457 research outputs found

    Evaluasi Program Sekolah Ramah Anak (SRA) Berbasis Nilai di SD Inpres Liliba Kota Kupang Tahun Pelajaran 2012/2013

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perencanaan dan pembuatan SRA di SD Inpres Liliba Kota Kupang; untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan program SRA di SD Inpres Liliba Kota Kupang; untuk mengetahui program SRA dalam pembentukan nilai/karakter peserta didik SD Liliba Kota Kupang. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kualitatif, dengan jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah studi kasus. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan pengamatan, angket, wawancara, ujian, dan dokumentasi. Teknik pengujian data melalui empat kriteria yang dikemukan Lincoln dan Guba dalam Bungin (2010:59) diantaranya: kredibilitas, transferabilitas, dependabilitas, dan konfirmabilitas. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan pembahasan dapat disimpulkan bahwa: (1) Pelaksanaan program sekolah ramah anak di SD Inpres Liliba Kota Kupang berlangsung dengan baik yang dapat dilihat dari keaktifan guru dalam membimbing peserta didik melaksanakan semua bentuk kegiatan sebagai penerapan program sekolah ramah anak; (2) tahap perencanaan program SRA di SD Inpres Liliba terlaksana dengan baik dan menghasilkan program kerja melalui 12 alternatif pemecahan masalah dengan sasaran utama pada penerapan nilai-nilai kehidupan oleh guru dan peserta didik; (3) rencana Program SRA di SD Inpres Liliba Kota Kupang dilaksanakan dengan baik karena keterlibatan peserta didik SD Inpres Liliba yang mampu menerapkan nilai-nilai yang ingin diciptakan lewat program SRA; (4) beberapa perilaku negatif terbukti menurun secara signifikan sejak pelaksanaan program SRA dari Tahun 2005 sampai tahun 2012

    A Study on the Ability of the Second Year Students of SMKN 2 Pekanbaru in Comprehending Procedure Texts

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    The aim of this study is to find out the ability of the second year students of SMKN 2 Pekanbaru in comprehending procedure texts. The population of this research is all of the second year students which consisted of 301 students. There were 40 students who participated in this study as sample. The instrument was a test adapted from authentic material. The frame of the test was covered by 5 components such as, finding main idea, finding factual information, finding meaning of difficult word, finding references, and finding generic structure. Each component consisted of 6 questions. The test contained 30 items. Before the test was administered, the test was tried out to find out the difficulty level and the reliability of the test. To analyze the data, the raw score of the students was calculated and the level of ability was identified by using the classification of ability level by Harris (1974). The result showed that the ability of the second year students of SMKN 2 Pekanbaru in comprehending procedure texts was at Mediocre level with mean score 51.8. Therefore, it can be concluded that most of the students were able to comprehend procedure texts. To reach this, the students were suggested to do more practice in reading procedure texts in order to comprehend and to improve the ability in reading due to the poorness of their reading ability

    A Study on T He Ability of the First Year Students of Smk Farmasi Ikasari Pekanbaru in Identifying the Use of Pronouns in Reading Text

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    This study is aimed to describe the level of the first year students' ability of SMK Farmasi Ikasari Pekanbaru in identifying the use of pronouns in reading text. The design of this research is descriptive research, which has one variable to observe. This research used quantitative data, where the students were assessed by their score. To determine the sample, this research used cluster random sampling technique. The population of this research was X 1 Analisis Kesehatan in the academic year 2016/2017. The total number of population was 306 students. There were 26 students chosen as the samples of this research. The instruments of the research were 40 multiple choice questions. In collecting the data this research used written test and it had to be done in 100 minutes. All of the short stories are taken from English text book and internet. Based on the result of the research, there were 2 students (7.7%) in excellent ability level, 18 students (69.2%) who were in good ability level, 3 students (11.5%) who were in average level. Then, there were 3 students (11.5%) who were in poor level. In other words, the first year students of SMK Farmasi Ikasari Pekanbaru ability level are categorized in average level. Moreover, from the result found, the students' ability is in average level with the mean score 64.

    An Analysis Of Students' Intonation Ability In Reading English Short Story Text

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    This research was descriptive analysis research. There were one variable used in this research. The variable X was the students' intonation ability in reading English story text. The subject of this research was the second semester of of English Study Program at FKIP Universitas Riau Pekanbaru, while the object of this research was Intonation Ability in Reading English Story Text. The instruments used in this research were reading story text. The population of the research was 60 students. Then, in taking the sample, the writer employed random sampling technique. To find out pronunciation ability the writer used formula through Wayan and P. P. N Arientina in Kunarsih for analyzing the data. The result of this research shows that the students in pronounciation 5 sentences got 10% category in very good level, 20% category in good level, 20% category in enough level, 40% category in less level, 10% category in fail level. Based on the analysis above, the students'intonation is in enough level, because most of the students were almost in the enough level. In conclusion, the students' ability in reading English story text of English Study Program of FKIP Universitas Riau is in the level of enough

    Using Digital Storytelling-photostory Computer Application to Increase the Speaking Ability of the First Year Students of Smk Darel Hikmah Pekanbaru

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    The aim of this research is to improve the speaking ability of the first year students by using Digital Storytelling-Photostory Computer Application in comprehending the descriptive texts. This is an experimental research with one pre-post test design. The population of the research is the first year students of SMK Darel Hikmah Pekanbaru with 21 samples. To collect the data, the writer administered the pre test, treatments, and the post test at end of the session. In analyzing the data, the t- test formula was used to determine whether the technique applied can significantly increase the students' speaking ability. From the data collected, it can be seen that the average score of pre test is 64.6. Upon the implementation of digital storytelling, there is a significant increase on students' scores. It can be seen from the result of post-test. The average score of the post-test is 76.8. The score also reveals that the students have achieved the minimum mastery criteria required by the school. To sum up, digital storytelling-photostory computer application has significantly increase the speaking ability of the first year students of SMK Darel Hikmah Pekanbaru

    Analisis Penentuan Persediaan Bahan Baku Kedelai yang Optimal dengan Menggunakan Metode Stockhastic pada PT. Lombok Gandaria

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the efficiency of determining the need for raw material supplies by PT. Lombok Gandaria Solo, so as to maintain the stability of production. Research methods using case studies in PT. Lombok Gandaria Solo, data collection methods used : interviews, observation, and documentation. Data analysis techniques used in this study is a stochastic inventory control models. Results of calculation of the total inventory cost of raw materials showed that the inventory cost the company more than the total cost of inventory is calculated according to the method stochastic, so if PT. Lombok Solo Gandaria using stochastic inventory control methods will obtain cost savings. So that the hypothesis " that the alleged supply of raw material requirements determination made by PT. Lombok Gandaria Solo in maintaining the stability of inefficient production" unsubstantiated

    Analisis Service Recovery Layanan Indihome Triple Play Kota Bandung Menggunakan Metode Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) Dan Importance Performance Analysis (IPA)

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    Tujuan penelitian Layanan IndiHome Triple Play oleh PT Telkom diluncurkan tahun 2015. Sejak kemunculannya, permasalahan kegagalan dalam memberikan pelayanan untuk konsumen (service failure) menjadi masalah yang dhadapi Perusahaan. Sampai 2017, terdapat ribuan keluhan yang disampaikan melalui call center yang belum teratasi. Penelitian ini bermaksud untuk menganalisis pemulihan layanan (service recovery) yang dilakukan PT Telkom terkait penyelesaian keluhan pelanggan IndiHome Triple Play.Desain/Metodologi/Pendekatan – Penelitian ini dilakukan di Kota Bandung yang memiliki jumlah terbesar pengguna layanan Indihome dan juga keluhan terbanyak periode 2016 - 2017. Populasi penelitian ini adalah pengguna Indihome Triple Play yang pernah mengadukan masalah layanan yang dihadapi ke layanan call center 147 dan atau Grapari. Sampel yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah 388 responden, dengan teknik pengambilan sampel purposive sampling. Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) dan Importance Performance Analysis (IPA).Temuan – Berdasarkan hasil CSI, konsumen Indihome Triple Play merasa cukup puas dengan layanan yang diberikan. Sedangkan berdasarkan IPA, PT Telkom perlu memperbaiki 5 item layanan mereka yaitu memberikan solusi permasalahan yang dirasakan konsumen, perlunya penjelasan dari PT Telkom atas masalah yang timbul, perlunya tindak lanjut dari keluhan yang disampaikan, kurangnya upaya perwakilan Perusahaan untuk menyelesaikan masalah yang dihadapi konsumen, dan tidak adanya informasi penyelesaian masalah yang telah dilakukan PT Telkom.Keterbatasan penelitian – Penelitian ini dilakukan di Kota Bandung, penelitian selanjutnya dapat membandingkan dengan hasil di kota lainnya di Indonesia. Penelitian selanjutnya juga dapat menggunakan metode analisis korelasi untuk meneliti pengaruh service recovery terhadap kepuasan pelanggan..Originality/value – Artikel ini meneliti kepuasan pelanggan berdasarkan pada pemulihan layanan yang dilakukan Perusahaan yaitu dimensi Distributive Justice, Procedural Justice, dan Interactional Justice yang kajiannya masih dapat berkembang lagi di industri lainnya selain telekomunikasi

    Contribution of Indonesian Democratic to Islamic Education

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    This paper aims to show up the reason that Indonesian democratic can give contribution to developing of Islamic education theory, in order to responds of contemporary issues. To achieve of the purpose, this paper was discussing a number of democratic theory and Islamic education contemporary literature with holding a dialogue to Indonesian culture background. Recently, Islamic education theory and practice has undergone some transformations, in its system, curriculum, and institutions. One of the trigger was a demand to implementing a conception of democracy in Islamic education praxis. In Indonesia it was adopted from Pancasila, exactly the Bhineka Tunggal Ika slogan. To realized of that, Indonesian Islamic education institution like madrassa, since 1980s was combined between curriculum Indonesia national and Islamic education. It is be a sign that Indonesian democracy can be an alternative to developing a theory of democratic Islamic education
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