60 research outputs found

    Analysis of Buffer techniques in Lean distribution and theory of constraints in a distribution context

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    The current era of globalization is characterized by a growing dynamic change in all areas of social and economic life. This ever growing competition is necessary to address the manager to achieve higher performance and efficiency. One of these areas that has an important focus by managers is the distribution side in supply chain. The purpose is to smooth the flow of goods in the distribution network, in order to improve throughput, reduce inventory and make economic profits. In this context, Lean operations and theory of constraints are comprehensive philosophies that have a considerable contribution. This work concentrate on the concept of "buffering" in these approaches and discusses – based on it - the assessment of a new model in distribution networks. The results are about the guidelines of applying buffer management techniques in distribution, putting the first overview of a new model concerning the optimization of flow in distribution networks

    Generalized Fractional Evolution Equation

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    2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 46F25, 26A33; Secondary: 46G20In this paper we study the generalized Riemann-Liouville (resp. Caputo) time fractional evolution equation in infinite dimensions. We show that the explicit solution is given as the convolution between the initial condition and a generalized function related to the Mittag-Leffler function. The fundamental solution corresponding to the Riemann-Liouville time fractional evolution equation does not admit a probabilistic representation while for the Caputo time fractional evolution equation it is related to the inverse stable subordinators.∗ Partially supported by: GRICES, Proco 4.1.5/Maroc; PTDC/MAT/67965/2006; FCT, POCTI-219, FEDER

    Une analyse comparative des systèmes de gouvernance des firmes et des coopératives

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    Titre : Une analyse comparative des systèmes de gouvernance des firmes et des coopérativesLorsque les scandales financiers ont éclaté, dans certaines grandes firmes, on a remis en cause le système de gouvernance. Le débat, qui en a suivi, a ignoré, dans une certaine mesure, le modèle des entreprises coopératives. Une analyse comparative de ces deux modèles remet en surface l’hypothèse de la fiabilité du système de gouvernance des structures coopératives dans l’atténuation des conflits d’intérêt par rapport à celui des firmes capitalistes.Il est alors question d’examiner la structure organisationnelle des coopératives en vue de faire ressortir ses spécificités en mettant l’accent sur les modalités de gestion des divergences d’intérêts. A cet effet, on examinera le cadre conceptuel de la gouvernance et ensuite la spécificité de ce cadre dans le cas des coopératives. Mais, au préalable, on présentera le fonctionnement de la structure coopérative et le jeu d’intérêt qui anime cette structure par opposition à la firme privée. Enfin, on déduira les conséquences de cette spécificité sur les modalités de gestion et d’atténuation des conflits, à travers le modèle entrepreneurial que véhiculent ces deux modèles organisationnelles.Mots clefs : gouvernance, entrepreneuriat, parties prenantes, coopérative, structure de propriétéAbstract:The System of Cooperative Governance: a Comparative AnalysisWhen financial scandals have erupted some large firms in recent years, people start questioning the system of governance. However, the debate that followed has ignored -to some extent- the model of cooperative companies. In this study, we present a comparative analysis of these two models. We bring into surface and discuss the prevailing assumption of the reliability of the governance system of cooperative structures in mitigating conflicts of interest related to capitalist firms.It is then pertinent to review the organizational structure of cooperatives in order to highlight its specificities and focusing on how to manage differences of interests. To this end, we first consider the conceptual framework of governance and its specificity in the case of cooperatives. But before this we will present the functioning of the cooperative structure and the game of interest behind this structure, as opposed to the private firm. Finally, we deduce the consequences of this specificity in terms of management and more specifically on entrepreneurship in the two organizational modelsKeywords: governance, entrepreneurship, stakeholder, cooperative ownership structureالملخصالعنوان: التحليل المقارن لنظم الحكامة لدا الشركات الرأسماليةوالتعاونياتعندما اندلعت الفضائح المالية في بعض الشركات العالمية، ثمت المطالبة باعادة النظر في نظامالحكامة. حيت أن النقاش تركز على المقاولات الخاصة دون الخوض في نموذج المؤسسات التعاونية. التحليلالمقارن لهذين النموذجين يبرز فرضية نجاعة نظام الحكامة عند التعاونيات في التخفيف من تضارب المصالح.هذا البحت يسعى لدراسة البنية التنظيمية للتعاونيات من أجل الوقوف على خصوصياتها في تدبيرالاختلافات. تحقيقا لهذه الغاية، سنقوم يدراسة وفحص الإطار المفاهيمي للحكامة ومن ثم خصوصية هذاالإطار في حالة التعاونيات. ولكن قبل ذلك، سندرسشكل عمل نظام التعاونياتمع ابراز ما يتخلل هذا الشكل منالمصالح المتضاربة مقارنتا معشكل الشركات الرأسمالية الخاصة. وأخيرا، فإننا سنخلص إلى استنتاج أثار هذهالخصوصية على كيفية إدارة وتخفيف حدة النزاعات، من خلال نموذج المقاولاتية الذي يتسم به هذانالشكلان من التنظيمالكلمات المفتاحية:الحكامة، المقاولاتية، أصحاب المصلحة، التعاونيات، بنية الملكية الخاص