3,099 research outputs found

    On Drinfeld modular forms of higher rank II

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    We show that the absolute value ∣f∣|f| of an invertible holomorphic function ff on the Drinfeld symmetric space \OM^r (r≄2)(r \geq 2) is constant on fibers of the building map to the Bruhat-Tits building \MB\MT. Its logarithm log⁥∣f∣\log|f| is an affine map on the realization of \MB\MT. These results are used to study the vanishing loci of modular forms (coefficient forms, Eisenstein series, para-Eisenstein series) and to determine their images in \MB\MT

    PROSET — A Language for Prototyping with Sets

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    We discuss the prototyping language PROSET(Prototyping with Sets) as a language for experimental and evolutionary prototyping, focusing its attention on algorithm design. Some of PROSET’s features include generative communication, flexible exception handling and the integration of persistence. A discussion of some issues pertaining to the compiler and the programming environment conclude the pape

    Statistics about elliptic curves over finite prime fields

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    We derive formulas for the probabilities of various properties (cyclicity, squarefreeness, generation by random points) of the point groups of randomly chosen elliptic curves over random prime fields

    Transatlantic trade agreements and adjudication without ‘protection of citizens’ and their fundamental rights? College of Europe Policy Brief #15.16, October 2016

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    Executive Summary > The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights (EUCFR) is an integral part of EU law constituting, limiting, regulating and justifying EU powers and their exercise, including trade policy powers and EU free trade agreements. > The EUCFR protects fundamental rights, democracy, ‘public reason’, democratic support and legitimacy of the EU, the rule of law and other public goods also in the trade policy area. > The EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership risk dis-empowering citizens, undermining their fundamental rights and judicial remedies, and ‘re-fragmenting’ international investment law. > EU citizens rightly challenge the disregard by EU institutions for the Lisbon Treaty’s ‘cosmopolitan foreign policy mandate’ for external EU trade and investment policies and EU trade agreements. > Rather than exercising EU leadership for citizenoriented reforms of trade and investment agreements, EU institutions emulate poweroriented foreign trade policies by excluding rights of citizens under free trade agreements so as to limit their own legal, democratic and judicial accountabilities vis-à-vis citizens. > The potential welfare gains and ‘geopolitical importance’ of transatlantic free trade agreements justify civil society struggles against a ‘refeudalization' of EU powers

    Differenz und IdentitÀt, Krieger und SÀnger : zur Rheinsymbolik bei Heine und in der deutschen Lyrik des 19. Jahrhunderts

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    Die Rheinthematik und -symbolik als ein Aspekt des "Kollektivbewußtseins" hat in Deutschland wie in Frankreich die Diskurse geprĂ€gt - z.T. in sehr gegensĂ€tzlicher Weise. Da die Symbolik im Rahmen des jeweiligen "Kollektivbewußtseins" dazu verwendet wurde, die nationale Differenz im VerhĂ€ltnis zum Nachbarn jenseits des Rheins und zugleich auch die eigene nationale IdentitĂ€t zu unterstreichen, gehört zu dem "Vielen", was im 19. Jh. "zusammenkam", leider auch, daß Deutsche und Franzosen nicht "zusammenkamen", und daß sie am Rhein (und weitgehend auch in der politischen Rheinlyrik) nicht aufeinander zu, sondern aufeinander los gingen
