60 research outputs found

    Surgery of real symplectic fourfolds and Welschinger invariants

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    A surgery of a real symplectic manifold XRX_{\mathbb R} along a real Lagrangian sphere SS is a modification of the symplectic and real structure on XRX_{\mathbb R} in a neigborhood of SS. Genus 0 Welschinger invariants of two real symplectic 44-manifolds differing by such a surgery have been related in a previous work in collaboration with N. Puignau. In the present paper, we explore some particular situations where these general formulas greatly simplify. As an application, we complete the computation of genus 0 Welschinger invariants of all del~Pezzo surfaces, and of all R\mathbb R-minimal real conic bundles. As a by-product, we establish the existence of some new relative Welschinger invariants. We also generalize our results to the enumeration of curves of higher genus, and give relations between hypothetical invariants defined in the same vein as a previous work by Shustin.Comment: 28 pages, 2 figures. V2: Major edition (hopefully simplifications) of the first version, references precised. V3: Minor edition

    A bit of tropical geometry

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    This friendly introduction to tropical geometry is meant to be accessible to first year students in mathematics. The topics discussed here are basic tropical algebra, tropical plane curves, some tropical intersections, and Viro's patchworking. Each definition is explained with concrete examples and illustrations. To a great exten, this text is an updated of a translation from a french text by the first author. There is also a newly added section highlighting new developments and perspectives on tropical geometry. In addition, the final section provides an extensive list of references on the subject.Comment: 27 pages, 19 figure

    Enumeration of curves via floor diagrams

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    In this note we compute some enumerative invariants of real and complex projective spaces by means of some enriched graphs called floor diagrams.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Behavior of Welschinger Invariants under Morse Simplifications

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    We relate Welschinger invariants of a rational real symplectic 4-manifold before and after a Morse simplification (i.e deletion of a sphere or a handle of the real part of the surface). This relation is a consequence of a real version of Abramovich-Bertram formula which computes Gromov-Witten invariants by means of enumeration of JJ-holomorphic curves with a non-generic almost complex structure JJ. In addition, we give some qualitative consequences of our study, for example the vanishing of Welschinger invariants in some cases.Comment: 5 pages. This text is an extension of the previous version to symplectic setting. It is an announcement and does not contain proof

    Brief introduction to tropical geometry

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    The paper consists of lecture notes for a mini-course given by the authors at the G\"okova Geometry \& Topology conference in May 2014. We start the exposition with tropical curves in the plane and their applications to problems in classical enumerative geometry, and continue with a look at more general tropical varieties and their homology theories.Comment: 75 pages, 37 figures, many examples and exercise

    A Viro theorem without convexity hypothesis for trigonal curves

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    A cumbersome hypothesis for Viro patchworking of real algebraic curves is the convexity of the given subdivision. It is an open question in general to know whether the convexity is necessary. In the case of trigonal curves we interpret Viro method in terms of dessins d'enfants. Gluing the dessins d'enfants in a coherent way we prove that no convexity hypothesis is required to patchwork such curve