35 research outputs found

    Effects of turbulence intensity and length scale on the flame location of premixed turbulent combustion in a diffuser combustor

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    This study focused on the dependency of the flame location of a premixed propane-air flame on turbulence intensity and length scale. The flame location was investigated using a diffuser-type combustor to show the response of the flame location to varying turbulence intensities and length scales without changing the mixture velocity, i.e., the thermal power. Combustion simulations were conducted using a coherent flame model within the framework of Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations under unsteady state conditions. The flame generally moved toward the combustor inlet with increases in turbulence intensity and length scale. The combustion and inlet turbulence caused a flow separation mainly downstream of the flame front. Consequently, the secondary flow structures influenced the flame topology and location.TÜBİTAK ; Tikrit University ; Ozyegin Universit

    A watershed and active contours based method for dendritic spine segmentation in 2-photon microscopy images (2-Foton mikroskopi görüntülerindeki dendritik dikenlerin bölütlenmesi için watershed ve etkin çevritlere dayalı bir yöntem)

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    Analysing morphological and volumetric properties of dendritic spines from 2-photon microscopy images has been of interest to neuroscientists in recent years. Developing robust and reliable tools for automatic analysis depends on the segmentation quality. In this paper, we propose a new segmentation algorithm for dendritic spine segmentation based on watershed and active contour methods. First, our proposed method coarsely segments the dendritic spine area using the watershed algorithm. Then, these results are further refined using a region-based active contour approach. We compare our results and the results of existing methods in the literature to manual delineations of a domain expert. Experimental results demonstrate that our proposed method produces more accurate results than the existing algorithms proposed for dendritic spine segmentation

    Interaction between free-stream turbulence and tip-vortices of wind turbine blades with and without winglets

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    Experimental investigations of the free-stream turbulence impact on the tip-vortices generated in wind turbine blades have been performed. The investigation is done by exposing an efficient laboratory scale wind turbine to different turbulence levels generated by two static grids installed in the cross section of a wind tunnel. Different winglet configurations to figure out the optimum design that can prevent the tip induced flow are studied. The power gained when adding different winglets is measured when exposing the turbine to turbulence. It is found that the strength of the vortices is reduced depending on the turbulence levels. Furthermore, higher power extraction associated with more expansion of wake and wake-border is shown. This is an indication for increasing of the mixing between the free-stream and the wake. Tip-vortex analysis of high turbulence levels has shown additional interaction of large-eddy scales contained in the free-stream turbulence. The turbulence helps to suppress the tip vortices, and thus, reduces the tip losses. Further investigations of the near and far wake-surrounding intersection are performed to understand the energy exchange and the free stream entrainment that help in wake recovery

    Automatic dendritic spine detection using multiscale dot enhancement filters and sift features

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    Statistical characterization of morphological changes of dendritic spines is becoming of crucial interest in the field of neurobiology. Automatic detection and segmentation of dendritic spines promises significant reductions on the time spent by the scientists and reduces the subjectivity concerns. In this paper, we present two approaches for automated detection of dendritic spines in 2-photon laser scanning microscopy (2pLSM) images. The first method combines the idea of dot enhancement filters with information from the dendritic skeleton. The second method learns an SVM classifier by utilizing some pre-labeled SIFT feature descriptors and uses the classifier to detect dendritic spines in new images. For the segmentation of detected spines, we employ a watershed-variational segmentation algorithm. We evaluate the proposed approaches by comparing with manual segmentations of domain experts and the results of a noncommercial software, NeuronIQ. Our methods produce promising detection rate with high segmentation accuracy thus can serve as a useful tool for spine analysis

    Coupled shape priors for dynamic segmentation of dendritic spines

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    Segmentation of biomedical images is a challenging task, especially when there is low quality or missing data. The use of prior information can provide significant assistance for obtaining more accurate results. In this paper we propose a new approach for dendritic spine segmentation from microscopic images over time, which is motivated by incorporating shape information from previous time points to segment a spine in the current time point. In particular, using a training set consisting of spines in two consecutive time points to construct coupled shape priors, and given the segmentation in the previous time point, we can improve the segmentation process of the spine in the current time point. Our approach has been evaluated on 2-photon microscopy images of dendritic spines and its effectiveness has been demonstrated by both visual and quantitative results

    A joint classification and segmentation approach for dendritic spine segmentation in 2-photon microscopy images

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    Shape priors have been successfully used in challenging biomedical imaging problems. However when the shape distribution involves multiple shape classes, leading to a multimodal shape density, effective use of shape priors in segmentation becomes more challenging. In such scenarios, knowing the class of the shape can aid the segmentation process, which is of course unknown a priori. In this paper, we propose a joint classification and segmentation approach for dendritic spine segmentation which infers the class of the spine during segmentation and adapts the remaining segmentation process accordingly. We evaluate our proposed approach on 2-photon microscopy images containing dendritic spines and compare its performance quantitatively to an existing approach based on nonparametric shape priors. Both visual and quantitative results demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in dendritic spine segmentation

    Nonparametric joint shape and feature priors for segmentation of dendritic spines

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    Multimodal shape density estimation is a challenging task in many biomedical image segmentation problems. Existing techniques in the literature estimate the underlying shape distribution by extending Parzen density estimator to the space of shapes. Such density estimates are only expressed in terms of distances between shapes which may not be sufficient for ensuring accurate segmentation when the observed intensities provide very little information about the object boundaries. In such scenarios, employing additional shape-dependent discriminative features as priors and exploiting both shape and feature priors can aid to the segmentation process. In this paper, we propose a segmentation algorithm that uses nonparametric joint shape and feature priors using Parzen density estimator. The joint prior density estimate is expressed in terms of distances between shapes and distances between features. We incorporate the learned joint shape and feature prior distribution into a maximum a posteriori estimation framework for segmentation. The resulting optimization problem is solved using active contours. We present experimental results on dendritic spine segmentation in 2-photon microscopy images which involve a multimodal shape density

    Biomedical image time series registration with particle filtering (Parçacık süzgeci ile biyomedikal görüntü zaman serisi çakıştırma)

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    We propose a family of methods for biomedical image time series registration based on Particle filtering. The first method applies an intensity-based information-theoretic approach to calculate importance weights. An effective second group of methods use landmark-based approaches for the same purpose by automatically detecting intensity maxima or SIFT interest points from image time series. A brute-force search for the best alignment usually produces good results with proper cost functions, but becomes computationally expensive if the whole search space is explored. Hill climbing optimizations seek local optima. Particle filtering avoids local solutions by introducing randomness and sequentially updating the posterior distribution representing probable solutions. Thus, it can be more robust for the registration of image time series. We show promising preliminary results on dendrite image time series

    3D dendritic spine segmentation using nonparametric shape priors (3B dendritik dikenlerin parametrik olmayan şekil ön bilgisi kullanılarak bölütlenmesi)

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    Analyzing morphological and structural changes of dendritic spines in 2-photon microscopy images in time is important for neuroscience researchers. Correct segmentation of dendritic spines is an important step of developing robust and reliable automatic tools for such analysis. In this paper, we propose an approach for segmentation of 3D dendritic spines using nonparametric shape priors. The proposed method learns the prior distribution of shapes through Parzen density estimation on the training set of shapes. Then, the posterior distribution of shapes is obtained by combining the learned prior distribution with a data term in a Bayesian framework. Finally, the segmentation result that maximizes the posterior is found using active contours. Experimental results demonstrate that using nonparametric shape priors leads to better 3D dendritic spine segmentation results