46 research outputs found

    A simple proof that anomalous weak values require coherence

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    The quantum mechanical weak value Aw=⟨ϕ∣A∣ψ⟩/⟨ϕ∣ψ⟩A_w=\left\langle \phi|A|\psi \right \rangle / \left\langle \phi | \psi \right\rangle of an observable AA is a measurable quantity associated with an observable AA and pre- and post-selected states ∣ψ⟩,∣ϕ⟩\vert\psi \rangle, \vert \phi \rangle. Much has been discussed about the meaning and metrological uses of anomalous weak values, lying outside of the range of eigenvalues of AA. We present a simple proof that anomalous weak values require that the (possibly mixed) pre- and post- selection states have coherence in the eigenbasis of AA. We also present conditions under which anomalous AwA_w are witnesses of generalized contextuality, dispensing with the operational weak measurement set-up.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    Geometries for universal quantum computation with matchgates

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    Matchgates are a group of two-qubit gates associated with free fermions. They are classically simulatable if restricted to act between nearest neighbors on a one-dimensional chain, but become universal for quantum computation with longer-range interactions. We describe various alternative geometries with nearest-neighbor interactions that result in universal quantum computation with matchgates only, including subtle departures from the chain. Our results pave the way for new quantum computer architectures that rely solely on the simple interactions associated with matchgates.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures. Updated version includes an appendix extending one of the result

    Non-stabilizerness and entanglement from cat-state injection

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    Recently, cat states have been used to heuristically improve the runtime of a classical simulator of quantum circuits based on the diagrammatic ZX-calculus. Here we investigate the use of cat-state injection within the quantum circuit model. We explore a family of cat states, ∣catm∗>\left| \mathrm{cat}_m^* \right>, and describe circuit gadgets using them to concurrently inject non-stabilizerness (also known as magic) and entanglement into any quantum circuit. We provide numerical evidence that cat-state injection does not lead to speed-up in classical simulation. On the other hand, we show that our gadgets can be used to widen the scope of compelling applications of cat states. Specifically, we show how to leverage them to achieve savings in the number of injected qubits, and also to induce scrambling dynamics in otherwise non-entangling Clifford circuits in a controlled manner.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figure

    Discrete Wigner functions and quantum computational speedup

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    In [Phys. Rev. A 70, 062101 (2004)] Gibbons et al. defined a class of discrete Wigner functions W to represent quantum states in a finite Hilbert space dimension d. I characterize a set C_d of states having non-negative W simultaneously in all definitions of W in this class. For d<6 I show C_d is the convex hull of stabilizer states. This supports the conjecture that negativity of W is necessary for exponential speedup in pure-state quantum computation.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, RevTeX. v2: clarified discussion on dynamics, added refs., published versio

    Extending matchgates into universal quantum computation

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    Matchgates are a family of two-qubit gates associated with noninteracting fermions. They are classically simulatable if acting only on nearest neighbors, but become universal for quantum computation if we relax this restriction or use SWAP gates [Jozsa and Miyake, Proc. R. Soc. A 464, 3089 (2008)]. We generalize this result by proving that any nonmatchgate parity-preserving unitary is capable of extending the computational power of matchgates into universal quantum computation. We identify the single local invariant of parity-preserving unitaries responsible for this, and discuss related results in the context of fermionic systems.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure

    Quantum circuits to measure scalar spin chirality

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    The scalar spin chirality is a three-body physical observable that plays an outstanding role both in classical magnetism, characterizing non-co-planar spin textures, and in quantum magnetism, as an order parameter for chiral spin liquids. In quantum information, the scalar spin chirality is a witness of genuine tripartite entanglement. Here we propose an indirect measurement scheme, based on the Hadamard test, to estimate the scalar spin chirality for general quantum states. We apply our method to study chirality in two types of quantum states: generic one-magnon states of a ferromagnet, and the ground state of a model with competing symmetric and antisymmetric exchange. We show a single-shot determination of the scalar chirality is possible for chirality eigenstates, via quantum phase estimation with a single auxiliary qutrit. Our approach provides a unified theory of chirality in classical and quantum magnetism.L.I.R. thanks the New Talents program of Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian for financial support. B.M. acknowledges financial support from Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT)—Portugal through the Ph.D. scholarship No. SFRH/BD/08444/2020. E.F.G. acknowledges support from FCT via project CEECINST/00062/2018, and from the Digital Horizon Europe project FoQaCiA, GA No. 101070558. J.F.R. acknowledges financial support from FCT (Grant No. PTDC/FIS-MAC/2045/2021), Science National Foundation (Switzerland) Sinergia (Grant Pimag), Generalitat Valenciana funding Prometeo2021/017 and MFA/2022/045, and funding from MICIIN-Spain (Grant No. PID2019-109539GB-C41)

    Optimal photonic indistinguishability tests in multimode networks

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    Particle indistinguishability is at the heart of quantum statistics that regulates fundamental phenomena such as the electronic band structure of solids, Bose-Einstein condensation and superconductivity. Moreover, it is necessary in practical applications such as linear optical quantum computation and simulation, in particular for Boson Sampling devices. It is thus crucial to develop tools to certify genuine multiphoton interference between multiple sources. Here we show that so-called Sylvester interferometers are near-optimal for the task of discriminating the behaviors of distinguishable and indistinguishable photons. We report the first implementations of integrated Sylvester interferometers with 4 and 8 modes with an efficient, scalable and reliable 3D-architecture. We perform two-photon interference experiments capable of identifying indistinguishable photon behaviour with a Bayesian approach using very small data sets. Furthermore, we employ experimentally this new device for the assessment of scattershot Boson Sampling. These results open the way to the application of Sylvester interferometers for the optimal assessment of multiphoton interference experiments.Comment: 9+10 pages, 6+6 figures, added supplementary material, completed and updated bibliograph