11 research outputs found

    Accumulation and Rapid Decay of Non-LTR Retrotransposons in the Genome of the Three-Spine Stickleback

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    The diversity and abundance of non–long terminal repeat (LTR) retrotransposons (nLTR-RT) differ drastically among vertebrate genomes. At one extreme, the genome of placental mammals is littered with hundreds of thousands of copies resulting from the activity of a single clade of nLTR-RT, the L1 clade. In contrast, fish genomes contain a much more diverse repertoire of nLTR-RT, represented by numerous active clades and families. Yet, the number of nLTR-RT copies in teleostean fish is two orders of magnitude smaller than in mammals. The vast majority of insertions appear to be very recent, suggesting that nLTR-RT do not accumulate in fish genomes. This pattern had previously been explained by a high rate of turnover, in which the insertion of new elements is offset by the selective loss of deleterious inserts. The turnover model was proposed because of the similarity between fish and Drosophila genomes with regard to their nLTR-RT profile. However, it is unclear if this model applies to fish. In fact, a previous study performed on the puffer fish suggested that transposable element insertions behave as neutral alleles. Here we examined the dynamics of amplification of nLTR-RT in the three-spine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus). In this species, the vast majority of nLTR-RT insertions are relatively young, as suggested by their low level of divergence. Contrary to expectations, a majority of these insertions are fixed in lake and oceanic populations; thus, nLTR-RT do indeed accumulate in the genome of their fish host. This is not to say that nLTR-RTs are fully neutral, as the lack of fixed long elements in this genome suggests a deleterious effect related to their length. This analysis does not support the turnover model and strongly suggests that a much higher rate of DNA loss in fish than in mammals is responsible for the relatively small number of nLTR-RT copies and for the scarcity of ancient elements in fish genomes. We further demonstrate that nLTR-RT decay in fish occurs mostly through large deletions and not by the accumulation of small deletions

    Alpha-defensin 5 differentially modulates adenovirus vaccine vectors from different serotypes in vivo.

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    Adenoviral vectors have shown significant promise as vaccine delivery vectors due to their ability to elicit both innate and adaptive immune responses. α-defensins are effector molecules of the innate immune response and have been shown to modulate natural infection with adenoviruses, but the majority of α-defensin-adenovirus interactions studied to date have only been analyzed in vitro. In this study, we evaluated the role of α-defensin 5 (HD5) in modulating adenovirus vaccine immunogenicity using various serotype adenovirus vectors in mice. We screened a panel of human adenoviruses including Ad5 (species C), Ad26 (species D), Ad35 (species B), Ad48 (species D) and a chimeric Ad5HVR48 for HD5 sensitivity. HD5 inhibited transgene expression from Ad5 and Ad35 but augmented transgene expression from Ad26, Ad48, and Ad5HVR48. HD5 similarly suppressed antigen-specific IgG and CD8+ T cell responses elicited by Ad5 vectors in mice, but augmented IgG and CD8+ T cell responses and innate cytokine responses elicited by Ad26 vectors in mice. Moreover, HD5 suppressed the protective efficacy of Ad5 vectors but enhanced the protective efficacy of Ad26 vectors expressing SIINFEKL against a surrogate Listeria-OVA challenge in mice. These data demonstrate that HD5 differentially modulates adenovirus vaccine delivery vectors in a species-specific manner in vivo

    Combined HDAC and BET Inhibition Enhances Melanoma Vaccine Immunogenicity and Efficacy

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    The combined inhibition of histone deacetylases (HDAC) and the proteins of the bromodomain and extraterminal (BET) family have recently shown therapeutic efficacy against melanoma, pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma, testicular, and lymphoma cancers in murine studies. However, in such studies, the role of the immune system in therapeutically controlling these cancers has not been explored. We sought to investigate the effect of the HDAC inhibitor romidepsin (RMD) and the BET inhibitor IBET151, both singly and in combination, on vaccine-elicited immune responses. C57BL/6 mice were immunized with differing vaccine systems (adenoviral, protein) in prime-boost regimens under treatment with RMD, IBET151, or RMD+IBET151. The combined administration of RMD+IBET151 during vaccination resulted in a significant increase in the frequency and number of Ag-specific CD8+ T cells. RMD+IBET151 treatment significantly increased the frequency of vaccine-elicited IFN-Îł+ splenic CD8+ T cells and conferred superior therapeutic and prophylactic protection against B16-OVA melanoma. RNA sequencing analyses revealed strong transcriptional similarity between RMD+IBET151 and untreated Ag-specific CD8+ T cells except in apoptosis and IL-6 signaling-related genes that were differentially expressed. Serum IL-6 was significantly increased in vivo following RMD+IBET151 treatment, with recombinant IL-6 administration replicating the effect of RMD+IBET151 treatment on vaccine-elicited CD8+ T cell responses. IL-6 sufficiency for protection was not assessed. Combined HDAC and BET inhibition resulted in greater vaccine-elicited CD8+ T cell responses and enhanced therapeutic and prophylactic protection against B16-OVA melanoma. Increased IL-6 production and the differential expression of pro-and anti-apoptotic genes following RMD+IBET151 treatment are likely contributors to the enhanced cancer vaccine responses

    Protective efficacy of an attenuated Mtb ΔLprG vaccine in mice.

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    Bacille Calmette-Guerin (BCG), an attenuated whole cell vaccine based on Mycobacterium bovis, is the only licensed vaccine against Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb), but its efficacy is suboptimal and it fails to protect against pulmonary tuberculosis. We previously reported that Mtb lacking the virulence genes lprG and rv1410c (ΔLprG) was highly attenuated in immune deficient mice. In this study, we show that attenuated ΔLprG Mtb protects C57BL/6J, Balb/cJ, and C3HeB/FeJ mice against Mtb challenge and is as attenuated as BCG in SCID mice. In C3HeB/FeJ mice, ΔLprG vaccination resulted in innate peripheral cytokine production and induced high polyclonal PPD-specific cytokine-secreting CD4+ T lymphocytes in peripheral blood. The ΔLprG vaccine afforded protective efficacy in the lungs of C3H/FeJ mice following both H37Rv and Erdman aerosolized Mtb challenges. Vaccine efficacy correlated with antigen-specific PD-1-negative CD4+ T lymphocytes as well as with serum IL-17 levels after vaccination. We hypothesize that induction of Th17 cells in lung is critical for vaccine protection, and we show a serum cytokine biomarker for IL-17 shortly after vaccination may predict protective efficacy