334 research outputs found

    Взаємодія вітамінів В1 і В2 у біосинтезі їх коферментних форм у щурів

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    Білим щурам лінії Вістар внутрішньочеревно вводили окремо або в різних співвідношеннях вітаміни В1 і В2 та вимірювали вплив кожного з них на інтенсивність біосинтезу коферментної форми іншого. Встановлено, що для даної пари вітамінів (В1 і В2 ) існує за цим показником оптимальне співвідношення: за вагою 6:1, за молярністю — 5:1. При цьому були використані дози вітамінів, близькі до фізіологічних (або терапевтичних).The Wistar line white rats were introduced individually or in different ratios vitamins В1 and В2 and measured the influence each of them on intensity of biosynthesis of coenzyme form of the other. It is established that there is an optimum ratio according to this index for this pair of vitamins В1 and В2 : after the weight 6:1, after the molarness — 5:1. The doses of vitamins close to physiological (or therapeutic) were used

    Традиція жанру лагю в живописі: Тара Зелена у супроводі вчителів школи н'їнгма

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    The adoption of energy efficiency measures can significantly reduce industrial energy use. This study estimates the future industrial energy consumption under two energy demand scenarios: (1) a reference scenario that follows business as usual trends and (2) a low energy demand scenario that takes into account the implementation of energy efficiency improvement measures. These scenarios cover energy demand in the period 2009-2050 for ten world regions. The reference scenario is based on the International Energy Agency World Energy Outlook (2011 edition) up to 2035 and is extrapolated by Gross Domestic Product projections for the period 2035-2050. According to the reference scenario, the industrial energy use will increase from 105 EJ in 2009 to 185 EJ in 2050 (excluding fuel use as a feedstock). It is estimated that, with the adoption of energy efficient technologies and increased recycling, the growth in industrial energy use in 2050 can be limited to 140 EJ, an annual energy use increase of 0.7 % compared with the 2009 case. The 2050 industrial energy use in the low energy demand scenario is estimated to be 24 % lower than the 2050 energy use in the reference scenario. The results of this study highlight the importance of industrial energy efficiency by providing insights of the energy savings potentials in different regions of the world

    Воспроизводственные процессы в крупных городах Донецкой области: траектория развития, параметры, причины

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    Сокращение городского населения в Донецкой области, наблюдаемое с начала 90-х годов, порождает ряд проблем городского развития. Это актуализирует потребность рассмотрения причин падения численности населения и выработки соответствующих мер управленческого воздействия. Сравнительный анализ показал, что, несмотря на географическую близость, города Донецкой области не имеют единой воспроизводственной модели.Скорочення міського населення в Донецькій області, що спостерігається з початку 90-х років, породжує ряд проблем міського розвитку. Це актуалізує потребу розгляду причин падіння чисельності населення і розробки відповідних управлінських рішень. Порівняльний аналіз показав, що, незважаючи на географічну близькість, міста Донецької області не мають єдиної відтворювальної моделі.Reduction of urban population in Donetsk region observed since the beginning of 90s generates some problems of city development. It necessitates the consideration of reasons for population reduction and making of the proper measures of administrative influence. A comparative analysis showed that despite a geographical closeness the cities of Donetsk region do not have a single reproduction model

    Waste minimization by households – A unique informational strategy in the Netherlands

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    Households can minimize residual waste and increase the volume of materials recycled by improving waste separation and changing purchasing behaviour. Informational strategies may provide people information on reasons to minimize waste and information on how to minimize waste. However, a meta-analysis found that the effect of informational strategies on waste minimization is small to medium. While some studies find effects, others do not. To improve the effectiveness of informational strategies to promote waste minimization, it is important to better understand the underlying processes. We proposed and tested if an intervention, consisting of an innovative informational strategy, strengthens the variables from the norm activation model, i.e. increased awareness of consequences, outcome efficacy and personal norms. We conducted a field study in collaboration with a waste collection company. The current study not only tested if the intervention increased the separation of waste, but also whether households changed their purchase behaviour and if they reduced the volume of residual waste. We included self-reported as well as actual behaviour and tested long term effects after the programme ended. Our findings show that the informational strategy effectively reduced households’ waste. Furthermore, the intervention changed waste behaviour partly via the variables from the norm activation model. Particularly, awareness of consequences and outcome efficacy explained the influence of the intervention on waste minimization. Our findings suggest that informational strategies may be effective in minimizing household waste when awareness of consequences and outcomes efficacy are increased by the information

    Balancing heat saving and supply in local energy planning: Insights from 1970-1989 buildings in three European countries

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    This study investigates the cost balance between heat energy savings through building envelope retrofits and supply from low-carbon decentralised and centralised technologies in a generic urban district, composed of residential and non-residential buildings from the 1970–1989 construction period. For generalisability, the district is analysed in three European countries (Bulgaria, Germany, Finland), each with distinct weather conditions and price levels. Using bottom-up energy modelling and adopting a societal perspective that includes external costs, the study finds the cost-effectiveness of retrofits to be context-specific. In Bulgaria, retrofits prove largely cost-effective, whereas in Germany and Finland, high labour and material costs pose challenges. Heat pumps, whether decentralised in buildings or centralised in district heating systems, emerge as key options for heat supply, even in cold climates. The study underscores the importance of integrated energy planning in line with the ‘energy efficiency first’ principle and corresponding incentive structures to promote sustainable urban energy systems