19 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the Effect of Ecological Factors on Cannibalism in Pelophylax bedriagae (Pallas, 1771) (Amphibia: Anura)

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    Marsh frog, Pelophylax bedriagae tadpoles habituate in temporary wetlands where intraspecific aggression has been observed. In this study, we examined the independent and interactive effects of predator cues, water level and density on head width size and head, tail and whole body cannibalism of larval P. bedriagae. We designed a 2×2×3 factorial experiment, by crossing two levels of predatory cues (presence/absence), two levels of density (low/ high) and three levels of water (low/ high/ decreasing) that were carried out within 29 weeks. Despite using conditions that might facilitate cannibalism (i.e., the presence of predator cues, low water level, and high density), a low rate of cannibalism was observed in all treatments. Independently, the highest percentage of total cannibalism was indicated in the presence of predator cues (2.26 %), high water level (2.04 %) and high density (2.24 %). Interactively, the highest rate of total cannibalism was recorded for larvae reared in the high density/absence of predator cues/low water level treatment (3.55%). In contrast, the lowest rate of total cannibalism was observed in the both the low density/presence of predator cues/decreasing water level and low-density/presence of predator cues/high water level treatments (0.44%). The results of the MANOVA indicated that predator cues, water level and density independently and interactively had not significant effect on rate of total cannibalism. At the end of experiment, the maximum size of head width was measured in low-density/absence of predator cues/high water level treatment (9.60±0.39mm), and there was no significant relationship between the maximum head width and the highest rate of cannibalism. According to the results of this experiment, it seems that P. bedriagae larvae may function to avoid the risk of cannibalism by conspecific

    Niphargus sarii sp. n., a new subterranean niphargid (Crustacea: Amphipoda) from Iran based on molecular and morphological characters

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    Niphargus sarii sp. n. was collected from Jo-Khanem Spring in Ilam Province. This species hypothesis is based on the analysis of morphological characters and 28S ribosomal DNA sequences. In this paper, we describe the morphological traits of this new species. Then, its taxonomic status within the genus is discussed in comparison to the 15 known Iranian species. Results revealed that N. sarii sp. n. is phylogenetically close to N. sohrevardensis. This species is easily distinguished from other Iranian species by some characters, in particular the equal length of rami in uropod I, lack of lateral robust setae on telson and the situation of dactylus to posterior margin of propodus in gnathopod II

    A new data of freshwater amphipod of genus Niphargus Schiödte, 1849 from Lorestan Province in Iran

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    Esmaeili-Rineh, Somayeh (2018): A new data of freshwater amphipod of genus Niphargus Schiödte, 1849 from Lorestan Province in Iran. Zootaxa 4531 (2): 242-250, DOI: https://doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.4531.2.

    Two new species of groundwater amphipods of the genus <i>Niphargus</i> Schiödte, 1849 from northwestern Iran

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    This study was conducted to describe and illustrate two new species of groundwater amphipods from the northern parts of the Zagros Mountains in West Azerbaijan Province, Iran. Mitochondrial (COI) and nuclear (28S rDNA) fragments as well as several morphological traits were used to characterize Niphargus urmiensis sp. nov. and Niphargus fiseri sp. nov. The phylogenetic analyses showed that the nucleotide differences between the recently described species and their close allies are attributed to their distinctiveness. The molecular analysis also introduced that the new species are placed within the clade comprising Iranian species as a sister taxon. The genetic distances between N. urmiensis sp. nov. and N. fiseri sp. nov. are 7.6% and 1.6%, respectively based on the COI and 28S rDNA gene fragments.</p

    Niphargus fiseri Mamaghani-Shishvan & Esmaeili-Rineh, 2019, sp. nov.

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    &lt;i&gt;Niphargus fiseri&lt;/i&gt; sp. nov. &lt;p&gt;urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act: 1C9668BC-69FD-4B1F-B08C-27C92D10EF05&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Figs 1, 7&ndash;10&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; &lt;b&gt;Diagnosis&lt;/b&gt; (based on male only)&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Antenna I is shorter than half of the total body length. The palpus of maxilla I is as long as the outer lobe. The palmar corner of gnathopods I&ndash;II has two short supporting spines. Gnathopods I&ndash;II bear trapezoidal shape of propodi. Gnathopods I&ndash;II dactyli have a single seta on the outer margin. Pereopod VI is longer than pereopod VII. Urosomite I bears one simple seta and urosomite II bears two spines on dorso-lateral margin. The outer ramus in uropod I is shorter than the inner ramus. Epimeral plates I&ndash;II are partly pointed. The lobes of the telson bear three distal and one marginal spines. The telson cleft is more than half of the telson length.&lt;/p&gt; Etymology &lt;p&gt;The species is named in honor of Dr. Cene Fi&scaron;er, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia who dedicated his research to the examination and exploration of subterranean amphipod diversity.&lt;/p&gt; Material examined &lt;p&gt; &lt;b&gt;Holotype&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;IRAN &bull; &male;; West Azerbaijan Province, Piranshahr City, Badin Abad Spring; 36&deg;34&prime;55&Prime; N, 45&deg;10&prime;34&Prime; E; 24 Aug. 2016; M. Mamaghani-Shishvan leg.; ZCRU Amph. 1073.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; &lt;b&gt;Paratypes&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;IRAN &bull; 2 &female;&female; (body length between 6.8 and 7.5 mm); same data as for holotype; ZCRU Amph.1073.&lt;/p&gt; Description of holotype &lt;p&gt;MEASUREMENTS. Total male body length is 8 mm. Head reperesents 18% of total body length (Fig. 7C). Antenna I is 0.39 times body length. Peduncular articles 1&ndash;3 progressively shorter; length of peduncular articles 3 exceeds half of peduncular article 2 (ratio 1.21:1); main flagellum with 16 articles (most with short setae), articles with up to one aesthetasc. Accessory flagellum bi-articulated and reaching &frac12; of article 4 of main flagellum, with one and two setae, respectively (Fig. 7A).&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;ANTENNAE. Antenna II with flagellum formed of seven articles, approximately half as long as antenna I. Flagellum length is 0.90 of length of peduncle article 4+ 5. Peduncular article 4 slightly longer than article 5, with seven and five groups of setae, respectively (Fig. 7B).&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;MOUTH PARTS. Labium (Fig. 8D) bi-lobate; with setae on the tip of lobes. Inner plate of maxilla I with two long apical setae; outer plate with seven spines with 3-2-2-1-0-1-0 lateral projections; palp bi-articulated, as long as outer lobe, with three long apical setae (Fig. 7 D&ndash;E). Both plates of maxilla II with numerous distal setae and two lateral setae (Fig. 8E). Left mandible with five teeth on incisor process, lacinia mobilis with four teeth and a row of seven setae with lateral projections (Fig. 7F). Right mandible with four teeth on incisor process, lacinia mobilis pluritoothed and row of five setae with lateral projections (Fig. 7G). Mandibular palp articles 1: 2:3 represent 22%, 35% and 43% of total palp length. Proximal article without setae, second article with five setae along inner margin and third article with one group of two A-setae, two groups of B-setae, no C-setae, 17 D-setae and five E-setae (Fig. 7H). Maxilliped with normal inner plate on which four distal spines intermixed with five distal and one simple long lateral setae subdistally; outer plate exceeding half of posterior margin of palp article 2, with nine spines along inner margin and three simple setae distally. Maxilliped palp article 3 with one proximal, inner and outer group of long simple setae at outer margin; palp terminal article with one simple seta at outer margin, nail shorter than pedestal (Fig. 8C).&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;GNATHOPODS. Gnathopod II larger than gnathopod I. Coxal plate of gnathopod I rounded, broader than long. Coxa I ventral margin with four setae. Basis with setae on anterior and posterior margins; ischium and merus with posterior group of setae. Carpus with one group of three setae antero-distally, bulge with long setae; carpus 0.53 times basis length and 0.88 times propodus length. Propodus longer than broad; anterior margin with three setae in one group in addition to antero-distal group of five setae. Palm slightly convex, defined on outer surface by one strong long corner S-seta accompanied laterally by one L-seta with lateral projections and row of three facial M-setae and by two short sub-corner R-setae on inner surface. Dactylus reaching posterior margin of propodus, outer and inner margins with row of one and two setae, respectively; nail short, 0.45 times total dactylus length (Fig. 8A). Coxal plate of gnathopod II slightly rounded, with five setae along antero-ventro-posterior margins. Basis with setae along anterior and posterior margins; posterior margins of ischium and merus with one posterior group of setae each. Carpus 0.64 times basis length and 0.90 times propodus length. Carpus with one group of two setae antero-distally. Propodus in gnathopod II larger than gnathopod I, rectangular and longer than broad; anterior margin with two setae in one group in addition to antero-distal group of four setae. Palm convex, defined on outer surface by one strong long corner S-seta accompanied laterally by one L-seta with lateral projections and row of three facial M-setae, on inner surface by two short sub-corner R-setae. Dactylus reaching posterior margin of propodus, outer and inner margins of dactylus with one and three setae, respectively. Nail length 0.45 of total dactylus length (Fig. 8B). Coxal plate III with rectangular shape, length to width ratio is 1.42: 1; antero-ventral margin with five setae. Coxal plate IV with rectangular shape, ventral margin with four setae, posterior concavity shallow and approximately 0.1 of coxa width (Fig. 9 A&ndash;B). Coxal plates V&ndash;VI with two and one setae on anterior and posterior lobes, respectively. Coxal plate VII with one seta (Fig. 9 C&ndash;E).&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;PEREOPODS. Pereopod III: IV length ratio1.03: 1 (Fig. 9 A&ndash;B).Dactylus IV short, dactylus length 0.43 times propodus length, nail shorter than pedestal (Fig. 9B). Pereopods V:VI: VII length ratios 1: 1.27: 1.15, respectively. Pereopod VII 0.45 times body length. Pereopod bases V and VII each with five groups of spines along anterior margins and with eight setae along posterior margins, respectively (Fig. 9C, E). Pereopod base VI with six groups of spines along posterior margin and with eight setae along anterior margin (Fig. 9D). Postero-ventral lobe of ischium in pereopods V&ndash;VII developed. Ischium, merus and carpus in pereopods V&ndash;VII with several groups of spines and setae along anterior and posterior margins; propodus of pereopod VII longer than these in V&ndash;VI, dactyli of pereopods V&ndash;VII with one spine and one short seta at base of nail on inner margin, nail length of pereopod VII 0.50 times of total dactylus length (Fig. 9 C&ndash;E).&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;EPIMERAL PLATES I&ndash;III (Fig. 10G). With angular postero-ventral corner, anterior and ventral margins convex; postero-ventral corners of plates I&ndash;III posteriorly with two, two and three spines and setae, respectively. Epimeral plates II&ndash;III each with two spines along of ventral margins. Peduncle of pleopods I&ndash;III with two-hooked retinacles at distal part of inner margins. Peduncle of pleopods II&ndash;III with one and two setae along of inner margin (Fig. 10 A&ndash;C); rami of pleopods I&ndash;III each with five to nine articles (Fig. 10 A&ndash;C).&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;PEREONITES. Pereonites I&ndash;VII without setae. Pleonites I&ndash;III each with one seta in middle of article on dorsal margin. Urosomites I&ndash;II with one seta and two spines dorso-laterally, respectively. Urosomite III without setae. Urosomite I with one spine at base of uropod I.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;UROPODS. Peduncle of uropod I with four and three large spines along dorso-lateral and dorso-medial margins, respectively. Inner ramus of uropod I longer than outer ramus (ratio 1: 1.04); inner ramus with two groups of three spines laterally and five spines distally; outer ramus with two groups of three spines laterally and five spines distally (Fig. 10D). Inner ramus in uropod II longer than outer, both rami with lateral and distal long spines (Fig. 10E). Uropod III normal, almost 0.40 times body length. Peduncle of uropod III with five spines, outer ramus bi-articulated, distal 0.17 proximal articles. The proximal article of outer ramus bearing five and four groups of spines along inner and outer margins, respectively (Fig. 10F); distal article with four setae distally. Inner ramus short, with one distal spine and one lateral seta. Telson two times as long as broad, lobes slightly narrowing; each lobe with three spines distally, with one long spine and two plumose setae laterally (Fig. 10H).&lt;/p&gt; Female &lt;p&gt;Unknown.&lt;/p&gt; Remarks &lt;p&gt; &lt;i&gt;Niphargus fiseri&lt;/i&gt; sp. nov. is diagnozed mainly by two characters. The first one is the presence of two supporting spines (R-setae sensu Karaman 2018) in both gnathopods, so far observed only in one species from Europe (&lt;i&gt;N. kenki&lt;/i&gt; Karaman, 1952), but it seems to be more common in Iran. This character has been reported in &lt;i&gt;N. bisitunicus&lt;/i&gt; Esmaeili-Rineh, Sari &amp; Fi&scaron;er, 2015 and &lt;i&gt;N. lorestanensis&lt;/i&gt; Esmaeili-Rineh, 2018. However, in the latter two species, the propodi in gnathopod I are more rectangular and more elongated. The second character is the length of the nail to pedestal ratio in the dactyli of gnathopods I to II that includes more than &frac12; of the dactyli in &lt;i&gt;N. fiseri&lt;/i&gt; sp. nov. So far, this character has not been described in Iranian species.&lt;/p&gt;Published as part of &lt;i&gt;Mamaghani-Shishvan, Mahmoud &amp; Esmaeili-Rineh, Somayeh, 2019, Two new species of groundwater amphipods of the genus Niphargus Schiödte, 1849 from northwestern Iran, pp. 1-23 in European Journal of Taxonomy 546&lt;/i&gt; on pages 13-18, DOI: 10.5852/ejt.2019.546, &lt;a href="http://zenodo.org/record/3382758"&gt;http://zenodo.org/record/3382758&lt;/a&gt

    Two new species of groundwater amphipods of the genus Niphargus Schiödte, 1849 from northwestern Iran

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    This study was conducted to describe and illustrate two new species of groundwater amphipods from the northern parts of the Zagros Mountains in West Azerbaijan Province, Iran. Mitochondrial (COI) and nuclear (28S rDNA) fragments as well as several morphological traits were used to characterize Niphargus urmiensis sp. nov. and Niphargus fiseri sp. nov. The phylogenetic analyses showed that the nucleotide differences between the recently described species and their close allies are attributed to their distinctiveness. The molecular analysis also introduced that the new species are placed within the clade comprising Iranian species as a sister taxon. The genetic distances between N. urmiensis sp. nov. and N. fiseri sp. nov. are 7.6% and 1.6%, respectively based on the COI and 28S rDNA gene fragments

    Two new species of groundwater-inhabiting amphipods belonging to the genus Niphargus (Arthropoda, Crustacea), from Iran

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    In Iran, the Elburz and Zagros Mountain ranges include substantial karst regions housing numerous aquifers and groundwater resources. Niphargus Schiødte, 1849, a diverse subterranean amphipod genus, inhabits Western Palearctic groundwater environments, with Iran marking the eastern limit of its distribution. This study examined specimens collected from springs along the Elburz and Zagros Mountains, revealing two distinct taxonomic units through a combination of morphological observations and molecular analyses, utilizing COI and 28S rDNA genes. N. elburzensis sp. nov. is characterized by produced epimeral plates I to III; a telson lobe with five distal, two lateral, and one mesial spine each, a rectangular shape of gnathopod II propodi with two L-setae on palmar corner and maxilla I outer plate spines with 2-2-1-1-3-0-1 denticles. N. zagrosensis sp. nov. is distinguished by a triangular shape gnathopod II propodi, pereopod VI longer than pereopod VII, maxilliped outer plate less than half of palp article 2, and uropod III distal article exceeding 80% of the proximal article. Pairwise genetic distances between N. elburzensis sp. nov. and other species ranged from 10.70% (N. fiseri) to 23.48% (N. daniali) for COI gene and 1.56% (N. urmiensis) to 10.98% (N. daniali) for 28S gene. Also, N. zagrosensis sp. nov. exhibited COI gene distances from 5.73% (N. alisadri) to 20.66% (N. daniali) and from 0.13% (N. alisadri) to 11.36% (N. daniali) for 28S gene distances. Bayesian analysis suggests that the two newly discovered species are part of the expansive local Iranian clade. These species are supported phylogenetically by separate and independent lineages, as indicated by high bootstrapping values

    Niphargus darvishi Esmaeili-Rineh, Sari & Fišer, 2015, sp. nov.

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    &lt;i&gt;Niphargus darvishi&lt;/i&gt; sp. nov. &lt;p&gt;(Figs 10&ndash;13)&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; &lt;b&gt;Material examined and type locality.&lt;/b&gt; Holotype, male ZUTC Amph. 2322. Dimeh spring (Fig. 1), Kohrang city, Chahar-mahal va Bakhteyari Province, Iran (N 32&deg; 30&prime;, E 50&deg;13&prime;). Five male paratypes, ZUTC Amph.2347.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; &lt;b&gt;Diagnosis.&lt;/b&gt; Maxilla I with pluritooth robust setae on outer lobe. Propods of gnathopods large, broader than long. Bases of pereopods V&ndash;VII mid-sized (neither narrow nor broad). Dactyli of pereopods III&ndash;VII with more than two robust setae along inner margin. Urosomite I with two robust straight postero-distal setae. Epimeral plate III distinctly produced disto-posteriorly.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; &lt;b&gt;Description of holotype.&lt;/b&gt; Body length 13 mm. Body strong and stout. Head length 11% of body length.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Antennae I (fig. 10A). Antenna I 0.51 of body length. Peduncular articles 1&ndash;3 progressively shorter; length of peduncular article 3 less than one half of peduncular article 2; main flagellum with 29 articles (most of which with short setae); accessory flagellum bi-articulated and reaching beyond two-third of article 1 of main flagellum; second article with two simple setae (fig. 10A).&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Antennae II (fig. 10B). Antenna II as long as 0.48 antenna I. Peduncular article 5 slightly shorter than article 4, ratio between articles 4:5 equal to 1.25: 1, articles 4 and 5 with five and eight groups of simple setae, respectively. Flagellum with 10 articles, approximately 0.58 of length of peduncle articles 4 + 5.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Labium (fig. 11B) with inner lobes.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Maxilla I (fig. 10C &amp; D). Inner plate with two long simple setae, outer plate with seven robust setae of which two with three, two with two, one with five, one with four and one without lateral projections; palp bi-articulated, long, with four long distal simple setae.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Maxilla II (fig. 10H). Both plates with numerous long distal simple setae, inner lobe with one lateral simple seta.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Mandibular palp (fig. 10G). Ratio of mandibular palp articles 1: 2: 3 equal to 1: 1.51: 1.88, no setae on first article; second article with six medial and two disto-lateral long simple setae. Distal article with one group of four A-setae, five groups of B-setae, no C-setae, 25 D-setae and five E-setae.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Left mandible (fig. 10F). Incisor with five teeth, lacinia mobilis with four teeth.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Right mandible (fig. 10E). Incisor with four teeth, lacinia mobilis pluritooth, seven setae with lateral projections between lacinia and triturative molar.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Maxilliped (fig. 11A). Inner plate short; distally three robust setae intermixed with three simple setae, subdistally one simple long lateral seta; outer plate exceeding half of posterior margin of palp article 2, with 11 marginal robust setae and six distal simple setae; palp article 3 at outer margin with one proximal, distal and medial group of long simple setae; distal article with five simple setae along outer margin, nail shorter than pedestal.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Gnathopod I (fig. 11C). Coxa of gnathopod I smaller than gnathopod II. Coxa I trapezoid, broader than long, ventral and anterior margins with one and six simple setae, respectively. Basis with long setae on anterior and posterior margins; ischium and merus with one posterior group of setae. Carpus with one group of setae anterodistally and many subdistal setae along anterior margin. Posterior part of carpus with setae on proximal bulbous and along postero-medial margin. Carpus 0.67 of basis length and 0.86 of propodus length. Propodus large, broader than long, posterior margin slightly convex. Anterior margin of propodus with 11 simple setae in two groups in addition to antero-distal group with six setae; palm slightly convex, with one strong long palmar robust seta, one short supporting robust seta on inner surface and two short robust setae with lateral projections on outer surface. In addition, two setae under supporting robust seta in palmar corner. Dactylus not reaching posterior margin of propodus, outer and inner margins each with a row of four simple setae, nail short, length 0.23 of total dactylus length.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Gnathopod II (fig. 11D). Coxa II rectangular, with 13 simple setae along antero-ventral margin. Posterior margin of basis with two groups of setae and two single setae, anterior margin of basis with single seta. Posterior margin of ischium and merus with one posterior group of setae. Carpus 0.49 of basis length and 0.84 propodus length; carpus with single antero-distal group of setae, with setae on posterior-proximal bulbous and with a row of setae along postero-medial margin. Propodus in gnathopod II larger than gnathopod I, broader than long, anterior margin with two simple setae in one group in addition to five antero-distal setae. Medial surface of propodus with few setae. Palm slightly convex, with one strong palmar robust seta, one short supporting robust seta on inner surface and two short robust setae with lateral projections on outer surface. Dactylus not reaching posterior margin of propodus, outer margin of dactylus with two groups of two and three simple setae, and with seven simple setae on inner margin, nail length 0.16 of total dactylus length.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Coxae III&ndash;VII (fig. 12A&ndash;F). Length to width ratio in coxa III 2: 1, antero-ventral margins of coxa III with 12 simple setae and one robust seta. Length to width ratio in coxa IV 1.12: 1, ventro- posterior margins of coxa IV with eight simple setae, posterior concavity shallow and approximately 0.07 of coxa width (fig. 12A&ndash;B). Coxa V with posteriorly developed lobe, with four simple setae in anterior lobe and four setae posteriorly. Coxa VI with anteriorly developed lobe, and single seta posteriorly. Coxa VII with one seta in posterior margin (fig. 12C&ndash;F).&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; &lt;b&gt;FIGURE 10.&lt;/b&gt; &lt;i&gt;Niphargus darvishi&lt;/i&gt;, &lt;b&gt;sp. nov.&lt;/b&gt;, Dimeh Spring, male 13 mm (holotype). A, A1; B, A2; C&ndash;D, MX 1; E, LMND; F, RMND; G, MNDP; H, MX 2. Scale bars: 1= 0.25 mm (E&ndash;F); 2= 0.5 mm (C&ndash;D, G&ndash;H); 3= 1mm (A&ndash;B).&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; &lt;b&gt;FIGURE 11.&lt;/b&gt; &lt;i&gt;Niphargus darvishi&lt;/i&gt;, &lt;b&gt;sp. nov.&lt;/b&gt;, Dimeh Spring, male 13 mm (holotype). A, MXP; B, L; C, GN 1; D, GN 2. Scale bars: 1= 0.5 mm (A&ndash;B); 2= 1mm (C&ndash;D).&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Pereopods III&ndash;VII (fig. 12A&ndash;F). Pereopod III longer than IV with length ratio of 1.06: 1 (fig. 8A&ndash;B). Dactyli of pereopods III&ndash;IV short, simple seta along outer margin and with two robust setae and one simple setae at inner margin. Length of dactylus in pereopod IV 0.32 of propodus. Nail shorter than pedestal (fig. 12B).&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Pereopods V&ndash;VII. Length ratios of perepods V: VI: VII equal to 1: 1.48: 1.51. Pereopod VII 0.52 of body length. Bases in pereopods V&ndash;VII with respective nine, six and six gropus of anterior setae and with 12, nine, and eight short single setae along posterior margin (fig. 12C&ndash;F). Postero-ventral lobe of ischium in pereopods V&ndash;VII developed. Ischium, merus and carpus in pereopods V&ndash;VII with several groups of robust and simple setae along anterior and posterior margin. Propodus of pereopod VII slightly longer than these in V and VI. Dactyli of pereopods V&ndash;VII with three (on paratype, appendage broken in holotype), three and four robust setae along inner margin, respectively. Outer margin with single seta in pereopods V&ndash;VI and with two such setae in pereopod VII. Nail length of pereopod VII 0.28 of total dactylus length (fig. 12C&ndash;E).&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Pereonites I&ndash;VII. No setae.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Pleonites I&ndash;III. With one simple seta at postero-dorsal margin.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Pleopods I&ndash;III (fig. 13A&ndash;C). Peduncle of pleopods I&ndash;III with two hooked retinacula at distal part of inner margin; peduncle of pleopods I&ndash;II each with one simple seta. Rami of pleopod I broken, Rami of pleopod II&ndash;III with 13&ndash;15 articles and 12&ndash;14 articles, respectively.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Epimeral plates I&ndash;III (fig. 13D). Epimeral plates with postero-ventral corner angular; posterior and ventral margins slightly convex. Epimeral plate III with distinctly produced posterodistal corner, posterior and ventral margins concave and convex, respectively. All plates with one long robust seta at posterior margin; with two, three and three simple setae at posterior margin, respectively; ventral margin of plates II and III with three and one robust setae, respectively.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Urosomites I&ndash;II. Postero-dorsally each with two robust setae. Dorsally with one and two simple setae, respectively. With one strong robust seta, at the base of uropod I.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Uropods I&ndash;III (fig. 13E&ndash;F). Peduncle in uropod I with five and three large robust setae in dorso-lateral and dorso-medial margins, respectively. Ratio of inner to outer ramus length 1.15: 1.05. Inner ramus with five groups of robust setae and five robust setae distally. Outer ramus with four groups of robust and simple setae laterally and five single robust setae distally (fig. 13E). Inner ramus in uropod II slightly longer than outer, both rami with lateral and distal long robust setae (fig. 13E). Uropod III with no sexual dimorphism, almost 0.24 of body length. Peduncle of uropod III with five robust setae distally, proximal article of outer ramus with five and six groups of robust setae along outer and inner margin, respectively (fig. 13F). Distal to proximal article ratio of outer ramus 1: 12, distal article with two simple lateral setae and one distal simple seta. Inner ramus of uropod III short, with one distal robust seta.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Telson (fig. 13G) as long as broad, deeply cleft, each lobe with three distal long robust setae and one long simple seta, with two simple setae laterally.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; &lt;b&gt;FIGURE 13.&lt;/b&gt; &lt;i&gt;Niphargus darvishi&lt;/i&gt;, &lt;b&gt;sp. nov.&lt;/b&gt;, Dimeh Spring, male 13 mm (holotype). A, PL 1; B, PL 2; C, PL 3; D, EP 1&ndash;3; E, USM; F, U 3; G, T. Scale bars: 1= 0.5 mm (D, G); 2= 1mm (A&ndash;C, E); 3= 2mm (F).&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; &lt;b&gt;Etymology.&lt;/b&gt; The species is named in honor of Professor Jamshid Darvish, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad who is one of the leading experts in animal biosystematics studies in Iran.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; &lt;b&gt;Remarks and affinities.&lt;/b&gt; &lt;i&gt;Niphargus darvishi&lt;/i&gt; in many aspects (pectinate dactyli, produced epimeral plates and broad gnathopods) resembles to &lt;i&gt;N. valachicus&lt;/i&gt;; however, the two species differ from each other by ornamentation of urosomite I (&lt;i&gt;N. valachicus&lt;/i&gt; with single strong and curved seta on tiny protuberance) and male uropod I (&lt;i&gt;N. valachicus&lt;/i&gt; with finger-like protuberance distally on peduncle). Some similarities (pectinate dactyli, broad gnathopods) are found in species from West Balkan (&lt;i&gt;N. rejici&lt;/i&gt;, &lt;i&gt;N. jadranko&lt;/i&gt;, &lt;i&gt;N. pectencoronate&lt;/i&gt;, see Sket &amp; Karaman 1990) and from Middle East (&lt;i&gt;N. nadarini&lt;/i&gt;, &lt;i&gt;N. sertaci, N. khayyami&lt;/i&gt; see Alouf 1972; Karaman 1986; Fi&scaron;er &lt;i&gt;et al&lt;/i&gt;. 2009b; Hekmatara &lt;i&gt;et al&lt;/i&gt;. 2013). Moreover, Middle East species share with &lt;i&gt;N. darvishi&lt;/i&gt; another trait, i.e. pluritooth robust setae on outer lobe of maxilla I. None of these species, however, has disto-posteriorly produced epimeral plates or narrow bases of pereopods V&ndash;VII as herein described &lt;i&gt;N. darvishi&lt;/i&gt;.&lt;/p&gt;Published as part of &lt;i&gt;Esmaeili-Rineh, Somayeh, Sari, Alireza &amp; Fišer, Cene, 2015, Making future taxonomy of Niphargus (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Niphargidae) in the Middle East easier: DELTA database of Middle East species with description of four new species from Iran, pp. 401-430 in Zootaxa 4020 (3)&lt;/i&gt; on pages 414-418, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4020.3.1, &lt;a href="http://zenodo.org/record/236879"&gt;http://zenodo.org/record/236879&lt;/a&gt

    Niphargus sharifi Esmaeili-Rineh, Sari & Fišer, 2015, sp. nov.

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    &lt;i&gt;Niphargus sharifi&lt;/i&gt; sp. nov. &lt;p&gt;(Figs 14&ndash;17)&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; &lt;b&gt;Material examined and type locality.&lt;/b&gt; Holotype, male ZUTC Amph.2332. Sarab-e-Robat (Fig. 1), Khoram-Abad city, Lorestan Province, Iran (33&deg;35&prime;N, 48&deg;18&prime;E). Five male paratypes, ZUTC Amph.2348.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; &lt;b&gt;Diagnosis.&lt;/b&gt; Maxilla I with pluritooth robust setae on outer lobe. Propods of gnathopods longer than broad; in palmar corner more than one supporting robust seta (multiple supporting robust setae). Dactyli of pereopods with single robust seta at the base of nail. Epimeral plates not produced postero-distally. No sexual dimorphism in uropods was detected.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; &lt;b&gt;Description of holotype.&lt;/b&gt; Body length 19 mm. Body stout. Head length 15% of body length.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Antennae I (fig. 14A). Antenna I 0.48 of body length. Peduncular articles 1&ndash;3 progressively shorter; length of peduncular article 3 more than half of peduncular article 2; main flagellum with 32 articles (most of which with short setae); accessory flagellum bi-articulated and not reaching beyond one-third of article 2 of main flagellum; second articles with two simple setae (fig. 14A).&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Antennae II (fig. 14B). Antenna II as long as 0.47 antenna I. Peduncular article 5 shorter than article 4, ratio between articles 4:5 equal to 1.15: 1:, each peduncular article with six groups of simple setae. Flagellum with 14 articles, approximately 0.68 of length of peduncle articles 4 + 5.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Labium (fig. 15B) with inner lobes.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Maxilla I (fig. 14 F&ndash;G). Inner plate with three long simple setae, outer plate with seven long robust setae of which four with more than five and three with five lateral projections; palp bi-articulated, long, with three long distal simple setae.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Maxilla II (fig. 14H). Both plates with numerous long distal simple setae.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Mandibular palp (fig. 14E). Ratio of mandibular palp articles 1: 2: 3 equal to 1: 2.58: 2.75, no setae on first article; second article with eight long simple setae medially; third article with one group of three A-setae, six groups of B-setae, no C-setae, 25 D-setae and five E-setae.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Left mandible (fig. 14C). Incisor with five teeth, lacinia mobilis with four teeth; 10 setae with lateral projections between lacinia and triturative molar.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Right mandible (fig. 14D). Incisor with four teeth, lacinia mobilis pluritooth.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Maxilliped (fig. 15A). Inner plate short; distally five robust setae intermixed with 10 simple setae; outer plate exceeding half of posterior margin of palp article 2, with 13 marginal robust setae and four distal simple setae. Palp article 3 at outer margin with one proximal, distal and medial group of long simple setae. Distal palp article with one simple seta along outer margin and two tiny setae at the base of nail, nail shorter than pedestal.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Gnathopod I (fig. 15C). Coxa of gnathopod I smaller than gnathopod II. Coxa trapezoid, broader than long, ventral and anterior margins with three and five simple setae, respectively. Anterior and posterior margins of basis with numerous single setae; ischium and merus with one posterior group of setae. Carpus with one group of setae antero-distally. Posterior part of carpus with setae on proximal bulbous and along postero-medial margin. Carpus 0.84 of basis length and 0.8 of propodus length. Posteriorly, propodus slightly rounded, longer than broad with slightly produced palmar corner. Anterior margin with 15 setae in three groups in addition to antero-distal group with 10 setae. Medial surface of propodus with several setae; palm slightly convex, with one strong long palmar robust seta, three short supporting robust seta on inner surface and with four short robust setae with lateral projections on outer surface. In addition, there are two setae under supporting robust seta in palmar corner. Dactylus reaching posterior margin of propodus, outer and inner margins with a row of four and five simple setae, respectively, nail short, length 0.27 of total dactylus length.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; &lt;b&gt;FIGURE 14.&lt;/b&gt; &lt;i&gt;Niphargus sharifi&lt;/i&gt;, &lt;b&gt;sp. nov.&lt;/b&gt;, Sarab-e-Robat, male 19 mm (holotype). A, A1; B, A2; C, LMND; D, RMND; E, MNDP; F&ndash;G, MX 1; H, MX 2. Scale bars: 1= 0.25 mm (C&ndash;D); 2= 0.5 mm (E&ndash;H); 3= 1mm (A&ndash;B).&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; &lt;b&gt;FIGURE 15.&lt;/b&gt; &lt;i&gt;Niphargus sharifi&lt;/i&gt;, &lt;b&gt;sp. nov.&lt;/b&gt;, Sarab-e-Robat, male 19 mm (holotype). A, MXP; B, L; C, GN 1; D, GN 2. Scale bars: 1= 0.5 mm (A&ndash;B); 2= 1mm (C&ndash;D).&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Gnathopod II (fig. 15D). Coxa II rectangular, with four simple setae on ventral margin. Posterior margin of basis with groups of setae and anterior margin with single setae, posterior margin of ischium and merus with one posterior group of setae. Carpus 0.45 of basis length and 0.75 of propodus length; carpus with single antero-distal group of simple setae, posteriorly with setae on proximal bulbous and along postero-medial margin. Propodus II larger and broader than propodus of gnathopod I, rectangular, slightly longer than broad. Anterior margin of propodus with six simple setae in two groups in addition to six antero-distal setae; medial surface with few setae. Palm slightly convex, with one long strong palmar robust seta, three robust setae with lateral projections on outer surface, and with two smooth robust setae on inner surface under supporting robust seta in palmar corner two simple setae. Dactylus not reaching posterior margin of propodus, inner margins of dactylus with six single simple setae; outer margins of dactylus with two single and two pairs of simple setae (six setae in total), nail length 0.3 of total dactylus length.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Coxae III&ndash;VII (fig. 16A&ndash;E). Coxa III Length to width ratio equal to 1.51: 1, ventro- posterior margins of coxa III with three simple setae. Length to width ratio in coxa IV 1.37: 1, ventral margin with two simple and two robust setae, posterior margin with three simple setae, posterior concavity well expressed and approximately 0.15 of coxa width (fig. 16A&ndash;B). Coxa V with anteriorly developed lobe, with one simple seta in anterior lobe. Coxa VI with anteriorly developed lobe, with one simple seta in posterior lobe. Coxa VII with one simple seta in posterior margin (fig. 16C&ndash;E).&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Pereopods III&ndash;VII (fig. 16A&ndash;E). Pereopod III longer than IV with length ratio of 1.03: 1 (fig. 16A, B); dactyli of pereopods III&ndash;IV short, with one robust seta at inner margin and with one simple seta at outer margin, length of dactylus 0.35 of propodus. Nail shorter than pedestal (fig. 16B).&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Pereopods V&ndash;VII. Length ratios V: VI: VII equal to 1: 1.26: 1.18. Pereopod VII 0.48 of body length. Bases in pereopods V&ndash;VII with eight, seven and six groups of robust setae and nine, 10 and 10 short simple setae along anterior and posterior margins (fig. 16C, E). Postero-ventral lobe of ischium in pereopods V&ndash;VII developed. Ischium, merus and carpus in pereopods V&ndash;VII with several groups of robust and simple setae on anterior and posterior margins; propodus of pereopod VII slightly longer than those in V and VI, dactyli of pereopods V&ndash;VII similar to pereopod III, nail length of pereopod VII 0.32 of total dactylus length (fig. 16C&ndash;E).&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Pereonites I&ndash;VII. No setae.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Pleonites I&ndash;III. Each with five to 12 simple setae.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; &lt;b&gt;FIGURE 17.&lt;/b&gt; &lt;i&gt;Niphargus sharifi&lt;/i&gt;, &lt;b&gt;sp. nov.&lt;/b&gt;, Sarab-e-Robat, male 19 mm (holotype). A, PL 1; B, PL 2; C, PL 3; D, USM; E, U2; F, U 3; G, EP 1&ndash;3; H, T. Scale bars: 1= 0.5 mm (G&ndash;H); 2= 1mm (A&ndash;E); 3= 2mm (F).&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Pleopods I&ndash;III (fig. 17A&ndash;C). Peduncle of pleopods I&ndash;III with two hooked retinacula at distal part of inner margin; peduncle of pleopod III with one simple seta in distal surface; rami of pleopods I&ndash;III with 15 articles, 14&ndash; 16 articles and 12&ndash;14 articles, respectively.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Epimeral plates I&ndash;III (fig. 17G). postero-ventral corner angular, posterior and ventral margins concave and convex, respectively; posterior margins of plates I&ndash;III each with one robust seta and with one, five and six simple setae respectively; ventral margin of plates II and III each with two robust setae.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Urosomites I&ndash;II. With one and three robust setae dorso-laterally, respectively. At the base of uropod I strong and robust seta.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Urosomite III. Without robust setae dorso-laterally.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Uropods I&ndash;III (fig. 17D&ndash;F). Peduncle in uropod I with six and three large robust setae in dorso-lateral and dorso-medial margins, respectively. Ratio of inner to outer ramus length 1.05: 1. Inner ramus with four robust setae laterally and five robust setae distally. Outer ramus with five groups of robust setae laterally and five single robust setae distally (fig. 17D). Inner ramus in uropod II slightly longer than outer, both rami with lateral and distal long robust setae (fig. 17E). Uropod III normal, almost 0.35 of body length. Peduncle of uropod III with six robust setae distally. Proximal article of outer ramus with five groups of robust and simple setae along inner and outer margin (fig. 17F). Distal article of outer ramus short; second to first article ratio 1: 6; distal article with marginal simple setae and two distal simple setae. Inner ramus short, with two distal robust setae and one lateral robust seta.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Telson (fig. 17H) as long as broad, deeply cleft, each lobe with three long robust setae and with one simple seta distally and with two long simple setae marginally.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; &lt;b&gt;Etymology.&lt;/b&gt; The species is named in honor of Professor Mozafar Sharifi, Razi University of Kermanshah, Iran who dedicated his research to the study of cave dwelling animals of Iran.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; &lt;b&gt;Remarks and affinities.&lt;/b&gt; &lt;i&gt;Niphargus sharifi&lt;/i&gt; is diagnosed by unique combination of pluritooth robust setae on outer lobe of maxilla I and multiple supporting robust setae. As discussed earlier, multiple supporting robust setae in palmar corner have been described only once in Europe (Karaman 1952), but we found these in three species in Iran. However, neither &lt;i&gt;N. kenki&lt;/i&gt;, &lt;i&gt;N. bisitunicus&lt;/i&gt; nor &lt;i&gt;N. borisi&lt;/i&gt; share pluritooth maxilla I.&lt;/p&gt;Published as part of &lt;i&gt;Esmaeili-Rineh, Somayeh, Sari, Alireza &amp; Fišer, Cene, 2015, Making future taxonomy of Niphargus (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Niphargidae) in the Middle East easier: DELTA database of Middle East species with description of four new species from Iran, pp. 401-430 in Zootaxa 4020 (3)&lt;/i&gt; on pages 419-424, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4020.3.1, &lt;a href="http://zenodo.org/record/236879"&gt;http://zenodo.org/record/236879&lt;/a&gt

    Niphargus bisitunicus Esmaeili-Rineh, Sari & Fišer, 2015, sp. nov.

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    &lt;i&gt;Niphargus bisitunicus&lt;/i&gt; sp. nov. &lt;p&gt;(Figs 2&ndash;5)&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; &lt;b&gt;Material examined and type locality.&lt;/b&gt; Holotype, male ZUTC Amph.2326. Sarab-e- Bisitun (Fig. 1), 25 Km west of Kermanshah city, Kermanshah Province, Iran (34&deg;25&prime;N, 07&deg;28&prime;E). Three male paratypes ZUTC Amph.2345.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; &lt;b&gt;Diagnosis.&lt;/b&gt; Urosomites I&ndash;II with one and three robust setae accompanied with two simple setae along the dorso-lateral margin. Epimeral plates distinctly produced. Telson deeply cleft, each lobe with three apical robust setae, one marginal robust seta and two marginal simple setae. Propods of gnathopods I&ndash;II each with two shortrobust setae (so called supporting robust setae) in palmar corner. Dactyli of pereopods III&ndash;VII with one simple seta at outer margin.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; &lt;b&gt;Description of holotype.&lt;/b&gt; Body length 9 mm. Body stout. Head length 12% of body length. Antennae I (fig. 2A). Antenna I 0.23 of body length. Peduncular articles 1&ndash;3 progressively shorter; length of peduncular article 3 more than half of peduncular article 2; main flagellum with 22 articles (most of which with short setae); accessory flagellum bi-articulated and reaching one-third of article 2 of main flagellum; first and second articles with one and two simple setae, respectively (fig. 2A).&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Antennae II (fig. 2B). Antenna II as long as 0.56 of antenna I. Peduncular article 5 slightly shorter than article 4, ratio between articles 4: 5 equal to 1: 0.9, article 5 with five groups of simple setae; flagellum with 10 articles, approximately 0.96 of length of peduncle articles 4 +5.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Labium (fig. 3B) with inner lobes.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Maxilla I (fig. 2D, E). Inner plate with two long simple setae, outer plate with seven long robust setae of which four with one, one with two and two without lateral projections; palp bi-articulated, long, with three long distal simple setae.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Maxilla II (fig. 2C). Both plates with numerous long distal simple setae, inner lobe with lateral simple setae.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Mandibular palp (fig. 2F). Ratio of mandibular palp articles 1: 2: 3 equal to 1: 1.8: 1.5, no setae on first article; second article with seven long simple setae medially; third article with one group of two A-setae, two single groups of B-setae, no C-setae, 15 D-setae and five E-setae.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Left mandible (fig. 2G). Incisor with five teeth, lacinia mobilis with two large teeth; seven setae with lateral projections between lacinia and triturative molar. Right mandible (fig. 2H). Incisor with four teeth, lacinia mobilis pluritooth; eight setae with lateral projections between lacinia and triturative molar.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; &lt;b&gt;FIGURE 2.&lt;/b&gt; &lt;i&gt;Niphargus bisitunicus&lt;/i&gt;, &lt;b&gt;sp. nov.&lt;/b&gt;, Sarab-e- Bisitun, male 9 mm (holotype). A, A1; B, A2; C, MX 2; D&ndash;E, MX 1; F, MNDP; G, LMND; H, RMND. Scale bars: 1= 0.25 mm (G&ndash;H); 2= 0.5 mm (C&ndash;F); 3= 1mm (A&ndash;B).&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Maxilliped (fig. 3A). Inner plate short; distally three robust setae intermixed with six simple setae, subdistally three simple long lateral setae; outer plate not exceeding half of posterior margin of palp article 2, with 10 marginal robust setae and six distal simple setae; palp article 3 at outer margin with one proximal and one distal group of long simple setae, with one medial long simple seta in outer margin; terminal article of palp with one simple seta along outer (upper) margin and seta at the base of nail, nail shorter than pedestal.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Gnathopod I (fig. 3C). Coxa trapezoid, broader than long, ventral and anterior margins with three and four simple setae, respectively. Anterior margin of basis with two single setae and setae in groups; posterior margin with groups of setae; ischium and merus with one posterior group of setae. Carpus 0.91 of basis length and 0.83 of propodus length; with one group of setae antero-distally and setae in rows on the proximo-posterior bulb and along postero-medial margin. Propodus slightly longer than broad, anterior margin with 10 simple setae in two groups in addition to antero-distal group with seven setae, medial surface of propodus with few setae; palm slightly convex, with one strong long palmar robust seta, two short supporting robust setae on inner surface and one short robust seta with lateral projections on outer surface. Along posterior margin of propodus with four rows of setae. Dactylus reaching posterior margin of propodus, outer and inner margins with a row of two and four simple setae, respectively, nail short, length 0.27 of total dactylus length.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; &lt;b&gt;FIGURE 3.&lt;/b&gt; &lt;i&gt;Niphargus bisitunicus&lt;/i&gt;, &lt;b&gt;sp. nov.&lt;/b&gt;, Sarab-e- Bisitun, male 9 mm (holotype). A, MXP; B, L; C, GN 1; D, GN 2. Scale bars: 1= 0.5 mm (A&ndash;B); 2= 1mm (C&ndash;D).&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Gnathopod II (fig. 3D). Coxa II rectangular, deeper than long, with nine setae along antero-ventral margin; posterior margin of basis with some setal groups and some single setae; anterior margin with single setae; posterior margin of ischium and merus with one posterior group of setae. Carpus 0.49 of the basis length and 0.75 of the propodus length; carpus with antero-distal group of setae, and setae in rows on the proximo-posterior bulb and along postero-medial margin. Propodus II larger than propodus of gnathopod I, rectangular, slightly longer than broad, anterior margin with a single seta and a pair of simple setae in addition to eight antero-distal setae, with three medial setae on surface of propodus, palm convex, with one strong palmar robust seta, with two short robust setae and one robust seta with lateral projections on inner and outer surface. Dactylus reaching posterior margin of propodus, outer and inner margins of dactylus with four simple setae each, nail length 0.24 of total dactylus length.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Coxae III&ndash;VII (fig. 4A&ndash;E). Length to width ratio in coxa III 2: 1, anterio-ventral margin with seven simple setae. Length to width ratio in coxa IV 2: 1, anterio-ventral margins with six simple setae, posterior concavity shallow and approximately 0.04 of coxa width (fig. 4B). Coxa V with anteriorly developed lobe, with one and four simple setae on anterior and posterior lobes, respectively. Coxa VI with anteriorly developed lobe, with one robust seta in anterior lobe. Coxa VII with two setae in posterior margin (fig. 4C&ndash;E).&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Pereopods III&ndash;VII (fig. 4A&ndash;E). Pereopod III slightly longer than IV with length ratio of 1: 1.04 (fig. 4A, B); dactyli of pereopods III -IV short, with one robust seta and one simple seta at inner margin and one simple seta along outer margin of dactylus, in pereopod IV length of nail 0.46 of dactylus (fig. 4B).&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Pereopods V: VI: VII length ratios, 1:1.31: 1.22, respectively. Pereopod VII 0.41 of body length. Bases in pereopods V&ndash;VII with six, five and six groups of robust setae along anterior margin and with 10, 10 and 11 short simple setae along posterior margin, respectively (fig. 4C&ndash;E). Postero-ventral lobe of ischium in pereopods V&ndash;VII developed. Ischium, merus and carpus in pereopods V&ndash;VII with several groups of robust and simple setae on anterior and posterior margins; propodus of pereopod VII longer than these in V and VI, dactyli of pereopods VI&ndash; VII similar to dactyli of pereopods III&ndash;IV but with shorter nail (0.3 of total dactylus length in pereopod VII) (fig. 4C&ndash;E).&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Pereonites I&ndash;VII. No setae.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Pleonites I&ndash;III. With four simple setae at dorso-posterior margin.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Pleopods I&ndash;III (fig. 5A&ndash;C). Peduncle of pleopods I&ndash;III with two hooked retinacles at distal part of inner margin (fig. 5A, B); rami of pleopods I with nine to 10 articles, rami of pleopods II with seven to nine articles, rami of pleopods III with eight to 11 articles.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; &lt;b&gt;FIGURE 5.&lt;/b&gt; &lt;i&gt;Niphargus bisitunicus&lt;/i&gt;, &lt;b&gt;sp. nov.&lt;/b&gt;, Sarab-e- Bisitun, male 9 mm (holotype). A, PL 1; B, PL 2; C, PL 3; D, USM; E, U 2; F, U 3; G, T; H, EP 1&ndash;3. Scale bars: 1= 0.5 mm (G&ndash;H); 2= 1mm (A&ndash;E); 3= 2mm (F).&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Epimeral plates I&ndash;III (fig. 5H). Postero-ventral corner angular and clearly produced, posterior and ventral margins concave and convex, respectively; epimeral plates I&ndash;III with one long robust seta and two simple setae at posterior margin; ventral margin of plates II and III each with three robust setae.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Urosomites I&ndash;II (fig. 5D) Postero-dorsally with one and three robust setae, respectively and each with two simple setae dorsally.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Uropods I&ndash;III (fig. 5D&ndash;F). Peduncle in uropod I with seven and three long robust setae in dorso-lateral and dorso-medial margins, respectively. Ratio of inner to outer ramus length 1:1.06. and Inner ramus with two single robust setae laterally and five robust setae distally. Outer ramus with four groups of robust setae laterally and five robust setae distally (fig. 5D). Inner ramus in uropod II slightly longer than outer, both rami with lateral and distal long robust setae (fig. 5E). Uropod III long, almost 0.31 of body length. Peduncle of uropod III with six robust setae distally, proximal article of outer ramus with four and five groups of robust setae along inner and outer margins, respectively (fig. 5F). Proximal to distal article ratio of outer ramus 1.56: 0.56, distal article with lateral simple setae and five distal simple setae; inner ramus very short, with two distal robust setae.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Telson (fig. 5G). Deeply cleft, each lobe with three distal long robust setae, one lateral long robust seta and two lateral simple setae; length of longest apical robust seta to telson length 0.3: 1.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; &lt;b&gt;Etymology.&lt;/b&gt; The name &ldquo; &lt;i&gt;bisitunicus&lt;/i&gt; &rdquo; refers to the type locality. Bisitun is a historical monument with a multilingual inscription on rocks of Bisitun Mountain in 25 Km west of Kermanshah City carved at 522 BC. by order of Dariush the Great, King of Persia.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; &lt;b&gt;Remarks and affinities.&lt;/b&gt; &lt;i&gt;Niphargus bisitunicus&lt;/i&gt; is best characterized with two clearly visible characters. The first one is strongly produced epimeral plates II&ndash;III. This trait has been described from numerous species including &lt;i&gt;N. hrabei&lt;/i&gt;, &lt;i&gt;N. thermalis&lt;/i&gt; and &lt;i&gt;N. valachicus&lt;/i&gt; (Karaman 1932; Dobreanu &amp; Manolache 1933; Dudich 1941). All these species can be easily distinguished from &lt;i&gt;N. bisitunicus&lt;/i&gt; by pectinate dactyli of pereopods III&ndash;VII. In addition, in none of these species has been reported the second diagnostic character of &lt;i&gt;N. bisitunicus&lt;/i&gt;, i.e. multiple robust setae on medial surface of palmar corner (supporting robust setae). This character has been so far found only in &lt;i&gt;N. kenki&lt;/i&gt; (Slovenia, Karaman 1952) and even in this species we noted remarkable polymorphism in this trait. If this multiple supporting robust setae seem to be rare in Europe, this is not the case in Iran. We found this trait in three herein described species (see below). However, none of them has produced epimeral plates.&lt;/p&gt;Published as part of &lt;i&gt;Esmaeili-Rineh, Somayeh, Sari, Alireza &amp; Fišer, Cene, 2015, Making future taxonomy of Niphargus (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Niphargidae) in the Middle East easier: DELTA database of Middle East species with description of four new species from Iran, pp. 401-430 in Zootaxa 4020 (3)&lt;/i&gt; on pages 403-408, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4020.3.1, &lt;a href="http://zenodo.org/record/236879"&gt;http://zenodo.org/record/236879&lt;/a&gt