674 research outputs found

    KRb Feshbach Resonances: Modeling the interatomic potential

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    We have observed 28 heteronuclear Feshbach resonances in 10 spin combinations of the hyperfine ground states of a 40K 87Rb mixture. The measurements were performed by observing the loss rates from an atomic mixture at magnetic fields between 0 and 700 G. This data was used to significantly refine an interatomic potential derived from molecular spectroscopy, yielding a highly consistent model of the KRb interaction. Thus, the measured resonances can be assigned to the corresponding molecular states. In addition, this potential allows for an accurate calculation of the energy differences between highly excited levels and the rovibrational ground level. This information is of particular relevance for the formation of deeply bound heteronuclear molecules. Finally, the model is used to predict Feshbach resonances in mixtures of 87Rb combined with 39K or 41K.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Interaction-free measurements by quantum Zeno stabilisation of ultracold atoms

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    Quantum mechanics predicts that our physical reality is influenced by events that can potentially happen but factually do not occur. Interaction-free measurements (IFMs) exploit this counterintuitive influence to detect the presence of an object without requiring any interaction with it. Here we propose and realize an IFM concept based on an unstable many-particle system. In our experiments, we employ an ultracold gas in an unstable spin configuration which can undergo a rapid decay. The object - realized by a laser beam - prevents this decay due to the indirect quantum Zeno effect and thus, its presence can be detected without interacting with a single atom. Contrary to existing proposals, our IFM does not require single-particle sources and is only weakly affected by losses and decoherence. We demonstrate confidence levels of 90%, well beyond previous optical experiments.Comment: manuscript with 5 figures, 3 supplementary figure, 1 supplementary not

    Modulation der Wirksamkeit von Arginin-Vasopressin durch Methylprednisolon am wachen, chronisch-instrumentierten, endotoxÀmischen Schaf

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    In der vorliegenden Untersuchung sollte die Nullhypothese, dass die kontinuierliche AVP-Infusion bei endotoxĂ€mischen Schafen nicht zu einer Tachyphylaxie fĂŒhrt, widerlegt werden. Es sollte evaluiert werden, ob Methylprednisolon (MP) einer potentiellen Tachyphylaxie entgegenwirken kann. Vierzehn Schafe wurden fĂŒr die hĂ€modynamische Überwachung instrumentiert und in zwei Ă€quivalente Gruppen (AVP-, Kontrollgruppe) randomisiert. Alle Tiere erhielten eine kontinuierliche Endotoxin-Infusion, die zu einer hypotensiven-hyperdynamen Zirkulation fĂŒhrte. Die kontinuierliche Infusion von 0,04 U/min AVP bewirkte einen Anstieg des arteriellen Mitteldrucks (MAP). Nach 6 h zeigte sich eine Reduktion des Vasopressor-Effekts von AVP. Die Injektion von 30 mg/kg MP fĂŒhrte zu einem Anstieg des MAP in der AVP-Gruppe. Diese Daten legen nahe, dass Glukokortikoide einer Tachyphylaxie gegenĂŒber exogenem AVP in der EndotoxinĂ€mie entgegenwirken

    Spontaneous breaking of spatial and spin symmetry in spinor condensates

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    Parametric amplification of quantum fluctuations constitutes a fundamental mechanism for spontaneous symmetry breaking. In our experiments, a spinor condensate acts as a parametric amplifier of spin modes, resulting in a twofold spontaneous breaking of spatial and spin symmetry in the amplified clouds. Our experiments permit a precise analysis of the amplification in specific spatial Bessel-like modes, allowing for the detailed understanding of the double symmetry breaking. On resonances that create vortex-antivortex superpositions, we show that the cylindrical spatial symmetry is spontaneously broken, but phase squeezing prevents spin-symmetry breaking. If, however, nondegenerate spin modes contribute to the amplification, quantum interferences lead to spin-dependent density profiles and hence spontaneously-formed patterns in the longitudinal magnetization.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    0.75 atoms improve the clock signal of 10,000 atoms

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    Since the pioneering work of Ramsey, atom interferometers are employed for precision metrology, in particular to measure time and to realize the second. In a classical interferometer, an ensemble of atoms is prepared in one of the two input states, whereas the second one is left empty. In this case, the vacuum noise restricts the precision of the interferometer to the standard quantum limit (SQL). Here, we propose and experimentally demonstrate a novel clock configuration that surpasses the SQL by squeezing the vacuum in the empty input state. We create a squeezed vacuum state containing an average of 0.75 atoms to improve the clock sensitivity of 10,000 atoms by 2.05 dB. The SQL poses a significant limitation for today's microwave fountain clocks, which serve as the main time reference. We evaluate the major technical limitations and challenges for devising a next generation of fountain clocks based on atomic squeezed vacuum.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Extended coherence time on the clock transition of optically trapped Rubidium

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    Optically trapped ensembles are of crucial importance for frequency measurements and quantum memories, but generally suffer from strong dephasing due to inhomogeneous density and light shifts. We demonstrate a drastic increase of the coherence time to 21 s on the magnetic field insensitive clock transition of Rb-87 by applying the recently discovered spin self-rephasing. This result confirms the general nature of this new mechanism and thus shows its applicability in atom clocks and quantum memories. A systematic investigation of all relevant frequency shifts and noise contributions yields a stability of 2.4E-11 x tau^(-1/2), where tau is the integration time in seconds. Based on a set of technical improvements, the presented frequency standard is predicted to rival the stability of microwave fountain clocks in a potentially much more compact setup.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Coherence Properties of Guided-Atom Interferometers

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    We present a detailed investigation of the coherence properties of beam splitters and Mach-Zehnder interferometers for guided atoms. It is demonstrated that such a setup permits coherent wave packet splitting and leads to the appearance of interference fringes. We study single-mode and thermal input states and show that even for thermal input states interference fringes can be clearly observed, thus demonstrating the multimode operation and the robustness of the interferometer.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure
