8 research outputs found

    Associação de polimorfismos de biomarcadores do envelhecimento (TP53, MDM2, UCP2, HLA-G, IL-1a, IL-4 e NFkB1) com a capacidade funcional de idosos

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    INTRODUCTION: The functional capacity and overall functionality of the elderly is defined as the capacity to manage their lives or take care of yourself, which is influenced by the degree of autonomy and independence of the individual. In search of understanding of the mechanisms involved in healthy aging and maintenance of functional independence, several studies try to identify candidate genes that may establish the association of genotype with phenotype studied physical fitness and the decline and loss of independence in adulthood. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to investigate the possible association between the variability of polymorphisms on biomarkers of aging (TP53, MDM2, UCP2, HLA-G, IL-1a, IL-4 and NFkB1) with the functional capacity of the elderly. MATERIAL AND METHODS: This is a comparative analytical cross-sectional study, developed from the clinical and functional evaluation and analysis of polymorphisms on biomarkers of aging. The clinical and functional analysis included an assessment of functional capabilities: basic activity of daily living (ABVD), instrumental activities of daily living (AIVD), advanced activities of daily living (AAVD) and functional status (PS-ECOG) functional systems: cognition (MEEM), humor (GDS-15), mobility (TUG) and risk of falls (TT), Nutritional Status (MAN) and Sarcopenia risk (PP). Eight polymorphisms were included (two TP53, MDM2, UCP2, HLA-G, IL-1a, IL-4 and NFkB1) were genotyped by a multiplex PCR reaction followed by capillary electrophoresis. Analysis of PCR amplicons was performed by electrophoresis using the ABI Prism sequencer 3130 and GeneMapper ID v.3.2 software. RESULTS: A total of 228 elderly, mostly women (62%), with about 70 years old on average, with an average comorbidity index of 4.48 (± 2.44) points, sedentary (53%), with a history smoking (58%) and possessing a predominantly European ancestry. It was found that polymorphisms of the TP53 gene, UCP2, HLA-G, IL-1a, IL-4 and NFkB1 significant differences in functional variables between genotypes. The variables that most differed between genotypes were functional status (PS-ECOG), mobility (TUG), risk of falls (TT) and the risk of sarcopenia (PP). This suggested a possible association of these polymorphisms with risk factors or protection, which in most cases were not significant. The NFkB1 gene polymorphism (rs28362491) was the only biomarkers that demonstrated significant association results. The II genotype of this polymorphism was associated with risk of sarcopenia (PP). The elderly who had this genotype showed a three-fold greater susceptibility to muscle loss related to aging, when compared to other genotypes of the same gene. CONCLUSION: Therefore, considering the results of this study, it is believed that the use of biomarkers of aging, as a population screening test may favor the identification of elderly patients with increased susceptibility to the development of organic modifications and functional disabilities. The identification of this risk allows the targeting of strategies for prevention, control and treatment of disabilities linked to physiological or pathological aging.CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível SuperiorINTRODUÇAO: A capacidade funcional ou funcionalidade global do idoso é definida como a capacidade de gerir a própria vida ou cuidar de si mesmo, que é influenciada pelo grau de autonomia e independência do indivíduo. Na busca da compreensão dos mecanismos envolvidos no envelhecimento saudável e na manutenção da independência funcional, vários estudos tentam identificar genes candidatos que possam estabelecer a associação dos genótipos pesquisados com o fenótipo da aptidão física e com o declínio e perda da independência na vida adulta. OBJETIVO: O objetivo do presente estudo foi investigar a possível associação entre a variabilidade dos polimorfismos presentes em biomarcadores do envelhecimento (TP53, MDM2, UCP2, HLA-G, IL-1a, IL-4 e NFkB1) com a capacidade funcional do idoso. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Trata-se de um estudo transversal analítico comparativo, desenvolvido a partir da avaliação clínico-funcional e análise dos polimorfismos presentes em biomarcadores do envelhecimento. A análise clínica e funcional contou com uma avaliação das capacidades funcionais: atividade básica de vida diária (ABVD), atividades instrumentais de vida diária (AIVD), atividades avançadas de vida diária (AAVD), e o status funcional (PS-ECOG), sistemas funcionais: cognição (MEEM), humor (GDS-15), mobilidade (TUG) e risco de quedas (TT), Estado Nutricional (MAN) e Risco de Sarcopenia (PP). Foram incluídos oito polimorfismos (dois do TP53, MDM2, UCP2, HLA-G, IL-1a, IL-4 e NFkB1), que foram genotipados por uma reação de PCR multiplex seguida de uma eletroforese capilar. A análise dos amplicons de PCR foi realizada por eletroforese usando o sequenciador ABI Prism 3130 e o software GeneMapper ID v.3.2. RESULTADOS: Foram avaliados 228 idosos, na sua maioria mulheres (62%), com aproximadamente 70 anos de idade em média, com índice de comorbidade médio de 4,48 (±2,44) pontos, sedentários (53%), com histórico de tabagismo (58%) e possuidores de uma ancestralidade predominantemente européia. Identificou-se que os polimorfismos dos genes TP53, UCP2, HLA-G, IL-1a, IL-4 e NFkB1 apresentaram diferenças significativas em algumas variáveis funcionais entre os genótipos. As variáveis que mais diferiram entre os genótipos foram o status funcional (PS-ECOG), mobilidade (TUG), risco de quedas (TT) e o risco de sarcopenia (PP). Isso sugeriu possível associação desses polimorfismos com fatores de risco ou proteção, que na sua maioria não foram significativos. O polimorfismo do gene NFkB1 (rs28362491) foi o único biomarcador que demonstrou resultado de associação significante. O genótipo II desse polimorfismo apresentou associação com risco de sarcopenia (PP). Os idosos que possuíam esse genótipo apresentaram uma susceptibilidade três vezes maior para perda de massa muscular relacionada ao envelhecimento, quando comparado aos outros genótipos do mesmo gene. CONCLUSÃO: Assim, considerando os resultados do presente estudo, acredita-se que o uso de biomarcadores do envelhecimento, como um teste de rastreio populacional, pode favorecer a identificação de idosos com maior susceptibilidade ao desenvolvimento de modificações orgânicas e incapacidades funcionais. A identificação desse risco possibilitará o direcionamento de estratégias de prevenção, controle e tratamento de incapacidades físicas ligadas ao envelhecimento fisiológico ou patológico

    Global functionality of hospitalized elderly

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    Objective: Identify the global functionality of hospitalized elderly, correlating the performance to basic (BADL) and instrumental (IADL) activities of daily life, with the main functional systems (cognition, mood, mobility and communication). Methods: Analytical, observational, cross-sectional study, with the participation of 94 elderly patients admitted to a medical clinic. The tools used in the assessments were: the Katz Scale, Lawton and Brody Scale, Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), Geriatric Depression Scale 15 (GDS-15), Timed Up and Go Test (TUG) and the Functional Assessment of Communication Skills from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA FACS). Results: 94 elderly people were evaluated, where most had some degree of dependence for BADL (61.71%) and IADL (52.13%). In functional systems, autonomy proved to be preserved with an average performance of 18.14 points on the MMSE, and 4.43 points in the GDS-15; independence was altered, for average performance of 21.82 seconds on the TUG, classifying them with regular mobility, and 5.27 points in ASHA FACS, considering them as in need of moderate assistance in this task. It was evidenced moderate and significant association between performance for IADL and BADL in nearly all functional systems. Conclusion: The study population presented changed overall functionality, due to some degree of dependence in BADL and IADL, with preserved autonomy and impaired independence. The correlations showed that with the decline of the major functional systems occurred decline in overall functionality.Objetivo: Identificar a funcionalidade global de idosos submetidos a internação, correlacionando o desempenho para as atividades de vida diária básicas (ABVD) e instrumentais (AIVD) com os principais sistemas funcionais (cognição, humor, mobilidade e comunicação). Métodos: Trata-se de estudo observacional transversal e analítico com a participação de 94 idosos internados em uma clínica médica. Os instrumentos utilizados foram: Escala de Katz, Escala de Lawton & Brody, Miniexame do Estado Mental (MEEM), Escala de Depressão Geriátrica 15 (GDS-15), Teste Timed Up and Go (TUG) e a Avaliação Funcional das Habilidades de Comunicação da Associação Americana de Fonoaudiologia (ASHA FACS). Resultados: Foram avaliados 94 idosos, cuja maioria apresentava algum grau de dependência para ABVD (61,71%) e para AIVD (52,13%). Nos sistemas funcionais, a autonomia mostrou-se preservada, com desempenho médio de 18,14 pontos no MEEM, e de 4,43 pontos na GDS-15; e a independência, alterada, por desempenho médio de 21,82 segundos no TUG, classificando-os com uma mobilidade regular, e de 5,27 pontos na ASHA FACS, considerando-os com a necessidade de auxílio moderado nessa função. Evidenciou-se moderada e significativa associação entre o desempenho para as ABVDs e AIVDs com quase todos os sistemas funcionais. Conclusão: A população estudada apresentou funcionalidade global alterada, devido a algum grau de dependência para as ABVDs e AIVDs, com autonomia preservada e independência prejudicada. As correlações evidenciaram que com o decréscimo dos principais sistemas funcionais, ocorreu declínio da funcionalidade global

    Correction to: Effect of genetic ancestry to the risk of susceptibility to gastric cancer in a mixed population of the Brazilian Amazon

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    Abstract Following publication of the original article [1], the authors requested a correction to the name of one of the co-authors. The correct name Marianne Rodrigues Fernandes, not Marianne Fernandes Rodrigues

    Effect of genetic ancestry to the risk of susceptibility to gastric cancer in a mixed population of the Brazilian Amazon

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    Abstract Background Global literature describes differences in the incidence of gastric cancer among populations. For instance, Europeans have lower incidence rates of gastric cancer in relation to Latin and Asian populations, particularly Korean and Japanese populations. However, only a few studies have been able to verify the occurrence of gastric cancer in admixed populations with high interethnic degree mix, such as the Brazilian Amazon region. Results We observed an increase in European ancestry in the control group compared to the case group (47% vs. 41%). Using increments of 10%, compared to categorical distribution of European ancestry in the sample, we found a difference in the contribution between cases and controls (p = 0.03). Multiple logistic regression was performed to determine the influence of European ancestry in susceptibility to gastric cancer in the sample. According to the adopted model, for each 10% increase in European ancestry, there is a 20% decrease chance of developing gastric cancer (P = 0.0121; OR = 0.81; 95% CI 0.54–0.83). Conclusion Overall, the results suggest that a greater contribution of European ancestry can be a protective factor for the development of gastric cancer in the studied Amazon population. It can help to establish protocols able to predict susceptibility to gastric cancer in admixed populations

    Mucin (MUC) Family Influence on Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in Cancer and Non-Cancer Native American Populations from the Brazilian Amazon

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    The mucin (MUC) family includes several genes aberrantly expressed in multiple carcinomas and mediates diverse pathways essentials for oncogenesis, in both solid and hematological malignancies. Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) can have its course influenced by genetic variants, and it seems more frequent in the Amerindian population, which has been understudied. Therefore, the present work aimed to investigate the MUC family exome in Amerindian individuals from the Brazilian Amazon, in a sample containing healthy Native Americans (NAMs) and indigenous subjects with ALL, comparing the frequency of polymorphisms between these two groups. The population was composed of 64 Amerindians from the Brazilian Amazon, from 12 different isolated tribes, five of whom were diagnosed with ALL. We analyzed 16 genes from the MUC family and found a total of 1858 variants. We compared the frequency of each variant in the ALL vs. NAM group, which led to 77 variants with a significant difference and, among these, we excluded those with a low impact, resulting in 63 variants, which were distributed in nine genes, concentrated especially in MUC 19 (n = 30) and MUC 3A (n = 18). Finally, 11 new variants were found in the NAM population. This is the first work with a sample of native Americans with cancer, a population which is susceptible to ALL, but remains understudied. The MUC family seems to have an influence on the development of ALL in the Amerindian population and especially MUC19 and MUC3A are shown as possible hotspots. In addition, the 11 new variants found point to the need to have their clinical impact analyzed

    Effect of American genomic ancestry on severe toxicities in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia in the Amazon region

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    Abstract Background Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) is a neoplasm of the hematopoietic system characterized by a clonal expansion of abnormal lymphocyte precursor cells. ALL is the most common form of cancer in children, but despite advances in treatment, it can still be fatal. Ethnic differences influence survival rates, and genomic ancestry plays an important role, especially in mixed-race populations such as Latin America. This study aims to analyze the influence of genomic ancestry on toxicity in children with ALL in the Amazon region. Methods The study included 171 patients (protocol number 119,649/2012—Ethics Committee) with ALL treated at a pediatric treatment center in Belém do Pará, in the Brazilian Amazon. The patients were submitted to the BFM protocol of induction therapy for ALL. Toxicity was assessed based on laboratory tests and adverse events, classified according to the CTC-NCI guide. Genomic ancestry was determined using autosomal informative markers. Results The majority of children (94.74%) developed some type of toxicity during treatment, 87.04% of which were severe. Infectious toxicity was the most common, present in 84.8% of cases, 77.24% of which were severe. Amerindian ancestry showed an association with the risk of severe general toxicity and severe infectious toxicity, with a contribution of 35.0% demonstrating a significant increase in risk. In addition, post-induction refractoriness and relapse were also associated with an increased risk of death. Conclusion This study highlights the influence of Amerindian genomic ancestry on response to therapy and toxicity in children with ALL in the Amazon region. Understanding these associations can contribute to personalizing treatment and improving clinical outcomes

    Molecular Profile of Variants Potentially Associated with Severe Forms of COVID-19 in Amazonian Indigenous Populations

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    Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is an infection caused by SARS-CoV-2. Genome-wide association studies (GWASs) have suggested a strong association of genetic factors with the severity of the disease. However, many of these studies have been completed in European populations, and little is known about the genetic variability of indigenous peoples’ underlying infection by SARS-CoV-2. The objective of the study is to investigate genetic variants present in the genes AQP3, ARHGAP27, ELF5L, IFNAR2, LIMD1, OAS1 and UPK1A, selected due to their association with the severity of COVID-19, in a sample of indigenous people from the Brazilian Amazon in order to describe potential new and already studied variants. We performed the complete sequencing of the exome of 64 healthy indigenous people from the Brazilian Amazon. The allele frequency data of the population were compared with data from other continental populations. A total of 66 variants present in the seven genes studied were identified, including a variant with a high impact on the ARHGAP27 gene (rs201721078) and three new variants located in the Amazon Indigenous populations (INDG) present in the AQP3, IFNAR2 and LIMD1 genes, with low, moderate and modifier impact, respectively