134 research outputs found

    An Institution-Based View of Ownership

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    The past two decades have witnessed an exponential growth of research on corporate governance around the world and on the role of the ownership concentration more specifically. In line with a longer tradition of ownership studies in U.S. context, most corporate governance researchers have commonly taken a classical agency theoretical view of ownership concentration. The research presented in this dissertation show that classical view of ownership seems overly crude. I provide a more fine-grained understanding about the role of ownership in different contexts; one that takes into account the subtly different formal and informal institutional that can be found around the world on the one hand, and that distinguish between the identity of concentrated owners on the other. I show, first, that a crucial factor with respect to the ownership concentration – firm strategy and performance relationships involve owner identity: i.e. who owns a firm matters significantly for that firm’s objectives, strategies, and performance. Second, I contribute to emerging institution-based view of corporate governance by expanding its empirical domain and testing empirically the interaction between formal and informal institutions

    The effect of blockholders in corporate governance

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    Unlike the Anglo-Saxon model, whereby ownership of publicly traded companies is typically in the hands of dispersed shareholders, in continental Europe ownership often lies in the hands of what are known as ‘blockholders’. But how does this affect corporate governance, especially when employees, protected by strong labour institutions, are also powerful

    Towards a Democratic New Normal? Investor Reactions to Interim-Regime Dominance during Violent Events

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    Although interim regimes in former autocracies are generally tasked with initiating a democratic ‘new normal’, they may privately intend to become their country’s new autocratic rulers. We argue that, to cope with the uncertainty stemming from this possibility, investors infer an interim regime’s intentions from the dominance displayed by the regime during government-related violence, as reflected in the share of civilian fatalities. Specifically, we propose that investors interpret highe

    Strategic CSR: A Concept Building Meta-Analysis

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    This study develops the concept of Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility (Strategic CSR) by meta-analyzing the available empirical evidence on the relationship between CSR and corporate financial performance (CFP). Using meta-analytic structural equation modeling on effect size data from 344 primary studies, our study documents four empirical mechanisms explaining how CSR positively affects CFP: by 1) enhancing firm reputation, 2) increasing stakeholder reciprocation, 3) mitigating firm risk, and 4) strengthening innovation capacity. We propose these four mechanisms to identify four causally relevant attributes that allow us to conceptually distinguish Strategic CSR from CSR more generally. Our findings indicate that the four mechanisms combined explain 20 per cent of the CSR-CFP relationship, suggesting that considerable room remains for future empirical research. The development of an empirically informed, causal conceptualization of Strategic CSR responds to a long-heard call for better-specified concepts in empirical CSR research

    Accurate assessment of abdominal aortic aneurysm with intravascular ultrasound scanning: Validation with computed tomographic angiography

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    AbstractPurpose: The purpose of this study was to assess the accuracy of intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) parameters of abdominal aortic aneurysm, used for endovascular grafting, in comparison with computed tomographic angiography (CTA). Methods: This study was designed as a descriptive study. Between March 1997 and March 1998, 16 patients with abdominal aortic aneurysms were studied with angiography, IVUS (12.5 MHz), and CTA. The length of the aneurysm and the length and lumen diameter of the proximal and distal neck obtained with IVUS were compared with the data obtained with CTA. The measurements with IVUS were repeated by a second observer to assess the reproducibility. Tomographic IVUS images were reconstructed into a longitudinal format. Results: IVUS results identified 31 of 32 renal arteries and four of five accessory renal arteries. A comparison of the length measurements of the aneurysm and the proximal and distal neck obtained with IVUS and CTA revealed a correlation of 0.99 (P < .001), with a coefficient of variation of 9%. IVUS results tended to underestimate the length as compared with the CTA results (0.48 ± 0.52 cm; P < .001). A comparison of the lumen diameter measurements of the proximal and distal neck derived from IVUS and CTA showed a correlation of 0.93 (P < .001), with a coefficient of variation of 9%. IVUS results tended to underestimate aneurysm neck diameter as compared with CTA results (0.68 ± 1.76 mm; P = .006). Interobserver agreement of IVUS length and diameter measurements showed a good correlation (r = 1.0; P < .001), with coefficients of variation of 3% and 2%, respectively, and no significant differences (0.0 ± 0.16 cm and 0.06 ± 0.36 mm, respectively). The longitudinal IVUS images displayed the important vascular structures and improved the spatial insight in aneurysmal anatomy. Conclusion: Intravascular ultrasound scanning results provided accurate and reproducible measurements of abdominal aortic aneurysm. The longitudinal reconstruction of IVUS images provided additional knowledge on the anatomy of the aneurysm and its proximal and distal neck. (J Vasc Surg 1999;29:631-8.

    Does State Ownership Hurt or Help Minority Shareholders?

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    We argue that state ownership is a crucial policy instrument for alleviating what is perhaps the most important principal-principal (PP) agency problem around the globe: private benefits of control (PBC). Our results illustrate that states reduce PBC in the companies in which they acquire controlling ownership positions. We also examine how legal and political institutions influence the extent to which states accomplish this goal. Anti-self-dealing legal regulations make states more effective in their efforts to constrain PBC, while political constraints make them less effective. Regimes with high state capacity appear not to prioritize PBC reduction. We test and corroborate these ideas in a sample of 1,354 control transactions across 54 countries

    Business Group Affiliation, Performance, Context, and Strategy: A Meta-analysis

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    Research on business groups—legally independent firms tied together in various formal and informal ways—is accelerating. Through meta-analytical techniques employed on a database of 141 studies covering 28 different countries, we synthesize this research and extend it by testing several new hypotheses. We find that affiliation diminishes firm performance in general, but also that affiliates are comparatively better off in contexts with underdeveloped financial and labor market institutions. We also trace reduced affiliate performance to specific strategic actions taken at the firm and group levels. Overall, our results indicate that affiliate performance reflects complex processes and motivations

    The impact of stakeholders’ temporal orientaton on short- and long-term IPO outcomes: A meta-analysis

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    An initial public offering (IPO) represents a unique milestone in the lifecycle of a firm. Yet, our understanding of the IPO phenomenon remains incomplete and marked by mixed findings. Using meta-analytical techniques on a sample of 123 empirical studies, we examine the factors that influence the short-term outcomes (i.e., underpricing and proceeds) and the long-term outcomes (i.e., financial performance and risk) of IPO firms. Our efforts yield few significant results for antecedents that prior research had proposed as effective signals of IPO firm quality, and we thus conclude that signaling theory is limited in its ability to capture the IPO process. Our findings, however, provide preliminary support for our contention that stakeholders influence short-term IPO outcomes depending on their temporal orientation. We also find strong support for our prediction that the IPO has consequences for long-term firm development. While high underpricing positively affects long-term firm performance, it also heightens long-term firm risk. Large proceeds result in higher long-term firm performance and lower firm risk, but they come at the expense of a higher percentage of equity being traded during the IPO

    Thrombolysis with tissue plasminogen activator in acute myocardial infarction: no additional benefit from immediate percutaneous coronary angioplasty

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    A randomised trial of 367 patients with acute myocardial infarction was performed to determine whether an invasive strategy combining thrombolysis with recombinant tissue-type plasminogen activator (rTPA), heparin, and acetylsalicylic acid, and immediate percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) would be superior to a noninvasive strategy with the same medical treatment but without immediate angiography and PTCA. Intravenous infusion of 100 mg rTPA was started within 5 h after onset of symptoms (median 156 min). Angiography was performed 6-165 min later in 180 out of 183 patients allocated to the invasive strategy; 184 patients were allocated to the non-invasive strategy. Immediate PTCA reduced the percentage stenosis of the infarc

    Thermodynamic State Ensemble Models of cis-Regulation

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    A major goal in computational biology is to develop models that accurately predict a gene's expression from its surrounding regulatory DNA. Here we present one class of such models, thermodynamic state ensemble models. We describe the biochemical derivation of the thermodynamic framework in simple terms, and lay out the mathematical components that comprise each model. These components include (1) the possible states of a promoter, where a state is defined as a particular arrangement of transcription factors bound to a DNA promoter, (2) the binding constants that describe the affinity of the protein–protein and protein–DNA interactions that occur in each state, and (3) whether each state is capable of transcribing. Using these components, we demonstrate how to compute a cis-regulatory function that encodes the probability of a promoter being active. Our intention is to provide enough detail so that readers with little background in thermodynamics can compose their own cis-regulatory functions. To facilitate this goal, we also describe a matrix form of the model that can be easily coded in any programming language. This formalism has great flexibility, which we show by illustrating how phenomena such as competition between transcription factors and cooperativity are readily incorporated into these models. Using this framework, we also demonstrate that Michaelis-like functions, another class of cis-regulatory models, are a subset of the thermodynamic framework with specific assumptions. By recasting Michaelis-like functions as thermodynamic functions, we emphasize the relationship between these models and delineate the specific circumstances representable by each approach. Application of thermodynamic state ensemble models is likely to be an important tool in unraveling the physical basis of combinatorial cis-regulation and in generating formalisms that accurately predict gene expression from DNA sequence
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