175 research outputs found

    Deploying SDN architecture in Open Optical Transport Networks

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    Pro udrženı́ tempa s rostoucı́mi požadavky na přenosovou rychlost, latenci a bezpečnost je nutné zvážit současnou koncepci řı́zenı́ sı́tı́. Software-Defined Networking (SDN) je jedno z možných řešenı́, ke kterému telekomunikačnı́ průmysl směruje. Tato práce představuje současný stav Software-Defined Networking a zaměřuje se na vybraná open-source řešenı́ v oblasti SDN kontrolerů, jako je ONOS či OpenDaylight. Hlavnı́m cı́lem této části práce je vysvětlit, jak může SDN pomoci vyřešit rostoucı́ požadavky na rozšı́řenı́ automatizace v otevřených optických sı́tı́ch. Praktická část této práce je rozdělená do dvou oblastı́. V rámci prvnı́ oblasti jsem se zabýval rozšı́řenı́m funkčnosti SDN kontroleru pro umožněnı́ konfigurace a řı́zenı́ optických komunikačnı́ch zařı́zenı́. Hlavnı́m přı́nosem je implementace nových funkcionalit SDN driveru pro Nokia 1830 PSS (ROADM) a rozšı́řenı́ funkcionality driveru pro Nokia 1830 PSI-2T (optický transpondér). Ve druhé části práce jsem se zabýval problematikou korelace alarmů v otevřených optických sı́tı́ch. Výsledkem je funkce pro korelaci alarmů ve formě SDN aplikace, kterou jsem dále otestoval na emulovaných optických zařı́zenı́ch pro prokázánı́ funkčnosti celého konceptu.With the rising demands on the network throughput, latency and security, legacy control networking concepts should be reconsidered. Software-Defined Networking (SDN) is one of the possible solutions, to which telecommunication industry is moving. This work presents current state-of-the-art in Software-Defined Networking and focuses on some open-source solutions of SDN controllers, like ONOS and OpenDaylight. Main focus is to understand how SDN can help to solve increasing demand for broader automation in Optical Transport Networks. The practical section is divided in two parts. Within the first part I focused on extending functionality of SDN controller to facilitate more efficient configuration and control of optical network devices. Main contribution was to implement additional features to SDN drivers for Nokia 1830 PSS (ROADM) and extend functionality of Nokia 1830 PSI-2T (Optical Transponder) driver. Second part is dedicated to the Alarm Correlation problematic in open optical networks. We designed, developed an Alarm Correlation function as a SDN application then we tested it on emulated optical devices to prove the concept

    Invariant Frechet algebras on bounded symmetric domains

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    Let D be a bounded domain in the complex vector space Cn . We say that D is symmetric iff, given any two points p, q ∈ D, there is a biholomorphism &phis;, which interchanges p and q. These domains were classified abstractly by Elie Cartan in his general study of symmetric spaces, and were canonically realized in Cn by Harish-Chandra. They include polydisks and Siegel domains. Let D be a bounded symmetric domain in Cn , and G be the largest connected group of biholomorphic automorphisms of D. The algebra C( D) of all continuous (not necessarily bounded) complex-valued functions on D with compact-open topology is a Frechet algebra. A closed subalgebra of C(D) is called an invariant algebra if it is closed under compositions with elements of G. We prove that if D is irreducible, then there are only three invariant algebras with identity with maximal ideal space D : C(D), the set of all holomorphic functions H(D) and the set of all antiholomorphic functions H¯(D). This result partially generalizes the Rudin\u27s classification of invariant algebras on unit ball in Cn . For the general symmetric bounded domain D we prove that the only invariant algebras are tensor products of invariant algebras on irreducible factors of D

    Process control in the IoT concept

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    Tato práce se zabývá návrhem nízkonákladového systému v koncepci Internetu věcí pro dohled nad technologii galvanického vylučování kovů. Cílem je navrhnout funkční systém, který bude sbírat data a následně je zobrazovat. Součásti práce je též řešení problému spolehlivosti a bezpečnosti navrženého systému, včetně řešení problematiky ukládání dat v rámci omezené paměťové kapacity.This work deals with creating a system for controlling of electroforming process in IoT concept. The main aim is to create working system which can collect and show this data. Part of this work is also solving problem of reliability and security of created system and smart data storing in case of small memory capacity

    bNAber: database of broadly neutralizing HIV antibodies.

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    The discovery of broadly neutralizing antibodies (bNAbs) has provided an enormous impetus to the HIV vaccine research and to entire immunology. The bNAber database at http://bNAber.org provides open, user-friendly access to detailed data on the rapidly growing list of HIV bNAbs, including neutralization profiles, sequences and three-dimensional structures (when available). It also provides an extensive list of visualization and analysis tools, such as heatmaps to analyse neutralization data as well as structure and sequence viewers to correlate bNAbs properties with structural and sequence features of individual antibodies. The goal of the bNAber database is to enable researchers in this field to easily compare and analyse available information on bNAbs thereby supporting efforts to design an effective vaccine for HIV/AIDS. The bNAber database not only provides easy access to data that currently is scattered in the Supplementary Materials sections of individual papers, but also contributes to the development of general standards of data that have to be presented with the discovery of new bNAbs and a universal mechanism of how such data can be shared

    Artificial Epitope-Based Immunogens in HIV-Vaccine Design

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    One of the promising approaches for designing HIV vaccines is construction of synthetic polyepitope HIV-1 immunogen using a wide range of conservative T- and B-cell epitopes of the main virus antigens. In theory this approach helps cope with HIV-1 antigenic variability, focuses immune responses on protective determinants and enables to exclude from the vaccine compound adverse regions of viral proteins that can induce autoantibodies or antibodies enhancing infectivity of virus. The paper presents the experience of our team in development of artificial polyepitope HIV-1 immunogens, which can induce both a humoral response, and responses of cytotoxic (CD8 + CTL) and helpers (CD4 + Th) T-cells. The design of HIV-immunogens has been done using our original software, TEpredict and PolyCTLDesigner. We describe development of the candidate HIV-1/AIDS vaccine – CombiHIVvac, which included two artificial polyepitope immunogens TBI and TCI for stimulating humoral and cellular responses. The results of the specific activity and safety of CombiHIVvac vaccine, obtained during preclinical and clinical trials, are presented

    CutDB: a proteolytic event database

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    Beyond the well-known role of proteolytic machinery in protein degradation and turnover, many specialized proteases play a key role in various regulatory processes. Thousands of highly specific proteolytic events are associated with normal and pathological conditions, including bacterial and viral infections. However, the information about individual proteolytic events is dispersed over multiple publications and is not easily available for large-scale analysis. CutDB is one of the first systematic efforts to build an easily accessible collection of documented proteolytic events for natural proteins in vivo or in vitro. A CutDB entry is defined by a unique combination of these three attributes: protease, protein substrate and cleavage site. Currently, CutDB integrates 3070 proteolytic events for 470 different proteases captured from public archives (such as MEROPS and HPRD) and publications. CutDB supports various types of data searches and displays, including clickable network diagrams. Most importantly, CutDB is a community annotation resource based on a Wikipedia approach, providing a convenient user interface to input new data online. A recent contribution of 568 proteolytic events by several experts in the field of matrix metallopeptidases suggests that this approach will significantly accelerate the development of CutDB content. CutDB is publicly available at

    Stereoscopic principle in space observatory

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    The scientific team (ST) of the Interplanetary Solar Stereoscopic Observatory (ISSO) has got the financial support to finalize the scientific determination study with the aim to investigate the full potential of the stereoscopic idea and technical possibilities to realize the space stereoscope. The stereoscopic principle will work with optimal effectiveness in space under conditions of the stable stereoscopic base during the whole time interval of the experiment. The main conclusion of the ST up to now is that the ISSO may be created as the observatory with the flexible program, being able to support the extended solar physics investigations and the star investigations for stellar astronomy and astrophysics, being especially effective in the 3D astrometric monitoring of the motion of Solar System bodies, including near-Earth asteroids