44 research outputs found

    Lessons from nine urban areas using data to drive local sustainable development

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    The costs and benefits of CRVS as a tool for women's empowerment

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    This publication has been carried out with the financial and technical assistance of Canada’s International Development Research Centre (IDRC).This paper complements the others’ contextual analysis by focusing on some of the practical barriers to the expansion of CRVS systems, namely costs, current levels of investment, and shortfall, while also highlighting the immense investment opportunity. The two other papers are : "Leave no one behind : CRVS, Gender and the SDGS" and "Harnessing CRVS data for the gender-related SDGs; opportunities and challenges"

    Why CRVS systems matter for women and girls

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    Sex-disaggregated data, covering basic indicators such as population, health, education, and work, is a “must have” for measuring and furthering progress towards true equality. Civil registration and vital statistics (CRVS) systems are an indispensable part of the data ecosystem required to measure progress towards gender equality. This brief is the first of a series that synthesizes and disseminates key messages, innovative case studies, and emerging findings across a multitude of CRVS dimensions, including birth, marriage/divorce, and death registration. It also addresses issues such as capacity, innovation, and resource mobilization.Global Affairs Canad

    Pourquoi les systèmes ESEC sont importants pour les femmes et les filles

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    Progressing Gender Equality Post?2015: Harnessing the Multiplier Effects of Existing Achievements

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    This article argues that international efforts to progress gender equality now and post?2015 need to build on the achievements of the MDGs and other international frameworks, but simultaneously address the gender dynamics that underpin the root causes of poverty. The first half of the article seeks to unpack the ways in which gender inequalities underpin five clusters of MDGs: poverty and sustainable development; service access; care and caregiving; voice and agency; international partnerships and accountability. The analysis then turns to highlight the importance of harnessing the momentum from other global initiatives such as CEDAW (Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women) and the Beijing Platform for Action to promote more fundamental change including: the establishment of a more powerful UN agency to champion gender equality; the institutionalisation of gender budgeting and gender?responsive aid effectiveness approaches; and the promotion of gender?sensitive social protection to tackle gender?specific experiences of poverty and vulnerability

    Citizen science and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

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    Traditional data sources are not sufficient for measuring the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. New and non-traditional sources of data are required. Citizen science is an emerging example of a non-traditional data source that is already making a contribution. In this Perspective, we present a roadmap that outlines how citizen science can be integrated into the formal Sustainable Development Goals reporting mechanisms. Success will require leadership from the United Nations, innovation from National Statistical Offices and focus from the citizen-science community to identify the indicators for which citizen science can make a real contribution

    Innovations in Disease Surveillance and Monitoring

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    Top-Down and Bottom-Up Approaches to the SDG Monitoring Challenge

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    Les coûts et les avantages des systèmes d’ESEC comme outil d’autonomisation des femmes

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    Ce document complète l’analyse contextuelle faite dans les autres en se concentrant sur certaines des entraves pratiques à l’expansion des systèmes d’ESEC, c’est-à-dire les coûts, les niveaux actuels d’investissement et le déficit, tout en mettant en lumière l’immense possibilité d’investissement. d’investissement