48 research outputs found

    Oil exposure alters social group cohesion in fish

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    Many animal taxa live in groups to increase foraging and reproductive success and aid in predator avoidance. For fish, a large proportion of species spend all or part of their lives in groups, with group coordination playing an important role in the emergent benefits of group-living. Group cohesion can be altered by an array of factors, including exposure to toxic environmental contaminants. Oil spills are one of the most serious forms of pollution in aquatic systems, and while a range of effects of acute oil exposure on animal physiology have been demonstrated, sub-lethal effects on animal behavior are relatively under-studied. Here we used an open-field behavioral assay to explore influence of acute oil exposure on social behavior in a gregarious fish native to the Gulf of Mexico, Atlantic croaker (Micropogonias undulatus). We used two oil concentrations (0.7% and 2% oil dilution, or 6.0 ± 0.9 and 32.9 ± 5.9 μg l−1 ΣPAH50 respectively) and assays were performed when all members of a group were exposed, when only one member was exposed, and when no individuals were exposed. Shoal cohesion, as assessed via mean neighbor distance, showed significant impairment following acute exposure to 2% oil. Fish in oil-exposed groups also showed reduced voluntary movement speed. Importantly, overall group cohesion was disrupted when even one fish within a shoal was exposed to 2% oil, and the behavior of unexposed in mixed groups, in terms of movement speed and proximity to the arena wall, was affected by the presence of these exposed fish. These results demonstrate that oil exposure can have adverse effects on fish behavior that may lead to reduced ecological success

    Transport, fate and impacts of the deep plume of petroleum hydrocarbons formed during the Macondo blowout

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    © The Author(s), 2020. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Bracco, A., Paris, C. B., Esbaugh, A. J., Frasier, K., Joye, S. B., Liu, G., Polzin, K. L., & Vaz, A. C. Transport, fate and impacts of the deep plume of petroleum hydrocarbons formed during the Macondo blowout. Frontiers in Marine Science, 7, (2020): 542147, doi:10.3389/fmars.2020.542147.The 2010 Macondo oil well blowout consisted in a localized, intense infusion of petroleum hydrocarbons to the deep waters of the Gulf of Mexico. A substantial amount of these hydrocarbons did not reach the ocean surface but remained confined at depth within subsurface plumes, the largest and deepest of which was found at ∼ 1000–1200 m of depth, along the continental slope (the deep plume). This review outlines the challenges the science community overcame since 2010, the discoveries and the remaining open questions in interpreting and predicting the distribution, fate and impact of the Macondo oil entrained in the deep plume. In the past 10 years, the scientific community supported by the Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative (GoMRI) and others, has achieved key milestones in observing, conceptualizing and understanding the physical oceanography of the Gulf of Mexico along its northern continental shelf and slope. Major progress has been made in modeling the transport, evolution and degradation of hydrocarbons. Here we review this new knowledge and modeling tools, how our understanding of the deep plume formation and evolution has evolved, and how research in the past decade may help preparing the scientific community in the event of a future spill in the Gulf or elsewhere. We also summarize briefly current knowledge of the plume fate – in terms of microbial degradation and geochemistry – and impacts on fish, deep corals and mammals. Finally, we discuss observational, theoretical, and modeling limitations that constrain our ability to predict the three-dimensional movement of waters in this basin and the fate and impacts of the hydrocarbons they may carry, and we discuss research priorities to overcome them.This review was made possible by funding from the Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative (GoMRI) and is a product of the Core Area 1 Synthesis workshop. The authors have contributed research on the Gulf deep circulation and the deep plume through GoMRI-funded consortia (ECOGIG for AB, SJ and GL, C-IMAGE for CP, AV and KF, and RECOVER for AE) and one of the RFP-5 grant (KP). KP was partially supported also by NSF OCE-1536779

    Corresponding morphological and molecular indicators of crude oil toxicity to the developing hearts of mahi mahi

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    Crude oils from distinct geological sources worldwide are toxic to developing fish hearts. When oil spills occur in fish spawning habitats, natural resource injury assessments often rely on conventional morphometric analyses of heart form and function. The extent to which visible indicators correspond to molecular markers for cardiovascular stress is unknown for pelagic predators from the Gulf of Mexico. Here we exposed mahi (Coryphaena hippurus) embryos to field-collected crude oil samples from the 2010 Deepwater Horizon disaster. We compared visible heart defects (edema, abnormal looping, reduced contractility) to changes in expression of cardiac-specific genes that are diagnostic of heart failure in humans or associated with loss-of-function zebrafish cardiac mutants. Mahi exposed to crude oil during embryogenesis displayed typical symptoms of cardiogenic syndrome as larvae. Contractility, looping, and circulatory defects were evident, but larval mahi did not exhibit downstream craniofacial and body axis abnormalities. A gradation of oil exposures yielded concentration-responsive changes in morphometric and molecular responses, with relative sensitivity being influenced by age. Our findings suggest that 1) morphometric analyses of cardiac function are more sensitive to proximal effects of crude oil-derived chemicals on the developing heart, and 2) molecular indicators reveal a longer-term adverse shift in cardiogenesis trajectory

    A review of the toxicology of oil in vertebrates : what we have learned following the Deepwater Horizon oil spill

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    This research was made possible by a grant from The Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative. This publication is UMCES contribution No. 6045 and Ref. No. [UMCES] CBL 2022-008. This is National Marine Mammal Foundation Contribution #314 to peer-reviewed scientific literature.In the wake of the Deepwater Horizon (DWH) oil spill, a number of government agencies, academic institutions, consultants, and nonprofit organizations conducted lab- and field-based research to understand the toxic effects of the oil. Lab testing was performed with a variety of fish, birds, turtles, and vertebrate cell lines (as well as invertebrates); field biologists conducted observations on fish, birds, turtles, and marine mammals; and epidemiologists carried out observational studies in humans. Eight years after the spill, scientists and resource managers held a workshop to summarize the similarities and differences in the effects of DWH oil on vertebrate taxa and to identify remaining gaps in our understanding of oil toxicity in wildlife and humans, building upon the cross-taxonomic synthesis initiated during the Natural Resource Damage Assessment. Across the studies, consistency was found in the types of toxic response observed in the different organisms. Impairment of stress responses and adrenal gland function, cardiotoxicity, immune system dysfunction, disruption of blood cells and their function, effects on locomotion, and oxidative damage were observed across taxa. This consistency suggests conservation in the mechanisms of action and disease pathogenesis. From a toxicological perspective, a logical progression of impacts was noted: from molecular and cellular effects that manifest as organ dysfunction, to systemic effects that compromise fitness, growth, reproductive potential, and survival. From a clinical perspective, adverse health effects from DWH oil spill exposure formed a suite of signs/symptomatic responses that at the highest doses/concentrations resulted in multi-organ system failure.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Esophageal desalination is mediated by Na+, H+ exchanger-2 in the gulf toadfish (Opsanus beta)

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    Esophageal desalination is a crucial step in the gastrointestinal water absorption pathway, as this pre-intestinal processing establishes the osmotic conditions necessary for water absorption. Previous work has shown that esophageal Na+ absorption is amiloride sensitive; however, it is as yet unclear if Na+, H+ exchangers (NHE) or Na+ channels (ENaC) are responsible. The purpose of the current study was therefore to investigate the roles that NHE isoforms may play in this process in a marine teleost, the gulf toadfish (Opsanus beta), as well as what role NHE isoforms may play in the downstream intestinal Na+ transport. A combination of symmetrical current clamp and asymmetrical voltage clamp experiments showed the esophagus to contain both an ion absorptive current (Isc=0.83±0.68) and serosal side negative transepithelial potential (TEP=−4.9±0.6). 22Na uptake (JNam→s) was inhibited by 0.5mM EIPA, with no effect of 0.1mM amiloride, 1mM furosemide or 1mM thiazide. A Cl− free saline reduced JNam→s by 40% while also reducing conductance and reversing TEP. These results suggest that both transcellular and paracellular components contribute to esophageal Na+ transport, with transcellular transport mediated by NHE. The NHE1, NHE2 and NHE3 genes were amplified and tissue distribution analysis by real-time PCR showed high NHE2 expression levels in the esophagus and stomach. Little NHE3 expression was observed throughout the gastrointestinal tract, and NHE2 expression was absent from the intestine. Hypersalinity (60ppt) had no effect on the expression profile of NHE2, slc4a2, scl26a6, CAc or V-type ATPase (β-subunit), suggesting that esophageal desalination is less flexible in response to osmotic stress than the intestine

    Hyperventilation and blood acid-base balance in hypercapnia exposed red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus)

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    Hyperventilation is a common response in fish exposed to elevated water CO2. It is believed to lessen the respiratory acidosis associated with hypercapnia by lowering arterial PCO2, but the contribution of hyperventilation to blood acid-base compensation has yet to be quantified. Hyperventilation may also increase the flux of irons across the gill epithelium and the cost of osmoregulation, owing to the osmo-respiratory compromise. Therefore, hypercapnia exposed fish may increase standard metabolic rate (SMR) leaving less energy for physiological functions such as foraging, migration, growth and reproduction. Here we show that gill ventilation, blood PCO2 and total blood [CO2] increased in red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) exposed to 1000 and 5000 µatm water CO2, and that blood PCO2 and total blood [CO2] decrease in fish during hypoxia induced hyperventilation. Based on these results we estimate the ventilatory contributions to total acid-base compensation in 1000 and 5000 µatm water CO2. We find that S. ocellatus only utilize a portion of its ventilatory capacity to reduce the acid-base disturbance in 1000 µatm water CO2. SMR was unaffected by both salinity and hypercapnia exposure indicating that the cost of osmoregulation is small relative to SMR, and that the lack of increased ventilation in 1000 µatm water CO2 despite the capacity to do so is not due to an energetic tradeoff between acid-base balance and osmoregulation. Therefore, while ocean acidification may impact ventilatory parameters, there will be little impact on the overall energy budget of S. ocellatus

    Intestinal transport following transfer to increased salinity in an anadromous fish ( Oncorhynchus mykiss)

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    The ability to transition from freshwater to seawater environments is an intrinsic requirement of the life history of some fish species, including the anadromous rainbow trout ( Oncorhynchus mykiss). The differences between hyper- and hypoosmoregulation are developed quickly (in hours to days), and at all scales, from gene expression to organ function. In this study, intestinal ion and water transport was examined in O. mykiss following acute transfer from freshwater (FW) to 70% seawater (SW). Plasma [Mg 2+] increased at 24 h post-transfer but recovered by 72 h. In the intestinal fluids, total CO 2 was found to increase with SW exposure/acclimation, while [Na +] decreased after 24 h of SW exposure. Overall, in vitro experiments demonstrated the importance of base secretion to epithelial water uptake, and suggested that the primary physiological adjustments occurred 24–72 h after acute SW transfer. The mRNA expression of ion transporters important for intestinal osmoregulation and maintenance of acid–base balance was also investigated. A Na +/H + exchanger (NHE2) and anion exchanger (SLC26a6) were hypothesized to be involved in the transport of acid–base equivalents, Na +, and Cl −, but were not uniformly expressed across tissue samples, and expression, where present, did not change following salinity transfer. NHE1, however, was expressed in all examined tissues (gill, kidney, anterior intestine, and pyloric cecae), but exhibited no changes in expression following acute salinity transfer