838 research outputs found

    Compreender o estranho: mĂ©todos reconstrutivos das CiĂȘncias Socais, no Serviço Social, na Alemanha

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    Como podemos compreender os destinatĂĄrios e as destinatĂĄrias do Serviço Social em seus mundos da vida? Como podemos interpretar adequadamente seus desejos, sonhos, suas situaçÔes individuais de vida, os potenciais de sua biografia e tambĂ©m as feridas de sua vida e o sentido especĂ­fico de seus mundos culturais? Como fazer justiça Ă s suas obstinaçÔes sem instrumentalizĂĄ-los juntamente com seus mundos subjetivos, sem idealizar aquilo que nos parece estranho neles, que talvez nĂŁo nos agrade, que nos inquieta e amedronta? Por trĂĄs destas perguntas, num primeiro momento, muito concretas e voltadas Ă  prĂĄxis, ocultam-se discussĂ”es decisivas para o Serviço Social na Alemanha, nĂŁo apenas sobre seus mĂ©todos, mas tambĂ©m sobre sua identidade profissional, seu lugar como disciplina, seu posicionamento sociopolĂ­tico e as possibilidades da formação superior. Nestas discussĂ”es, jogam um papel importante as metodologias das ciĂȘncias sociais, mĂ©todos compreensivos, assim como relatos etnogrĂĄficos e entrevistas narrativas, que sĂŁo analisadas hermeneuticamente em seminĂĄrios de ensino-aprendizagem do curs

    Intersection theorems for finite general linear groups

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    A subset YY of the general linear group GL⁥(n,q)\operatorname{GL}(n,q) is called tt-intersecting if rk⁥(x−y)≀n−t\operatorname{rk}(x-y)\le n-t for all x,y∈Yx,y\in Y, or equivalently xx and yy agree pointwise on a tt-dimensional subspace of Fqn\mathbb{F}_q^n for all x,y∈Yx,y\in Y. We show that, if nn is sufficiently large compared to tt, the size of every such tt-intersecting set is at most that of the stabiliser of a basis of a tt-dimensional subspace of Fqn\mathbb{F}_q^n. In case of equality, the characteristic vector of YY is a linear combination of the characteristic vectors of the cosets of these stabilisers. We also give similar results for subsets of GL⁥(n,q)\operatorname{GL}(n,q) that intersect not necessarily pointwise in tt-dimensional subspaces of Fqn\mathbb{F}_q^n and for cross-intersecting subsets of GL⁥(n,q)\operatorname{GL}(n,q). These results may be viewed as variants of the classical Erd\H{o}s-Ko-Rado Theorem in extremal set theory and are qq-analogs of corresponding results known for the symmetric group. Our methods are based on eigenvalue techniques to estimate the size of the largest independent sets in graphs and crucially involve the representation theory of GL⁥(n,q)\operatorname{GL}(n,q).Comment: 34 pages, minor change

    Transitivity in finite general linear groups

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    It is known that the notion of a transitive subgroup of a permutation group GG extends naturally to subsets of GG. We consider subsets of the general linear group GL⁥(n,q)\operatorname{GL}(n,q) acting transitively on flag-like structures, which are common generalisations of tt-dimensional subspaces of Fqn\mathbb{F}_q^n and bases of tt-dimensional subspaces of Fqn\mathbb{F}_q^n. We give structural characterisations of transitive subsets of GL⁥(n,q)\operatorname{GL}(n,q) using the character theory of GL⁥(n,q)\operatorname{GL}(n,q) and interprete such subsets as designs in the conjugacy class association scheme of GL⁥(n,q)\operatorname{GL}(n,q). In particular we generalise a theorem of Perin on subgroups of GL⁥(n,q)\operatorname{GL}(n,q) acting transitively on tt-dimensional subspaces. We survey transitive subgroups of GL⁥(n,q)\operatorname{GL}(n,q), showing that there is no subgroup of GL⁥(n,q)\operatorname{GL}(n,q) with 1<t<n1<t<n acting transitively on tt-dimensional subspaces unless it contains SL⁥(n,q)\operatorname{SL}(n,q) or is one of two exceptional groups. On the other hand, for all fixed tt, we show that there exist nontrivial subsets of GL⁥(n,q)\operatorname{GL}(n,q) that are transitive on linearly independent tt-tuples of Fqn\mathbb{F}_q^n, which also shows the existence of nontrivial subsets of GL⁥(n,q)\operatorname{GL}(n,q) that are transitive on more general flag-like structures. We establish connections with orthogonal polynomials, namely the Al-Salam-Carlitz polynomials, and generalise a result by Rudvalis and Shinoda on the distribution of the number of fixed points of the elements in GL⁥(n,q)\operatorname{GL}(n,q). Many of our results can be interpreted as qq-analogs of corresponding results for the symmetric group.Comment: 28 page

    Experience and knowledge - interpretative patterns and forms of knowledge among professional pedagogues and social workers in out-of-school work with children and adolescents

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    Auf der Basis von narrativen, biographisch angelegten Interviews wird den berufsorientierten Deutungsmustern, HandlungsplĂ€nen und dem fachlichen Wissen von sozialpĂ€dagogischen Akteuren nachgespĂŒrt, die in Handlungsfeldern der außerschulischen Kinder- und Jugendarbeit tĂ€tig sind. Der Ertrag einer qualitativ orientierten empirischen Analyse der beruflichen Habitualisierung von PĂ€dagoginnen und PĂ€dagogen mit den unterschiedlichsten Profilen wird exemplarisch ĂŒber eine Fallrekonstruktion verdeutlicht. Als ein Ergebnis wird festgehalten, daß die in der außerschulischen Kinder- und Jugendarbeit TĂ€tigen in der Regel bei der Herstellung einer "professionellen Praxis" ihren biographischen Ressourcen mehr vertrauen als der Ausbuchstabierung einer wissenschaftlich abgestĂŒtzten Fachlichkeit. (DIPF/Text ĂŒbernommen)On the basis of narrative, biographical interviews, the authors analyze the job-oriented interpretative patterns, plans of action, and professional knowledge of socio-pedagogical actors working with children and adolescents out of school. The results of the qualitatively oriented empirical analysis of the professional habitualization of pedagogues with diverse profiles are exemplified by means of a case reconstruction. The authors come to the conclusion that, in the construction of a "professional practice", those working with children and adolescents out of school usually rely more on their own biographical ressources than on academic professional knowledge. (DIPF/Orig.

    Relationship of pulmonary toxicity and carcinogenicity of fine and ultrafine granular dusts in a rat bioassay

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    The current carcinogenicity study with female rats focused on the toxicity and carcinogenicity of intratracheally instilled fine and ultrafine granular dusts. The positive control, crystalline silica, elicited the greatest magnitude and progression of pulmonary inflammatory reactions, fibrosis and the highest incidence of primary lung tumors (39.6%). Addition of poly-2-vinylpyridine-N-oxide decreased inflammatory responses, fibrosis, and the incidence of pulmonary tumors induced by crystalline quartz to 21.4%. After repeated instillation of soluble, ultrafine amorphous silica (15 mg) a statistically significant tumor response (9.4%) was observed, although, the inflammatory response in the lung was not as persistently severe as in rats treated with carbon black. Instillation of ultrafine carbon black (5 mg) caused a lung tumor incidence of 15%. In contrast to a preceding study using a dose of 66 mg coal dust, lung tumors were not detected after exposure to the same coal dust at a dose of 10 mg in this study. Pulmonary inflammatory responses to coal dust were very low indicating a mechanistic threshold for the development of lung tumors connected with particle related chronic inflammation. The animals treated with ultrafine carbon black and ultrafine amorphous silica showed significantly more severe lesions in non-cancerous endpoints when compared to animals treated with fine coal dust. Furthermore, carbon black treated rats showed more severe non-cancerous lung lesions than amorphous silica treated rats. Our data show a relationship between tumor frequencies and increasing scores when using a qualitative scoring system for specific non-cancerous endpoints such as inflammation, fibrosis, epithelial hyperplasia, and squamous metaplasia

    Winfried Noack: SozialpÀdagogik. Ein Lehrbuch. Freiburg i. Br.: Lambertus Verlag 2001 (435 S.) [Rezension]

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    Rezension von: Winfried Noack: SozialpÀdagogik. Ein Lehrbuch. Freiburg i. Br.: Lambertus Verlag 2001 (435 S.; ISBN 3-7841-1335-4)

    Kommunales Monitoring

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    KOMMUNALES MONITORING Kommunales Monitoring / Kemmesies, Uwe Ernst (Rights reserved) ( -

    Cancer-Related Distress: How Often Does It Co-occur With a Mental Disorder? – Results of a Secondary Analysis

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    Objectives: The Distress Thermometer (DT) is a validated and widely used screening tool to identify clinically relevant distress in cancer patients. It is unclear, to which extend subjectively perceived distress measured by the DT is related to objective burden (mental disorder). We therefore examine the co-occurrence of a mental disorder for different DT thresholds and explore the diagnostic properties of the DT in detecting a mental disorder. Methods: In this multicenter cross-sectional study, we included 4,020 patients with mixed cancer diagnoses. After selection of relevant cases, weighting procedure and imputation of missing data we evaluated the data of N = 3,212 patients. We used the DT to assess perceived distress and the standardized Composite International Diagnostic Interview for Oncology (CIDI-O) to assess the 4-week prevalence of mental disorders. The association between distress and any mental disorder (MD) is calculated using Pearson correlations. Relative risks for MD in patients with/without distress and the co-occurrence of distress and MD were calculated with Poisson regression. To assess the operating characteristics between distress and MD, we present the area under the curve (AUC). Results: 22.9% of the participants had a cut-off DT level of 5 and were affected by MD. Each level of distress co-occurs with MD. The proportion of patients diagnosed with MD was not greater than the proportion of patients without MD until distress levels of DT = 6 were reached. The correlation between DT and MD was r = 0.27. The ROCanalysis shows the area under curve (AUC) = 0.67, which is classified as unsatisfactory. With increasing distress severity, patients are not more likely to have a mental disorder. Conclusion: Our results suggests viewing and treating cancer-related distress as a relatively distinct psychological entity. Cancer-related distress may be associated with an increased risk for a mental disorder and vice versa, but the overlap of both concepts is very moderate

    Comparison Between the Ultraviolet Emission From Pulsed Microhollow Cathode Discharges in Xenon and Argon

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    We measured the dynamic I–V characteristics and vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) emission lines of the second continuum in xenon (170 nm) and argon (130.5 nm) from pulsed microhollow cathode discharges (MHCD). For pulse lengths between 1 and 100 ÎŒs the dynamic I–V characteristics are similar in both inert gases. Only the time variation of the VUV emission line at 170 nm for xenon can be related to the dimer excited states. In argon the energy transfer between the Ar*2 dimers and the oxygen impurity atoms is responsible for a qualitatively different time behavior of the resonance line at 130.5 nm. Consequently, the relative VUV efficiency reveals an inverse dependence on the electrical pulse lengths for the MHCD in xenon and argon, respectively

    Strategies and good practice for sustainable and liveable cities of tomorrow

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    This contribution deals with the question, what makes cities sustainable and integrative, and suggests an approach for "liveable cities of tomorrow" designed to sustain mobility. The liveable city of tomorrow needs to meet both ecological and social requirements in an integrative approach. To design urban patterns appropriate or “sustainable mobility” based on a concept of mobility defined as the number of accessible destinations (different to that for “fossil mobility” defined as the ability to cover distances) is a key element of such an approach. Considering the limited reserves of fossil fuels and the long lifetime of the built structure, mobility needs to rely on modes independent of fossil fuels (public transport and pedestrians) to make it sustainable and the urban pattern needs to be developed appropriately for these modes. Crucial for the success of public transport is the location of buildings within the catchment area of stops. An attractive urban environment for pedestrians is characterised by short distances in a compact settlement with appropriate/qualified urban density and mixed land use as well as by attractive public space. This, complemented by an integrative urban development on the quarter level including neighbourhood management with a broad spectrum of activity areas (social infrastructure, integration of diverse social and ethnic groups, health promotion, community living, etc.), results in increased liveability. The role of information technology in this context is to support a sustainable use of the built structures by organisational instruments. Sustainable and liveable communities offer many benefits for health, safety and well-being of their inhabitants
