20 research outputs found

    Calidad de la leche donada durante el procesamiento en un banco de leche humana. Innovación en los procedimientos

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    La leche humana no es solo una simple fuente de nutrientes para el reciénnacido sino una compleja y singular mezcla de sustancias con actividad biológicaesenciales para el desarrollo del neonato. La leche de la propia madre proporciona encada momento los nutrientes que mejor se adaptan a las necesidades del recién nacido.Cuando no se dispone de leche de la propia madre o no es suficiente para satisfacer lasnecesidades nutricionales de los niños prematuros, situación que es frecuente en lasUnidades de Cuidados Intensivos Neonatales, la mejor alternativa es el uso de lechedonada, que debe ser gestionada a través de los bancos de leche para que losprematuros puedan disfrutar de las ventajas de la leche humana.El proceso de donación de leche se inicia con una selección de las potencialesdonantes para comprobar que gozan de un buen estado de salud y un estilo de vidasaludable. En esta selección se incluye un análisis de sangre y un cuestionario sobrelos hábitos de vida. Posteriormente, se realiza un control de la calidad de la leche queentregan las donantes, para asegurar que ha sido obtenida y manipuladaadecuadamente. En tal caso, la leche donada se pasteuriza, siendo el método Holder(62,5ºC, 30 minutos) el que se emplea de forma generalizada en los bancos de leche.Este método ofrece un equilibrio aceptable entre la seguridad microbiológica y lacalidad nutritiva de la leche a pesar de que reduce o anula la actividad de algunos delos componentes con actividad biológica. Recientemente, se ha propuesto comoalternativa la pasteurización a alta temperatura y corto tiempo (HTST, del inglés High-Temperature Short-Time) para preservar la seguridad microbiológica y,simultáneamente, reducir el impacto del tratamiento térmico sobre los componentesnutricionales y biológicos de la leche donada. Sin embargo, no hay equipos disponiblespara realizar este tratamiento en las condiciones reales de un banco de leche..

    Comparative analyses of holder pasteurization vs. HTST pasteurization for donor milk: a cost-minimization study applicable to human milk banks

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    BACKGROUND: High-temperature short-time (HTST) pasteurization (72-75 °C, 15 s) is an alternative treatment to traditional Holder pasteurization (HoP) (62ºC, 30 min) for donor milk. HTST pasteurization guarantees the milk's microbiological safety and retains more of its biologically and nutritionally active compounds, but the cost of implementing this technology for a human milk bank is unknown. METHODS: A cost-minimization study was carried out on the facilities of a regional human milk bank in a public hospital. Total production costs (fixed plus variables) were quantified using HTST pasteurization and HoP in three hypothetical scenarios: (1) costs of the first 10 L of pasteurized milk in a newly opened milk bank; (2) costs of the first 10 L of pasteurized milk in an active milk bank; and (3) costs using the maximum production capacity of both technologies in the first two years of operation. The following costs were analyzed: health care professionals, equipment and software, external services, and consumables. RESULTS: In scenario 1, the total production costs were 228,097.00 for the HTST method versus 154,064.00 for the HoP method. In scenario 2, these costs were similar ( 6,594.00 for HTST pasteurization versus 5,912.00 for HoP). The cost of healthcare professionals was reduced by more than half when pasteurization was carried out by the HTST method versus the Holder method ( 84.00 and 191.00, respectively). In scenario 3, the unit cost of milk pasteurized by the HTST method decreased from the first to the second year by 43.5%, while for the HoP method, it decreased by 30%. CONCLUSIONS: HTST pasteurization requires a high initial investment in equipment; however, it provides a significant minimization of production costs in the long term, pasteurizes large quantities of donor milk per working day and achieves a more efficient management of the time of the health care professionals in charge of the bank's operation compared to HoP

    Heating-induced bacteriological and biochemical modifications in human donor milk after Holder pasteurization

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    [Objectives]: The objectives of the present study were to enumerate and characterize the pathogenic potential of the Bacillus population that may survive holder pasteurisation of human milk and to evaluate the nutritional damage of this treatment using the furosine and lactulose indexes. [Materials and Methods]: Milk samples from 21 donors were heated at 62.58C for 30 minutes. Bacterial counts, lactose, glucose, myoinositol, lactulose, and furosine were determined before and after the heat treatment. Some B cereus isolates that survived after pasteurisation were evaluated for toxigenic potential. [Results]: Nonpasteurised milk samples showed bacterial growth in most of the agar media tested. Bacterial survival after pasteurisation was observed in only 3 samples and, in these cases, the microorganisms isolated belonged to the species B cereus. Furosine could not be detected in any of the samples, whereas changes in lactose, glucose, and myoinositol concentrations after holder pasteurisation were not relevant. Lactulose was below the detection limit of the analytical method in nonpasteurised samples, whereas it was found at low levels in 62% of the samples after holder pasteurisation. The lactation period influenced myoinositol content because its concentration was significantly higher in transition milk than in mature or late lactation milk samples. [Conclusions]: Holder pasteurisation led to the destruction of bacteria present initially in donor milk samples, except for some B cereus that did not display a high virulence potential and did not modify significantly the concentration of the compounds analyzed in the present study.The present study was supported by the 110AC0386 (CYTED), CSD2007-00063 (FUN-C-FOOD, Consolider-Ingenio 2010), and AGL2010-15420 projects from the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Spain), and by projects FIS PS09/00040 (Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo, Spain) and S2009/AGR-1469 (Comunidad de Madrid, Spain).Peer Reviewe

    Effect of HTST and Holder Pasteurization on the Concentration of Immunoglobulins, Growth Factors, and Hormones in Donor Human Milk

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    Donor human milk (DHM) is submitted to Holder pasteurization (HoP) to ensure its microbiological safety in human milk banks but this treatment affects some of its bioactive compounds. The objective of this work was to compare the effects of HoP and high temperature short time (HTST) treatments on some bioactive compounds found in DHM. A total of 24 DHM batches were processed in a continuous HTST system (70, 72, and 75°C for 5–25 s) and by HoP (62.5°C for 30 min). The concentrations of immunoglobulins (Igs) A, G, and M, transforming growth factor-beta 2 (TGF-β2), adiponectine, ghrelin, and leptin were measured using a multiplex system, whereas the concentration of epidermal growth factor (EGF) was determined by ELISA. In relation to Igs, IgG showed the highest preservation rates (87–101%) after HTST treatments, followed by IgA (54–88%) and IgM (25–73%). Ig retention after any of the HTST treatments was higher than after HoP (p < 0.001). Treatment times required to reduce the concentration of IgM by 90% (D-value) were 130, 88, and 49 s at 70, 72, and 75°C, while the number of degrees Celsius required to change the D-value by one factor of 10 (z-value) was 11.79°C. None of the heat treatments had a significant effect on the concentrations of TGF-β2, EGF, adiponectin, and ghrelin. In contrast, leptin was detected only in 4 of the samples submitted to HoP, whereas it was present in all samples after the different HTST treatments, with retention rates ranging between 34 and 68%. Globally, the concentration of IgA, IgG, IgM, and leptin in DHM was significantly higher after HTST pasteurization performed in a continuous system designed to be used in human milk banks than after the HoP procedure that is routinely applied at present

    High-Temperature Short-Time and Holder Pasteurization of Donor Milk: Impact on Milk Composition

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    Holder pasteurization (HoP; 62.5 °C, 30 min) is commonly used to ensure the microbiological safety of donor human milk (DHM) but diminishes its nutritional properties. A high-temperature short-time (HTST) system was designed as an alternative for human milk banks. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of this HTST system on different nutrients and the bile salt stimulated lipase (BSSL) activity of DHM. DHM was processed in the HTST system and by standard HoP. Macronutrients were measured with a mid-infrared analyzer. Lactose, glucose, myo-inositol, vitamins and lipids were assayed using chromatographic techniques. BSSL activity was determined using a kit. The duration of HTST treatment had a greater influence on the nutrient composition of DHM than did the tested temperature. The lactose concentration and the percentage of phospholipids and PUFAs were higher in HTST-treated than in raw DHM, while the fat concentration and the percentage of monoacylglycerides and SFAs were lower. Other nutrients did not change after HTST processing. The retained BSSL activity was higher after short HTST treatment than that following HoP. Overall, HTST treatment resulted in better preservation of the nutritional quality of DHM than HoP because relevant thermosensitive components (phospholipids, PUFAs, and BSSL) were less affected.This research was funded by grants from the Spanish Research Projects in Health funded by ISCIII-the state plan for scientific and technical research and innovation and European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) (ref. PI12/02128 and PI15/00995) and by ALG2016-75476-R project from the Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (Spain). Moreover, this work has received a grant from the Hero Institute for Infant Nutrition (Alcantarilla, Murcia, España; 2012). Additionally, this study was supported by RETICS “Maternal and Child Health and Development Network” (SAMID Network), funded by the PN I+D+i 2008-2011 (Spain), ISCIII-Sub-Directorate General for Research Assessment and Promotion and the ERDF (ref. RD12/0026)

    Assessment of Iodine Concentration in Human Milk from Donors: Implications for Preterm Infants

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    Preterm infants are particularly vulnerable to developing iodine deficiency. Donor human milk (DHM) is the preferred feeding option if the mother’s own milk (MOM) is not available, but information on DHM iodine concentration (DHMIC) is lacking. Hence, we aimed to assess DHMIC to further evaluate the adequacy of iodine provision in preterm infants. Finally, associations that might influence DHMIC were studied. In 113 donors, we measured iodine intake by evaluating dietary records for five consecutive days with the DIAL® Software. From the second day of dietary record, donors provided human milk samples (at least one per day) for four consecutive days. Daily human milk samples were analyzed for DHMIC. A DHMIC ≥ 200 µg/L was considered an adequate iodine content for preterm infants. DHMIC and urine iodine concentration (UIC) were determined using ICP-MS. In our study, 83.2% of donors had a full-term infant. Breastfeeding time range was 1.5–49.4 months. During the dietary record, 55.8% took iodine-containing supplements, providing 40–200 µg/day of iodine. The medians (p25, p75) UIC and DHMIC were 112.4 (75.8, 160.1) and 148.5 (97.6, 206.1) µg/L, respectively. In this iodine-sufficient population, 70% had a DHMIC of <200 µg/L. Donors’ intake of iodine-containing supplements was associated with higher DHMIC

    High-temperature short-time pasteurization system for donor milk in a human milk bank setting

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    Donor milk is the best alternative for the feeding of preterm newborns when mother's own milk is unavailable. For safety reasons, it is usually pasteurized by the Holder method (62.5°C for 30 min). Holder pasteurization results in a microbiological safe product but impairs the activity of many biologically active compounds such as immunoglobulins, enzymes, cytokines, growth factors, hormones or oxidative stress markers. High-temperature short-time (HTST) pasteurization has been proposed as an alternative for a better preservation of some of the biological components of human milk although, at present, there is no equipment available to perform this treatment under the current conditions of a human milk bank. In this work, the specific needs of a human milk bank setting were considered to design an HTST equipment for the continuous and adaptable (time-temperature combination) processing of donor milk. Microbiological quality, activity of indicator enzymes and indices for thermal damage of milk were evaluated before and after HTST treatment of 14 batches of donor milk using different temperature and time combinations and compared to the results obtained after Holder pasteurization. The HTST system has accurate and simple operation, allows the pasteurization of variable amounts of donor milk and reduces processing time and labor force. HTST processing at 72°C for, at least, 10 s efficiently destroyed all vegetative forms of microorganisms present initially in raw donor milk although sporulated Bacillus sp. survived this treatment. Alkaline phosphatase was completely destroyed after HTST processing at 72 and 75°C, but γ-glutamil transpeptidase showed higher thermoresistance. Furosine concentrations in HTST-treated donor milk were lower than after Holder pasteurization and lactulose content for HTST-treated donor milk was below the detection limit of analytical method (10 mg/L). In conclusion, processing of donor milk at 72°C for at least 10 s in this HTST system allows to achieve the microbiological safety objectives established in the milk bank while having a lower impact regarding the heat damage of the milk.This work was supported by grant from the Spanish Research Projects in Health funded by ISCIII-the state plan for scientific and technical research and innovation 2012–2015 and European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) (ref. PI12/02128) and by ALG2016-75476-R project from the Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (Spain). Additionally, this study was supported, by RETICS Maternal and Child Health and Development Network (SAMID Network), funded by the PN I+D+i 2008-2011(Spain), ISCIII-Sub-Directorate General for Research Assessment and Promotion and the ERDF (ref.RD12/0026).Peer Reviewe

    High Temperature Short Time Pasteurization System for Donor Milk in a Human Milk Bank Setting

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    Donor milk is the best alternative for the feeding of preterm newborns when mother's own milk is unavailable. For safety reasons, it is usually pasteurized by the Holder method (62.5°C for 30 min). Holder pasteurization results in a microbiological safe product but impairs the activity of many biologically active compounds such as immunoglobulins, enzymes, cytokines, growth factors, hormones or oxidative stress markers. High-temperature short-time (HTST) pasteurization has been proposed as an alternative for a better preservation of some of the biological components of human milk although, at present, there is no equipment available to perform this treatment under the current conditions of a human milk bank. In this work, the specific needs of a human milk bank setting were considered to design an HTST equipment for the continuous and adaptable (time-temperature combination) processing of donor milk. Microbiological quality, activity of indicator enzymes and indices for thermal damage of milk were evaluated before and after HTST treatment of 14 batches of donor milk using different temperature and time combinations and compared to the results obtained after Holder pasteurization. The HTST system has accurate and simple operation, allows the pasteurization of variable amounts of donor milk and reduces processing time and labor force. HTST processing at 72°C for, at least, 10 s efficiently destroyed all vegetative forms of microorganisms present initially in raw donor milk although sporulated Bacillus sp. survived this treatment. Alkaline phosphatase was completely destroyed after HTST processing at 72 and 75°C, but γ-glutamil transpeptidase showed higher thermoresistance. Furosine concentrations in HTST-treated donor milk were lower than after Holder pasteurization and lactulose content for HTST-treated donor milk was below the detection limit of analytical method (10 mg/L). In conclusion, processing of donor milk at 72°C for at least 10 s in this HTST system allows to achieve the microbiological safety objectives established in the milk bank while having a lower impact regarding the heat damage of the milk.MINECODepto. de Farmacia Galénica y Tecnología AlimentariaFac. de VeterinariaTRUEpu

    Associations of Dietary Intake and Nutrient Status with Micronutrient and Lipid Composition in Breast Milk of Donor Women

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    The influence of the diet and nutritional status of milk donors on the nutritional composition of donor human milk (DHM) is unknown. The present study aimed to determine the nutritional profile of DHM and the associations between donors’ dietary intake and nutritional status and the micronutrient and lipid composition in DHM. For this purpose, 113 donors completed a food frequency questionnaire, provided a five-day weighed dietary record, and collected milk for five consecutive days. Nutrient determinations in donors’ erythrocytes, plasma, urine, and milk were performed. Multiple linear regressions were conducted for the evaluation of the associations. We highlight the following results: DHM docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) was positively associated with donors’ plasma DHA content and donors’ DHA intake (R2 0.45, p < 0.001). For every 1 g/day DHA intake, an increase of 0.38% in DHA content and 0.78% in total omega-3 content was observed in DHM (R2 0.29, p < 0.001). DHM saturated fatty acids were positively associated with erythrocyte dimethyl acetals, plasma stearic acid, trans fatty acids intake, and breastfeeding duration and negatively associated with erythrocyte margaroleic acid (R2 0.34, p < 0.01). DHM cholecalciferol was associated with plasma cholecalciferol levels and dairy intake (R2 0.57, p < 0.01). Other weaker associations were found for free thiamin, free riboflavin, pyridoxal, dehydroascorbic acid, and the lipid profile in DHM. In conclusion, the diet and nutritional status of donors influence the fatty acid profile and micronutrient content of DHM.Instituto de Salud Carlos III (España)Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (España)Depto. de Salud Pública y Materno - InfantilFac. de MedicinaTRUEpu