6 research outputs found

    Vicende di un falso senatoconsulto: il decretum Rubiconis fra Ciriaco de\u2019 Pizzicolli, Antonio Agust\uedn e Eugen Bormann

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    This paper aims to reconstruct the origins of the so-called Decretum Rubiconis (CIL XI 30*) and the ancient sources that inspired it (Cicero\u2019s Philippics; Vergil; Seneca; the lex de imperio Vespasiani). The text was significantly manipulated by Ciriaco de\u2019 Pizzicolli before the mid 15th century and was identified as false already by Antonio Agust\uedn (Di\ue1logos, 1587). Despite this prompt identification, the forged epigraphic document had a wide circulation in the manuscript tradition and (at least) two different engravings after the 16th century. A copy of the inscription is now kept in the Museum of Cesena

    Una nuova dedica a Ercole da un manoscritto di Bonifacius Amerbach

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    The manuscript C VI a 77, once belonged to the XVIth century humanist Bonifacius Amerbach and now preserved in the Universitätsbibliothek Basel, is not a high quality epigraphic manuscript, but includes at least a couple of Roman inscriptions elsewhere unknown. One of them, already published in the previous years, is a dedication to Iuppiter Optimus Maximus set by an eques singularis; the other one is a dedication to Hercules Invictus – here published for the first time - set, when he was an urban praetor, by L. Turranius Venustus Gratianus, member of a well known senatorial family of the III/IV century AD

    Gli antichi alla corte dei Malatesta. Echi, modelli e fortuna della tradizione classica nella Romagna del Quattrocento (l'età di Sigismondo)

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    Nei giorni 9-11 giugno 2016 si è tenuto a Rimini il Convegno Internazionale "Gli Antichi alla corte dei Malatesta. Echi, modelli e fortuna della tradizione classica nella Romagna del Quattrocento" promosso dal DISCI dell'Università di Bologna e organizzato insieme alla Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Rimini e al Comune di Rimini. In questa sede si pubblica un'ampia selezione degli interventi presentati in quell'occasioe (cui si è aggiunto il contributo di A. Giovanardi) incentrati sulla corte di Sigismondo Pandolfo Malatesta

    ‘Dans les pierres, il ne peut y avoir de fiction’ ?

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    International audienceRodrigo Caro (1573-1647) has long been considered an unreliable witness of the epigraphic tradition, first and foremost by E. Hübner (CIL II). This article reconsiders his role in the transmission of the Conventus Hispalensis' falsae vel incertae, after a careful analysis of Caro's Antigüedades de Sevilla (1634). Within this work, the Sevillian humanist overall appears to be scrupulous: it is only his duty to superior interests, such as those of the archbishopric of Seville, which forces him (as in his defense of the pseudo-Dexter) to reluctantly retain certain falsae included in the Antigüedades