18 research outputs found
Aspects of Higgs Production at the LHC
We discuss the main features and predictions of the GLMM model, which is
based on a QCD motivated theoretical approach, and successfully describes the
experimental data on total, elastic and diffractive cross sections. In addition
we calculate the survival probability for a SM Higgs at the LHC, and compare
our results with those of the Durham group.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, talk at 13th International Confernce on Elastic
and Diffractive Scattering, CERN, 29th June - 3rd July 200
Saturation in DIS processes
We examine HERA data with a view of determining whether unique signs of
saturation can be identified. Concentrating on two channels the logarithmic
slope of , and the production of , which are sensitive to the
behaviour of the gluon density distribution in the proton, we
show that our model incorporating screening corrections and alternative models
comprising a sum of a "soft" and "hard" component provide good fits to the
data.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures (1 in eps, 4 in ps) talk given at XXXI
International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics, Sep. 1-7, 2001, Datong
China URL http://ismd31.ccnu.edu.cn
Inclusive production in a QCD and N=4 SYM motivated model for soft interactions
The results presented in this paper differ from our previous unsuccessful
attempt to predict the rapidity distribution at . The original
version of our model (GLMM) only summed a particular class of Pomeron diagrams
(enhanced diagrams). We believe that this was the reason for our failure to
describe the inclusive LHC data. We have developed a new approach
(GLM) that also includes the summation of the semi-enhanced diagrams.This
contribution is essential for a successful description of the inclusive
distributions, which is presented here.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure
Diffractive Leptoproduction of Small Masses in QCD
In this paper we consider the process of diffraction dissociation in deep
inelastic scattering producing a small mass. This process is analyzed by the
calculation of and production. We show that the
small distance contributions () to the longitudinal
polarised virtual photon dominate the diffractive channels. Formulae for the
cross section using the gluon density are written within the framework of
perturbative QCD. We show that the production of small masses by a transverse
polarised photon is concentrated at moderate values of , where the pQCD approach is valid. It is shown that only
pair production contributes to diffraction dissociation with \b\,>\, 0.4 and
the possibility to extract the values of the gluon density from the
measurements in this kinematic region is discussed. Shadowing corrections are
assessed for both longitudinal and transverse polarised photons and estimates
of the different damping factors are given. The relation between diffractive
production and the corrections to is alluded to. The evolution of the
diffractive structure function is studied and a solution to the difractive
evolution equations is proposed.Comment: 37 pages, and 16 figures (these are now included)(gzip compressed and
The one and two pion contribution to nuclear forces
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