29 research outputs found

    Large circulant graphs of fixed diameter and arbitrary degree

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    We consider the degree-diameter problem for undirected and directed circulant graphs. To date, attempts to generate families of large circulant graphs of arbitrary degree for a given diameter have concentrated mainly on the diameter 2 case. We present a direct product construction yielding improved bounds for small diameters and introduce a new general technique for “stitching” together circulant graphs which enables us to improve the current best known asymptotic orders for every diameter. As an application, we use our constructions in the directed case to obtain upper bounds on the minimum size of a subset A of a cyclic group of order n such that the k-fold sumset kA is equal to the whole group. We also present a revised table of largest known circulant graphs of small degree and diameter

    Groups whose locally maximal product-free sets are complete

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    Let G be a finite group and S a subset of G. Then S is product-free if S ∩ SS = ∅, and complete if G∗ ⊆ S ∪ SS. A product-free set is locally maximal if it is not contained in a strictly larger product-free set. If S is product-free and complete then S is locally maximal, but the converse does not necessarily hold. Street and Whitehead [J. Combin. Theory Ser. A 17 (1974), 219–226] defined a group G as filled if every locally maximal product-free set S in G is complete (the term comes from their use of the phrase ‘S fills G’ to mean S is complete). They classified all abelian filled groups, and conjectured that the finite dihedral group of order 2n is not filled when n = 6k +1 (k ≥ 1). The conjecture was disproved by two of the current authors [C.S. Anabanti and S.B. Hart, Australas. J. Combin. 63 (3) (2015), 385–398], where we also classified the filled groups of odd order. In this paper we classify filled dihedral groups, filled nilpotent groups and filled groups of order 2n p where p is an odd prime. We use these results to determine all filled groups of order up to 2000

    On Total Regularity of Mixed Graphs with Order Close to the Moore Bound

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    The undirected degree/diameter and degree/girth problems and their directed analogues have been studied for many decades in the search for efficient network topologies. Recently such questions have received much attention in the setting of mixed graphs, i.e. networks that admit both undirected edges and directed arcs. The degree/diameter problem for mixed graphs asks for the largest possible order of a network with diameter kk, maximum undirected degree r\leq r and maximum directed out-degree z\leq z. Similarly one can search for the smallest possible kk-geodetic mixed graphs with minimum undirected degree r\geq r and minimum directed out-degree z\geq z. A simple counting argument reveals the existence of a natural bound, the Moore bound, on the order of such graphs; a graph that meets this limit is a mixed Moore graph. Mixed Moore graphs can exist only for k=2k = 2 and even in this case it is known that they are extremely rare. It is therefore of interest to search for graphs with order one away from the Moore bound. Such graphs must be out-regular; a much more difficult question is whether they must be totally regular. For k=2k = 2, we answer this question in the affirmative, thereby resolving an open problem stated in a recent paper of Lopez and Miret. We also present partial results for larger kk. We finally put these results to practical use by proving the uniqueness of a 2-geodetic mixed graph with order exceeding the Moore bound by one

    Large Cayley graphs of small diameter

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    The degree-diameter problem seeks to find the largest possible number of vertices in a graph having given diameter and given maximum degree. Very often the problem is studied for restricted families of graph such as vertex-transitive or Cayley graphs, with the goal being to find a family of graphs with good asymptotic properties. In this paper we restrict attention to Cayley graphs, and study the asymptotics by fixing a small diameter and constructing families of graphs of large order for all values of the maximum degree. Much of the literature in this direction is focused on the diameter two case. In this paper we consider larger diameters, and use a variety of techniques to derive new best asymptotic constructions for diameters 3, 4 and 5 as well as an improvement to the general bound for all odd diameters. Our diameter 3 construction is, as far as we know, the first to employ matrix groups over finite fields in the degree-diameter problem

    Properties of Steiner triple systems of order 21

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    Properties of the 62,336,617 Steiner triple systems of order 21 with a non-trivial automorphism group are examined. In particular, there are 28 which have no parallel class, six that are 4-chromatic, five that are 3-balanced, 20 that avoid the mitre, 21 that avoid the crown, one that avoids the hexagon and two that avoid the prism. All systems contain the grid. None have a block intersection graph that is 3-existentially closed.Comment: 12 page

    On the upper embedding of symmetric configurations with block size 3

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    We consider the problem of embedding a symmetric configuration with block size 3 in an orientable surface in such a way that the blocks of the configuration form triangular faces and there is only one extra large face. We develop a sufficient condition for such an embedding to exist given any orientation of the configuration, and show that this condition is satisfied for all configurations on up to 19 points. We also show that there exists a configuration on 21 points which is not embeddable in any orientation. As a by-product, we give a revised table of numbers of configurations, correcting the published figure for 19 points. We give a number of open questions about embeddability of configurations on larger numbers of points

    Self-dual, self-Petrie-dual and Möbius regular maps on linear fractional groups

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    Regular maps on linear fractional groups PSL(2, q) and PGL(2, q) have been studied for many years and the theory is well-developed, including generating sets for the associated groups. This paper studies the properties of self-duality, self-Petrie-duality and Möbius regularity in this context, providing necessary and sufficient conditions for each case. We also address the special case for regular maps of type (5, 5). The final section includes an enumeration of the PSL(2, q) maps for q ≤ 81 and a list of all the PSL(2, q) maps which have any of these special properties for q ≤ 49