19 research outputs found

    A comparison of lexical richness in L2 written productions

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    Indeed research has shown that vocabulary acquisition is one of the chal-lenges of a language learner; even more so for productive vocabulary. Thus this study intends to investigate the lexical richness of 2 groups of EFL learners. This was done through a content analysis of 139 essays of entry-level university students and 140 essays of third-year university students studying at an English medium university. Both these groups of students scored at least a band 6 or 550 in TOEFL. Specifically, the objective of this study is to find out if there are differences in the lexical richness of these two groups of essays in the type-token ratio. This study also intends to find out if there are differences between the two different groups of essays in the use of the 1,000, 2,000, word levels, the AWL as well as the use of the words not-in-the-list. The RANGE programme developed by Nation, Heat-ley & Coxhead (2002) was used to carry out the above procedure. Findings of the study showed that the two groups of essays show a statistically significant difference in the use of the 1,000, 2,000, word levels and the AWL by the two groups of learners. There was also a difference in the not-in-the-list category. This research has pedagogical implications for the teaching of vocabulary in the language classroom with a specific focus on the development of lexical richness in EFL learnersโ€™ written production

    Language learning strategies of students in content-based instruction

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    This study investigates the learning strategies of students at the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM). The study was mainly motivated by concerns about the standards of English of graduates of Malaysian universities. These concerns have also been expressed by the IIUM, one of the few universities in Malaysia using English as the medium of instruction. The primary objective of this research has been to identify what good language learners do to learn a second language. The study investigated frequency of strategy use according to type of courses (i.e. content-based versus non content-based), gender, and proficiency levels. There were 312 students taking English for Occupational Purposes (EOP) and English for Academic Purposes (EAP) courses. Their learning strategies were investigated through an analysis of their responses to Rebecca Oxfordโ€™s Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL) (Oxford, 1990), an instrument that has been validated in a number of studies. The study found that the students from the different degree programmes differed in the use of the six different strategies. The study also did not find any significant relationship between language learning strategies and gender

    Teaching English in multicultural classrooms

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    A Species Checklist of Wild Orchids in Selected Sites in Kadamaian, Kota Belud, Sabah

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    A brief orchid diversity study was conducted from 14th to 19th October 2019 in Kadamaian, located northwest of Kinabalu area, through a scientific geographic expedition. A convenience sampling method was employed with only the flowering individuals collected and preserved as herbarium specimens. A total of 58 species and 32 genera were identified during the field visits to the Mount Nopungguk, Melangkap Noriou, Ulu Sungai Melawa, and basecamp site. The finding comprises of 43 epiphytes, 13 terrestrials, and two mycoheterotrophs. Appendicula congesta, Bulbophyllum disjunctum, Dendrobium kiauense, and Goodyera rostellata are species endemic to Borneo found during the expedition along with Crepidium multiflorum, a hyper-endemic species to Kinabalu area. Several rare species which narrowly distributed to primary forest habitat were discovered, including jewel orchids; Cystorchis variegata var. variegata and Anoectochilus geniculatus, and two mycoheterotrophs; Aphyllorchis pallida and Lecanorchis multiflora var. multiflora

    A preliminary survey and chemical profiling of wild ginger species in Kadamaian, Kota Belud, Sabah

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    A preliminary survey of the diversity of gingers (Zingiberaceae) was conducted in Kadamaian, Kota Belud from 14th to 19th October, 2019. Wild ginger species is utilized widely as one of the most important material in traditional medicine among indigenous people of Sabah. However, few of these plant species have been studied for their chemical constituents and beneficial properties. In order to investigate the compound composition, the essential oil from Etlingera brevilabrum, Alpinia nieuwenhuizii and Hornstedtia havilandii were screened. The essential oil was obtained from leaves, stems and rhizomes of the plant through hydro-distillation and analysed for their chemical composition through Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS). The result of this study indicated that the chemical constituents of all three parts for all species are similar; all have terpenoids (monoterpene and sesquiterpene), aldehyde, hydrocarbon, ketone and alcohol in the essential oil extracts. GC-MS analyses of the oils led to the identification of 35 compound constituents from the leaves, stems and rhizomes of E. brevilabrum, which is the highest. Meanwhile, A. nieuwenhuizii displayed 34 chemical compositions from all parts (leaf, stem and rhizome) of the plant. H. havilandii showed the lowest number of volatiles from all plant parts (24 compounds). Monoterpene is dominant in all wild ginger studied, except for rhizome of E. brevilabrum. On the contrary, E. brevilabrum showed sesquiterpene as the most abundant compound in its composition. This shows that the volatile oil composition of wild ginger species is extremely variable. This study provides preliminary key chemical information for evaluating the quality of local wild gingers in Kadamaian, Kota Belud, Sabah

    A survey on vocabulary learning strategies employed by ESL learners

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    Vocabulary is an important component of language proficiency that provides the root for the ability of the learners is speaking, listening, reading and writing. the importance of vocabulary is esential for language learners. however, the teaching of vocubalury is often neglected in the teaching and learning of English language and it was often given little priority in language programmes and received only incidental attention in textbook and language programmes (Hedge, 2008). Many languages teachersthink that vocabulary cab be left on its own and does not need to be taught perhaps due to several reasons such as grammar should be emphasized more than vocabulary students would make mistakes in sentence construction if too many words were learned before basic grammar has been mastered, and word meanings can be learned through experience and cannot be taught in the class room. Having the limited vocabulary and strategis often impede learners in displaying their abilities and discourage them making use of language learning opportunities around then such as watching television, listening to the radio, reading or using the language in different contexts. Due lack of vocabulary, learners cannot perform in spoken and written in which they are less confident to speak and write in the target language. This study surveys the vocabulary learning strategies employed by a group of ESL learners of a higher institution in Malaysia. Suggestion on the pedagogical implication are provided to supplement the ESL educators in dealing with various vocabulary learning strategies employed by the learners

    A Study of multicultural awareness among Language Teachers

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    The population of linguistically and culturally diverse students in tertiary education in Malaysia has increased steadily since the Malaysian Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) intensified the concept of internationalisation. This changing demographics make it incumbent upon teachers to know their students' cultures.This paper examines multiculturalism as perceived by language teachers at International Islamic University Malaysia.Research has shown that teachers' awareness of multiculturalism of their students will have a direct affect toward the students behaviour and academic outcomes.The aim of this study was to ascertain whether language teachers are aware of multiculturalism. A questionnaire was given to 40 language teachers. The research methodology and some of the findings from the study will be described

    Investigating the english language learning styles and learning strategies among IIUM students

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    This study investigated the learning strategies, and the relationship between learning strategies and learning styles of Malaysian students studying English through Content-based Instruction (i.e. English for Academic Purposes and English for Occupational Purposes) at the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM). Learning styles and learning strategies of language learners play important roles in second language acquisition. The learning styles were investigated through an analysis of their responses (n=312) to Learning Styles Indicator (LSI) (Wintergerst et.a., 2003) while learning strategies were investigated through Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL) (Oxford, 1990). These instruments have been validated in a number of studies. The study was mainly motivated by concerns about the standards of English among graduates who have been observed to be passive and reticent in the language classrooms. Specifically, the study investigated frequency of strategy use according to type of courses (i.e. content-based versus non content-based), gender, and proficiency levels. The study found that the students from the different degree programmes differed in the use of the six different strategies. The study also did not find any significant relationship between language learning strategies and gender. The research used Pearsonโ€™s correlation and multiple regression analysis to process the survey data. Results show that learning strategies and styles are inter-related and language instructors need to take cognizance of this connection in facilitating the learning experience of students. Almost half of the sample (n=312) adopt project orientation as their learning style. Out of all learning strategies only compensation strategy contributes statistically significantly towards all the three learning styles. However, the regression model shows that none of the learning strategies contributes significantly towards group activity orientation learning style. Results of the study imply that English instructors in particular need to be aware of the basics of strategies and styles to enable them to reinforce student learning experience

    Assessing the skills of evaluation in the writings of postgraduates

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    The ability to write critically is a very important aspect of university writing. This critical writing skill is crucial for postgraduates as they need to write critical reviews of a book, a chapter, or a journal article, especially those pertinent to their area of study. Writing a critical review usually requires reading the selected text in detail, summarising, evaluating and also reading other related texts so that students can present a fair and reasonable evaluation of the selected text. The objective of this paper is to investigate whether the postgraduate students are able to apply the skills of evaluation in writing a critical review of selected texts. Critical review papers of fifteen postgraduate students of an international university in Malaysia will be collected, assessed and analysed. The study is expected to reveal the lack of skills and strategies in writing effective critical reviews