1,566 research outputs found

    Structural Change and Market Opening in Agriculture: Turkey towards EU Accession

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    The membership negotiations of Turkey with EU may start after satisfactory developments in the Copenhagen Criteria. Agriculture is expected to be one of the toughest areas in the accession negotiations. The difficulty will not only arise from the state of agriculture in Turkey, but also from the ever changing agricultural policy framework of EU. The structural and institutional adjustment abilities of Turkey during the pre-accession period will be the determining factors to ease the accession. The purpose of this study is to identify major elements in the pre-accession period through the description of agricultural environment in Turkey, together with the possible effects of accession on agriculture. Land and labor stem as the major divergences from the EU averages, and hence will form the basis of the accession negotiations. The next section is devoted to the structure of the basic factors of production in agriculture and to a general overview of agricultural production. The recent policy shifts and the costs and benefits of the agricultural policies are provided in the second section. The recent developments in the trade between EU and Turkey and the trade potential are presented in the third section. The last section is reserved for the concluding remarks.Turkey, European Union, agriculture

    Search in the Universe of Big Networks and Data

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    Searching in the Internet for some object characterised by its attributes in the form of data, such as a hotel in a certain city whose price is less than something, is one of our most common activities when we access the Web. We discuss this problem in a general setting, and compute the average amount of time and the energy it takes to find an object in an infinitely large search space. We consider the use of N search agents which act concurrently. Both the case where the search agent knows which way it needs to go to find the object, and the case where the search agent is perfectly ignorant and may even head away from the object being sought. We show that under mild conditions regarding the randomness of the search and the use of a time-out, the search agent will always find the object despite the fact that the search space is infinite. We obtain a formula for the average search time and the average energy expended by N search agents acting concurrently and independently of each other. We see that the time-out itself can be used to minimise the search time and the amount of energy that is consumed to find an object. An approximate formula is derived for the number of search agents that can help us guarantee that an object is found in a given time, and we discuss how the competition between search agents and other agents that try to hide the data object, can be used by opposing parties to guarantee their own success.Comment: IEEE Network Magazine - Special Issue on Networking for Big Data, July-August 201

    Signalling Storms in 3G Mobile Networks

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    We review the characteristics of signalling storms that have been caused by certain common apps and recently observed in cellular networks, leading to system outages. We then develop a mathematical model of a mobile user's signalling behaviour which focuses on the potential of causing such storms, and represent it by a large Markov chain. The analysis of this model allows us to determine the key parameters of mobile user device behaviour that can lead to signalling storms. We then identify the parameter values that will lead to worst case load for the network itself in the presence of such storms. This leads to explicit results regarding the manner in which individual mobile behaviour can cause overload conditions on the network and its signalling servers, and provides insight into how this may be avoided.Comment: IEEE ICC 2014 - Communications and Information Systems Security Symposiu

    trade implications of extending the turkey-eu customs union agreement to agricultural products

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    Turkey’s membership of EU will lead to the enlargement of already established customs union between EU and Turkey for the agricultural products. This involves not only a full liberalization of agricultural trade within the EU but also the implementation of a Common external tariff. In this new situation, trade diversion and creation effects for agro-food trade will emerge. In terms of article XXIV of GATT, the possible results of these counteracting effects are important. In this paper, using the Armington assumption, the trade diversion and creation effects of Turkey’s membership for the agricultural trade will be calculated and analyzed.Elasticities of Substitution, Armington Elasticities, Fixed Effect Panel, Random Effect Panel, Trade Creation, Trade Diversion, EU Membership of Turkey, Agricultural Products, Turkey, Article XXIV of GATT, Turkish Agricultural Sector Model, TAGRIS

    Drukčiji matematički model za sklop tranzistorskog pretvarača (chopper-a)

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    In this study, dc-dc boost converter circuit is described as transformer circuit for direct form of energy in the electrical machine driver system of electrical and electronic engineering.First, mathematical equations of the converter circuit are created when circuit switch opened and closed controlling two states. Then, the equations are resolved for common equation so that the state space equation is formed in matrix form. A mathematical model of the converter circuit is performed at the Matlab Simulink.U ovom istraživanju opisan je sklop istosmjernog uzlaznog pretvarača kao transformatorski sklop za izravne oblike energije u vozačkom sustavu električnog motora u elektrotehnici i elektronici. Prvo su kreirane matematičke jednadžbe sklopa pretvarača, a sklopka sklopa otvaranjem i zatvaranjem kontrolira dva stanja. Zatim su riješene jednadžbe za opću jednadžbu tako što je jednadžba prostora stanja formirana u matričnom obliku. Matematički model stvorenog pretvarača sklopa izveden je u Matlab Simulink

    Dynamic Modeling and Measurements on a Reciprocating Hermetic Compressor

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    Agricultural production is heavily dependent on water availability in Turkey, where half the crop production relies on irrigation. Irrigated agriculture consumes about 75 percent of total water used, which is about 30 percent of renewable water availability. This study analyzes the likely effects of increased competition for water resources and changes in the Turkish economy. The analysis uses an economy-wide Walrasian Computable General Equilibrium model with a detailed account of the agricultural sector. The study investigated the economy-wide effects of two external shocks, namely a permanent increase in the world prices of agricultural commodities and climate change, along with the impact of the domestic reallocation of water between agricultural and non-agricultural uses. It was also recognized that because of spatial heterogeneity of the climate, the simulated scenarios have differential impact on the agricultural production and hence on the allocation of factors of production including water. The greatest effects on major macroeconomic indicators occur in the climate change simulations. As a result of the transfer of water from rural to urban areas, overall production of all crops declines. Although production on rainfed land increases, production on irrigated land declines, most notably the production of maize and fruits. The decrease in agricultural production, coupled with the domestic price increase, is further reflected in net trade. Agricultural imports increase with a greater decline in agricultural exports.Computable General Equilibrium; Feedback links; Irrigation Water; Turkey

    Theoretical Inspecting of 211At Radionuclide via Coupled-Channel Model for Fusion Reaction of Stable Nuclei

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    This work has been carried out to obtain and inspect of 211At radionuclide through fusion reaction. Cross-sections for fusion reaction have been calculated with different interaction combinations and excitations for 19F + 192Os and 18O + 193Ir  reactions. All calculations have been performed on NRV Knowledge Base, CCFULL code, and Wong’s Formula. Firstly, we assigned reaction parameter values taking into account the compatibility with the experimental data 19F + 192Os reaction. Afterward, to enrich studies on 211At radionuclide, we proposed 18O + 193Ir reaction which did not have experimental data in the literature with the method and parameter values we determined. We examined the effects of phonon excitations in projectile and target nuclei on fusion cross sections and barrier distributions. With our research, we showed that the coupled channel model and the calculation codes used to explain the fusion cross-section data and barrier distributions well. This research sheds light on the importance of analyzing important medical radionuclides such as 211At by heavy-ion fusion reactions and encourages new researches

    A Survey on Model-based, Heuristic, and Machine Learning Optimization Approaches in RIS-aided Wireless Networks

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    Reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RISs) have received considerable attention as a key enabler for envisioned 6G networks, for the purpose of improving the network capacity, coverage, efficiency, and security with low energy consumption and low hardware cost. However, integrating RISs into the existing infrastructure greatly increases the network management complexity, especially for controlling a significant number of RIS elements. To unleash the full potential of RISs, efficient optimization approaches are of great importance. This work provides a comprehensive survey on optimization techniques for RIS-aided wireless communications, including model-based, heuristic, and machine learning (ML) algorithms. In particular, we first summarize the problem formulations in the literature with diverse objectives and constraints, e.g., sum-rate maximization, power minimization, and imperfect channel state information constraints. Then, we introduce model-based algorithms that have been used in the literature, such as alternating optimization, the majorization-minimization method, and successive convex approximation. Next, heuristic optimization is discussed, which applies heuristic rules for obtaining low-complexity solutions. Moreover, we present state-of-the-art ML algorithms and applications towards RISs, i.e., supervised and unsupervised learning, reinforcement learning, federated learning, graph learning, transfer learning, and hierarchical learning-based approaches. Model-based, heuristic, and ML approaches are compared in terms of stability, robustness, optimality and so on, providing a systematic understanding of these techniques. Finally, we highlight RIS-aided applications towards 6G networks and identify future challenges.Comment: This paper has been accepted by IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorial