324 research outputs found

    Parity as Failure Determinants of Labor Induction in Bangka Belitung

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    Objectives: to identify factors affecting labor induction failure in Sungailiat General Hospital, District Bangka, Bangka Belitung.Materials and Methods: This is a case control retrospective analytic study. Population of this study was postterm delivering mother at delivery room Sungailiat General Hospital during July 1st, 2012 to July 1st, 2015. Sampling method conducted for case group was total sampling method with labor induction failure as a inclusion criteria, and no data for first trimester ultrasound, didn\u27t have a routine antenatal care history, and maternal complication as exclusion criterias as many as 78 samples. Whereas, control group was women whose underwent a success labor induction used random sampling method with 1:1 ratio. Data source was from medical records. Data analysis was chi square with 95% confidence interval.Results: From the 78 samples with labor induction, 19,2 % was ≥ 35 years old, 48,7% was primiparas, 62,8% with infant birth weight ≥ 3500 gram, and from 96 samples, 47,5% with ≥ 5 years pregnancy interval. Statistical analysis result showed factors that affecting induction failure were parity (P Value 0,014, odds ratio 2,970), baby\u27s weight (P Value 0,016, odds ratio 2,631), pregnancy interval (P Value 0,023, odds ratio 2,993), whereas mother\u27s age did not show significant effect (P Value 0,383, odds ratio 2,278).Conclusion: Parity has a 2,9 times risk to develop induction failure

    Evaluasi Kinerja Pelayanan Antenatal antara Puskesmas Cakupan Tinggi dengan Puskesmas Cakupan Rendah Menggunakan Pendekatan Balanced Scorecard

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    Background: Community Health Center (CHC) is hoped togive quality antenatal care. However, maternal and child healthcoverage in Bekasi District has not achieved the targetedstandard yet. First visit of pregnant mothers in 2006 was 87.5%and fourth visit coverage was 77.8%. There were 21 casesof maternal mortality in 2005 and only four out of 34 CHCsachieved the target of maternal and child coverage. Theseshow that maternal and child health care performance is notoptimal; therefore, improvement should be made. One ofperformance measurements is balanced scorecard whichincludes four perspectives, namely finance, costumers\u27satisfaction, internal business, and learning and growth.Objective: To evaluate antenatal care performance betweenhigh coverage CHC and low coverage CHC using balancedscorecard approach in Bekasi District.Method: This was an observational study with cross sectionalstudy design. Qualitative data were used in this study. Thesubjects were the head of CHCs, the midwives responsiblefor the implementation of antenatal care in maternal and childhealth room, and all pregnant mothers receiving forth visit care.The study was performed in Mekarmukti and Cibarusah CHCs.Study instruments were questionnaire, checklist, and interviewguide. Univariate analysis and bivariate analysis with chi-squaretest and stratification were used.Results: There was an association between providers\u27education/training and antenatal coverage (χ² = 10.015; p =0.002; PR = 4.026; CI 95% = 1.667-9.724), and patients\u27satisfaction (χ2 = 4.607; p = 0.032; PR = 2.516; CI 95% = 1.080-6.348), while standardized care was not related to antenatalcare coverage. Stratification analysis showed that antenatalcare coverage in Mekarmukti CHC was better than that inCibarusah CHC (χ2 = 5.662; p = 0.017; PR = 4.407; CI 95% =1.082-18.789), patients\u27 satisfaction in Mekarmukti CHC wasbetter than that in Cibarusah CHC (χ2 = 6.935; p = 0.008; PR =8; CI 95% = 1.256-84.624). Based on the qualitative data, therewas no difference in finance performance in both CHCs.Conclusions: There is a difference between providers\u27education/training and the level of patients\u27 satisfaction inMekarmukti and Cibarusah CHCs. There is no difference inMekarmukti and Cibarusah CHCs operational fund and standardantenatal care

    Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Melalui Belajar Kelompok (Learning Group) Pada Pembelajaran PKn Kelas V SDN 1 Palasa

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    Masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah rendahnya hasil belajar siswa dalam pembelajaran PKn. Dimana mengatasi masalah ini peneliti menerapkan pendekatan dengan model belajar kelompok sehingga di harapkan dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa kelas V SD Negeri 1 Palasa dalam pembelajaran PKn. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian tindakan kelas dengan alur perencanaan tindakan, pelaksanaan tindakan, observasi dan refleksi. Pengumpulan data yang dilakukan dalam setiap siklus berupa data kualitatif dan data kuantitatif dan dikumpulkan dengan tiga cara yakni tes, observasi, wawancara. Pada siklus I persentase ketuntasan klasikal sebesar 75% dengan persentase daya serap klasikal 73,25%, dan pada siklus II persentase ketuntasan klasikal 100 % dengan persentase daya serap klasikal 83,50%. Nilai Rata-rata (NR) aktivitas siswa pada siklus I cukup dan siklus II sangat baik. Berdasarkan indikator yang telah ditentukan sebelumnya, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa dengan menggunakan model belajar kelompok penguasaan siswa terhadap materi terus meningkat sehingga berdampak pada meningkatnya hasil belajar PKn siswa kelas V SD Negeri 1 Palasa

    Perlindungan Konsumen terhadap Makanan Pangan Industri Rumah Tangga

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    Consumers have the freedom to determine the type and quality of the goods/services in accordance with their needs. Food safety, quality problems and the impact of irregularities, as well as the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in the development of food industry quality system is a shared responsibility as the consumer protection efforts. The method in this research using qualitative methods. The research results showed that consumer protection conducted by government agencies and other institutions in the following way i.e. perform monitoring of food products by giving the number of the PIRT against businessmen who are qualified and have previously received counseling about the food products that may be released, as well as to provide warning and withdrawal of products that contain a positive dye textiles.  The efforts made by the North Buton Regency POM Halls namely collaborates with government agencies and Institutions Consumers North Buton Regency to do surveillance, sampling and testing, guidance products. Trade a proven violation reported to the District Health Office of North Buton for follow up. Restricting factors for the Government and Consumers North Buton Regency in coping with a circulation of foods that contain colouring substances in textiles, namely budget constraints to organise activities agenda so that there are no activities were carried out, bureaucratic system which is still so convoluted follow-up to businessmen

    Sikap Pengasuh Anak Balita Yang Terinfeksi Hiv/aids Di Kabupaten Temanggung Dan Kudus

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    Kasus anak yang meninggal terkait penyakit AIDS pada tahun 2012 di seluruh dunia mencapai 260.000. Hanya sejumlah kecil bayi lahir dengan HIV positif bisa bertahan hidup sampai usia 6 tahun. Tingginya resiko kematian ini karena infeksi HIV tidak diobati dan tidak mendapatkanperawatan optimal atau penolakan dari orang yang seharusnya menjaga dan merawatnya seperti orang tua, wali dan kerabat. Tujuan penelitian memperoleh gambaran sikap pengasuh dalam merawat anak Balita yang terinfeksi HIV/AIDS di Temanggung dan Kudus. Metode penelitiankualitatif dengan studi kasus dilakukan pada 9 pengasuh anak HIV positif sebagai responden primer dengan menggunakan panduan wawancara. Responden dipilih secara purposive sesuai kriteria. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan beberapa pengasuh bersikap positif dengan mengungkapkan status HIV anak kepada keluarga dan masyarakat serta mendukung program terapi anak. Sebagian besar masih menutupi karena takut stigma dan diskriminasi masyarakat

    Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Matematika Berbasis Open-ended Approach Untuk Mengembangkan HOTS Siswa SMA

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    This study aimed to produce a mathematics kitwhich were lesson plan, student activities manual (SAM), and the competency achievement tests (CAT) that was able to develop students higher order thinking skills in senior high school. This research was a development research which consists of 3 main stages, namely preliminary, product desain, development and evaluation. The tryout subjects of research were 105 students, one teacher of SMAN 1 Barabai, one teacher of SMAN 2 Barabai, and one teacher of SMAN 8 Barabai. The research instrument used was a validation sheet, teacher assessment sheet, student assessment sheets, feasibility observation sheets of learning activities, and CAT. This study resulted the mathematics learning kit in the form lesson plan and SAM meets the criteria of validity, practicality, and effectiveness which were able to develop higher order thinking skills, and CAT meets the criteria of validity, practically, and reliable

    Pelaksanaan Prosedur Pemungutan Pajak Reklame oleh Dinas Pendapatan Pengelolaan Keuangan dan Aset Daerah (Dppkad) Kabupaten Siak

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    This study will see how to Implementation Procedures Advertisement Taxation by the Departement of Finance and Asset Management Income Districts Siak. Acquisition revenue (PAD) from advertisement tax in Siak sector is potentially quite high, because there is little individual or business entity that uses advertising as a tool to promote their business. But achieving the target is still low, not as expected. Whereas in the advertisement taxation should not be difficult, sience the object and the number of its points are clear.Theory concepts used in this study was according to management theory George R Terry opinion in manullang that management can be measured by the following indicators : planning, organizing, actuating, controlling, including factors that humper the implementation of advertisement. As well as the research method used is descriptive qualitative, The next in the determination informen using technique purposive sampling.Implementation Procedures Advertisement Taxation by the Departement of Finance and Asset Management Income Districts Siak not going well in perform its function as an agency and income tex levies. Thereby affecting there reception revenue (PAD) from advertisement tax sector in regency Siak not optimal. Whereas the factors that hinder the implementation of advertisement taxation by the department of finance and asset management income areas in the are siak is the limited number of employees and also the lack of operational infrastructure as well as inadequate equipment owned by the department of finance management income asset fun districts siak. The role of the taxpayer/business advertisement tax that has not been obedient also became one of the problems that hamper implementation advertisement taxation in the district siak.Keyword : Implementation for collection, advertisement ta
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