1,678 research outputs found

    Shifting Grounds: Nationalism & the American South, 1848-1865

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    Exploring Southern Nationalism Shifting Grounds is a valuable study of nationalism in the South as a concept, an emotion, and a problem. The book is both theoretical and practical, balanced and insightful. Its author, Paul Quigley is a Lecturer in American History at the Univers...

    Church growth theories and the salvation army in the United Kingdom: an examination of the theories of Donald McGavran and C Peter Wagner in relation to Salvation Army experience and practice (1982-1991)

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    The Church Growth movement, originating with Donald McGavran in 1955 and popularised principally by C Peter Wagner since 1971, has influenced evangelical mission internationally. Though originating in the context of cross-cultural `missionary' work, it is perhaps now identified as a typically American approach, apparently relying on method and technique to accomplish its objective, which as the name implies, is the growth of the church, both locally and world-wide, since this is understood as the requirement of the `Great Commission' (Matthew 28: 18-20). The Salvation Army (founded 1865) has been in decline in Britain certainly since the Second World War, and probably since the 1930s. In 1986 the Army formally Espoused the Church Growth approach to mission. There has been little published research into the effectiveness of Church Growth methods, especially in the UK, despite voluminous outpourings of inspirational and motivational literature. Virtually the only test of the principles (Turning the Tide) was produced in 1981 by Paul Beasley-Murray and Alan Wilkinson, investigating the reliability of Wagner's` Vital Signs' in larger Baptist churches in England. This thesis follows Beasley-Murray and Wilkinson by testing the principles in the specific context of The Salvation Army in the UK. The approach adopted, a questionnaire survey with reference to statistical trends, follows the pragmatism of Church Growth itself, asking whether the approach works, rather than whether it is theologically sound, though such issues are considered where relevant. The opportunity has also been taken to consider specific Salvation Anny issues (uniform, music etc. ) and their effect on growth and decline. The work falls into four sections: - The Salvation Army; - The Church Growth Movement; - The Questionnaire Survey; - Conclusions and Recommendations

    When the Hunted Become the Hunted

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    The main goal was to create a story that combined different aspects of vampires to create a new version that appealed to the young adult readers. This story was heavily influenced by three particular authors and their works. Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight series got me into writing in the first place, but also provided one of the major ideas I wanted to change about vampires. I liked how the vampires in her stories had a more human side to them with their personalities. However, I did not want the vampires in my story to sparkle in the sun like they do in her books. I wanted to bring in some of the more “traditional” vampire traits, like those in Dracula by Bram Stoker. While my vampires do have more emotions, they do drink blood and have a more vicious side to them (i.e., they will kill if necessary or for fun). A heavy influence on how I created my characters came from Cassandra Clare’s novels, specifically her The Mortal Instruments series. Her characters were relatable while still having a slight disconnect, since they were mostly in the realm of the supernatural

    Executing Daniel Bright: Race, Loyalty, and Guerrilla Violence in a Coastal Carolina Community, 1861-1865

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    One Community’s Complex Experience with Civil War Many Civil War historians today are focusing on guerrilla warfare and detailed community studies as a way to illuminate the dynamics of loyalty and dissent, conflict and violence in the Civil War South. They are recognizing the prevalen...

    Dehumanizing the Human Body

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    How does death affect the way in which the human body ceases to represent humanity?https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/frankenstein200_posters/1002/thumbnail.jp

    The Effects of Composition and Heat Treatment on the Microstructure and Performance of Cobalt-based Alloys for Molten Zinc Applications

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    The purpose of this research was to identify and develop cobalt-based superalloys for journal bearing applications by improving the stability and service life of submerged galvanising pot hardware. To achieve this goal the mechanical properties and chemical resistance of four cast cobalt superalloys were investigated. The alloys were subjected to three heat treatments which included a high temperature annealing treatment, a solution treatment and additional age hardening, and a plasma nitriding treatment. The heat-treated alloys were examined and compared to untreated samples to identify any microstructural changes or improvements in material performance. Four commercially available cobalt-based superalloys were identified for analysis including three cast CoCrW alloys and one cast CoCrMo Tribaloy. It was identified that increasing the carbon and tungsten content, with the CoCrW alloys, increased the area fraction of chromium and tungsten carbide phases in addition to increasing the concentration of alloying elements retained in solid solution. Both factors contributed to increased material hardness. The substitution of tungsten with molybdenum and the absence of carbon, with the CoCrMo Tribaloy, replaced the formation of eutectic carbides with a primary Laves phase that dominated the Tribaloys microstructure. This provided the CoCrMo alloy with enhanced hardness properties compared to the CoCrW alloys. The untreated alloys were submerged in a molten zinc alloy bath containing 0.35wt.% Al in a series of static immersion tests where the alloys were submerged for times ranging between 1-4 weeks. All the materials reacted with the molten zinc bath resulting in the diffusion of bath species into the alloys microstructure as well as the leaching of alloying elements into the bath. With each alloy, molten metal ingress preferentially occurred in the cobalt rich solid solution phase whereas the carbide and Laves phases were more resistant to bath reactivity. The high area fraction of Laves phase and increased molybdenum concentrations retained in eutectic solid solution with the T-800 Tribaloy, provided the alloy with enhanced chemical resistance to the bath in comparison to the CoCrW alloys. The improved chemical resistance reduced the depth of diffusion and reduced the quantity of cobalt-aluminide formation at the alloys surface. A plasma nitriding treatment resulted in the formation of a nitrogen rich diffusion layer at the surface of each of the alloys. Increasing the treatment temperature or treatment time produced a thicker diffusion layer with increased concentrations of nitrogen. The formation a nitride layer significantly improved the surface hardness of each of the alloys where increased material hardness correlated with a thicker diffusion layer. The plasma treated samples were dip tested in a molten zinc bath containing 0.35wt.% Al. The formation of the nitride diffusion layer improved the long-term chemical performance of the alloys where reduced zinc and aluminium diffusion depths were recorded with the CoCrW alloys after 4-weeks of testing. The nitride treatment generally improved the surface integrity of the alloys where increased levels of alloying elements were retained within the matrix diffusion layer after prolonged bath exposure and each alloy experienced less material loss. There was also a noticeable reduction in the quantity of cobalt-aluminide phases at the alloy’s surfaces. An annealing heat treatment slightly changed the morphology of the alloy’s microstructure where phase precipitation within the solid solution phase occurred in addition to low levels of carbide dissolution. Small improvements in material hardness were recorded with the CoCrW alloys whereas the annealing treatment had detrimental effects on the hardness properties of the CoCrMo alloy. Using the nano-properties of the matrix to calculate the mean H/E ratio it was predicted that the wear performance of the matrix of the WT-4 and WT-12 alloys were slightly improved by the annealing process. A solution treatment significantly changed the microstructure morphology of the WT-6 and WT-12 alloys. The solution treatment resulted in extreme coarsening of the chromium and tungsten carbides with the WT-12 alloy and coarsening of the chromium carbides and the precipitation of tungsten rich phases with the WT-6 alloy. Low levels of carbide dissolution were also recorded. A drop in material hardness was recorded with both alloys after the solution treatment. Additional aging treatments did not significantly alter the alloys microstructures further but precipitation within the matrix occurred. This coincided with significant improvements in the hardness properties of both alloys. Calculating the mean H/E ratio of the matrix phase in both alloys estimated that no improvements in matrix wear resistance occurred with WT-6 alloy whereas an improvement with the WT-12 matrix was calculated

    Some derivatives of 9-azabenzanthrone

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    Colossal Ambitions: Confederate Planning for a Post-Civil War World

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    Adrian Brettle pushes revisionist interpretations of the Confederate state another important step farther. Colossal Ambitions is a thorough examination of confident, expansionist ideas about the Confederate future. Learn more about Brettle\u27s book in my interview with him, which you can find on the homepage

    A Perspective on Systemic Nutrition and Nutritional Genomics

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    The brain and the gut work synergistically with each other and other organs. Reviewing nutrition systemically (rather than by single organs) is a holistic way for dietitians to evaluate their clients’ health status. Nutrition influences the genetic onset and consequences of many chronic diseases. With identification of up to 500,000 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in an individual, the population-level potential for nutrigenomic optimization is astounding (Ferguson, 2007.) The reader will be able to describe how several specific nutrients can maintain or improve health through supporting or suppressing gene expression. Note: the deposited item is not the final published version, but rather is the last revised manuscript sent to the publisher

    The Christian Minister Protagonist of Social Justice

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    The thesis to be elaborated in this paper is that the Christian minister has a responsibility of profound import in the great common enterprise of achieving social justice. By social justice we mean the greatest possible realization by the individual and by society of abundance of life by way of the most complete practical coordination of individual attitudes, social relationships, economic arrangements and ethical motives. In the development of this thesis we shall be under necessity of employing a number of technical terms, such as democracy, dictatorship, capitalism, profit economy, acquisitive society, economic imperialism, which are in current use. We shall employ such terminology according to the significant connotations which are affirmed through their common usage by informed men. The cause of social justice is a primary issue in the life of today. The contemporary importance of this problem is attested by many factors in the present day world. The great Russian experiment is a momentous testimony, radically revolutionary though it may seem to be, to the outreach of that mighty people for a larger measure of justice in their total life. The eager yearning for a more rapid realization of social justice is assuredly one of the factors that has entered into the production of political dictatorships in the post-War world. When the regular processes of democratic government seemed to be too slow and ineffective for the conserving of what a people regarded as the essentials of its national well-being, increasingly resort has been made to some form of dictatorship in the hope of attaining that which was envisioned as the most desirable national goal. In our land the widespread unrest in the ranks of labor testifies to a similar search for social justice on the part of a large portion of our population. In recognition of the contemporary nature of the problem of social justice, we note that the President of the United States has dedicated his second term of office to the removal of the causes of injustice