44 research outputs found


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    This research discussed about the correlation between Students’ Reading Fluency and Students’ Reading Comprehension at Senior High School IT AlFitiyah Pekanbaru. There were 3 formulations of the problems, they were: (1)How is students’ reading fluency at Senior High School IT Al-Fitiyah Pekanbaru?. (2)How is students’ reading comprehension at Islamic Senior High School Al-Fitiyah Pekanbaru?. (3)Is there any significant correlation between students’ reading fluency and their reading comprehension at Senior High School IT Al-Fitiyah Pekanbaru?. The design of the research is a correlational study, which the oral test and multiple choice test were administered to the 12 students. The collected data were analyzed using Pearson “r”Product Moment Correlation using SPSS 20 program in order to find out whether there was or not any significant correlation between reading fluency and reading comprehension at Senior High School IT Al-Fitiyah Pekanbaru. The result showed that there is significant correlation of students’ reading fluency score to their reading comprehension score. Mean for students reading fluency score was 65.33 and the mean for students reading comprehension score was 66.33, p was 0.016, the 2tailed value was smaller than 0.05 (p<0.05). The result showed that the mean scores did correlate much between both students score. In short, the hypothesis of this research shows that Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted, so it can be concluded that “There is a significant correlation between reading fluency and students’ reading comprehension of Senior High School IT Al-Fitiyah Pekanbaru”. Key Words: Correlation, Reading Fluency, Reading Comprehensio

    Policy of Social Conflict Resolution: Implementation of The Malino Agreement in Maluku

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    Maluku conflict (Ambon) occurred in 1999 to 2003 is one of the most heartbreaking human tragediesin the history of Modern Indonesia. Various attempts have been made by the government to resolve theconflict, including by carrying out Malino Agreement for Maluku. This paper discusses the process ofimplementation of the Malino Agreement and analyzes the impact on the resolution of Malukuconflict. By using methods of descriptive analysis and a qualitative approach, this study can presentsome important findings. First, the Malino Agreement is one strategy (policy) to resolve SARA(racial)conflict well and democratically. It is seen from the atmosphere of the negotiation which is peaceful,honest and democratic. Parties had 11 points of peace agreement due to a strong desire to end theconflict in Maluku. Second, the Malino Agreement has brought positive impacst, i.e lack of escalationof conflict and violence in Maluku, even a year since the Malino Agreement, the peace has beenenforced in Maluku. However, this paper also found that conflict resolution model such as Malinoagreement still needs refinement, as Malino Agreement factually succeeded in pushing the cessation ofconflict, but substantively has not resolved various problems that trigger conflicts in Maluku

    Architecture of Peace in Ambon: Reading Dynamics of Peace After Ten Years of Conflict

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    The dynamics of peace in Ambon have been getting stronger during the last ten years, but to what extent this phenomenon can be considered as a solid basis for peace, would require a critical analysis. This paper is the result of field research on peace in Ambon using the theory of "peace architecture" developed by Luc Reychland (2006). The results of the analysis obtained several important conclusions. First, the peace process in the city of Ambon has been going on in a participatory manner in various aspects of life. Second, in an architectural perspective as put forward by Reychland, the peace in Ambon has sufficient potential to develop into a structure of peace which is getting stronger. It is characterized by the strengthening of an increasingly inclusive dialog and communication between citizens, as well as the effectiveness of public arenas such as markets, offices, schools and coffee shops as a medium of integration. It is also supported by the accommodative practices of economic and political transformation. Third, in line with the positive development, the public still need to be reminded of radical religious ideas and identity politics that are harmful to the sustainability of peace

    Dynamic Social Integration: Social Integration of Religious Followers in Ambon

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    The social dynamics in post-conflict Ambon, Maluku, 1999-2004, indicated that even though people were segregated in the Islamic-Christian areas, gradually social integration began to occur naturally. The process of integration that occurred also gave birth to new values and inclusive views that give hope to future peace building. Using the theory of social integration of dynamic adaptation of the Parsonian structural-functional classic paradigm and combined with a qualitative research model, this study successfully formulated several important findings. First, social integration occurred in the city of Ambon could run naturally through economic interactions, consensus on political balance and inclusive religious spirit. In addition, the presence of public spaces such as offices, schools, malls and coffee shops served as a natural integration medium that is increasingly important in the dynamics of the society. Second, the new social integration has created an increasingly important meaning that leads to a model of active harmony characterized by a process of the increasingly active social interaction between different religions, as well as strengthening pluralism and multiculturalism insight due to campaign by educational institutions and civil society groups. Third, this study also reminds us that although there has been a process of the increasingly positive social integration in Ambon city, people still need to be aware of the growth of radical religious ideologies at a certain level, and also of strengthening identity politics in the long run that will potentially give birth to primordial and ethnocentric attitudes that are harmful to the development of peace

    Bias Politik Pesantren: Dari Pragmatisme-transaksional Hingga Resistensi Sosial

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    Nowadays more and more out of boarding school as a primary function of Islamic educationalinstitutions and engage in practical politics. An action that causes a variety of social and politicalimplications that ought to be observed scientifically. This paper describes an important finding thatsuccessful boarding school involvement in politics, despite the economic added-value material thatbenefit schools, but it has grown factual in-transactional pragmatic political behavior and at the sametime reduce the legitimacy of public schools and cause resistance to the political attitudes of pesantre


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    Based on the phenomena in MA PP-MTI Tanjung Berulak, the differences of word order between English and Bahasa lead to the difficulty in writing. Using Bahasa word order in writing English could affect students’ writing quality. The purpose of this research is to determine the relationship between students' word order knowledge and their writing ability in MA PP-MTI Tanjung Berulak Kampar. The researcher takes the population as the sample of the research, the total of sample is 46 students. In order to take the data of the research, the researcher used multiple choice test and written test. The multiple choice test consisted of 30 items. The researcher used pearson product moment correlation coefficient, the result of the analysis calculated by SPSS 23.0 program. Based on the data analysis, it shows that sig.t = .000 was smaller than 0.05 (sig.≤ 0.05). it can be concluded that Ha (alternative hypothesis) is accepted. In other words, there is a significant correlation between students’ word order knowledge and their ability in writing descriptive paragraph at the first grade of MA PP-MTI Tanjung Berulak Kampar Regency. Keywords: Correlation, Word Order Knowledge, Ability in Writing Descriptive Paragraph

    Perbedaan Reaksi Pasar terhadap Publikasi Corporate Governance Perception Index pada Perusahaan Top 10 dan Non Top 10 (Berdasarkan Survey IICG)

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui reaksi pasar yang timbul dari publikasi CorporateGovernance Perception Index (CGPI) sekaligus membuktikan adanya perbedaan reaksi pasar tersebutantara Perusahaan Top 10 dan Perusahaan Non top 10 CGPI. Pengujian ini menggunakan variableabnormal return dan volume perdagangan saham sebagai indikator penilaian reaksi pasar. Sampelpenelitian ini diambil dengan menggunakan purposive sampling method. Populasi penelitian iniberjumlah 148, Selanjutnya, diperoleh 84 Perusahaan sebagai sample penelitian yang terbagi atas : 26perusahaan Top 10 dan 58 Perusahaan Non top 10. Pengujian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakanprogram SPSS 13.00.Hasil ujihipotesis menunjukkan bahwa publikasi CGPI menimbulkan reaksi pasar yang signifikan baikpada Perusahaan Top 10 maupun Non top 10 yang terlihat dari adanya abnormal return dan volumeperdagangan yang signifikan. Selanjutanya publikasi CGPI tidak menimbulkan perbedaan abnormalreturn yang signifikan pada Perusahaan Top 10 maupun Perusahaan Non top 10. Namun sebaliknya,publikasi CGPI menimbulkan adanya perbedaan volume perdagangan saham yang signifikan antaraperusahaan Top 10 dan Perusahaan Non top 10

    Dampak Keterlibatan Pesantren dalam Politik: Studi Kasus Pesantren di YOGYAKARTA

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    Nowadays, many Islamic boarding schools (pesantren)start to involve in practical politics, turn out from their functionas Islamic education institutions. In fact, there are socio andpolitical impacts must be considered logically. This article basedon the research result in an Islamic boarding school in Yogyakarta.Using relevant theoretical frame, observation method, and depthinterview, this article tries to describe findings of politicalinvolvement in politics. Though this kind of practice giveeconomics material income, in the same time, decrease Islamicboarding schools legitimacy and impacts to community resistancetoward Islamic boarding school point of view

    Islam, Papuanness and Indonesianess within Papuan Muslims in Fakfak

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    This study shows that the long historical process associated with Islam in West Papua has an impact on defining a unique identity, and significantly interrelating Islam, Papuanness and Indonesianness. The data in this study were collected for three months in Fakfak of West Papua eploying methods of observation, interview and documentation. There were some key informants being the data sources consisting of religious leaders, community leaders and government employees. Two impotrant findings are found in this work. First, the presence of Islam in Papua has significantly contributed to the formation of the identity of the Fakfak community in Papua through an intense and strong acculturation process between Islam and local Papuan culture. This process has formed new inclusive and tolerant values that are reflected in the local wisdom of satu tungku tiga batu (one stove with three stones). Second, Islam and Papuanness in Fakfak appear to have certain implications on the formation of Indonesian (national) identity. Theoretically, this research shows that identity is not something fixed and natural, but a process that is constantly changing, with regard to the socio-political dynamics that affect it. That is why Papuan Muslims strive to continue to define themselves amid the construction of Papuan identity which is often defined as Christian and Melanesian


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    This paper aims to explain that the social dynamics in Papua does not always present the story ofconflict and disintegration, but also about the social integration, harmony, and peace as can be observedin the Fakfak community in West Papua Province. By using the methods of descriptive analysis of thequalitative data collected from field observations, interviews and documentation studies, the authorsmanaged to formulate several important findings. First, the results of acculturation between religiousvalues and culture are important elements that make the social norms of harmonious and tolerant inFakfak, as described in the local knowledge of “the three furnaces stone”. Second, the institutionalizationof values and social integration processes in the community can work well, if the support of local forcesand civil society groups work together to promote peace. At the same time, this paper also reminds thatthe conflict issues, such as religious radicalism and separatism, if not handled carefully can potentiallydamage the social integration that has been well maintained