31 research outputs found

    Comparative leaf and scape anatomy of some Scilla taxa in Turkey

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    Comparative anatomical study on eight Scilla taxa (S. bifolia, S. melaina, S. siberica subsp. armena, S. leepii, S. ingridae, S. mesopotamica, S. autumnalis and S. cilicica) growing in Turkey was made using light microscopy techniques. Leaf and scape anatomical properties of the taxa were compared and relationships among taxa were determined. In anatomical studies, paraffin method was used. The cross-sections of the scape, leaves and surface-sections the leaves of these taxa were taken and photographed. Length and width measurements of stomata in the upper and lower surfaces of leaves were made and the mean and standard devition values of stomata were calculated. Raphida crystals were found in the mesophyll of all taxa. On both surfaces of leaves, anomocytic type stomata were observed. The different and similar anatomical characters in the leaf and scape were determined and the taxa were classified into three groups; such as (1) S. ingridae, S. mesopotamica, S. melaina, and S. leepii are independent species with close relationships; (2) S. bifolia, S. siberica subsp. armena and S.cilicica are very close taxa; (3) S. autumnalis is different from other investigated taxa. Also, these taxa can be distinguished as mesophyll type; isolateral (S. bifolia, S. cilicica and S. siberica subsp. armena) and unifacial (S. melaina, S.leepii, S. ingridae, S. mesopotamica and S. autumnalis). According to our data, S. bifolia was considered as a complex species of Scilla genus in Turkey. © 2016 Friends Science Publishers

    The static and stress analyses of axially functionally graded exact super-elliptical beams via mixed FEM

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    In this paper, the static response and normal/shear stresses of axially functionally graded exact super-elliptical beams are presented via a warping-included mixed finite element method. Super-elliptical axis geometry is derived over the exact functions of planar curves. The constitutive equations are obtained from three-dimensional elasticity theory. The mixed finite element formulation is enhanced by including the warping deformations via displacement-type finite elements on the cross-section. The two-noded curved mixed finite element has twenty-four degrees of freedom in total. Satisfactory results are obtained for the warping-included normal/shear stresses, displacements and reactional forces of axially functionally graded exact super-elliptical beams even with lesser degrees of freedom compared to the three-dimensional behavior of brick finite elements. As benchmark examples, the influences of high axial curvature, cross-sectional geometry and material gradation on the static response and stresses of axially functionally graded exact super-elliptical beams are investigated.WOS:0006967885000012-s2.0-8511519917

    Comparison of initial efficacy and long-term follow-up of heparin-coated Jostent with conventional NIR stent.

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    The implantation of heparin-coated stents was reported to be well tolerated, but there are conflicting results about acute in-hospital complications. (sub)acute thrombosis rates, and long-term follow-up compared to uncoated stents. We compared the angiographic and clinical results after coronary placement of two stent models: the heparin-coated premounted Jostent and the uncoated premounted NIR stent. Of 710 patients revascularized, a total of 426 patients received Jostent (n = 230) or NIR stent (n = 196) implantation. The primary end points were acute or subacute thrombosis, urgent CABG, AMI or death, while the secondary end points were the comparison of the restenosis rates of the stents at the 6th month and of the functional angina classification of the stent groups at the 1st, 6th and 12th months. There were no significant differences between the Jostent and NIR stent groups regarding angiographic and procedural success. Acute thrombosis rates in the Jostent and NIR stent groups were similar while no subacute thrombosis was observed in either group. The major adverse cardiac event rates of the groups also did not differ. Angiographic restenosis occurred in 17% of the Jostent group and 16% of the NIR stent group (NS). The combined clinical and angiographic restenosis rate was also similar between the Jo and NIR groups (19% and 18%, respectively). Comparison of functional angina classes at the 1st, 6th and 12th months revealed no significant difference between the study groups. In conclusion, when compared with implantation of an uncoated premounted NIR stent, implantation of a heparin-coated premounted Jostent does not provide any more benefit with respect to initial efficacy, sub(acute) thrombosis and 6-month restenosis rates and 12-month clinical outcomes

    The reconstruction in the defects of the frontal region

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    Frontal bölge kemik doku defektleri genellikle şiddetli travma sonucu meydana gelir. Sıklıkla komşu yapıları ve diğer sistemleri de etkileyen bir yaralanma vardır. Bu hastalarda akut dönemde genel durum stabilizasyonu sağlanır, nöroşirurji ve oftalmoloji konsültasyonları tamamlanır. Geç dönemde frontal bölgede meydana gelen deformitelerin onarımı için otojen kemik greftleri veya alloplastik materyaller kullanılabilir. Bu çalışmamızda kliniğimize başvuran toplam 14 hastada kalvarial kemik grefti ile frontal bölge deformitelerinin onarımını ve sonuçlarını tartıştık.Bony tissue defects in the frontal region generally result following a severe trauma. The injury usually involves the surrounding structures and other systems of the body. In these patients the priority is the stabilization of the general condition followed by neurosurgical and ophthalmologic consultations. Autogenous bone grafts or alloplastic materials can be used for the reconstruction of the bony defects in the frontal region in the late period. In this study; 14 patients whose frontal region bony defects reconstructed by utilizing calvarial bone is demonstrated and the results are discussed


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    In this study, the chemical constituents, antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of the essential oil of the plant species of Crithmum maritimum L. were evaluated. The essential oil was obtained by hydrodistillation method using a Clevenger-type apparatus. The constituents were analyzed by gas chromatography/mass spectroscopy (GC/MS). The major components of the essential oil were detected as γ terpinene (42.95 %), β- phellandrene (25.03 %). Total phenolic compounds were analyzed by Folin-Ciocalteu reagent method and found as 28.48 g gallic acid equivalent/g. Antioxidant capacity of essential oil was tested by using Trolox Equivalent Antioxidant Capacity (TEAC) assay in vitro, and total antioxidant capacity was found as 9.18 mg TE/g. The antibiotic assay of the essential oil on twelve pathogenic bacteria including Staphlococcus chromonogenes ATCC 43764, Staphlococcus xylosus ATCC 29971, Staphlococcus warneri ATCC 29971, Staphlococcus hominis ATCC 27844, Staphlococcus aureus PSC 18, Listeria monocytogenes ATCC 7644, Salmonella typhimurium ATCC 74028, Proteus vulgaris NRRL-B 123, Bacillus cereus ATCC 11778, Bacillus subtilis, Enterococcus fecalis ATCC 19433, Pseudomonas aurageniosa ATCC 27853 was examined with agar disc diffusion method and antimicrobial activity of the oil was evaluated to be high. </p

    Forced vibration analysis of composite-geometrically exact elliptical cone helices via mixed FEM

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    In this pioneering study, the cross-sectional warping included transient response and normal/shear stress components of composite elliptical and elliptical cone helices over exact axis geometry are investigated using a mixed FEM. The transient analysis is performed using the Newmark time integration algorithm with or without the amplitude decay factor. The constitutive equations of composite curved rods are derived from three-dimensional elasticity theory. A displacement-type finite element formulation computing the warping-included torsional rigidity is incorporated with the mixed finite element formulation. The curvatures and displacement-type finite elements are used to estimate the normal and shear stress distributions on the respective cross-sections. The maximum normal/shear stresses of a composite straight beam are compared with the literature. An excellent agreement is obtained for the results of an exact elliptical cone helix under dynamic loads compared to the results of 3D solid finite elements. During the implementation of the time integration scheme, the first and second time derivatives of forces and moments are preserved, and their time histories are discussed. Finally, the influences of helix geometry, lamination, and the ratios of material constants on the transient response besides the stresses are investigated. All the numerical examples in this paper are original for the literature.Research Foundation of ITUIstanbul Technical University [MGA-2017-4739]This research is supported by the Research Foundation of ITU (Project no: MGA-2017-4739). This support is gratefully acknowledged by the authors.WOS:0005722008000012-s2.0-8509137390

    Genetik absans epilepsili WAG/RİJ sıçanlarda beynin farklı bölgelerdeki proinflamatuar sitokin düzeylerinin kinding süreciyle ilişkisi

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    İstanbul Bilim Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi.Epilepsi bir veya daha fazla beyin bölgelerinde tekrarlayıcı senkronize nöronal boşalımlar ile karakterize bir durumdur. Tüm epilepsiler içinde temporal lob epilepsilerinde (TLE) görülme sıklığı %30-35’dir. Kindling modeli, TLE’nin yaygın olarak kullanılan bir modelidir

    Antimicrobial Capacity and Oxidant-Antioxidant Properties of Methanolic Extracts from Tricholoma Caligatum Wild Edible Mushroom

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    Consumption of mushroom has increased remarkably due to their desirable aroma, taste and high nutritional content. This study was undertaken to measure and compare the total phenolic content, total oxidant status, total antioxidant capacity, lipid hydroperoxides and total free sulfhydryl levels of methanol extract of Tricholoma caligatum. The antimicrobial effect of methanol extract of T. caligatum was tested against three species of Gram-positive bacteria (Micrococcus luteus NCIBM, Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923 and Bacillus subtilis ATCC 6633), three species of Gram-negative bacteria (Proteus vulgaris RSKK 96026, Escherichia coli ATCC 35218 and Yersinia enterecolitica RSKK 1501) and one species of yeast (Candida albicans ATCC 10231) by agar disc diffusion method.The results of this study shows that T. caligatum demonstrated a strong antioxidant and antimicrobial activity. It suggests that the mushroom can potentially be used as a source of natural antioxidants and for pharmaceutical purposes in treating of various diseases.</p

    Two cases with silicosis caused by denim sandblasting

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    Bilinen en eski meslek hastalıklarından biri olan silikozis, solunabilir büyüklükteki silika kristallerinin akciğer dokusunda geri dönüşümsüz ve ilerleyici bir fibrotik reaksiyon oluşturması ile karakterize tedavisi olmayan bir hastalıktır. Son yıllarda özellikle küçük ve denetimsiz atölyelerde uygunsuz koşullarda yapılan kot kumlama işi hastalığın gelişiminde farklı bir işkolu haline gelmiştir. 3 yıldır kot kumlama işinde çalışan 20 ve 28 yaşlarında iki erkek hasta, nefes darlığı ve kilo kaybı şikayetleri ile kliniğimize başvurdu. Posteroanterior akciğer grafilerinde ve toraks bilgisayarlı tomografilerinde özellikle her iki üst ve orta zonlarda ve periferik bölgelerde yoğun yerleşimli, yaygın retikülonodüler ve nodüler opasiteler izlendi. Solunum fonksiyon testlerinde restriktif tipte ventilasyon bozukluğu saptandı. Birinci olgumuza transbronşiyal biyopsi ile silikozis tanısı kondu. İkinci olgu ise ilki ile benzer yakınmaları, radyolojik bulguları ve mesleksel maruziyet öyküsü nedeniyle ileri girişimsel inceleme yapılmadan tanı aldı. İş gücünün ucuz olduğu gelişmekte olan ülkelerde kot kumlama işinde çalışanlarda bir toplum sağlığı sorunu haline gelen silikozis çalışma şartlarının düzeltilmesi ile önlenebilir. Kotlar beyazlarken kararan hayatlara son vermek için daha fazla önlem alınması gerektiği inancındayız.Silicosis which is one of the oldest known occupational diseases is characterized by an irreversible and progressive fibrotic reaction occuring in the lungs caused by inhaling crystalline silica dust. Effective treatment for silicosis is not available. Recently, denim sandblasting especially being made in uncontrolled small-scale workplace in primitive conditions has been a striking occupation leading to silicosis . Twenty and 28 years old male patients who work in denim sandblasting for 3 years were admitted to our clinics with complaints of dyspnea and loss of weight. Chest X ray and thorax computerized tomography revealed bilateral diffuse reticulonodular and nodular opacities which were prominent in the upper and middle zones and peripheric area of pulmonary parenchyma. Restrictive disorder was observed at their pulmonary function tests. Silicosis was diagnosed by performing transbronchial biopsy in one case. Because of the similarity of complaints, radiological findings and occupational history with the former patient, no other further and invasive procedure was performed and the other patient was also diagnosed as silicosis. In developing countries in which the labor force is very cheap, silicosis becomes a public health problem in denim sandblasters and can be prevented with improvement of working conditions. We believe that further precaution must be taken to stop darkened lives while jeans is bleaching