38 research outputs found

    The use of technologies applied to education in values

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    Cuestionar la educación en valores es tanto como cuestionar la educación misma, puesto que con el proceso educativo se pretende que los educandos logren adquirir determinados valores. Por otra parte, las nuevas tecnologías, ofrecen un enorme potencial en cuanto a su aplicación en el ámbito de la educación. Desde el empleo de las tecnologías aplicadas a la educación realizamos una propuesta en educación en valores que contribuya a la formación de la ciudadanía que demandará conocimientos nuevos y en el que la iniciativa, el trabajo en equipo y las habilidades sociales serán necesarios (Buxarrais y Ovide, 2011).To question the education in values is as much as to question the education itself, since with the educational process it is intended that the learners manage to acquire certain values. On the other hand, new technologies offer enormous potential in terms of their application in the field of education. From the use of technologies applied to education we make a proposal in education in values that contributes to the formation of citizenship that will demand new knowledge and in which initiative, teamwork and social skills will be necessary (Buxarrais and Ovide, 2011)

    La enseñanza de la religión y el aprendizaje de valores sociales, de autorregulación y logro: modelo predictivo y diseño pedagógico

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    La educación en valores sigue siendo uno de los retos esenciales en el ámbito psicopedagógico dado el elevado interés que continúa suscitando el estudio de conductas antisociales que tienen lugar dentro y fuera de los contextos educativos. Ante la crisis de valores que se encuentra inserta en nuestra sociedad, la escuela debe responder fomentando un aprendizaje dirigido hacia la resolución de conflictos, a las conductas prosociales, al desarrollo de la capacidad de empatía, al respeto a la pluralidad de ideales y, en definitiva, a la asimilación de las normas democráticas

    The Dark Triad: A different relationship between personality and empathy. A review from an educational perspective

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    In the present article the concept of the Dark Triad is reviewed and the investigations about narcissism, neuroticism and psychopathy are analyzed in relation to other characteristics of the personality and their negative psychosocial consequences. Likewise, it is examined and verified several studies in which there are correlations and models of structural equations that show the relationships between the different components of the dark triad and empathy. These reviews highlight the importance that an appropriate diagnosis and intervention can have in the educational field to carry out an intervention aimed at promoting empathy and reducing the levels of the different components of the Dark Triad of the personality

    Learning and social commitment. Towards the awareness of the students of Childhood Education and Social Education of the University of Córdoba

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    El presente artículo describe un proyecto de innovación metodológica llevado a cabo en las asignaturas Historia de la Educación Contemporánea y Social, de primer curso del Grado en Educación Social, y Psicología de la Salud, del Grado en Educación Infantil. El trabajo ha consistido en el diseño y desarrollo de experiencias de aprendizaje-servicio (ApS), que es una metodología educativa que combina procesos de adquisición del saber y de atención a la comunidad en un único proyecto bien articulado en el que los participantes aprenden mientras intervienen en necesidades reales del entorno. Esta estrategia didáctica permite aprender contenidos curriculares y formar actitudes y compromisos ciudadanos. Se busca, pues, además de la ganancia en conocimientos, la sensibilización del alumnado ante las problemáticas de los demás y la implicación en actuaciones tendentes a solventarlas; el análisis de la realidad, en definitiva, para mejorarla a la luz de fuentes de información variadas y ricas y a través del trabajo en grupo, el compromiso social, la capacidad reflexiva y el juicio crítico.The paper describes a methodological innovation project carried out in the subjects History of Contemporary and Social Education, first year of the Degree in Social Education, and Health Psychology, of the Degree in Infantile Education. The work consisted in the design and development of Service Learning experiences, which is an educational methodology that combines knowledge acquisition and community service processes in a single, well-articulated project in which participants learn while intervening in real needs. of the environment. This didactic strategy allows to learn curricular contents and to form citizen attitudes and commitments. It is sought, then, in addition to the gain in knowledge, the sensitization of the students before the problems of the others and the implication in actions tending to solve them; the analysis of reality, in short, to improve it in the light of varied and rich sources of information and through group work, social commitment, reflective capacity and critical judgment

    Exploring the Status of Diversity in Policies and Practices of Spanish Universities. An Asymmetric Dual Model

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    Higher education across the world is currently in the throes of assuming a commitment to diversity. However, certain critical positions maintain that such evolution is still guided by market principles. Within such a context, this paper explores what attention is given to diversity in Spanish university policies and practices and how it relates to key productivity indicators. To do so, a study with a descriptive and correlational design was conducted, based on analysing institutional documents and surveying chief diversity officers, techniques which provided evidence about diversity philosophy and practices, respectively. The results revealed at least an average level of institutionalisation of diversity, although it did not demonstrate, in most of the areas, any association with indicators derived from a consolidated ranking by productivity in Spain. The conclusion is that Spanish universities have adopted an asymmetric dual model, in which neo-liberal ideas maintain their hegemony while, although subordinately, certain innovations have been consolidated in parallel in order to protect a number of vulnerable groups under the rhetoric of equity and social justice

    Creating Interactive Learning Environments through the Use of Information and Communication Technologies Applied to Learning of Social Values: An Approach from Neuro-Education

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    In order to link learning and the brain, it is necessary to carry out a restructuring of pedagogical practice so that it can be linked to the contributions of Neurosciences. In this sense, Neuro-education is emerging as a new science that has as its main objective the synergy of Pedagogy, Cognitive Psychology and Neuroscience, and with this, being able to bring the different educational agents the necessary resources in terms of the brain and learning binomial (Campos 2010). This article focuses on the importance of education in values, and the acquisition of prosocial behavior and how this educational field can be developed from the use of information and communication technologies (ICT). The challenge before us is to build the map of values, which make the individual a fulfilled being and, in turn, a collaborator of the social environment. On the other hand, ICTs offer enormous potential in terms of their application in the field of education. In this article we will show the role that this type of tools can play in the learning and assimilation of values, bearing in mind the contributions of neuro-education

    Analyzing the Impact of COVID-19 on Education Professionals. Toward a Paradigm Shift: ICT and Neuroeducation as a Binomial of Action

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    This study analyzed the current situation of education in the context of the pandemic caused by COVID-19. The worldwide health emergency situation has caused the confinement of people and with it, the closure of centers and the transfer of face-to-face education to online education. Faced with these facts, teachers have had to adapt at a dizzying pace not only to new methodological approaches, but also to their own confinement, presenting high levels of stress. The purpose of this study is to offer a proposal that optimizes the work of education professionals in the current context of a pandemic through the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) under the novel approach of the contributions of neuroeducation in the field of managing emotions and motivational processes, contributing to meaningful learning in students. The symbiosis of ICT and neuroeducation can make a great contribution to the paradigm shift that is taking place today

    Check-list and questionnaire datasets on diversity in Spain’s higher education

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    Universities around the world, and particularly Spanish universities, are involved in the process of implementing diversity policies and practices, although productivity rankings have not yet considered inclusion indicators in their quality approaches. The current paper, which is a result of a national research project (No. EDU2017-82862-R), describes two rich datasets on the issue of diversity in Spain’s universities. Data were obtained by using a check-list and a questionnaire, collected in samples of 81 and 33 institutions, respectively. In particular, the paper provides extended descriptive data on institutionalisation of diversity indicators corresponding to philosophy and policy, and practices, that have been analysed in the article entitled ‘Exploring the Status of Diversity in Policies and Practices of Spanish Universities. An Asymmetric Dual Model’ [1]. It also reports descriptive statistics for indicators and areas by type of university (public vs. private). In addition, it shows graphical comparative data on standard scores of policies and practices vs. productivity indicators (global and partial U-Ranking indexes). Researchers, policy makers and practitioners could benefit from datasets, as they provide information on a good number of indicators reflecting strengths and weaknesses in university policies and practices in the field of diversity

    Emotional Intelligence and Executive Functions in the Prediction of Prosocial Behavior in High School Students. An InterDisciplinary Approach between Neuroscience and Education

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    One of the most analyzed variables in educational research is prosocial behavior, given its relevance and its application in favor of a culture of peace, the construction of solid democratic societies and the development of social justice. For this reason, it is necessary to extend the knowledge of predictors of prosocial behavior so that they can be transferred to teaching practice. The research reported here was carried out using a quantitative methodology through a survey, based on data collection instruments, whose data were treated statistically by means of descriptive, correlational and predictive analyses. The results obtained suggest that emotional intelligence has a strong predictive capacity for prosocial behavior while executive functions show a mild-moderate predictive behavior. In the conclusions and discussion, we provide a series of arguments on some of the results obtained in contrast with previous literature, as well as incorporating limitations of the study and prospects for future research