678 research outputs found
Impact of Dysmenorrhea and Health-seeking Behavior Among Female Adolescents
Dysmenorrhea is one of common health problems to occur during menstrual period and influences women life quality. The aim of the study is to know the effect of dysmenorrhea and health-seeking behavior to teenage girl. This study belongs to observation analytic using cross sectional design. The sample is girls, which is as many as 188, at the age of 15 to 19. The data are taken through questionnaire containing several questions, such as age of the respondents, age of menarche, effect dysmenorrhea, attitude on dysmenorrhea, and health-seeking behavior. Bivariate analysis is used Chi Square test. The Prevalence of dysmenorrhea is 68.8%. The effect of dysmenorrhea to girls include the absence from school (9.6%), sleep disorders (25%), decreased appetite (25.5%), inability to do exercise (19.7%), and daily activity disruptions (9.6%). There was relationship between the attitude on dysmenorrhea and health-seeking behavior of female adolescents (p=0.029). Adolescents with positive attitude about menstrual problems will develop good health-seeking behavior during menstrual period compared to those who have negative attitude. The needs to design reproduction health program as well as updating the information to create girls awareness on their health management during dysmenorrhea are necessary
Pemeriksaan Kadar Kalsium pada Masyarakat dengan Pola Makan Vegetarian
Vegetarians are people consuming food derived from plants or processed products, such as milk and eggs. Cereals, pulses and results nuts, tofu, tempeh and green vegetables are good source of calcium as well, but these foods contain many substances that inhibit the absorption of calcium such as fiber, phytate and oxalate, so feared vegetarians are deficient in calcium.This study is to determine the levels of calcium serum in the vegetarian by using the Colorimetric Assay. This research was conducted at the Laboratory of Clinical Chemistry Faculty of Health Sciences, Maarif Hasyim Latif University, held on March 4, 2016 until April 18, 2016. The results of a study of 25 serum samples of the vegetarian, 4 samples (16%) showed the level of calcium in the normal range and 21 samples (84%) below the normal value. This research it can be concluded that the majority of the vegetarian's serum calcium levels below the normal value
usaha budidaya tanaman selada (lactuva sativa) secara organik
USAHA BUDIDAYA TANAMAN SELADA (Lactuva sativa) SECARA ORGANIK Erni Nurkumalajati S1), Eddy Tri Haryanto2), Arip Wijianto3) Program Studi Diploma III Agribisnis minat Hortikultura Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta ABSTRAK Pelaksanaan tugas akhir dilaksanakan di Dusun Dukuh Rt 2 Rw 7 Desa Sumberejo, Kecamatan Ngablak, Kabupaten Magelang dari Maret sampai Mei 2016. Luas lahan untuk membudidayakan tanaman Selada (Lactuca sativa) adalah 200 m2 dengan jenis tanah andosol. Pelaksanaan tugas akhir dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode budidaya tanaman selada secara langsung meliputi Pengadaan benih, Persemaian, Penyiapan lahan, Pemasangan mulsa, Pembuatan lubang tanam, Penanaman, Pemeliharaan, Panen dan pasca panen, selain itu menggunakan metode pemasaran, Rencana Anggaran biaya dan tindak lanjut kegiatan, Selada (Lactuca sativa) merupakan salah satu jenis sayur sebagai bahan sayur biasa dikonsumsi mentah sebagai bahan lalapan bersama-sama dengan bahan makanan lain. Hasil pelaksanaan tugas akhir menunjukkan bahwa Usaha budidaya selada yang dilakukan berpotensi untuk dikembangkan lebih lanjut. R/C ratio pada budidaya selada menunjukkan nilai 2,22 sehingga usaha selada budidaya tergolong layak untuk dikembangkan hasil tersebut didukung dengan kondisi lingkungan dan perawatan tanaman. Kata kunci : budidaya tanaman, Selada, metode pemasaran, manfaat selada Keterangan : 1. Penulis adalah mahasiswa program studi Diploma III Agribisnis minat Hortikultura Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Sebelas Maret 2. Dosen Pembimbing 3. Dosen Penguj
The Effect of Three Stage Fishbowl Decision Strategy in Comprehending Narrative Texts by the Second Year Students of Sman 2 Kuantan Hilir
The aim of this experimental research was to know the effectiveness of the Three Stage Fishbowl Decision Strategy in comprehending such a reading text as narrative texts. The subject of this research were 46 second year students of SMAN 2 Kuantan Hilir, it consisted of two classes; Experimental class and control class. In this research, the data were collected through two ways: Pre-test and Post-test. The findings showed that the application of three stage fishbowl decision strategy can affect the students in comprehending narrative texts. At the pre-test, the average score of students in experimental class and control class was 58.61 and 58.78. At the post-test, the average score of experimental class and control class was 75.13 and 61.39.It showed us that the post-test of experimental class was higher than control class. Based on the result of the research, English teacher are suggested to use three stage fishbowl decision strategy to affect the students in comprehending narrative texts
Studi Tentang Kemampuan Mahasiswa Semester Ke-4 Program Studi Bahasa Inggris Fkip Universitas Riau dalam Menggunakan Persesuaian/konkord
This study was aimed to find out the ability of the fourth semester students of English Study Program of FKIP University of Riau in using agreements. The researcher used cluster random sampling technique to determine the sample. The samples were 26 students. The study was used to find out the ability in five types of agreements such as agreements with indefinite pronoun, agreements with expression of quantity, agreements with some irregularities, agreements with nouns with no singular form, and agreements with collective noun. Cloze procedure test was used to gain the data with the number of tests is 40 questions. The result of the study revealed that the total mean score was 56 which indicated students were in average level of ability. The highest score with the mean score 67.7 was in using agreements with nouns with no singular form, it is in good level. Whereas, the lowest score with the mean score 45.6 was in using agreements with collective noun, it is in poor level
The Correlation Between Reading Comprehension and Writing Ability of the Second Year Students of Sman 1 Muaro Sentajo Teluk Kuantan in Recount Texts
The objective of this research is to find out the level of students\u27 ability in reading comprehension and writing ability in recount texts and the correlation between those variables of the second year students of SMAN 1 Muaro Sentajo. The sample of this research was class XI IPS 2 which consist 25 students. The data were collected by using two kinds of test, reading comprehension and written test. The result of this research showed that the students got good level with the average score 73.28 in reading comprehension, and in writing the students got good level with the average score 76.12. The result of this research proved that there is a positive correlation between reading comprehension and writing ability on recount texts. The rxy distribution of coefficient correlation is 0.8. It means that the correlation was in a high level. So, Ha (alternative hypothesis) of this research is accepted, and null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected. Is there any difference between students\u27 reading and writing score? So, the researcher try to find out students\u27 reading and writing score and their correlation. Finally, the researcher suggests for the teacher, they should have some efforts to develop the students\u27 motivation and encourage them to practice their reading comprehension and writing ability in recount texts
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