161 research outputs found

    Instant Messaging and Employee\u27s Performance: A Text Mining Approach

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    The adoption of Instant Messaging (IM) applications in the workplace remains contentious due to difficulties in adequately quantifying organizational benefits and how it affects individual performance. Previous research on the impact of IM usage on employee performance has been limited to analyzing primary data (i.e., survey methods), making it difficult to extrapolate the findings to a constantly changing workplace. In contrast, we investigate the relationships between these individuals\u27 IM usage at the workplace and their primary assessment metric in their organization, performance evaluation, using longitudinal data of employees\u27 IM activities and their performance evaluation collected from a US Fortune 500 financial company. Using cutting-edge text-mining techniques, we identify the primary purposes of IM utilization in organizations and assess the impact of those attributes on employee performance. Our findings show that IM in the workplace can improve team communication, knowledge-sharing experience, and social networking among employees, but it can also be disruptive. However, the combined effect of team communication and knowledge sharing on employee performance can overshadow the negative impact of IM interruption on employee performance

    Enterprise Social Networking Platform and Employees’ Job Mobility

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    We study the association between people\u27 participation in an ESN platform and job mobility events using employees\u27 actions on an S&P500 company\u27s enterprise social networking (ESN) platform. Using cutting-edge text-mining algorithms, we first determine the settings in which employees use these platforms and then assess the relationship between those qualities and job mobility. According to our topic-modeling analysis, employee participation on workplace social networking platforms has multiple dimensions; nonetheless, it is mainly employed for knowledge-sharing, social networking, employee engagement, and volunteer activities. We provide empirical evidence that employees\u27 contributions to knowledge-sharing, social networking, and organizational engagement via ESN lead to a higher likelihood of job mobility; however, a higher number of complaints, perhaps surprisingly, is associated with a higher likelihood of job mobility. We contend that better levels of knowledge-sharing, social networking, and employee engagement with less complaints can be linked to self-promotion, resulting in a higher likelihood of promotion

    Spiritual health from the perspective of western and Islamic scientists

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    For downloading the full-text of this article please click here.Spiritual health is a new concept in the area of health, attracting the attention of many health-related researchers in recent decades. This notion was initially proposed and developed in western societies. The health system of our country has begun to investigate the issue in recent years.Given that spiritual health is rooted in people’s beliefs and culture (which are essential elements in defining and exploiting spiritual health), examining the Islamic and western viewpoints toward this concept prevents the waste of many resources and sheds light on the notions that have remained unknown to our society.For downloading the full-text of this article please click here.Please cite this article as: Esmaeili M. Spiritual health from the perspective of western and Islamic scientists. J Res Relig Health. 2018; 4(3): 1- 6.

    Solar Energy and Its Purpose in Net-Zero Energy Building

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    The Net Zero Energy Building is generally described as an extremely energy-efficient building in which the residual electricity demand is provided by renewable energy. Solar power is also regarded to be the most readily available and usable form of renewable electricity produced at the building site. In contrast, energy conservation is viewed as an influential national for achieving a building’s net zero energy status. This chapter aims to show the value of the synergy between energy conservation and solar energy transfer to NZEBs at the global and regional levels. To achieve these goals, both energy demand building and the potential supply of solar energy in buildings have been forecasted in various regions, climatic conditions, and types of buildings. Building energy consumption was evaluated based on a bottom-up energy model developed by 3CSEP and data inputs from the Bottom-Up Energy Analysis System (BUENAS) model under two scenarios of differing degrees of energy efficiency intention. The study results indicate that the acquisition of sustainable energy consumption is critical for solar-powered net zero energy buildings in various building styles and environments. The chapter calls for the value of government measures that incorporate energy conservation and renewable energy

    Correlation of religious coping strategy with quality of life of the elderly with colorectal cancer referred to colorectal clinics of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences

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    Background: Among the types of cancers, colorectal cancer is more likely to occur in the elderly; It is known as one of the most common causes of death in the world. Cancer and living with an ostomy affect different aspects of the elderly life and increase stress in them. Religious coping strategies are methods based on spirituality and religion that help a person deal with stressful issues so that patients can adapt to the situation by increasing acceptance. Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate the correlation between religious coping strategies and quality of life in elderly patients with ostomy colon cancer Methods: This study was a descriptive_correlational which was carried out on 85 elderly patients with colon cancer who referred to colorectal clinics of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences hospitals in 2019. The inclusion criteria were the diagnosis of colon cancer by the oncologist, having an abdominal ostomy, age of sixty years and older, lack of cognitive impairment by MMES (Mini Mental Examination Status) and passing at least six-month of ostomy. Sampling method was convenience. The data collection tool was  persian version of Pargament's Brief religious coping Scale and the City of Hope quality of life-ostomy questionnaire. Chi-square, independent t-test, Pearson correlation and linear regression models were used to analysis. Results: The results showed that the mean age of patients was 65.28 years. The mean score of quality of life was 232.58 with standard deviation of 41.17. The mean score of religious coping was 30.55 with standard deviation of 3.19 . The correlation between quality of life and religious coping was seen and there were positive and significant correlation between religious coping  and spiritual of quality of life (r=0.269, p=0.001). Conclusion: There was a direct and significant correlation  between health dimentional of quality of life and religious coping strategies. Healths care providers with focus on coping skills training and strengthening religious coping styles in routine care can  improve the quality of life of these patients

    Glasgow Coma Scale and FOUR Score in Predicting the Mortality of Trauma Patients; a Diagnostic Accuracy Study

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    Introduction: Many scoring models have been proposed for evaluating level of consciousness in trauma patients. The aim of this study is to compare Glasgow coma scale (GCS) and Full Outline of UnResponsiveness (FOUR) score in predicting the mortality of trauma patients.Methods: In this diagnostic accuracy study trauma patients hospitalized in intensive care unit (ICU) of 2 educational hospitals were evaluated. GCS and FOUR score of each patient were simultaneously calculated on admission as well as 6, 12 and 24 hours after that. The predictive values of the two scores and their area under the receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curve were compared.Results: 90 patients were included in the present study (mean age 39.4±17.3; 74.4% male). Comparing the area under the ROC curve of GCS and FOUR score showed that these values were not different at any of the evaluated times: on admission (p=0.68), and 6 hours (p=0.13), 12 hours (p=0.18), and 24 hours (p=0.20) after that.Conclusion: The results of our study showed that, GCS and FOUR score have the same value in predicting the mortality of trauma patients. Both tools had high predictive power in predicting the outcome at the time of discharge

    Perfection in creation from the perspective of the Quran: The necessity of the creation alterations

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    For downloading the full-text of this article please click here.Background and Objective: To meet the growing need for food and drugs to improve quality of life, new technologies (e.g. biotechnology and genetic engineering) have attracted politicians and food producers worldwide. Aberrant application of these technologies could cause irreparable consequences that can be life threatening. Changes of genetic entity for improvement and reconstruction of the creation for usage in modern world are main topic under consideration in these technologies. However, there are many controversies for their application in the world.Method: In this study, by reviewing the Quran, Hadiths, and articles, we tried to provide a discussion on limitations, justifiability or illegality of the creation change. The researchers observed all ethical issues in the study and declared no conflict of interests.Results: The provided data showed that change in the creation occurs naturally in the physical dimension, in contrast to the spiritual view, and seems to be allowable provided by the preserve of the entity of the creation.Conclusion: With respect to the ethical issue and nature of the creatures, manipulation of the creation for the sake of their improvement in function and activity toward normal status seems to be allowable.For downloading the full-text of this article please click here.Please cite this article as: Alebouyeh M, Esmaeili M. Perfection in creation from the perspective of the Quran: The necessity of the creation alterations. J Res Relig Health. 2019; 4(5):118- 128

    Investigating the evolution of gender’s role in work-life discourse: Bibliometric and visualization analysis

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    For almost three decades, the issue of work-life interface of employees has been considered by researchers in this field. With the wider presence of women in professional activities, the issue of gender and its role in work-life interface is becoming more important and the number of research in this field is increasing. The purpose of this article is to provide a systematic review of research conducted in this field and to examine their evolution. Accordingly, studies in the field of work-life interface with emphasis on the role of gender, from the beginning until now (1991 to 2021) were extracted from the Web of Science database and analyzed using VOS Viewer software. The results were presented in two main sections. First; Descriptive information that included the quantitative trend of research and citations in this field, top articles, most active researchers, countries, journals and universities, and second; visualization analyses also include co citation and keywords co-occurrence which show the intellectual and conceptual structure of this field. The results showed that in addition to the increasing quantitative growth of research on this concept, the evolution of research topics in this discourse was from the negative side of work-life interface of women in the form of work-life conflict to the positive side of this concept in the form of enrichment and work-life balance and finally, the ideological concepts of gender role, gender attitude, gender equality, and gender inequality

    Nanotechnology in the Service of Solar Energy Systems

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    Nanotechnology can help to address the existing efficiency hurdles and greatly increase the generation and storage of solar energy. A variety of physical processes have been established at the nanoscale that can improve the processing and transmission of solar energy. The application of nanotechnology in solar cells has opened the path to the development of a new generation of high-performance products. When competition for clean energy options is growing, a variety of potential approaches have been discussed in order to expand the prospects. New principles have been explored in the area of solar cell generation, multi-generation, spectrum modulation, thermo-photoelectric cells, hot carrier, the middle band, and many other techniques. Nanoparticles and nanostructures have been shown to enhance the absorption of light, increase the conversion of light to energy, and have improved thermal storage and transport

    Investigating the visual-oral effect of Quran verses on the intensity of labor pain among prim-parous patients

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    For downloading the full-text of this article please click here.Background and Objective: The pain of travail is categorized among the most severe pains, so that relieving it can lead to simplicity of the process and avoiding unseasonable cesareans. Given the research into the effect of Quran's sound on pain and anxiety reduction, this study aimed at investigating the auditory and visual effects of Quran verses on the pain intensity of step of travail among prim-parous women.Method: In this semi-experimental clinical trial study, 102 eligible prim-parous women were randomly divided into intervention and control groups. In the intervention group, until the end of the active phase of the first stage of travail, about 20 minutes of the verses of Maryam were displayed each hour through the screen by hearing the Quran's audio via the headphones. In both groups, pain intensity and vital signs were measured every hour and the heart rate of the fetus was recorded. All ethical issues were observed in this study and the authors did not report any conflicts of interest.Results: There was a significant difference between the control and intervention groups as for the duration of the first step of travail using independent t-test (p<0/05). The mean of the first step of travail in the intervention group was shorter than 100 minutes. The Mann-Whitney test showed a faster opening of the uterine cavity during the active phase of the first stage of travail (p<0/05), so that all intervention group members passed this step for a maximum of seven hours. The intensity of pain recorded at the fourth and fifth hours of the active phase of the first step of travail in the mothers of the intervention group was significantly lower (p<0/05) and in general, the average severity of pain was lower in the intervention group (p<0/05).Conclusion: Using sound and image of Quranic verses significantly reduces the duration and severity of labor pain in a way that it can calm mothers down during childbirth.For downloading the full-text of this article please click here.Please cite this article as: Esmaeili M, Ardestani N, Karamkhani M. Investigating the visual-oral effect of Quran verses on the intensity of labor pain among prim-parous patients. J Res Relig Health. 2019; 5(1): 112- 22.  doi: https://doi.org/10.22037/jrrh.v5i1.1738