13 research outputs found

    Quantitative Characterization of Event Streams in Analysis of Hard Real-Time Applications

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    Many real-time embedded systems process event streams that are composed of a finite number of different event types. Each different event type on the stream would typically impose a different workload to the system, and thus the knowledge of possible correlations and dependencies between the different event types could be exploited to get tighter analytic performance bounds of the complete system. We propose an abstract stream model to characterize such an event stream. The model captures the needed information of all possible traces of a class of event streams. Hence, it can be used to obtain hard bounded worst-case and best-case analysis results of a system. We show how the proposed abstract stream model can be obtained from a concrete stream specification, and how it can be used for performance analysis. The applicability of our approach and its advantages over traditional worst-case performance analysis are shown in a case study of a multimedia applicatio

    System architecture evaluation using modular performance analysis: a case study

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    Performance analysis plays an increasingly important role in the design of embedded real-time systems. Time-to-market pressure in this domain is high while the available implementation technology is often pushed to its limit to minimize cost. This requires analysis of performance as early as possible in the life cycle. Simulation-based techniques are often not sufficiently productive. We present an alternative, analytical, approach based on Real-Time Calculus. Modular performance analysis is presented through a case study in which several candidate architectures are evaluated for a distributed in-car radio navigation system. The analysis is efficient due to the high abstraction level of the model, which makes the technique suitable for early design exploratio

    Influence of different abstractions on the performance analysis of distributed hard real-time systems

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    System level performance analysis plays a fundamental role in the design process of hard real-time embedded systems. Several different approaches have been presented so far to address the problem of accurate performance analysis of distributed embedded systems in early design stages. The existing formal analysis methods are based on essentially different concepts of abstraction. However, the influence of these different models on the accuracy of the system analysis is widely unknown, as a direct comparison of performance analysis methods has not been considered so far. We define a set of benchmarks aimed at the evaluation of performance analysis techniques for distributed systems. We apply different analysis methods to the benchmarks and compare the results obtained in terms of accuracy and analysis times, highlighting the specific effects of the various abstractions. We also point out several pitfalls for the analysis accuracy of single approaches and investigate the reasons for pessimistic performance prediction

    Optimal TDMA time slot and cycle length allocation for hard real-time systems

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    Abstract — We present an analytic method to determine the provably smallest possible slot length that must be allocated in a TDMA resource, to serve an event-triggered hard real-time load with arbitrary determin-istic timing behavior. Based on this method, we then present constructive methods to find all feasible as well as the optimal cycle length in a TDMA resource, and we show how to determine the minimum required band-width of a TDMA resource. We demonstrate the applicability and com-putational efficiency of the presented methods in a case study of a large distributed embedded system with a TDMA bus, where we will find the optimal parameter set for the TDMA bus. I

    Performance analysis of greedy shapers in real-time systems

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    Abstract — Traffic shaping is a well-known technique in the area of networking and is proven to reduce global buffer require-ments and end-to-end delays in networked systems. Due to these properties, shapers also play an increasingly important role in the design of multi-processor embedded systems that exhibit a consid-erable amount of on-chip traffic. Despite their growing importance in this area, no methods exist to analyze shapers in distributed em-bedded systems, and to incorporate them into a system-level per-formance analysis. Hence it is until now not possible to determine the effect of shapers to end-to-end delay guarantees or buffer re-quirements in these systems. In this work, we present a method to analyze greedy shapers, and we embed this analysis method into a well-established modular performance analysis framework. The presented approach enables system-level performance analysis of complete systems with greedy shapers, and we prove its applica-bility by analyzing two case study systems.

    Quantitative Characterization of Event Streams in Analysis of Hard Real-Time Applications

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