389 research outputs found

    Modeling of the Labour Force Redistribution in Investment Projects with Account of their Delay

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    The mathematical model of the labour force redistribution in investment projects is presented in the article. The redistribution mode of funds, labour force in particular, according to the equal risk approach applied to the loss of some assets due to delay in all the investment projects is provided in the model. The sample of the developed model for three investment projects with the specified labour force volumes and their defined unit costs at the particular moment is given

    Scientific rationale for inclusion of a new nature complex Belyj Kolodez (Russia, Belgorod Region) into the emerald network

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    The article shows that there are resources for extending the national list of potential Areas of Special Conservation Interest (ASCI's) of the Emerald network in densely populated and old-developed regions. The representativeness of the Belyj Kolodez nature complex (Russia, Belgorod region) is substantiated. Based on the survey of the territory, the types of priority habitats were identified according to the EUNIR classificatio

    Principles and experience of justification of ecological representativeness of Emerald network potential sites

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    The article presents the results of the multi-method research to provide justification of Emerald network potential site, which meets the requirements of environmental representativeness. Flora and vegetation of the core natural habitat, species composition and prevalence of the species of European importance and from the Red books of the country and region, as well as the habitats of European importance were systematized with the use of methods of botanical and geobotanical studie

    Modern software features for shape optimization of shells

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    Shape optimization, as one of the types of structural optimization problems, is an important process in the design of shells, since it contributes to the creation of a structure with fine performance characteristics, expansion of design variations and knowledge base to obtain high-quality results. To solve the problems associated with determining the shape and creating more advanced structures, software packages include a special optimization module, which can be based on one or more mathematical methods, the purpose of which is to provide the best solution in the shortest possible time. The research is focused on the process of shape optimization in three well-known universal software packages: Ansys Mechanical, COMSOL Multiphysics and Simulia Abaqus, as well as in Rhinoceros modeling software with a special visual Grasshopper plugin. The purpose of the study is to analyze the technology of shape optimization in four software packages and to compare them with each other in terms of the problem-solving process, user interface, the fullness of libraries, accessibility for educational purposes and system requirements for a computer. The authors specify and describe the characteristic features of each software package. It was found that all the software packages under consideration are equipped with great opportunities for shape optimization of structures and have a variety of functionality for solving this type of tasks. The development of optimization technology in calculation and modeling software packages will allow obtaining the most effective solutions in the process of designing shells of complex shapes

    The use of morphobiological characteristics in the selection of Phacelia Tanacetifolia Benth

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    The aim of the work is to create new adapted varieties resistant to the complex of biotic and abiotic factors on the basis of the use of Phacelia tanacetifolia Benth. morphological and biological characteristic

    A pharmacoeconomic analysis of sertindole in the treatment of schizophrenia

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    We conduct a comparative cost-effectiveness and budget impact analysis of atypical antipsychotics for the treatment of schizophrenia - sertindole versus quetiapine, paliperidone. The primary outcome of interest was rehospitalization rates. The cost of the annual treatment of patients with schizophrenia in the outpatient setting was calculated, costs of hospital readmission and total costs

    Dilatometric characteristics of weakly sintered ceramics

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    Thermal expansion of refractory ceramics CaZrO3, MgAl2O4, La2Zr2O7 and YSZ-12 was studied. The samples of the complex oxides were synthesized by solution combustion synthesis with glycine; the fuel:oxidant ratio was varied depending on the character of redox reaction. The linear thermal expansion coefficient (LTEC) of ceramics was measured on the samples with an initial density 23–52%. The maximal sinterability of 89–92% after 6 h annealing at 1550 °С was demonstrated by La2Zr2O7 and YSZ-12, and the minimal values (78–82%) – by CaZrO3 and MgAl2O4. All materials have close LTEC values, from 9.0 to 9.6·10–6 K–1

    Ethnical and cultural particularity of gluttonic discourse

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    The article is devoted to ethnic perculiarity and originality of the Russian and British lingvocultures in line with gustative preference

    Clinical and economic justification of screening for mucopolysaccharidosis type I in children at groups of risks

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    Background. Mucopolysaccharidosis Type I (MPS I) has clinical heterogeneity without specific symptoms leading to difficulties with diagnostic on time. In-depth screening for MPS I in children has aim of early detection and timely treatment with an enzyme replacement therapy. Aim. The purpose of this study was to conduct a clinical and economic assessment of the feasibility of screening for MPS I in children at group of risks. Materials and methods. Model for evaluation of the social-economic burden of MPS I with calculation of expenditures has been created. Costs of diagnosed and non-diagnosed patients in group of risks were identified, including direct medical costs (pharmacotherapy, out-patient cure, hospital admission, complications treatment, hematopoietic stem cell transplantation; direct non-medical (payments for disability); indirect (expenses related to the reduction or loss of the ability to work of one of the parents performing the duties of caring for a disabled child). Results. The weighted average cost per 1 diagnosed patient with mild forms of MPS I with selective screening, was 405,974.22 rubles, which is 184,421.85 rubles less vs average cost per 1 undiagnosed patient. The management and treatment of patients with mild forms of MPS I after selective screening will allow saving up to 17.7 million rubles/year, which would possible to additionally screen 705 patients. Taking into account the size of the population of patients with undiagnosed MPS I, currently the costs for this group amount to 56.7 million rubles, while the «overspend» of budget funds for untimely diagnosis of MPS I for this cohort of children is about 22.6 million rubles/year. Conclusion. Selective screening for MPS I in children at group of risks is economically proved and can lead to treatment on-time for disability and complications prevention

    A social-economic burden of rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps with comorbid asthma and influence of dupilumab

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    Rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps (RwNP) is a one of most common comorbidities in asthma and contrariwise and can lead to exacerbation of severe asthma (SA). Dupilumab is a perspective medicine for treatment of both, because it decreases exacerbations and prevents of a necessity of surgeon. Economics aspects of dupilumab treatment in RwNP + SA are not examined yet. Thus aim of this study was evaluation of social-economic burden of RwNP + SA in the Russian Federation and dupilumab influence on it. Materials and methods. Direct medical (cost of medicines, treatment in outpatients department and in hospital, including surgery and rate of exacerbations per year) and non-medical (payment for temporary and stable disability) and indirect costs (GDP loses) in RwNP + SA patients have been evaluated. Medical cure of a patient with RwNP + SA was created according to survey of experts from different regions of Russia. Modelling of expenditures was prepared on all calculated cohort of potential patients with RwNP + SA from “State” position and growing approach. Results. Expenditures for cure of one patient with RwNP were as 234 217,71 RUR/year. Weighted average costs for one patient with RwNP + SA were 1 881 883,39 RUR, and mostly were associated with indirect costs. Dupilumab can decrease expenditures for one patient with RwNP + SA till 1 593 162,87 RUR (on 15,3 %) annually. Potential cohort with RwNP + SA has been estimated above 39 thousand patients. Total economic burden of RwNP + SA in Russia were estimated as 1,7 bln RUR. Dupilumab usage in patients with RwNP + SA fixed in Register can help decrease economic burden on 259 mln RUR annually. Hidden economic burden of comorbidity can reach 73,4 bln RUR (for all calculated / modelled cohort of patients with RwNP + SA), dupilumab saves 11,3 bln RUR annually in this scenario. Conclusion. Comorbid pathology — RwNP+SA has a sufficient social-economic burden in Russia, that could be decreased by modern biologic drugs, in particular, with dupilumab