49 research outputs found

    The importance of the forest property right on forest protection

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    Özellikle son yıllarda hız kazanan genel kadastro çalışmalarına karşın, orman sınırlandırması ve orman kadastrosu çalışmalarındaki duyarsızlık ve teknik yetersizlikten dolayı önemli sayılabilecek miktarlarda orman alanları kaybedilmektedir. Trabzon ilinin Yeşilbük, Çakılca, Yeşilyurt, Sayvan ve Güney köylerinde kadastro çalışmaları 2000 yılından önce tamamlanmış ve yargıya intikal eden davalarla ilgili kararlar Yargıtayca onanmıştır. Söz konusu köylerde 766 sayılı tapulama yasası ve 3402 sayılı Kadastro yasası’na bağlı olarak kadastro çalışmaları gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışmalar sonucunda, mülkiyet anlaşmazlıklarının çözümünde farklı bilirkişi ve yargı kararları oluşmuştur. Ülkemizde orman varlığının korunması konusunda ciddi sorunlar yaşanmaktadır. Bu sorunların en önemlilerinden birisi de orman olarak nitelendirilecek yerler ve sahiplerinin belirlenmemiş olmasıdır. Bölgedeki orman kadastro çalışmalarında, geleneksel kabuller ile yasal düzenlemeler arasındaki farklılıktan kaynaklanan sorunların yanı sıra, uygulayıcıların birbiriyle tam olarak örtüşmeyen kararları da çekişmelerin artmasına neden olmaktadır. Bu uyumsuzluğun orman-halk ilişkileri üzerinde olumsuz etki yaptığı, var olan mülkiyet sorununu arttırdığı gözlenmektedir.Even this is accepted as a most important problem of forestry in this region. In spite of general land parcelling which has been accelerated especially in recent years, a considerable amount of forest area has been lost because of insensitivity and technical insufficiency in the forest boundary and forestland parcelling. Cadastral works were finished in villages of Yeşilbük, Çakılca, Yeşilyurt and Güney in Trabzon and were approved by court of appeal. This Works were applied to land at those villages with Land Registry Law No. 766 and Cadastral Law no. 5304. As a result of studies, different expert and judgment decisions were become to solve of ownership disagreement. There are serious problems in conserving of forest lands in Turkey. One of these most important problems is describing forest lands and their owners. The differences between the traditional assertions and the legitimate arrangements, and also disagreements between decisions of forests have been the cause of the increasing conflicts of the cadastral surveys carried out in this region. It has been observed that these uncongenial decisions have created some negative impacts in relationships between forest organization and public, and have increased the problems in property right

    Dendroctonus micans (Kug.) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)'ın Türkiye'de doğu ladinindeki saldırı stratejisi ve gelişimi

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    Dendroctonus micans has been continuously colonizing the native oriental spruce forests after its discovery in 1966 in Turkey. Solitary females attack the trees and they usually do not kill its hosts. This study aims to contribute the understanding of this solitary attack strategy and development of D. micans on oriental spruce in Turkey. The pattern of tree infestation was analyzed from 2001 to 2004 and 2006 in 120 experimental plots. Field surveys were carried out in the north east of Turkey in Artvin, Giresun, and Maçka (Trabzon) from May to October of each year. A total 3010 trees were examined in plots. D. micans infestation up to 2 m of trees were examined and the successful and aborted attacks were recorded. Development stages and numbers of the beetles were recorded in the galleries. The sizes of the old brood chambers were measured in the abandoned and infested trees. The beetle was found in 95.8% of the plots, attacked 21.7% of the spruce trees, and was active in 11.1% of the attacked trees. The majority of the attacked trees had only one successful attack. 69.3% of the entry holes, were up to 1m, and 30.7% of them were between 1 and 2 m. The attack rate was limited in many trees but it was rather high (40 to 160 attacks on a tree) in certain trees. Females laid 51.4 eggs on average with maximum of 200. 3.7% larval and 4% young adult galleries were coalesced. 24.3% attempts of D. micans was aborted and 75.7% of them was successful. Numbers of wounded and unwounded infested trees indicated a significant statistical difference. D. micans attacked and established more often on wounded trees. 83% of the wounded trees, were attacked by D. micans.Dendroctonus micans Türkiye’de tespit edildiği 1966 yılından itibaren doğal doğu ladini ormanlarını istila etmeye devam etmektedir. Dişiler ağaçlara münferit olarak saldırırlar ve genellikle konukçularını öldürmezler. Bu çalışma, böceğin Türkiye’de doğu ladindeki bu münferit saldırı stratejisi ve gelişimi konusundaki bilgilere katkı yapmayı amaçlamaktadır. Ağaçları istila etmedeki saldırı yapısı 2001-2004 ve 2006 yıllarında 120 deneme alanında incelenmiştir. Arazi çalışmaları Türkiye’nin kuzeydoğusunda, Artvin, Giresun ve Maçka (Trabzon)’da yürütülmüştür. Büyüklüğü 30 × 10 m olan deneme alanlarında toplam 3010 ağaç incelenmiştir. Arazi çalışmaları her yıl Mayıs’tan Ekim’e kadar sürdürülmüştür. Ağaçlar üzerinde 2 m’ye kadar olan D. micans saldırıları incelenmiş ve başarılı ve başarısız saldırılar kaydedilmiştir. Başarılı galerilerdeki böceklerin bulunduğu gelişim basamağı ve sayıları kaydedilmiştir. Terk edilen ağaçlardaki ve istila edilmiş ağaçlardaki eski kuluçka sistemlerinin büyüklükleri ölçülmüştür. Böceğin deneme alanlarının %95,8’inde bulunduğu, ladin ağaçlarının %21,7’sine saldırdığı ve saldırıya uğrayan ağaçların %11,1’inde de aktif olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Saldırıya uğrayan ağaçların çoğunda sadece bir tane başarılı giriş deliği bulunmaktadır. Giriş deliklerinin %69,3’ü ağaç gövdelerinin yerden itibaren ilk 1 m’lik bölümünde, %30,7’si 1 ile 2 m arasında bulunmaktadır. Saldırı yoğunluğu saldırıya uğrayan ağaçların birçoğunda sınırlı kalırken, belli ağaçlarda oldukça yüksek olmuştur (tek bir ağaçta 40 ile 160 saldırı girişimi). Dişiler, maksimum yumurta sayısının 200 olmasıyla birlikte, ortalama 51,4 yumurta koymuştur. Toplam 219 larva galerisinin %3,7’si ve 25 genç ergin galerisinin %4’ü birleşik galerilerdir. Böceğin toplam saldırı girişimlerinin %24,3’ü başarısız, %75,7’si başarılı olmuştur. Böceğin istila ettiği yaralı ve sağlıklı ağaç sayıları arasındaki fark istatistiksel olarak anlamlıdır. D. micans çoğunlukla yaralı ağaçlara saldırmış ve bu ağaçlara başarılı şekilde yerleşmiştir. Yaralı ağaçların %83’ü saldırıya uğramıştır

    Attack density and distribution of dendroctonus micans (kugelann) in standing and felled oriental spruce trees

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    This study was supported by a research grant from the Karadeniz Technical University (Project No. 2004.113.001.6)The aim of this study is to investigate attack density and distribution of Dendroctonus micans (Kugelann) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in standing and felled oriental spruce, Picea orientalis (L.) Link., trees. For this purpose, a total of 179 standing and 38 felled trees were evaluated. D. micans attacks largely concentrated in the initial several meters of the boles and particularly in the initial 1 m part of both tree groups. 62.53% and 67.22% of EHs in the initial 2 m of boles of standing and felled trees, respectively were counted in the initial 1 meter. In felled trees, the ratios of entrance holes per meter up to the initial 9 m of boles were similar to each other (% 7.02-9.24), other than the significant difference in the initial 1 meter (18.96%). Above nine meters, the ratio of entrance holes per meter of boles varied in the range of 0.54% to 3.64%. In the case of standing trees, unsuccessful entrances comprised 23.40% of the total entrances. In the case of felled trees, approximately one in every four entrance holes in the bole section up to the initial 8 m was unsuccessful, as similar to standing trees, whereas one in every three EHs in upper sections was unsuccessful

    Assessing the laboratory mass rearing of Predator Beetle Rhizophagus grandis Gyll. (Coleoptera: Monotomidae)

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    This study was supported by a research grant from the Karadeniz Technical University (Project No. 2004.113.001.6).The aim of this study was to determine the progeny production of predator beetle Rhizophagus grandis (Gyllenhal) (Coleoptera: Monotomidae) under laboratory conditions. Different numbers of male and female predators introduced into breeding logs and the numbers of new progenies and their sex ratios were determined in the early and late spring periods. A total of 8776, 13,402, 5742 and 7864 R. grandis individuals were reared in 60, 109, 128 and 56 breeding logs in four consecutive years, respectively. Of the prepupae that have dropped from breeding logs to enter the sand in experimental basins, 81.4 % of them have emerged as adults at the end of the experimental periods. The average number of R. grandis per log was 146.2, 123, 44.9 and 140.4 according to experimental years, and 181.7 and 93.2, 123, 62.4 and 32.9, 163.8 and 101.5 according to the early and late spring periods in the experimental years, respectively. In the second year of the experiments, only early spring rearings have been performed that have yielded 123 R. grandis per log on average. Progeny production of a female R. grandis was 18.3, 18.7, 5.8 and 17.6 on average, 2004, 2005, 2006 and 2007 respectively. Different numbers of predator females and males were used in early and late spring experiments in the study. Progeny production was higher in early spring when the experiments were performed with 6 females and 2 males. Of the 35,784 R. grandis individuals that were obtained from the experiment, 16.4 %, 28.3 % and 55.3 % were collected from the first, second and third part of the sand environment where the breeding logs kept during experiment

    Impacts of site effects on losses of oriental spruce during Dendroctonus micans (Kug.) outbreaks in Turkey

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    The study showed some site and stand factors affecting host colonization, quantitative and qualitative losses in wood of oriental spruce as a source of raw material during the outbreak of Dendroctonus micans (Kug.). A total of 22.8 million m(3) standing trees were damaged. In 11.43 million m(3) standing trees infestations were observed and 6.96 million m(3) of trees were cut which occupied 120,000 ha of D. micans infestation areas. In pure spruce stands, 26.5% of the trees were infested. There was no statistically significant difference among the volume of crowns, crown base height and ages in infested and healthy trees. There was a positive correlation between stand density and number of D. micans, and number of attacks inversely correlated with altitude

    Use of pheromone-baited traps for monitoring Ips sexdentatus (Boerner) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in oriental spruce stands

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    The population level and flight periods of Ips sexdentatus (Boerner) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) was determined according to certain stand dynamics, altitude steps and temperatures based on the capture amounts in pheromone traps hung on some spruce stands in the oriental spruce, Picea orientalis (L.) Link. Forests of Turkey in 2006 to 2009. Average number of I. sexdentatus was statistically different between years and average annual highest number of captured beetles showed differences according to regions. The averages of the numbers of beetles caught in two different altitudes in two separate years are statistically different. In higher altitudes, average number of beetles caught per trap was higher. Provided data showed that I. sexdentatus has at least 2 generations in the forests of the region. First adult flight ranged from end of April to mid-June in both altitude steps, while second flight started in mid-June and continued until the mid-September. It was concluded that the beetles that were caught during fourth week of August and first week of September were the adults that would start a third generation. The predator species Thanasimus formicarius (L.) (Coleoptera: Cleridae) was caught in the pheromone traps as well as I. sexdentatus. In each trap, an average of 43.92 I. sexdentatus adults was captured per 1 T. formicarius adult. A total of 18 I. typographus (L.) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) adults were captured by 5 traps containing Tryphreon Ipstyp aggregation pheromones. The trapping works in the research region have once again detected the existence of this species, which has densities that cannot be detected by other methods, and which is very dangerous for spruce stands since the first detection 75 years ago

    An Acute Renal Failure Case Due To Overdose Use Of Perindopril/Amlodipin

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    Fixed -dose combination therapies are important alternative of hypertension treatment. The management of suicidal intoxication with these conbination preparations which might have different and sometimes interactive mechanisms is still unclear. In this case-report a 51 -yearold male patient who had taken 26 pills of perindopril 5 mg and amlodipine 10 mg combination drug. He admitted to the emergency department with the complications of dizziness and fatigue. He was followed in intensive care unit after his first medical care unitafter his first medical emergency intervensions. After development of hypotensionand acute renal failure, he improved with fluid resussitation and symtomatic treatment and he was discharged

    New chromosomal data, karyotype asymmetry and polyploid variations of some Gundelia (Asteraceae) species from Turkey

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    The genus Gundelia is currently represented with 18 species, of which 16 are in Turkey. In genus Gundelia, the chromosomal data were reported from 12 species. In the present study, it is aimed to eliminate the deficiencies in the knowledge about chromosomal data of Gundelia species. In Genus Gundelia, only a single chromosome number had been detected as 2n=18 so far. The chromosome numbers of four species were reported here for the first time: G. armeniaca, G. cappadocica, G. siirtica, and G. tehranica. In addition, the polyploidy in the genus was rare and G. anatolica was identified as the first polyploid species. All karyotypes except G. tehranica were symmetrical, consisting of metacentric and submetacentric chromosomes. Secondary constrictions were observed in the distal regions of the long arms of the longest metacentric and submetacentric chromosomes. Thus, the chromosomal data of all Turkish Gundelia species were completed. In conclusion, the present study presented new data into the karyological records relating the karyotype evolution and interspecific relations of genus Gundelia

    Ortaköy-Şarkışla (Sivas) bölgesinin tektonik ve stratigrafik incelemesi

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    TEZ2495Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 1997.Kaynakça (s. 82-84) var.x, 86 s. : rnk.res., hrt. ; 30 cm.…Bu çalışma Ç.Ü. Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Birimi Tarafından Desteklenmiştir. Proje No: FBE- 95/ 78

    Global krizler sürecinde bankacılık sektöründe iç denetim sisteminin önemi ve Türkiye uygulaması

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    Anahtar Kelimeler : Bankacılık Sektöründe Denetim, İç Denetim, İç KontrolÖZETGLOBAL KRİZLER SÜRECİNDE BANKACILIK SEKTÖRÜNDE İÇ DENETİM SİSTEMİNİN ÖNEMİ VE TÜRKİYE UYGULAMASI Son yıllarda hızlanan uluslar arası para ve finans piyasalarındaki serbestleşme hareketi ile birlikte finansal sistemi etkileyen risklerin önemi ve boyutu da artmıştır. Küreselleşme eğiliminin de gelişmesi ile birlikte bu risklerin yol açtığı ekonomik krizlerin yayılma etkisi de hızla artmaya başlamıştır. Özellikle bankacılık ve finans sektörünü derinden etkileyen bu krizler, sektörü büyük ölçüde tehdit eder duruma gelmiş, banka iflasları ve konsolidasyonları hız kazanmıştır. İşte bu global krizler ortamında bankaların güven ve istikrarının, sürdürülebilir karlılık ve büyüme ortamlarının, yatırımcılar ve piyasalar nezdinde olan güvenilirliklerinin devamının sağlanmasına ve korunmasına yönelik denetim sistemlerinin kurulmasının gerekliliği anlaşılmıştır. Türkiye’de de bankacılık sektöründe yıllardır yaşanan krizler ve ekonomide yaşanan olumsuz gelişmelerin etkisiyle sektör ağır yara aldı ve sektörde birçok banka kriz sonrası oluşan yeni duruma uyum sağlayamadığı için tasfiye oldu. Bütün bu yaşananların sonucu olarak Türkiye’de de bankacılık sektöründe yoğun bir denetimin gerekliliği anlaşılmış ve 2000’li yılların başından itibaren bankacılık sektöründe yeniden düzenlemeye gidilmiş, mevzuat yenilenmiş, bankacılık sektörünün düzenlenmesi ve denetiminin tek çatı altında toplanması için BDDK kurularak denetimdeki karmaşık yapı giderilmiş ve bankaların yapısı içinde iç denetim sistemi oluşturulmaya başlanmıştır. Bu çalışma ile global krizler sürecinde önemi artan denetimin Türk bankacılık sektöründeki uygulamasının incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaç doğrultusunda iç denetim ve iç kontrol kavramları açıklanmış, mevzuattaki uygulamalardan bahsedilmiş, bankacılık denetimindeki uluslar arası standartlar anlatılmaya çalışılmıştır. Çalışma sonucunda, Türk bankacılık sektörünün kurmuş olduğu sağlam denetim yapısı sayesinde global krizler sürecinden en az hasarla çıkmış olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.Keywords : Auditing in Banking Sector, Internal Audit, Internal ControlABSTRACTIN THE PROCESS OF GLOBAL CRISES THE IMPORTANCE OF INTERNAL AUDIT SYSTEM IN BANKING SECTOR AND ITS APPLICATİON IN TURKEY In recent years, the importance and extent of risks that affect financial system has increased with accelerating liberalization movements in international fund and financial markets. With the development of the globalization trend, the spreading effects of ecocomic crises caused by those risks have been increased. As a result of those crises, especially banking sector has been under threat and bankruptcies increased. In this global crises environment the requirement of substantial auditing systems has been understood to provide confidence and stability, sustainable growth and profit, protecting confidence in care of investors and markets. The banking sector in Turkey has severely damaged and lots of banks had gone to bankrupt because of crises experienced and negative developments in Turkish economy. As a result of this, the requirement of substantial auditing systems has been understood in Turkish banking sector and in the first years of 2000, whole banking system was rearranged, banking legislation was renewed and to collect regulation and supervisory of sector in one hand BRSA has been established. By establishing BRSA, complexitiy of supervisory has been removed and with the encouragement of BRSA internal audit systems have been started to implement in banks. This study aims to analyze the internal audit systems in Turkish banking sector whose importance has been started to increase in the process global crises. At this aim, the concepts of internal audit and internal control are explained, practises in legislations are described and the international standards in bank auditings are exposed. As a conclusion of this study, it has been determined that the Turkish banking sector had the minimum damage in the process of global crises thanks to its substantial auditing system which was established after 2000