8 research outputs found

    The association of physical (in)activity with mental health. Differences between elder and younger populations: a systematic literature review

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    Background: Physical activity is associated with mental health benefits. This systematic litera-ture review summarises extant evidence regarding this association, and explores differences ob-served between populations over sixty-five years and those younger than sixty-five. Methods: We reviewed articles and grey literature reporting at least one measure of physical activity and at least one mental disorder, in people of all ages. Results: From the 2,263 abstracts screened, we extracted twenty-seven articles and synthesized the evidence regarding the association between physical (in)activity and one or more mental health outcome measures. We confirmed that phys-ical activity is beneficial for mental health. However, the evidence was mostly based on self-reported physical activity and mental health measures. Only one study compared younger and elder populations, finding that increasing the level of physical activity improved mental health for middle aged and elder women (no association was observed for younger women). Studies including only the elderly found a restricted mental health improvement due to physical activi-ty. Conclusions: We found inverse associations between levels of physical activity and mental health problems. However, more evidence regarding the effect of ageing when measuring asso-ciations between physical activity and mental health is needed. By doing so, prescription of physical activity could be more accurately targeted

    Inequalities in Health Care Experience of Patients with Chronic Conditions: Results from a Population-Based Study

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    Patients’ experience is an acknowledged key factor for the improvement of healthcare delivery quality. This study aims to explore the differences in healthcare experience among patients with chronic conditions according to individual sociodemographic and health-related variables. A population-based and cross-sectional study was conducted. The sample consisted of 3981 respondents of the Basque Health Survey (out of 8036 total respondents to the individual questionnaire), living in the Basque Country, aged 15 or older, self-reporting at least one chronic condition. Patient experience was assessed with the Instrument for Evaluation of the Experience of Chronic Patients questionnaire, which encompasses three major factors: interactions between patients and professionals oriented to improve outcomes (productive interactions); new ways of patient interaction with the health care system (the new relational model); and the ability of individuals to manage their care and improve their wellbeing based on professional-mediated interventions (self-management). We conducted descriptive and regression analyses. We estimated linear regression models with robust variances that allow testing for differences in experience according to sociodemographic characteristics, the number of comorbidities and the condition (for all chronic or for chronic patients’ subgroups). Although no unique inequality patterns by these characteristics can be inferred, females reported worse global results than males and older age was related to poorer experience with the new relational model in health care. Individuals with lower education levels tend to report lower experiences. There is not a clear pattern observed for the type of occupation. Multimorbidity and several specific chronic conditions were associated (positive or negatively) with patients’ experience. Health care experience was better in patients with greater quality of life. Understanding the relations among the patients’ experience and their sociodemographic and health-related characteristics is an essential issue for health care systems to improve quality of assistance

    EQ-5D-5L valuation project for the Spanish population: a descriptive overview and preliminary results

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    The latest EQ-5D instrument, EQ-5D-5L, needs new country-specific valuation studies to obtain a value set adapted to the characteristics of the updated instrument. Eight countries from Europe, North and South America and Asia have participated on pilot exercises to develop a final protocol which will be commonly used to perform the valuation studies in each country. Spain is the first country where this protocol has been introduced as part of the Valuation Project for the Spanish Population. This discussion paper reports a descriptive overview of EQ-5D-5L valuation results in the Spanish population and its preliminary results.The survey has a two-stage sample plan. The first stage concentrates on the selection of Spanish regions. The 50 Spanish regions were ordered by population size, and the first 20 regions covering 80% of the total Spanish population were selected. In the second stage, a simple random sampling strategy on each of the selected regions was conducted. The sample size on each region was calculated multiplying the total sample size (1,000) by the percentage of the population on the region respect the total population of the select 20 regions. Data will be collected between 21st May and 15th June 2012 using the final agreed protocol by the EuroQol group. Primary data collection will be conducted by a specialist survey company with a second company conducting a strict quality control process to ensure interviews and data collection of highest quality. The final survey has three blocks of questions. The first block includes patient characteristics (age, gender, socioeconomic status and so on), and a respondent valuation of own health using the EQ-5D-5L. The second block contains 10 composite time trade-offs (TTO) questions, for states better than death classic TTO is used and the “Lead Time” TTO is used for those health states considered worse than death. In this case the lead time (period in full health) is 10 years and the time in the disease is another 10 years to be comparable with the classical TTO were there are 10 years in full health and 10 years in the disease. The last block contains 7 discrete choice experiments questions, where the participant has to choose between two states. Finally some questions about the difficulties of the survey are also included. Descriptive statistics of the final sample are reported. A detailed overview of summary statistics for the health state valuations is included. Different models were explored; hybrid TTO and DC model and DC conditional logistic rescaled with TTO values were used and compared

    EQIS 1.0 User Guide.

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    Where is QALY? The search of values for QALYs (Quality Adjusted Life Years) in the field of Health Economics is not easy. Economic Evaluations, particularly cost-utility analysis, should be of standard practice, but the tools to implement them are rare and require of specific expertise. In many occasions, colleagues approached to us to ask for measures of effectiveness that are used, and show interest in how to obtain it. Such a motivation has led us to generate EQIS 1.0, the friendly software that allows calculating Health Related Quality of Life weights. The following pages introduce EQIS 1.0, and are thought for a quick start using the software. Please do not hesitate to contact the authors for comments, suggestions or any problem you find in the program.

    An Economic Model of Behaviour: Attitudes Towards Altruistic Blood and Organ Donations.

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    The aim of this research is to model altruistic blood and organ donors behaviour. First, we make an analysis of the decision of to be or not to be a donor for any individual. We propose a model where individuals compare the expected utility of deciding to become a donor, with the utility of the alternative decision (not to become a donor). Second, we continue with the identification of the variables having influence over this decision, the expected effects of such a donation (positive and negative) and the importance of the expectations over individuals well-being and the subsequent decision. We work with rational individuals that behave altruistically when making a decision. The model is specific because the goods we consider can only cover vital needs. We posed hypothesis about some variables for each kind of the donations considered (blood and organ donations). This hypothesis can be useful to identify which are the variables having influence actually over this decision. We propose a pilot survey to test our model. First results from a university students survey show the relevant variables influencing blood an organ donations, and seem to confirm the model.altruism, interdependent utility functions, attitudes, blood/organ donations and behaviour

    Attitudes towards blood and living organ donations.

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    We model the decision of whether or not to become a blood/living organ donor. The expected utility for becoming a donor is a function of the degree of altruism, the consumption of goods, the costs of donation, the very pleasure of giving, and the recipient’s utility associated to donation. Empirically, we observe differences in the expected costs and benefits from donation between blood and non-blood donors, and between individuals with different willingness to donate living organs. Looking at benefits/costs of donation through reasons for donating/not donating, we conclude policies to encourage donation should focus on raising awareness and provide information.altruism, uncertainty, blood donations, living organ donations

    Validation Study of a Value-Based Digital Health Questionnaire

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    The paradigm of value-based health care is spreading worldwide; however, Value-Based Digital Health (VBDH) is still an emerging concept. VBDH is understood as the use of digital tools to facilitate the generation of value in health. It is accelerated by technological change, cultural, and organizational factors. An accurate diagnosis of the organizational VBDH maturity is crucial to define and implement strategic actions to progress with VBDH transformation. This study aimed to validate a VBDH questionnaire, which measures the degree of maturity of VBDH from the perspective of managers (N = 146) in Spanish healthcare organizations. Results show good internal consistency of the questionnaire. Factor analysis identified seven dimensions to measure VBHC maturity: (1) Resources, incentives, and financing; (2) Knowledge and participation of patients and workers in the strategy of progress towards VBDH; (3) Training of professionals and tool knowledge for advancement in VBDH; (4) Innovation initiatives; (5) Information and its quality; (6) Leadership, strategy and governance; and (7) Knowledge of the fundamentals and objectives, as well as access to relevant VBDH information. The questionnaire presents good validity and internal consistency and meets the requirements to be an instrument for routine use to assess VBDH organizational maturity

    V Premio Nacional de Educación para el Desarrollo “Vicente Ferrer” 2014 : buenas prácticas

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    Ed. especial 25 aniversario de la AECIDTít. de la cubierta: V Premio Nacional de Educación Para el Desarrollo "Vicente Ferrer"La AECID junto con el Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte convoca anualmente los premios de educación para el desarrollo que están dirigidos a todos los centros docentes españoles sostenidos con fondos públicos que impartan educación infantil, educación primaria, educación secundaria obligatoria, bachillerato y formación profesional. Se recogen las buenas prácticas de los docentes premiados en esta sexta edición. Docentes que en el ejercicio de su función educadora han convertido el proceso educativo en un proceso dinámico e interactivo que permite al alumnado desarrollar un conocimiento crítico de nuestro mundo. Profesores y profesoras que han estimulado la participación del alumnado en la construcción de estructuras sociales más justas y solidarias, y han promovido actuaciones basadas en el principio de la corresponsabilidad de todos los actores implicados. El premio reconoce el esfuerzo realizado por centros educativos que establecen y creen en un modelo educativo que propone resaltar el papel de las personas y generar conciencias de carácter global que permitan al alumnado ser pieza clave de la ciudadanía del futuro, con un dinamismo que afronte las nuevas realidades desde una perspectiva más humana y responsable con el territorio en el que se ubican.ES