11,353 research outputs found


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    Program pengembangan infrastruktur sosial ekonomi merupakan program yang bertujuan untuk melakukan percepatan pembangunan ekonomi masyarakat perdesaan berbasis pada sumberdaya lokal, pengurangan kesenjangan antar wilayah, pengentasan kemiskinan, perbaikan pengelolaan pemerintah daerah di tingkat kabupaten, kecamatan dan desa serta penguatan institusi lokal di tingkat desa. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah: (1) Mengevaluasi dan menilai efektifitas Program Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Pembangunan Infrastruktur Sosial Ekonomi Wilayah (PNPM-PISEW) terhadap pemberdayaan masyarakat di Kabupaten Tabalong, terutama pada Kawasan Strategis Kabupaten (KSK) Tabalong; (2) Menemukan faktor-faktor yang terpengaruh dalam pelaksanaan PNPM-PISEW di Kawasan Strategis Kabupaten Tabalong; (3) Merumuskan model pemberdayaan masyarakat yang dapat diterapkan di Kabupaten Tabalong khususnya maupun wilayah lainnya pada umumnya. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan kualitatif dan menggunakan jenis evaluasi formatif untuk mengukur evaluasi dan efektifitas pelaksanaan PNPMPISEW di KSK Tabalong. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data dilakukan melalui teknik analisis deskriptif dengan proses pengumpulan, reduksi, penyajian dan verifikasi data. Hasil penelitian tentang Evaluasi Kebijakan Penanggulangan Kemiskinan melalui PNPM-PISEW menunjukkan bahwa program ini telah dapat dilaksanakan dengan mekanisme dan tahapan yang cukup baik. Penilaian dari prinsip dasar program, yaitu: transparansi dan akuntabel, demokratis, partisipasi, kesetaraan gender, kolaboratif, dan keberlanjutan secara keseluruhan cukup efektif. Kekurangan dari pelaksanaan program ini adalah partisipasi perempuan yang masih minim dan keberlanjutan program yang belum dipahami oleh masyarakat penerima manfaat. Faktor-faktor yang terpengaruh dalam pelaksanaan PNPM-PISEW di KSK Tabalong adalah terjadinya peningkatan pendapatan, peningkatan kesempatan kerja, dan peningkatan kapasitas pemerintahan kecamatan dan desa. Kata Kunci: PNPM-PISEW, KSK, Evaluasi, Efektifitas, Tabalon

    Connected components of the strata of the moduli spaces of quadratic differentials

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    In two fundamental classical papers, Masur and Veech have independently proved that the Teichmueller geodesic flow acts ergodically on each connected component of each stratum of the moduli space of quadratic differentials. It is therefore interesting to have a classification of the ergodic components. Veech has proved that these strata are not necessarily connected. In a recent work, Kontsevich and Zorich have completely classified the components in the particular case where the quadratic differentials are given by the global square of Abelian differentials. Here we are interested in the complementary case. In a previous paper, we have described some particular component, namely the hyperelliptic connected components, and showed that some strata are non-connected. In this paper, we give the general classification theorem: up to four exceptional cases in low genera, the strata of meromorphic quadratic differentials are either connected, or have exactly two connected components. In this last case, one component is hyperelliptic, the other not. Our proof is based on a new approach of the so-called Jenkins-Strebel differential. We will present and use the notion of generalized permutations.Comment: 49 pages, 12 figures, submitted. major revision, typos correcte

    Surgery of real symplectic fourfolds and Welschinger invariants

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    A surgery of a real symplectic manifold XRX_{\mathbb R} along a real Lagrangian sphere SS is a modification of the symplectic and real structure on XRX_{\mathbb R} in a neigborhood of SS. Genus 0 Welschinger invariants of two real symplectic 44-manifolds differing by such a surgery have been related in a previous work in collaboration with N. Puignau. In the present paper, we explore some particular situations where these general formulas greatly simplify. As an application, we complete the computation of genus 0 Welschinger invariants of all del~Pezzo surfaces, and of all R\mathbb R-minimal real conic bundles. As a by-product, we establish the existence of some new relative Welschinger invariants. We also generalize our results to the enumeration of curves of higher genus, and give relations between hypothetical invariants defined in the same vein as a previous work by Shustin.Comment: 28 pages, 2 figures. V2: Major edition (hopefully simplifications) of the first version, references precised. V3: Minor edition

    Brauer-friendly modules and slash functors

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    This paper introduces the notion of Brauer-friendly modules, a generalisation of endo-p-permutation modules. A module over a block algebra OGe is said to be Brauer-friendly if it is a direct sum of indecomposable modules with compatible fusion-stable endopermutation sources. We obtain, for these modules, a functorial version of Dade's slash construction, also known as deflation-restriction. We prove that our slash functors, defined over Brauer-friendly categories, share most of the very useful properties that are satisfied by the Brauer functor over the category of p-permutation OGe-modules. In particular, we give a parametrisation of indecomposable Brauer-friendly modules, which opens the way to a complete classification whenever the fusion-stable sources are classified. Those tools have been used to prove the existence of a stable equivalence between non-principal blocks in the context of a minimal counter-example to the odd Z*p-theorem.Comment: 20 page
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