121 research outputs found

    Constructing the Image of Feminism in Russian Media: A Corpus Study

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    As any social movement, feminism finds its reflection in the media. Media are a full-fledged institution capable of shaping public consciousness, targeting particular social groups, setting standards of mass behavior, and determining the main directions of social development. This research featured Russian news about feminism in terms of event structure.  It covered news headlines published in Russian media in 2014-2021 and retrieved via the Smi2.ru media aggregator. Feminism-related headlines were automatically extracted from a dataset of 8,954 headlines. The subcorpus was analyzed in the Semograph Information System, which made it possible to classify texts, obtain frequency data on certain classes, and establish connections between them. The frequency data analysis was represented as a graphical model of the news space in the field of feminism using the SciVi visualizer. The event and thematic analyses revealed a three-level classification. The media usually informed about events where participants belonged to various social groups that protested against something, e.g., people or performances. The news informed about the actions and reactions of media people and about art sphere. The article introduces a graphical model that shows the links between event components in the headlines. It demonstrated three main areas of action in the field of feminism: art, media, and feminist movements. Each of these fields has its own core and structure. The media sphere appeared to be closed on itself; the art-related news agenda focused mostly on social matters; the field of feminist movements was associated with counteracting and involved descriptions of radical actions. When informing about feminism, the media construct an alternative reality that differs from the real issues that feminism aims at resolving

    The Study of Species Diversity of Fungi-Litaliano Allocated with Samples of Cement Composites Containing Limestones of Different Origin and Subjected to Aging at Conditions of the Black Sea Climate

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    The article presents the results of a study of the decay resistance of cement composites filled with carbonate and silicate rocks. The investigated composites exhibited for one year under conditions of the black sea climate in the open air under a canopy of sea coast and sea water. Species and generic diversity of fungi-Litvinov on the samples, depending on the origin of carbonate rocks and the conditions of aging. By results of researches it is stated that fouling, the number of species in the community, as well as specific species composition to a greater extent depends on the operating conditions of the material, and to a lesser extent on the mineral composition of the filler. The authors give a classification of biological agents- destructors of building materials in their preferred conditions of growth that may be promising for the further development of approaches to deal with them. Installed rational compositions of concrete composites derived from limestones of different origin

    stairs and fire

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    The Media Image of the Republic of Crimea: The Russian Student’s World Model

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    Introduction. In the context of geopolitical confrontation between Russia and the West, the task of purposeful construction of the media image of the Republic of Crimea is of relevance. The objective of this paper is to reveal the communicative and functional as well as the structural and semiotic resources of mass media used in the construction of the media image of the Republic of Crimea on the basis of the study conducted and to obtain a holistic characteristic of this image in the Russian student’s world model Materials and Methods. The data of a sociological survey conducted in the spring of 2020 among college students majoring in the humanities and technical fields, were used as the research materials. The structural and functional approach was adopted, which made it possible to identify the structure of the media image, its axiological and pragmatic potential. The interpretation of the data obtained was carried out using the SOPS 17 software package. Linguocultural analysis, based on the indissoluble unity of the language and culture of society, made it possible to identify an axiological characteristic of a media image as a component of the student’s world model. Results. The category of media image has been considered as a summation of ideas about the key moments of life and value priorities, conditioned by information from the media and by the recipient’s personal interpretation. The data obtained in the study indicate that the main sources of information about the Republic of Crimea are the media, broadcasting a predominantly one-sided discourse, which prevents creation of a holistic image of the peninsula in the world model of a person. Discussion and Conclusion. The study has revealed the need to adjust the media image of Crimea in accordance with modern circumstances and to increase its attractive characteristics, primarily for younger audiences. Changes in the information policy of the state in relation to Crimea are required as well as restructuring of the work of editorial offices and provision of a targeted flow at the federal and regional levels to improve the reputation characteristics of the region and to adjust popular attitudes towards and perceptions of the image of the republic. The materials of the article can be used in fundamental interdisciplinary research into to the images of Russia and Crimea, and in professional activities of PR specialists and journalists


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    The recently created RuWordNet thesaurus reflects hierarchical, primarily synonymous, relations in the vocabulary so that it is built from a set of synsets. In this paper, we applied the method of a comparative analysis: we compared the data of classical dictionaries of Russian language synonyms, RuWordNet thesaurus and the results of a students’ poll. The students represent two areas of specialization: linguistic and nonliguistic. As a result of the psychosemantic experiment, we specified the criteria for the distribution of lexical units among synsets. We referred to them cognitive, semantic, stylistic and quantitative criteria. The quantitative method made it possible to determine the fixation frequency of synonyms for the stimulus word in the respondents’ minds. The results of the experiment showed that the most adequate principle, implemented in verbal and cogitative activity by the identifying of the synonymic chains, is a pragmatic one. It reveals itself in the possibility of the interchange of similar in meaning words in different contexts. The research results contain recommendations on the systematization of linguistic information in the RuWordNet thesaurus, aimed at improving the principles of synsets’ building. The performed research is aimed at verifying the reflected in RuWordNet data from the point of view of their correspondence to the real idea of native speakers of the synonymic, hyponymic and other system-based relationship in the vocabulary

    Heuristic approach to solving two-criterion problem of optimization of composite materials

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    Introduction. Presented the approach to optimal choice of materials, in particular, composite materials. An important task of modern materials science is the development of effective composite materials, which is associated with numerous scientific studies in this area and the search for materials with certain additives in order to obtain the necessary properties. First of all, it is an indicator of the hardness of the composite material. Materials and methods. Traditionally, different compositions are studied and property values are analyzed, and experimental results are processed in different ways. Multi-criteria optimization occupies a special place in the theory of optimization of objects, which include composite materials, in particular concrete with various additives. For this it is necessary to formulate a multicriteria optimality problem, in particular a two-criterion minimization problem. Results. Two heuristic optimization criteria are considered, according to which a vector criterion is formed, which allows to carry out the selection of composite materials from experimental data at its minimization. Vector criterion connects the change of the studied properties of the composite material with the simultaneous preference for the choice of the composition that optimizes the given criterion of optimality. The basis of the construction of the optimization scheme of choice of materials is a piecewise linear approximation of the test results, which allows to determine the scalar criteria on the basis of which the vector optimization criterion is constructed. To demonstrate two-criterion optimization, the results of experiments for cement composites exposed under the cyclic influence of negative and positive temperatures are considered. The search for the optimal composition in terms of hardness from the time of exposure. Conclusions. The proposed approach of optimal choice of materials, in particular, composite materials, can be tested on large numbers of test samples, or to automate calculations. This approach has a certain heuristic character. But its practical significance is confirmed by the expert evaluation of the quality of composite materials due to the existing methods of evaluation of materials, for example, in terms of changes in its hardness

    Personification as the Way of Grammatical Gender Category Expression in Art Context

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    The study of grammatical categories in the artistic context from the position of anthropocentrism is a topical issue in modern linguistics. The greatest interest from the point of view of the relationship "language" - "man" is the category of Russian language gender, which has great stylistic resources and can be motivated extra-linguistically. In this paper, the authors analyze personification as the way of gender grammatical category expression in the artistic context of Russian writer and poet works. In the article the authors consider the linguistic picture of the world, in the creation of which the embodiment is important, the semantic-grammatical properties of which are determined by the ambivalence of animacy-inanimation category. Gender denotation occupies a special place in the interpretative structure of gender category, which presupposes a nominative significance of neutral gender nouns as a result of personification, stylization and the expression of symbolic meaning. Thus, extralinguistic possibilities of gender category are expanded, which are realized mainly in artistic speech. The authors of the article conclude that the grammatical personification of gender category as a vivid means of expression, expressiveness, imagery and emotionality is associated with a person's thinking, his worldview, psychological characteristics; and this judgment allows us to consider the category of gender not only as a morphological one, but also as a logical, mental category

    Эталонная оценка качества изображений композиционных материалов, подверженных воздействию положительных и отрицательных температур

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    Введение. Рассмотрен вопрос сравнительной оценки качества изображений, полученных в результате сканирования тестовых композиционных материалов, экспонированных в условиях циклического воздействия положительных и отрицательных температур. Осуществлена сортировка образцов относительно эталонной числовой метрики, выраженной в процентах. Материалы и методы. Сравниваемые композиты отличаются по составу относительно контрольного образца. Периодическое сканирование испытуемых композитов проводится в течение нескольких контрольных точек времени. Сравнительный анализ качества изображений тестовых композитов выполняется как в течение всего времени экспонирования, так и в контрольных точках времени. На основе существующего алгоритма Structural Similarity Index for measuring image quality (SSIM - индекс структурного сходства для измерения качества изображения) выявлены процентные показатели качества образцов в зависимости от состава и времени экспонирования. Полученные результаты позволяют осуществлять отбор композиционных материалов в соответствии с уровнем структурного сходства по структурным цветовым характеристикам. Согласно алгоритму SSIM получающиеся значения метрик лежат в диапазоне [-1; +1]. Полное структурное сходство соответствует величине, равной единице. Предлагается метрику SSIM выражать в процентах с преобразованием того, что изменение цветового структурного различия относительного контрольного образца может изменяться от нуля до 100 %. Результаты. Для предлагаемого способа сравнения изображений отсканированных образцов композиционных материалов использовалось десять образцов различного состава. Числовые результаты эксперимента с их графической визуализацией дают наглядное представление о характере изменения цветовых характеристик относительно контрольного образца. Последовательная оценка в точках экспонирования показывает характер изменения свойств материалов от длительности экспонирования в условиях циклического изменения положительных и отрицательных температур. Выводы. Предложенная эталонная оценка качества изображений на основе существующего алгоритма SSIM позволяет оперативно исследовать группы материалов, изменение свойств которых вызвано их экспонированием в неблагоприятных эксплуатационных условиях


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    In this paper, the results of testing cement composites under the conditions of the effect of high humidity and variable positive temperatures are given.By the coefficient of variation of hardness (stability), the compositions are compared with various fillers, plasticizing and other fungicidal additives.To decide on the stability (stability) of the structure and properties of composites, it is proposed to rely on the area of the polygon obtained as a result of piecewise linear approximation of the exposure points. Explanations of the influence of environmental factors on hardness change of the composites

    Impact strength of underground cement materials

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    The article presents the results of a study of impact strength of underground cement materials with different water content activated by mixing water with the addition of high range plasticizers, biocidal agents, pigments, ground quartz, silica fume and fine aggregate. Samples for testing are formed in plates of size 150×100×10 mm. Testing was conducted at impact drop-weight method ASTM D7136. The maximum contact force, contact duration and magnitude of the pulse of the drummer were considered as the test parameters. The good results of the studied parameters showed highly filled plasticized compositions of the new generation. The use of iron oxide with yellow and green glauconitic pigments allows obtaining good results. Activation of the mixing water led to a rise in the maximum contact force in the case of the processing mode of E+М (3–3) while reducing the duration of the contact and the magnitude of the impulse. During the test of the biocidal composites with different biocidal preparations, it was established that the best indicators of the impact strength correspond to materials with the addition of «Teflex Antiplesen»