
Structural Change and Market Opening in Agriculture: Turkey towards EU Accession


The membership negotiations of Turkey with EU may start after satisfactory developments in the Copenhagen Criteria. Agriculture is expected to be one of the toughest areas in the accession negotiations. The difficulty will not only arise from the state of agriculture in Turkey, but also from the ever changing agricultural policy framework of EU. The structural and institutional adjustment abilities of Turkey during the pre-accession period will be the determining factors to ease the accession. The purpose of this study is to identify major elements in the pre-accession period through the description of agricultural environment in Turkey, together with the possible effects of accession on agriculture. Land and labor stem as the major divergences from the EU averages, and hence will form the basis of the accession negotiations. The next section is devoted to the structure of the basic factors of production in agriculture and to a general overview of agricultural production. The recent policy shifts and the costs and benefits of the agricultural policies are provided in the second section. The recent developments in the trade between EU and Turkey and the trade potential are presented in the third section. The last section is reserved for the concluding remarks.Turkey, European Union, agriculture

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