9 research outputs found

    The Concept of Wealth (Bain) in Kalmyk Discourse: Analyzing Lexicographical and Folklore Materials

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    Introduction. The article examines the parametric concept of wealth which occupies an important place in a human value system. Goals. The paper attempts an insight into the concept of wealth (bain) in Kalmyk linguoculture. To facilitate this, the work shall identify and analyze linguistic means employed to represent the concept of wealth; describe some figurative and value components of the concept; outline certain features of behavior motivated by the investigated concept. Materials and methods. The study focuses on data from Kalmyk (Russia) and Oirat (Xinjiang, PRC) lexicographic sources, with due attention be paid to the Etymological Dictionary of Mongolic Languages. It employs tools of lexical/semantic analysis to specify somewhat essential content of the concept under consideration, tools of linguocultural analysis to describe figurative and value components of the concept. Results. The analysis shows the Kalmyk language contains a variety of means to verbalize the concept in question. The concept of wealth (bain) has a field structure, namely: the core is formed by the lexemes bain, elvg, zӧӧr, mal; their derivatives and set phrases cluster together to shape the near periphery; while cultural texts associated with wealth constitute the far periphery. Conclusions. The essential content of the examined concept is reduced to the possession of resources (gold, silver, livestock, money). Its figurative components indicate an individual with a large fortune who is smart, lucky, diligent enough, but is equally generous and stingy, has no debts and is surrounded by friends. In Kalmyk discourse, wealth is associated with the value concepts arranged as follows: wisdom (wit) is the utmost wealth, the average one is children, while the minor one be livestock. The harsh conditions of livestock breeding had developed a philosophical attitude towards wealth within the community. So, when it comes to wealth, it is believed priority should be given to spiritual (immortal) gems rather than material ones, humans be patient in work and stay away from any theft


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    Aim. To evaluate effect of bisoprolol on circadian blood pressure (BP) profile, autonomic cardiovascular regulation, lipid and carbohydrate metabolism in young patients with arterial hypertension (HT) and obesity. Materials and methods. 36 men aged 18 to 35 years with HT 1-2 degrees, obesity 1-2 degrees and signs of sympathetic over activity were examined. In addition to standard clinical examination assessment of heart rate variability (HRV) during orthostatic test with spectral analysis, ambulatory BP monitoring, evaluation of lipid profile, oral glucose tolerance test, determination of immunoreactive insulin, insulin resistance index and functional activity of beta-cells were performed. Anthropometric measurements included body mass index and waist circumference. Bisoprolol in the initial dose of 5 mg QD orally for 12 weeks was assigned to all patients. After 12 weeks of bisoprolol treatment repeated examination was performed. Results. Significant changes in HRV after 12 weeks of treatment with bisoprolol was found. Parasympathetic influence of autonomic nervous system increased during orthostatic test. Contribution of the slow and very slow waves, which reflect sympathetic and neurohumoral activity , reduced. Total spectral power was significantly increased. Initial tachycardia reduced. Target BP values were achieved after 12 weeks of treatment with bisoprolol 5 mg QD. Increase in a number of dippers and decrease in a number of nondippers in terms of both systolic and diastolic BP was observed. Heart rate and HRV was significantly decreased. No adverse events in terms of lipid or carbohydrate metabolism were found during treatment with bisoprolol. Conclusion. Bisoprolol 12 week treatment resulted in sympathetic activity decrease and parasympathetic activity increase, achievement of BP target levels, improvement of BP circadian profile. Bisoprolol therapy in dose of 5 mg/day demonstrated metabolic neutrality in patients with risk factors of cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes

    Эпигенетические и генетические нарушения функций генов BRCA1 / 2 у больных солитарным раком яичников и раком яичников при полинеоплазии

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    Background. Ovarian cancer is a complex and poorly studied disease that kills nearly 70–80 % of patients. Therefore, practitioners are interested in any opportunity of improving survival of these patients. From this point of view, investigation of genetic and epigenetic functions associated with this pathology is quite promising.Objective: to assess clinical and morphological characteristics of tumors in ovarian cancer patients, considering the presence of mutations and methylation in the BRCA1/2 gene.Materials and methods. This study included 180 ovarian cancer patients (FIGO stage I–IV) treated in the N. N. Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center between 2008 and 2019. Study participants were divided into 3 groups according to their BRCA status and the number of primary tumors. We collected and analyzed venous blood, biopsy samples of ovarian cancer, archived histological sections, and paraffin-embedded tissue blocks. DNA isolated from venous blood was used to identify the following germline mutation by pyrosequencing: BRCA1 5382insC, BRCA1 4153delA, BRCA1 185delAG, and BRCA26174delT. DNA isolated from biopsy specimens and paraffin-embedded tissue specimens was used to analyze methylation in the promoter regions of the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes by bisulfite sequencing (PyroMark Q24 DNA Sequencer; Qiagen, USA) with specific primers targeting promoter regions of the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes.Results. Molecular testing demonstrated that the frequency of BRCA1 gene mutations was 21.1 % (38/148) in patients with solitary ovarian cancer and 40.6 % (13/32) in patients with multiple primary ovarian cancers. The frequency of methylation of the BRCA1 gene promoter was 2.2 % (18/148) in patients with solitary ovarian cancer and 3.1 % (1 case) in patients with multiple primary ovarian cancers. All BRCA1 methylated ovarian tumors were serous adenocarcinomas, including high grade tumors in 15 patients (78.9 %) and low-grade tumors in 4 patients (21.1 %).Conclusion. Hypermethylation of the BRCA1 gene promoter was observed only in individuals with sporadic serous ovarian cancer. No methylation was detected in patients with non-serous ovarian cancer, as well as in patients carrying BRCA1 gene mutations (both with solitary ovarian cancer and with primary multiple ovarian tumors).Введение. Рак яичников (РЯ) – сложное и малоизученное заболевание, уносящее жизни до 70–80 % пациенток. Поэтому практических врачей интересует любая перспектива улучшения выживаемости данной категории больных. С этих позиций изучение генетических и эпигенетических функций, связанных с возникновением этой патологии, нам кажется своевременным и перспективным.Цель исследования – изучить клинико-морфологические особенности опухолей у больных РЯ с учетом наличия мутаций и метилирования генов BRCA1/2.Материалы и методы. В исследование было включено 180 больных РЯ (FIGO I–IV стадии), получавших лечение в ФГБУ «НМИЦ онкологии им. Н.Н. Блохина» Минздрава России с 2008 по 2019 г. В соответствии с BRCA-статусом и количеством первичных опухолей пациентки были поделены на 3 группы. Объектами исследований явились венозная кровь больных, клинические образцы РЯ (биопсийный материал), а также архивные образцы гистологических препаратов и парафиновые блоки. Образцы ДНК из цельной крови пациенток протестированы на наличие герминальных мутаций BRCA1 5382insC, BRCA1 4153delA, BRCA1 185delAG, BRCA2 6174delT методом пиросеквенирования. ДНК из биопсийного материала и архивных парафиновых срезов проанализированы на наличие метилирования в промоторах генов BRCA1 и BRCA2 методом бисульфитного пиросеквенирования на приборе PyroMark Q24 (Qiagen, США) с использованием специфических праймеров, амплифицирующих локусы, содержащие промоторные области генов BRCA1 и BRCA2.Результаты. Проведенное молекулярно-генетическое тестирование показало, что частота встречаемости мутаций гена BRCA1 у больных солитарным РЯ составила 21,1 % (38/148), а у больных РЯ при полинеоплазии – 40,6 % (13/32). Частота встречаемости метилирования промотора гена BRCA1 у больных солитарным РЯ составила 12,2 % (18/148), а в группе больных РЯ при полинеоплазии – 3,1 % (1 наблюдение). В 100 % случаев опухоль яичников при наличии метилирования была представлена серозной аденокарциномой: в 15 (78,9 %) наблюдениях – high grade и в 4 (21,1 %) – low grade.Выводы. Гиперметилирование промотора BRCA1 было выявлено только в группе больных спорадическим серозным РЯ. Метилирование не было обнаружено у больных несерозным РЯ, а также у больных РЯ – носительниц мутаций гена BRCA1 (как при солитарном РЯ, так и при первично-множественном процессе)

    Yurt as a value of Kalmyk linguistic culture

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    The paper analyzes the linguistic culture associated with the ger ‘yurt’ – the Kalmyk house, objectively determined by the historically established traditional type of the nomad housing. A new approach to comprehending the sphere of ger ‘yurt’ is undertaken. The selected object is studied not only as a dwelling, but as a sacred, inhabited, developed space, the semantic dominant of the Kalmyk worldview, which determines people's ideas about “insider/outsider”, “honorary/profane”, “male/female”, “right/left”, “forbidden/permitted”, “happy/unhappy”, as well as the norms of behavior of insiders and outsiders in the living space of a Kalmyk dwelling. The existence of the “ishka ger” concept sphere in the Kalmyks’ linguistic culture is proved through the analysis of lexico-semantic field within mental area associated with ger, in terms of their value in material and spiritual culture, from the standpoint of its categories such as quantity, color, space, and behavior. It is established that every element of ishka ger, its size, weight, shape, material, and placement is designated not just by Kalmyk nomadic lifestyle, the stock-raising type of labor activity, and social organization features of the Kalmyks, but mental features of the Kalmyk nomad worldview. The yurt details, the objects of its interior are characterized from the point of view of symbolism, axiology in connection with the status of the ger as a “microworld of a nomad, a model of the universe.” The main research method is linguo-culturological: analysis of conceptual, figurative and value components of mental formations associated with the ger sphere. Lexico-phraseological, paremiological means extracted from lexicographic sources, as well as fragments from the texts of Kalmyk fiction, extracted by continuous sampling from the national corpus of the Kalmyk language are used as the material

    Lexico-semantic and psycholinguistic analysis of the Kalmyks' attitudes to work

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    The article presents the analysis of the Kalmyks' attitudes toward work, based on a combination of lexico-semantic and psycholinguistic approaches. The authors examine the language means associated with the concept sphere of "work", and present the outcomes of a psycholinguistic experiment conducted in 2015. The experiment included a survey and an essay authored by 100 respondents, residing in 13 rayons of Kalmykia and the city of Elista. All of them were ethnic Kalmyks belonging to either of the two age groups - 18 to 30 (juniors) or 60 to 80 (seniors). The experiment and its outcomes have never been published before. Особенности традиционной хозяйственной деятельности сформировали в калмыках такие черты характера, как старание, ответственность, прилежание, целеустремленность. Помимо этого, для калмыков характерны неспешность, планомерность, выносливость, непритязательность. Трудолюбие оценивается калмыками как добродетель, залог благополучия и достатка, понимается как морально необходимый вклад в благосостояние семьи, близких людей. Более высоко оценивается умственный, а не физический труд. Linguistically, the article makes use of a number of dictionaries published across the span of several decades, and of the labor-motivated attribute words found in these dictionaries. The authors have also analyzed set expressions selected out of lexicographic sources by means of continuous sampling. The Kalmyk language is rich in words describing various personal characteristics which arise under a number of circumstances or in the course of upbringing and appear in communication and work, informing the main behavior strategies. The specific features of their traditional economy made Kalmyks value diligence, responsibility, determination, endurance, regularity and unpretentiousness. Kalmyk culture sees industriousness as a virtue, a guarantee of prosperity and as a moral contribution to the well-being of the family and the loved ones. Intellectual labor is valued more than menial work

    The development of medical physical culture in Russia

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    Статья содержит теоретические данные о проблеме развития лечебной физической культуры в России, методические приемы использования физических упражнений с целью лечения и профилактики различных заболеваний.Article contains theoretical data on the problem of the development of medical physical culture in Russia, methodological techniques on the use of physical exercises for the treatment and prevention of various diseases