15 research outputs found

    Awareness of Pregnant Women for COVID-19 Infection

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    Covid outbreak has been getting worse and spread affected all over the world. Pregnant patients are also vulnerable to respiratory diseases. We aimed to evaluate the awareness, emotional status, and behavior of pregnant during the COVID outbreak. This study's main benefit is to analyze the knowledge and understanding of pregnant women about the pandemic and draw attention to the prevention issues that need improvement. This research is a prospective observational study that 199 patients subjected to a questionnaire including 29 questions about patient characteristics, pregnancy information, knowledge about COVID19-infection, behavioral and emotional changes. 130 (65.3) of the patients stated an above-average knowledge level. Television was the most frequent information source (75.4%, n:150) and was the only information source for 90 (45.1%) of the patients. Sixty-nine patients used more than one information source. More than one prevention method uses by 149 (75%) of the patients. Washing hands (n:183, 92.0%) and cleaning the house (n:122, 61.3%) were the most preferred methods. Only 55 (27.6%) of the patients used a mask for prevention. 88(44.2%) of the patients stated that they preferred a shorter hospital stay, and 75 (37.7%) of the patients indicated that they postponed or avoided the pregnancy follow-up visits due to the COVID-19 issue. Pregnant women seem to be aware and stressed of COVID-19, but knowledge of what to do seems insufficient. Patients informed of risks of COVID infection, unplanned hospital admission, and chances of avoiding necessary visits and home birth demands

    The correlation between birth weight and insulin-like growth factor-binding protein-1 (IGFBP-1), kisspeptin-1 (KISS-1), and three-dimensional fetal volume

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    Purpose: This study aimed to determine the relationship between birth weight, and maternal serum insulin-like growth factor-binding protein-1 (IGFBP-1) and kisspeptin-1 (KISS-1) levels, and first-trimester fetal volume (FV) based on three-dimensional ultrasonography. Materials and methods: The study included 142 pregnant women at gestational week 11 degrees-13(6). All fetuses were imaged ultrasonographically by the same physician. Maternal blood samples were collected at the time of ultrasonographic evaluation and analyzed for IGFBP-1 and KISS-1 levels via enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Maternal and neonatal weights were recorded at birth. Birth weight 90th percentiles was defined as small and large for gestational age (SGA and LGA), respectively. Results: Median crown-rump length (CRL), FV, and maternal serum IGFBP-1 and KISS-1 levels were 58.2 mm (35.3-79.2 mm), 16.3 cm(3) (3.8-34.4 cm(3)), 68.1 ng mL(-1) (3.8-377.9 mL(-1)), and 99.7 ng L-1 (42.1-965.3 ng L-1), respectively. First-trimester IGFBP-1 levels were significantly lower in the mothers with LGA neonates (p .05). The maternal IGFBP-1 level during the first trimester was a significant independent factor for SGA and LGA neonates (Odds ratio (OR): 0.011, 95%CI: 1.005-1.018, p < .001; and OR: 1.297, 95%CI: 1.074-1.566, p = .007, respectively). There was no significant relationship between SGA or LGA, and CRL, FV, or the KISS-1 level. Conclusions: As compared to the maternal KISS-1 level, the maternal IGFBP-1 level during the first trimester might be a better biomarker of fetal growth. Additional larger scale studies are needed to further delineate the utility of IGFBP-1 as a marker of abnormal birth weight

    COVID-19 during pregnancy and its impacts on perinatal health

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    n this review, we reviewed current literature on COVID-19 infection during pregnancy and provided up-to-date information and community/society recommendations. Although it has previous examples such as SARS and MERS and the infection findings appeared at an earlier period and have become known in China, the infection could not be limited and spread worldwide. Until June 8, 2020, a total of 6.8 million cases were reported and 397,000 cases died. As of the same date, the total case number in Turkey is 171,000 and total number of death is 4711. COVID-19 virus spread by droplets and its incubation period varies between 2 and 14 days. The rate of asymptomatic cases is 42% in non-pregnant patients while it is 44–89% in pregnant women. The disease progresses with mild-medium severity in about 80% of the patients, and it recovers by itself. A total of 17 maternal death cases has been reported. Although vertical transmission risk is very low according to a study investigating 265 pregnant women, there are cases showing fetal vertical transmission and we reviewed such cases in detail in this review

    Succesful Management of the Pregnancy Complicated with Thrombophilia, Uterine Unicollis and Previous Pregnancy Loss: A Case Report

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    A 28 years old multigravid admitted to our maternal fetal medicine unit because of a second trimester loss of pregnancy due to preterm labor at 28 week. Her obstetrical history was uneventful. Ultrasonographic examination revealed a unicornuate uterus with rudimentary horn. Hyperhomocysteinemia caused by MTHFR heterozy gosity and decrease in Protein S levels were found by blood analysis. Low dose aspirine and LWM Heparin were started 6 weeks bef ore conception. Follow-up of the pregnancy in the functional unicornus resulted in a healthy baby delivered by cesarean section at 37 week due to chronic intrauterine hypoxia and uterine anomaly

    Marfan Syndrome and Pregnancy-A Case Report and Review of the Literature

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    Marfan syndrome is an autosomal dominant disorder characterized by abnormalities of skeletal, cardiovascular and ocular systems. Pregnant women may suffer from hemodynamic stress resulting from increased cardiac output and structural changes in the aortic wall leading dilatation and dissection of the aorta. It is usually advised to avoid pregnancy to women with Marfan Syndrome however with advances in medicine, successful pregnancies with Marfan Syndrome are reported. Therefore, the aim of this study is to review the literature over a case with a successful management during pregnancy

    Prenatal Diagnosis of Iniencephaly: Clues and Pitfalls

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    Iniencephaly is a congenital malformation consisting of occipital bone defect with enlargement of the foramen magnum, cervical dysraphism and fixed retroflection of the head due to spinal deformities. A 38-years-old woman presented to Etlik Zubeyde Hanim Maternity Hospital perinatology clinic at 18 week of gestation. Ultrasonography revealed a large occipital encephalocele and short cervicothoracic spine. Termination of pregnancy was recommended with the diagnosis of iniencephaly but the family refused it because of religious concerns. She was lost in follow-up but at 38 weeks she presented to our department with regular uterine contractions. Ultrasonography revealed extreme retroflexion of the head, a very short cervicothoracic spine, an encephalocele and marked polyhydramnios. Due to severe retroflexion of the head, a caudal sweep motion of the ultrasound probe gave an impression of a posteriorly placed bladder. Normal chin and neck relation was lacking. A cesarean section was decided due to marked flexion of the spine. A female fetus was delivered weighing 2790 g, with Apgar scores of 1 at 1 min and 1 at 5 min. Iniencephaly is a lethal abnormality which may be diagnosed prenatally with striking ultrasonographic features

    Early Prenatal Diagnosis of Ectopia Cordis: A Case Report

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    Ectopia cordis is a very rare congenital anomaly with an incidence of 5.5-7.9 per million live births. In this manuscript we report an ectopia cordis diagnosed in a fetus at 12 weeks

    Fetal Ovarian Cyst Rupture Resulting in Transient Fetal Ascites

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    A 21-year-old gravida 1 para 0 woman was referred to our maternal-fetal medicine center due to a fetal intraabdominal cyst at 32 weeks of pregnancy. On the ultrasonography, lateral and superior to the bladder, there was a sharply circumscribed, thin walled anechoic cystic structure measuring 56x58 millimeter. Our presumed diagnosis was fetal ovarian cyst and we decided to aspirate the fluid and scheduled it on Monday. The family was informed about the situation and the procedure was postponed on Monday for family decision. However, on Monday, there was no cystic structure but surprisingly, severe spontaneous fetal ascites developed. On the follow-up, one week later, there was no intraabdominal fluid or cyst. At 38 weeks 2 days of pregnancy, the patient vaginally delivered a 3460 grams healthy female baby. Although it is rare, ovarian cyst should be in the differential diagnosis of fetal ascites especially when it is recent and transient


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    Giriş: Solunum sistemi fonksiyonları bağlamında sporcuların sedanter popülasyona göre dahayüksek değerlere sahip olduğu görüşü yaygındır. Diğer yandan solunum fonksiyondeğerlerinin değişik tip spor disiplinleri arasında farklılık gösterdiğini ifade eden yayınlarolduğu gibi aksini bildiren çalışmalar da mevcuttur.Amaç: Biz de bu araştırmamızda 30 yılı aşan bir dönem içinde anabilim dalımızda sağlıkmuayenesinde tabi tutulan farklı disiplin ve profesyonellik düzeyindeki sporcuların solunumfonksiyon test (SFT) sonuçlarını incelemeyi amaçladık.Gereç ve Yöntem: Araştırmamızda 1987-2019 yılları arasında polikliniğimize başvuran1500’e yakın sporcuya ait dosya taraması yapıldı. İçlerinden dahil edilme kriterlerinikarşılayan 748 kişinin [yüzme (n:169), voleybol (n:114), basketbol (n:107), dağcılık (n:116),güreş (n:34), tenis (n:133) ve uzak doğu sporları (n:75)] dosyası değerlendirmeye alındı.Sporcuların antropometrik değerleri ve spirometri ile tespit edilen akciğer hacim vekapasiteleri (IC, FVC, PEF, FEV1, FEV1/FVC, FEF25-75) kaydedildi.Bulgular: Erkek sporcularda ait IC, FVC, FEV1 değerleri voleybol, dağcılık ve güreşbranşlarında diğer branş sporcularının değerlerine göre daha yüksekti. Kadın sporcular aynıparametrelerine ait en yüksek değerler ise basketbol, dağcılık ve voleybol branşlarındasaptandı ve bu branşların kendi aralarında anlamlı bir fark yoktu. Bunun yanı sıraerkeklerdeki FEF25-75 parametresi incelendiğinde voleybol, güreş, uzak doğu sporları enyüksek değerlere sahipken; kadınlardaki aynı parametre basketbol, voleybol ve uzak doğusporlarında en yüksek değerlere sahipti.Sonuç ve Tartışma: Kadınlarda SFT değerlerinin erkeklerden farklı olarak basketbolbranşında en yüksek olması kadınlardaki boy ortalaması en yüksek olan branşın basketbololması ve kadın basketbolcuların yaşların daha yüksek olması ile ilişkili olabilir. Bununyanında her iki cinsiyetteki en düşük değerlerin yüzme ve tenis branşlarında olmasının sebebiise bu iki disiplindeki sporcuların antropometrik değerlerinin anlamlı şekilde düşükolmasından kaynaklandığını düşünüyoruz. Çalışmamızdaki grupların incelediğimiz SFTsonuçlarında görülen farklılıkların yaş aralıkları, spor tipi, profesyonellik düzeyi veantropometrik değerler ile ilişkili olduğunu söyleyebiliriz

    A Case of Complete Chorioamniotic Membrane Separation after Amniocentesis Resulted with a Healthy Term Delivery

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    Separation between amniotic and chorionic membranes is a normal sonographic finding before 14th weeks of gestation. As pregnancy progresses, these membranes fuse and chorionic cavity becomes obliterated. Chorioamniotic membrane separation may occur spontaneously or as a complication of invasive intrauterine procedures. Following invasive fetal intervention, resulting in a condition referred to as chorioamniotic membrane separation (CMS) and it is reported to be associated with adverse perinatal fetal outcomes. Here we present a case of CMS that had occurred after a second trimester amniocentesis and resulted with the delivery of a term healthy baby. Complete post-interventional CMS may complicate pregnancy progression. Although there are no established guidelines to follow, close follow-up may CMS can be managed to be a morbid, rather than mortal condition