17 research outputs found


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    Environmental law enforcement is aimed at the return of the environment into an ecosystem in the sense that the environment lies in an order of environmental elements which is a whole-whole unity and influences each other in shaping the balance, stability, and environmental productivity. When the ecosystem is problematic because of pollution and environmental damage, so having their own characters, because enforcement of environmental law is a bit fairly complicated law enforcement because environmental law occupies a cross between the various fields of classical laws. Seeing the increasing of widespread damages and environmental pollution, the criminal sanction in law enforcement experiences a shift from the principle of ultimum remedium to primum remedium. Essential essence of primum remedium in enforcement of environmental criminal law, is that on enforcement of environmental law puts criminal sanction as the main choice with the aim to give more protection to the environment. Keywords: Primum Remedium, Enforcement, Environmental Criminal La


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    Perlindungan akan kualitas lingkungan sudah menjadi hal yang diatur secara hukum. Sebagaimana Undang -Undang Lingkungan Hidup mengamatkan perlunya perlindungan lingkungan. Hak akan lingkungan yang bersih dan sehat adalah hak masyarakat dijamin UU No 32 Tahun 2009 dan sebagai amanat pasal 28 H UUD 1945. Riset mengenai hal ini relavan dalam upaya pemenuhan fokus penelitian yang berorentasi pada pengembangan keilmuan tentang pertanian dan lahan basah serta berkenaan dengan sumber daya alam dan lingkungan. Pembahasaan ini akan menganalisis keterkaitan dengan upaya untuk implementasi dari ketentuan Undang Undang Perlindungan dan Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup.Dan bagaimana juga relevansinya dengan upaya menjaga fungsi lingkungan hidup sebagai upaya untuk memelihara kelangsungan daya dukung dan daya tampung lingkungan hidup agar berkualitas untuk kesehatan masyarakat. Hasil analisis normative menunjukkan tentang bagaimana masyarakat petani lahan basah mengelola limbah peternakan itiknya cukup menarik diketahui karena terkait dengan kesadaran untuk perlindungan dan pengelolaan lingkungan.Urgensinya perlunya pola atau model pengelolaan limbah dari usaha masyarakat dalam peternakan itiknya mengingat peternakan itik sebagaimana usaha peternakan lainnya juga akan berpotensi menghasilkan limbah, dan limbah yang dihasilkan juga bervariasi ada limbah padat, cair dan gas. Pengelolaan limbah yang baik dari usaha beternak itik diharapkan akan bermanfaaat bagi perlindungan lingkungan hidup masyarakat di sekitar tempat usaha peternakan tersebut. Hasil penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bagaimana petani lahan basah yang beternek itik di daerah kabupaten Hulu Sungai Tengah kecamatan Labuan Amas Selatan mengelola limbah peternakan itiknya berupa limbah cair dari kotoran itik tersebut yang dikelola tanpa menggunakan sentuhan teknologi, hanya secara konvensional dan masih banyak yang tidak dikelola dengan baik. Tidak ada model pengelolaan limbah yang secara spesifik dan terkelola dengan bai


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    Penelitian ini berfokus perlindungan lahan basah yang ada di Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Utara Provinsi Kalimnatan Selatan. Di pilihnya lokasi di Kabupaten ini mengingat daerah Kabupaten HSU ini memiliki kawasan lahan basah yang sangat besar luasannya untuk wilayah provinsi Kalimantan Selatan ini. Berdasarkan konsep perlindungan hukum menurut ilmu hukum bahwa perlindungan bersifat preventif dan bersifat represif. Salah satu bentuk perlindungan hukum preventif (pencegahan ) adalah ketika konsep dan tujuan perlindungan diatur atau dituangkan dalam tataran peraturan peraturan hukum. Yang menjadi fokus penelitian tentang perlindungan hukum lahan basah ini di teliti tentang bagaimana pengaturan dan pemanfataan kawasan lahan basah di wilayah pedesaan  oleh pemerintah Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Utara dan tentang bagaimana implementasi perlindungan  terhadap lahan basah dalam pranata hukum Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Utara.Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode penelitian hukum normative dengan didukung data data empiris. Hasil Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pemanfatan kawasan lahan basah ini dalam pengaturannya akan mengacu secara umum pada ketentuan kawasan dalam Perda tentang Tata Ruang, juga pengaturan yang terkait dengan perlindungan lingkungan. pemanfataan kawasan lahan basah di Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Utara ini dikembangkan untuk berbagai kegiatan yakni : Usaha transportasi/pengangkutan ( Transportasi sungai ),usaha pemeliharaan ikan  dan pengolahannya,usaha pertanian (untuk kawasan persawahan ),usaha wilayah/ tempat pengembangan Peternakan itik, kerbau,usaha pengembangan wisata (Kolam pemancingan ikan, wisata Lomba renang kerbau rawa) Implementasi perlindungan hukum kawasan lahan basah di kabupaten HSU Provinsi Kalimnatan Selatan dalam bentuk kegiatan pemanfataan kawasan lahan basah yang disesuaikan dengan potensi geografis kabupaten ini dan  penyusunan konsep perlindungan lingkungan lahan basah ini dituangkan dalam berbagai pranata hukum di kabupaten ini yakni dalam bentuk Peraturan Daerah dan Peraturan Bupati serta dalam pertauran des


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    Penelitian ini adalah persoalan mengenai eksistensi dan peran petani dalam upaya ketahanan pangan pada masyarakat di desa-desa pada kabupaten Batola. Mengingat Kabupaten Batola memiliki luasan lahan pertanian lahan basah dan kabupaten ini merupakan salah satu penyangga ketahanan pangan di Kalimanatan Selatan. secara normatif perlindungan petani dan norma tentang pangan,. Oleh karenanya menjadi penting mengetahui bagaimana kebijakan pemerintah khsususnya terkait upaya mencapai ketahanan pangan, dan bagaiamana pula perlindungan akan hak petani terkait eksistensi dan pemberdayaan dalam berbagai upaya menuju ketahanan pangan. Tujuan Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui dan mengkontruksikan bagaimana implementasi peraturan hukum tentang pangan dan pemberdayaan petani, dengan menganalisis upaya yang sudah dilakukan pemerintah kabupaten Batola dalam mencapai tujuan tersebut. mewujudkan ketahanan pangan dan keterlibatan para petani dalam tujuan tersebut. Metode yang digunakan adalah menggunakan metode empiris,yakni menggali keadaan secara nyata dilokasi penelitian. Sebagaian data-data primer dengan mengumpulkan data melalui wawancara. Kemudian dilakukan analisa dengan menggunakan peraturan hukum terkait pangan dan pemberdayaan petani.  Kemudian juga menggunakan teori-teori hukum yang yang relevan dengan obyek penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemerintah Batola sudah membuat rencana berbagai kebijakan terkait tujuan mewujudkan ketahanan pangan. upaya tersebut pemberdayaan masyarakat petani sudah dilakukan dengan melibatkan petani dalam mendirikan Lumbung-Lumbung padi di berbagai desa Kecamatan Anjr Pasar, dan melibatkan petani dalam mengembangkan jenis tanaman selain padi serta areal pekarangan sebagai areal perkebunan tanaman pertanian dan perkebunan. Hal ini menunjukkan perlindungan para petani dalam mencapai ketahanan pangan sudah dilakukan dengan membuat berbagai kebijakan  terkait hal ini, dan di implementasikan dalam bidang ketahanan pangan dan pertanian


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    The purpose of doing this research is to analyze first, How is the measure of violating the public interest as a reason for the attorney to dissolve a limited liability company; and secondly, what are the legal steps for a limited liability company that was filed for dissolution by the Attorney General's Office on the grounds that it violated the public interest. First Research Results because the definition of public interest is still dynamic and keeps up with the times and in UUPT does not explain the definition of public interest in detail. then the measure of violating the public interest is taken from the law which provides a definition of public interest in the Land Law, the Prosecutor's Law, the State Administrative Court Act. So that if a Limited Liability Company violates the understanding of a public interest as described in the law, the Limited Liability Company will automatically violate the Public Interest. Second: The legal steps taken are filing an objection in court on the basis that the dissolved Limited Liability Company can still carry out re-management and improve the company even better so that it can operate again in accordance with applicable regulations


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    The transfer of land rights is the transfer of land rights from the old right holder to the new right holder according to the provisions of the applicable laws and regulations. Land law in Indonesia requires the transfer of land rights to be carried out before the Land Deed Official (PPAT), because basically buying and selling land must meet clear and cash requirements. Government Regulation Number 24 of 1997 Concerning Land Registration in Article 37 paragraph (1) states that "Transfers of land rights and ownership rights to apartment units through buying and selling, exchange, grants, entry into the company and other legal actions for transferring rights, except for transfers of rights through auctions, can only be registered if proven by a deed drawn up by the PPAT who is authorized according to the provisions of the applicable laws and regulations." This is what happened in the decision of the Batulicin District CourtNumber: 68/Pdt.G/2021/PN Btn, where the sale and purchase is carried out underhanded and when registration is desired, the whereabouts of the seller cannot be identified, so the sale and purchase cannot be transferred and registered, because one of the requirements for land registration is there is a deedauthentic which proves that it is true that a legal act of sale and purchase has taken place, so that the making of the sale and purchase deed is hampered. The problem that the author raises in this study is how is the verstek decision that has been inkracht regarding the Registration of Transfer of Land Rights and what is the validity of the making of the Deed of Sale and Purchase (AJB) by PPAT based on the verstek decision? The results in this study are that decisions that have permanent legal force can be enforced, where decisions have binding legal force (binding force), strength of proof (Proving Power) and powerExecutorial (Executorial Force). So the deed can be said to be valid because until now, no party feels that they have been harmed, or that there has been a lawsuit filed against the PPAT concerned regarding the confusion over the existence of the dee


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    The purpose of this study is to find out and understand the Witnesses' Essence and Testimony in notary law. And to know and understand the legal consequences for former Notary employees who provide information to open the confidentiality of the deed. The usefulness of this research is as information material within the framework of the development of science and insights in legal disciplines, especially notary law. And as a contribution of thought in enriching the horizons for the parties concerned. According to the results of the study that the position of witnesses in notary law is to meet the formal requirements of a deed. The position of a witness is a unity in a notarial deed, witnesses who come from Notary employees in practice in the field are not always employees who type the deeds of the parties. It is not uncommon for employees who are witnesses to the signing and reading of the deed to know only at the time the incident took place. So the Notary employee in his position as a witness is not obliged to remember the contents of the deed. As long as he does not commit illegal acts in his duties as a Notary employee to type the deeds of the parties, his existence in a notarial deed does not conflict with the provisions of the Notary compulsory to keep the contents of the deed.And how the obligation to be awarded the deed by o notary and notary employee

    Principle of Law and Justice Certainty on the Position of Woman Witness in Proof System in the Procedural Law of Religion Court

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    Based on Article 54 of Law Number 7 Year 1989 on Religion Court that the procedural law in the religion court it applies the civil procedural law based on HIR/RBg and procedural law based on Law of Islam, so that in The Law of Proof that involve the evidence of witness there is a philosophical problem that is the civil procedural law based on HIR/RBg that does not differentiate between woman witness and man witness, on the other hand according to Law of Islam, man witness has two values of woman witness. This matter philosophically causes problem of justice and law certainty.  Therefore, in the future policy of national procedural law there is only one procedural law of religion court and it is based on Law of Islam as the Formal and Material Law in religion court. That matter is considered as the implementation of islamic personality principle. Based on the analysis and law certainty theory, related to the position of woman witness in the law of proof in the procedural law of religion court, it shows the uncertainty of procedural law. By using the justice theory in Islam version under study based on justice conception in Islam, so the position of woman witness in the proof has fulfilled the justice value

    Legal Standing of Woman as Witness in Evidentiary System of Legal Procedure in The Court of Religion

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    The legal standing of women in the procedural law on evidentiary in the Court of Religion according to general civil law court by Herziene Inlandsch Reglement (HIR) and Rechtreglement Voor De Suitengewesten (RBg) is equal to that of male witnesses. Unlike the authentication system based on Islamic law, woman’s legal standing as witness in specific cases is different from man as witness because it is required a number of two female witnesses to be equal to one male witness. This difference gets a reaction from the movement that considers gender discrimination against women. The legal standing of woman as witness on evidentiary procedure by the Islamic law in the view of Justice in theory from the version of Islamic justice is a rule that contain justice. Because of Justice in the version of Islam is justice in equality, not justice in equation according to the version and the demands of gender theory thinkers. The differences in perspective about the position of woman as witness on the legal procedure in the Court of Religion was due to the provisions of Article 54 in the Act No. 7 of 1989. The provision of Article 54 in the Act No. 7 of 1989 does not embody the principles of Islamic personality who became the philosophical basis of the Act. Keywords : Legal Standing of Woman as Witness, Evidentiary System, Court of Religion

    Legal Standing of Woman as Witness in Evidentiary System of Legal Procedure in The Court of Religion

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    The legal standing of women in the procedural law on evidentiary in the Court of Religion according to general civil law court by Herziene Inlandsch Reglement (HIR) and Rechtreglement Voor De Suitengewesten (RBg) is equal to that of male witnesses. Unlike the authentication system based on Islamic law, woman’s legal standing as witness in specific cases is different from man as witness because it is required a number of two female witnesses to be equal to one male witness. This difference gets a reaction from the movement that considers gender discrimination against women. The legal standing of woman as witness on evidentiary procedure by the Islamic law in the view of Justice in theory from the version of Islamic justice is a rule that contain justice. Because of Justice in the version of Islam is justice in equality, not justice in equation according to the version and the demands of gender theory thinkers. The differences in perspective about the position of woman as witness on the legal procedure in the Court of Religion was due to the provisions of Article 54 in the Act No. 7 of 1989. The provision of Article 54 in the Act No. 7 of 1989 does not embody the principles of Islamic personality who became the philosophical basis of the Act. Keywords : Legal Standing of Woman as Witness, Evidentiary System, Court of Religion