noise suppression, signal cluster finding, particle tracking, and coincidence timing, and can be expanded for kinematical matching (e'K^+) coincidences. The full system was designed to process more than 4 000 read-out channels and to cope with the high electron flux in the spectrometer and the high count rate requirement of the detectors. It was successfully in-beam tested at MAMI in 2009.Comment: Contributed to 17th IEEE Real Time Conference (RT10), Lisbon, 24-28 May 201

    Mapping the Distribution of Electron Temperature and Fe Charge States in the Corona with Total Solar Eclipse Observations

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    The inference of electron temperature from the ratio of the intensities of emission lines in the solar corona is valid only when the plasma is collisional. Once collisionless, thermodynamic ionization equilibrium no longer holds, and the inference of an electron temperature and its gradient from such measurements is no longer valid. At the heliocentric distance where the transition from a collision-dominated to a collisionless plasma occurs, the charge states of different elements are established, or frozen-in. These are the charge states which are subsequently measured in interplanetary space. We show in this study how the 2006 March 29 and 2008 August 1 eclipse observations of a number of Fe emission lines yield an empirical value for a distance, which we call Rt , where the emission changes from being collisionally to radiatively dominated. Rt ranges from 1.1 to 2.0 R ☉, depending on the charge state and the underlying coronal density structures. Beyond that distance, the intensity of the emission reflects the distribution of the corresponding Fe ion charge states. These observations thus yield the two-dimensional distribution of electron temperature and charge state measurements in the corona for the first time. The presence of the Fe X 637.4 nm and Fe XI 789.2 nm emission in open magnetic field regions below Rt , such as in coronal holes and the boundaries of streamers, and the absence of Fe XIII 1074.7 nm and Fe XIV 530.3 nm emission there indicate that the sources of the solar wind lie in regions where the electron temperature is less than 1.2 × 106 K. Beyond Rt , the extent of the Fe X [Fe9+] and Fe XI emission [Fe10+], in comparison with Fe XIII [Fe12+] and Fe XIV [Fe13+], matches the dominance of the Fe10+ charge states measured by the Solar Wind Ion Composition Spectrometer, SWICS, on Ulysses, at –43° latitude at 4 AU, in March-April 2006, and Fe9+ and Fe10+ charge states measured by SWICS on the Advanced Composition Explorer, ACE, in the ecliptic plane at 1 AU, at the time of both eclipses. The remarkable correspondence between these two measurements establishes the first direct link between the distribution of charge states in the corona and in interplanetary space