44 research outputs found

    Urban Sprawl Effects on Settlement Areas in Urban Fringe of Jakarta Metropolitan Area

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    The growth of Jakarta Metropolitan Area, physically marked by rapid growth in urban fringe area, which is forming a settlement areas where its growth tend to be widespread and dispersed randomly as well getting out of control (urban sprawl phenomenon). Urban fringe area is a transitional zone which in the urban pressures process that resulted in the degradation of environmental and institutional fragmentation so  it's growth process lead to unsustainability. The aims of this study were to identify of urban sprawl effect by  analizing  growth of settlement areas and analizing sustainability status of settlement areas also determining the obstacle element  of institutional fragmentation in urban fringe settlement management. Analysis were done by using GIS technique, Multi Dimentional Scalling (MDS) and Interpretative Structural Modelling (ISM). The result showed that the growth trends increasing every year with an acceleration of 2.35 and a sprawl index of 7,21. The sustainability status of settlement area were less sustainable with an sustainability index of 41,46. The main obstacle element were weak coordination among institutions  involved in the management to address the rapid growth in settlement areas and absence of zoning regulations as instruments for controlling the growth of the settlement area. Keywords: Jakarta Metropolitan Area, settlement areas, urban fringe, urban spraw

    Peran Kelembagaan Perdesaan Untuk Keberlanjutan Penerapan SRI Di Kabupaten Karawang

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    Sustainability of System of Rice Intensication (SRI) requires rural institution role. The study was conducted in Karawang and uses institutional economics approach and logit regression. The analysis shows potential problems of SRI related with principal-agent/institutional relation and economics transaction costs. Strengthening the activities within farmer groups will reduce economics transaction costs in beginning of application. Farmer will choose "bagi hasil/revenue sharing" as land management cooperation with moderate risks and transaction costs. Monitoring and incentive mechanism will reduce problems of adverse selection and moral hazard. Some factors which determine the sustainability of SRI are production, principal position, off farm work and ex ante transaction costs

    J.S. Bell's Concept of Local Causality

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    John Stewart Bell's famous 1964 theorem is widely regarded as one of the most important developments in the foundations of physics. It has even been described as "the most profound discovery of science." Yet even as we approach the 50th anniversary of Bell's discovery, its meaning and implications remain controversial. Many textbooks and commentators report that Bell's theorem refutes the possibility (suggested especially by Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen in 1935) of supplementing ordinary quantum theory with additional ("hidden") variables that might restore determinism and/or some notion of an observer-independent reality. On this view, Bell's theorem supports the orthodox Copenhagen interpretation. Bell's own view of his theorem, however, was quite different. He instead took the theorem as establishing an "essential conflict" between the now well-tested empirical predictions of quantum theory and relativistic \emph{local causality}. The goal of the present paper is, in general, to make Bell's own views more widely known and, in particular, to explain in detail Bell's little-known mathematical formulation of the concept of relativistic local causality on which his theorem rests. We thus collect and organize many of Bell's crucial statements on these topics, which are scattered throughout his writings, into a self-contained, pedagogical discussion including elaborations of the concepts "beable", "completeness", and "causality" which figure in the formulation. We also show how local causality (as formulated by Bell) can be used to derive an empirically testable Bell-type inequality, and how it can be used to recapitulate the EPR argument.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figure


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    Increasing of population will effect to economic development that need the appropriation of lands for settlement, industry, infrastructure and service. Purposes of this research were to project population on 2018 and 2030; analyze land use change on period 2006-2018 and 2018-2030; analyze correlation between population with agriculture area and population with settlement area. Analysis of land use change was obtained by overlapping multitemporal land use maps. Regression approach was used to project population on 2018 and 2030; correlate between population with agriculture area and population with settlement area. The Result showed that 48% of villages which its population projection based on saturation model and 52% based on exponential model. Increasing rate of Agriculture area and settlement were 1,48%/12 years and 0,86%/12 years, respectively. Correlation between population with agriculture area were linier with R2 = 0, 7167 (2006); 0, 6343 (2018) and 0, 5082 (2030). Correlation between population with settlement were linier with R2 = 0, 7168 (2006); 0, 7312 (2018) and 0,568 (2030). Dynamical of R2 values showed contributory influence of population factor in increasing of agriculture area and settlement area

    Penyelamatan Tanah, Air dan Lingkungan

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    xxvi, 288 hlm.; ilus.; 23 cm