41 research outputs found

    Semi-analytical derivation of the 2D all-FLR ICRH wave equation as a high-order partial differential equation

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    For 1-dimensional applications, Bude's method [Bude et al, Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion, 63 (2021) 035014] has been shown to be capable of accurately solving the all-FLR (Finite Larmor Radius) integro-differential wave equation as a high-order differential equation allowing to represent all physically relevant (fast, slow and Bernstein) modes upon making a polynomial fit that is accurate in the relevant part of k-space. The adopted fit is superior to the Taylor series expansion traditionally adopted to truncate the series of finite Larmor radius corrections, while the differential rather than integro-differential approach allows for significant gain in required computational time when solving the wave equation. The method was originally proposed and successfully tested in 1D for radio frequency (RF) waves and in absence of the poloidal field [D. Van Eester & E. Lerche, Nucl. Fusion, 61 (2021) 016024]. In the present paper, the derivation of the extension of that procedure to 2D and for finite poloidal field - semi-analytically yielding the coefficients of the relevant high-order partial differential equation - is discussed in preparation of future numerical application

    Image-based methods to investigate synchronization between time series relevant for plasma fusion diagnostics

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    Advanced time series analysis and causality detection techniques have been successfully applied to the assessment of synchronization experiments in tokamaks, such as Edge Localized Modes (ELMs) and sawtooth pacing. Lag synchronization is a typical strategy for fusion plasma instability control by pace-making techniques. The major difficulty, in evaluating the efficiency of the pacing methods, is the coexistence of the causal effects with the periodic or quasi-periodic nature of the plasma instabilities. In the present work, a set of methods based on the image representation of time series, are investigated as tools for evaluating the efficiency of the pace-making techniques. The main options rely on the Gramian Angular Field (GAF), the Markov Transition Field (MTF), previously used for time series classification, and the Chaos Game Representation (CGR), employed for the visualization of large collections of long time series. The paper proposes an original variation of the Markov Transition Matrix, defined for a couple of time series. Additionally, a recently proposed method, based on the mapping of time series as cross-visibility networks and their representation as images, is included in this study. The performances of the method are evaluated on synthetic data and applied to JET measurements

    ICRH system performance during ITER-Like Wall operations at JET and the outlook for DT campaign

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    Performance of JET ICRH system since installation of the metal ITER-Like Wall (ILW) has been assessed statistically. The data demonstrate steady increase of the RF power coupled to plasmas over recent years with the maximum pulse-average and peak values exceeding respectively 6MW and 8MW in 2016. Analysis and extrapolation of power capabilities of conventional JET ICRH antennas is provided and key performance-limiting factors are discussed. The RF plant operational frequency options are presented highlighting the issues of efficient ICRH application within a foreseeable range of DT plasma scenarios

    Simulations of combined ICRF and NBI heating for high fusion performance in JET

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    We report on simulations aimed at optimizing external heating using neutral beam injection (NBI) and radiofrequency waves in the ion cyclotron range of frequencies (ICRF) for high fusion yield in the JET tokamak. In this paper, D and DT plasmas are analyzed taking into account the NBI+RF synergy focusing on two different minority ICRF schemes, He and H, respectively. Our results show that by increasing external heating power to the maximum power available, the fusion neutron rate can be enhanced in D plasma by a factor of 2-3 with respect to our reference record D discharge. Regarding the DT plasma we present the external heating performance under the variation of key plasma parameters. We also study the impact of the effects of ICRH to the fusion yield and show that the ICRH power results in an enhanced fusion yield in the whole parameter space studied.This work has been carried out within the framework of the EUROfusion Consortium and has received funding from the Euratom research and training programme 2014-2018 under grant agreement No 633053. The views and opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect those of the European Commission. Dani Gallart would like to express his gratitude to “La Caixa” for support of his PhD studies.Postprint (author's final draft

    Electromagnetic simulations of JET ICRF ITER-like antenna with TOPICA and SSWICH asymptotic codes

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    Multi-megawatt Ion Cyclotron Range of Frequencies (ICRF) heating is routinely used in the JET tokamak. To increase the ICRF heating power available from the A2 antennas, the ICRF ITER-Like Antenna (ILA) was reinstalled for the 2015 JET ITER-like wall experimental campaign. The application of high levels of ICRF power typically results in increased plasma wall interaction which leads to the observation of enhanced influx of metallic impurities in the plasma edge. It is assumed that the impurity production is mainly driven by the parallel component of the Radio-Frequency (RF) antenna electric near-field, E// (parallel to the confinement magnetic field of the tokamak), that is rectified in a thin boundary layer (RF sheath). Torino Polytechnic Ion Cyclotron Antenna (TOPICA) code was used to compute E// field maps in front of the ILA and between its poloidal limiters in the presence of plasma using measured density profiles and various antenna feedings. E// field maps calculated between the poloidal limiters were used to estimate the poloidal distribution of RF-sheath Direct Current (DC) potential in this private region of the ILA and make relative comparison of various antenna electrical settings. For this purpose we used the asymptotic version of the Self-consistent Sheaths and Waves for Ion Cyclotron Heating Slow-Wave (SSWICH-SW) code. These estimations can help to study the formation of RF sheaths around the antenna and even at distant locations (∼3m away)

    ICRF heating schemes for the ITER non-active phase

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    ITER plasma operation requires a non-active phase for tokamak initial commissioning, covering First Plasma and Pre-Fusion Power Operation phases, PFPO-1 and PFPO-2. Non-active operation consists of hydrogen and helium plasmas to minimize the neutron production rate. The present document describes some Ion Cyclotron Radio Frequency (ICRF) heating schemes in terms of their predicted performance for the main foreseen scenarios of the ITER non-active phase in hydrogen and helium. Emphasis is given on remaining issues and physics uncertainties to be addressed for successful ICRF heating in ITER

    Modelling of combined ICRF and NBI heating in JET hybrid plasmas

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    During the 2015-2016 JET campaigns many efforts have been devoted to the exploration of high performance plasma scenarios envisaged for ITER operation. In this paper we model the combined ICRF+NBI heating in selected key hybrid discharges using PION. The antenna frequency was tuned to match the cyclotron frequency of minority hydrogen (H) at the center of the tokamak coinciding with the second harmonic cyclotron resonance of deuterium. The modelling takes into account the synergy between ICRF and NBI heating through the second harmonic cyclotron resonance of deuterium beam ions which allows us to assess its impact on the neutron rate RNT. We evaluate the influence of H concentration which was varied in different discharges in order to test their role in the heating performance. According to our modelling, the ICRF enhancement of RNT increases by decreasing the H concentration which increases the ICRF power absorbed by deuterons. We find that in the recent hybrid discharges this ICRF enhancement was in the range of 10-25%. Finally, we extrapolate the results to D-T and find that the best performing hybrid discharges correspond to an equivalent fusion power of ∼7.0 MW in D-T.This work has been carried out within the framework of the EUROfusion Consortium and has received funding from the Euratom research and training programme 2014-2018 under grant agreement No 633053. The views and opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect those of the European Commission. Dani Gallart would like to thank “La Caixa” for support of his PhD studies.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    EUROfusion Integrated Modelling (EU-IM) capabilities and selected physics applications

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    International audienceRecent developments and achievements of the EUROfusion Code Development for Integrated Modelling project (WPCD), which aim is to provide a validated integrated modelling suite for the simulation and prediction of complete plasma discharges in any tokamak, are presented. WPCD develops generic complex integrated simulations, workflows, for physics applications, using the standardized European Integrated Modelling (EU-IM) framework. Selected physics applications of EU-IM workflows are illustrated in this paper

    Plasma heating by Alfvén waves in tokamak TCABR

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    Os resultados de uma extensa campanha experimental, realizada no tokamak TCABR, para se investigar a física das ondas de Alfvén e suas aplicações para o aquecimento de plasmas em tokamaks são apresentados. Ao longo das investigações, foram testados dois tipos de antena, tendo sido observado aquecimento considerável do plasma com ambas, mesmo com valor moderado da potência RF injetada no plasma. Diversas configurações de excitação e diversas condições do plasma foram investigadas, e foi verificado que a escolha correta da helicidade da onda excitada PE crucial para se reduzir o acoplamento parasítico com o plasma periférico. Também foi verificada a importância de uma limpeza periódica da superfície das antenas, realizada durante as descargas de limpeza do tokamak, para melhorar o desempenho dos experimentos com aquecimento por ondas de Alfvén. Com a antena original, que produz um espectro poloidal bastante selecionado, a tensão de polarização dinâmica induzida nas antenas observada durante os experimentos era alta, aumentando a taxa de sputtering em seus elementos e podendo, inclusive, levar à disruptura do plasma em potêncis RF mais elevadas. Com o novo tipo de antena, projetado com dimensões poloidais reduzidas, a tensão de polarização induzida caiu pela metade. No entanto, o acoplamento parasítico com a borda do plasma aumentou, como foi indicado por maiores perturbações observadas nos potenciais do SOL, nesse caso. Ademais, a taxa de injeção/ionização de impurezas parece ser maior do que a observada com a antena original em condições semelhantes, como foi indicado pór um aumento maior no sinal do bolômetro durante o pulso RF e por medidas de espectroscopia. Esses fatos sugerem que o espectro excitado pela antena nova é menos seletivo quanto à componente poloidal M, e os modos eletrostáticos devem estar sendo excitados com amplitude considerável. As modificações causadas pela absorção das ondas de Alfvén no perfil radial da temperatura eletrônica do plasma puderam ser estudadas com um radiômetro heteródino de varredura ECE. Esses estudos nos permitiram determinar experimentalmente os perfis radiais de deposição de potência RF no plasma, que estão em surpreendente concordância com os perfis de deposição de potência RF no plasma, que estão surpreendente concordância com os perfis de deposição teóricos, calculados com um código cinético-toroidal para as condições típicas do TCABR. Esses resultados são inéditos em pesquisas com ondas de Alfvén, e reforçam a sua utilização para aquecimento localizado de plasmas e controle de fluxos cizalhados em tokamaks.The results of na extensive experimental campaign performed in the TCABR tokamak to investigate the Physics of the Alfvén wave and its application to tokamak plasma heating are presented. In the course of the experiments, Téo types of Alfvén Wave antennae were studied, and considerable plasma heating was observed in both cases, even with rather small amount of RF Power injected in the plasma. Many antennae configurations and plasma conditions were tried out, and it was verified that the correct choice of the helicity of the excited wave is crucial to reduce the parasitic coupling with the edge plasma. It was also noticed that periodic conditioning of the antenna surface, performed together with the daily tokamak cleaning discharges, also contributes to improve the performance of the heating experiments. With the first antenna type, which produced a rather well defined poloidal spectrum, the dynamic polarication voltage induced in the antennae during the RF experiments was high, causing increased sputtering of its elements and, for higher RF powr input, even plasma disruptions. With the new antenna type, designed with smaller poloidal dimensions, the dynamic polarization voltage of the antenna was reduced twice. However the parasitic coupling with the plasma hás increased, as indicated by stronger perturbations of the electrostatic potentials in the scrape-off layer observed in this case. In addition, the impurity injection/ionization rate also seems to have increased with respect to the previous antenna type in approximately the same conditions, as indicated by a stronger rise in the bolometer signal observed during the RF pulse, and by spectroscopic measurements. These facts suggest that, with the new antenna type, the excited wave spectrum is rather broad with respect to the poloidal wave number M, and electrostatic modes must be excited with quite high amplitude. The change in the radial profiles of the electron temperature due to the Alfvén wave absorption could be studied with a heterodyne sweping ECE radiometer. These sutidies allowed us to determine experimentally the RF Power deposition profiles inside the plasma, which were in surprisingly good agreement with the theoretical deposition profiles, calculated with a kinetic-toroidal code for the TCABR plasma conditions. These results are unprecedented in experimental Alfvén wave research, and strengthen the use of these waves for localized plasma heating and shear flow control in tokamaks